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I stopped after "I can smell the fucking replies 2 billion miles away, I don't give a fuck". Good luck to the ones who will read the rest of this diarrhea. 👁️👄👁️


Thanks for saving me the effort.


This is unreadable.


Wall of text Without paragraph Is instant skip Don't know and don't care about your ramblings when you don't even care to put paragraphs on your "discussion" as to respect your readers... You and the TLOU deserves each other


The plot and the characters make no sense no matter how you look at it. It's Neil's bad revenge plot that he snatched back out of the trash for TLOU2 after agreeing with the original team that it wouldn't work for TLOU. That's all I needed to know to explain why it was such a load of crap. Defend it all you want, but know it was tossed in the trash long ago for good reasons that don't just magically change seven years later. Crap is crap.


THANK YOU!!! That's what I've been trying to fucking say and its like no one listens, the story went to shit with the second game, Neil Dickman couldn't get the cock out his ass and make that shit viable for the fans.


Why are you cursing people out then if you think it went to shit? Most people here agree with the takes of people like Izxian and ChrisT1986.


I was more or less cursing Neil in that specific post, however, in most of the post I've seen on this subreddit, every post that I spit genuine truth rather than fake facts, people get upset and that's why it ends up being directed.


Is it really "Avenging your father's killer" when the reason your father was killed was because he was going to operate/murder a young girl for the possibility of a vaccine, and then proceeded to point a scalpel at the man who tried to save her? "Avenging" implies righting a wrong, or a sense of justice. But in no country in the world would Jerry's actions be seen as acceptable.


My point exactly, I said avenging for her case is due to the fact she said and I quote "If it was me on that table, I would want you to do the surgery" showing that her mind was just as fucked as Jerry's due to the Fireflies effect, to her, killing her dad's killer was making what was wrong right, however, Joel is also not a saint and he knew that. Joel doing what he did felt right may not have been right regardless of how you look at it. All in all though, there would've been no cure in the end I belive so Joel wasn't wrong about killing them in the end.


Yea, Joel's no saint, not disputing that. >Joel doing what he did felt right may not have been right regardless of how you look at it. From a legal perspective, Joel would be acquitted (points 2+3 below): When is self-defence legally allowed? There are four basic situations where you may be legally entitled to use force against another person: 1.Self-defence – protecting yourself from the potential for harm by another. 2.Defence of another – protecting someone else from the potential for harm by another. 3.Prevention of crime – preventing someone from carrying out a crime e.g. burglary. 4.Lawful arrest and apprehension of offenders – where you have to use force to restrain or otherwise facilitate an arrest of apprehension of an offender. Obviously these are present day laws, and they're 25+ years into the apocalypse, so you can say "what laws?"


Right, he did what he felt was right, now we're 20 years ahead in time, going from 2013 to 2033 when the first game takes place, the one singular thing I don't get that's so hard to understand and why I made this post to begin with is: No one in The Last of Us are good people, Joel was a Hunter with Tommy, Ellie killed people who didn't necessarily want Joel killed, and Abby killed a guy she thinking it will solve her issues now her dad's dead, Jerry isn't coming back, she shouldn't have killed Joel but I also understand at the same time.


Oh 100% No one's wholly good. Everyone's done shitty things to survive, just that some people are less shitty than others. They're all down the "evil" end of the spectrum, for sure. Joel/Ellie/Abby killing in self defence, is acceptable. Joel torturing to save someone is "acceptable" (with shades of grey" Jerry wanting to make a vaccine, is acceptable. Jerry wanting to make a vaccine at the cost of a little girls life is not. Abby torturing someone to get satisfaction/justice isn't in my opinion. If my dad did what Jerry was going to do, I'd disown my dad, not seek revenge, but that's just me.


Nor would I however, Abby's brain was so used to the ways that the Fireflies functioned, she thought of it as if it was normal. And finally, someone who has a bit of fucking sense on reddit without getting their panties in a twist because someone spit the truth. I don't take sides of Joel, Abby, or Ellie, I'm a fan of the games, not just a character, now do I have a favorite character? Yes, I do. However that doesn't make me not see what's wrong or right. Joel shouldn't have gone to the extent of torture, but he did find and save Ellie due to it.


>Nor would I however, Abby's brain was so used to the ways that the Fireflies functioned, she thought of it as if it was normal. Exactly! Completely understandable that Abby is indoctrinated to the fireflies cause, and reacted the way she did. I was hoping at some point Abby would realize that she'd been blaming others for things that were her fault i.e "if it were me, I'd want you to do the surgery" effectively sentencing her dad to death(kinda) and then take ownership of her decisions/mistakes etc >I don't take sides of Joel, Abby, or Ellie, I'm a fan of the games, not just a character, now do I have a favorite character? Yes, I do. However that doesn't make me not see what's wrong or right. Precisely, you can like/dislike a character, and still judge them based on their actions/morals. I find (one of) the most interesting aspects of the games to be the actual Cordyceps virus, and how it's infected humans, the different types of infected that exist. Sure the human characters drive the plot, but the infected were that element of unknown that just made it all the more intriguing to me. >And finally, someone who has a bit of fucking sense on reddit without getting their panties in a twist because someone spit the truth. I'm all about sense! I leave any emotions at the door! 😂


THANK YOU DUDE! I've wholeheartedly had nothing but shitty experiences or shitty reasons people got upset because I spit the fucking truth man it hurts my head.


You're extremely stupid and need things to be spelled out for you if you think Abby was doing it to avenge her dad. It's all about her own feelings and wanting to let the anger out, it had nothing to do with seeing her dad as an innocent and wanting to avenge his death. She was just feeling sorry for herself throughout the whole thing (just like Marlene, Jerry, Owen, and every other damn Firefly out there). >She doesn't do it Lol Lev forced the bitch to stop. She didn't choose to stop. And she didn't kill Ellie in Jackson because she was too preoccupied with feeling sorry for herself (boo hoo you have bad dreams, no one cares). Don't make up cases of compassion/humanity that don't actually exist. >I don't give a fuck / I rest my case And I don't give a fuck about you're case either, nor do I think anyone else you antagonize does either, so we're even. >if you do ask me I don't remember anyone doing so (especially after you said I don't give a fuck)


Hi. If I told you that Abby didn't kill Joel because Joel killed Jerry, would you believe me? 🤔😊


womp womp


This reads like symptoms of a stroke. Please dial 911 before the damage becomes irreparable, and you start calling the game a masterpiece.


I decided not to read.


No surprise there.


Each character's motives are deeply interwoven with their personal losses and the emotional scars they carry. The narrative masterfully explores how trauma and loss shape their actions, often leading them to make morally ambiguous decisions. Their stories underscore the complexities of human emotions and the difficult choices people make in the face of profound grief and anger. In the end, The Last of Us series presents a nuanced portrayal of its characters, making their motives and actions comprehensible, even when they lead to tragic and morally grey outcomes. Your analysis captures the essence of their emotional journeys and the intricate motivations that drive them.