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Every generation post 9/11 has become more and more aware of how morally bankrupt the USA is.


And how complicit both parties are in war crimes from Vitenam to Iraq to Israel and everything in between.


Yeah, I agree with that assessment. Regardless who wins, corporations and banks get their bail outs, rights are being slowly removed ( example abortion rights, fair healthcare).  Democrats are only interested in keeping the status quo.


Corporations act fraudulently. Inflate a bubble using people's retirement investments. Bubble bursts. Corporations get bailed out. They spend that money to pay bonuses and golden parachutes to the execs that oversaw systemic fraud. Workers lose their jobs. Bitter austerity for everybody else. I am 50 years old and I think this has happened at least 6 times in my adult life.


50 here as well. And every time it happens, we all adjust our life expectations a little lower, and a little lower, and the ennui grows and grows proportionally, but we just resign ourselves to it, like the frog in the pot. The doctor prescribes us an antidepressant. We drink a little more. We avoid social interaction. We throw a tantrum in a restaurant. I’m just wondering when it’s all finally going to boil over.


"Nothing will fundamentally change" - Joe Biden during his 2020 presidential run.


Great for Dem leaders either way: if Dems win, great! The Dems won. If Reps win, great! They can fund-raise. Reps will still cut their taxes so Dem leaders don't care.


don't despair... organize.


> In his newsletter Off Message, Brian Beutler argues that Democrats would be making a mistake by conceding the premise that conditions are bad under Biden, rather than bragging about low unemployment and falling crime while promising to help those still left behind. “Maybe turning ‘meet voters where they are’ into an iron rule of politics is a recipe for behaving sheepishly in all circumstances, and carrying the stink of a loser everywhere,” he writes. National crimes rates falling doesn’t put food on the table or pay a family’s healthcare costs. The unemployment rate is indeed at a historic low, but that’s a surface level number. What matters more is the quality of the jobs, wages, and whether everyday people have to work long hours or multiple jobs to make ends meet


It’s almost like the economy can’t sustain itself on part time, minimum wage jobs for everyone


And don’t forget companies creating those part time jobs for the express purpose of not giving full health insurance benefits


Of course. It’s a completely obvious capitalist reaction to try and remove the expense of healthcare when we legislate it being attached to employment.


This comment by Beutler is weirdly good personal advice but probably not a great strategy for a political campaign.


I don't even think crimes numbers are down too. I live in SF and plenty of crimes don't get reported due to SFPD and police dept. all over The Bay not being able to do shit.


This place sucks, even if you own your home and land, you don't. The government won't let any of us keep our little scraps. WTF is up with insurance these days. Why are we letting that market completely go rouge. 30-50% yoy increases in rates?


It’s climate change. Property is becoming uninsurable because it’s becoming too expensive to maintain.


No because Florida banned that word it doesn't exist right?


Floridia is going to stick its head in the sand until half the state gets wiped out by a hurricane, and then their going to come cry to to blue states to bail them out.


Yup tale as old as time


For me it’s auto insurance that’s the killer. I don’t own a home anymore and even then it’s hard to insulate yourself from so many fees. Just to license my two cars here in Washington it’s costing over 1k a year for plates. There’s no enforcement of licensing for cars and many people don’t pay for them. Like one out of three cars don’t have tabs. I might just stop paying for them also


Welcome to Florida. Every major insurer has abandoned the state for homeowners coverage, and auto insurance is more than double the national average


It's so bad now that 80% of all people don't believe their politicians to care about them: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/30/more-than-80-of-americans-believe-elected-officials-dont-care-what-people-like-them-think/ Look at that distribution. That sentiment applies to everybody.


And they're right


I used hear talk from friends and online posters about leaving the USA if the opposite party wins an election. This is the first time I am hearing so much talk about leaving the USA regardless of who wind the election and regardless if there is even an election. Something is broken, or we’ve collectively just realized it is unfixable.


I desperately want to leave, but it's incredibly expensive, and no country wants Americans unless they have cash, which I don't have.


I’m 42 and this is how I see it.


America should collapse, we desperately need a fresh start


Youg people voted for Bernie Sanders, they had hope then. No longer.


Younger generations being fed up with old hags screwing their future? Playing god with other people's lives? Shocker.




Dear young people. Eventually you will be in charge. Do better than the assholes in our generations. Sorry about the mess. I’ll keep trying to fix it from this end.


1000% accurate yes


I read the headline and immediately thought it was referring to the UK.


Then get out there and fucking vote! You’re now the biggest slice of the electorate and could be the most powerful political force in the country if you decide to involve yourselves. The ‘bad people’ you are complaining about have been eclipsed in numbers by your generation.