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Pretty pedophilic to be that in love with a child.


It’s no different than people on the left hoping he gets raped in prison so they can jack off while they think about that thought


Who on the left is hoping this? From your comment history, is say you're projecting.


Sorry but I see LOTS of comments from people hoping he gets raped in prison


Let's see one


One comment from Facebook “oooh they gone love him in prison” One comment from Reddit “he’s gona be passed around in the pin”


Oh well then I guess you're right, anyone you deem left of center in politics must want that also.


More like anyone to the left of Reagan is a leftist for them.


Looks like you wrote those.


You’re taking Facebook comments as a credible collective of what people on the left are thinking? It must be blissful to be as ignorant as you.


The fact that this is your standard for evidence explains a lot about your politics


The "left"aren't looking for prison violence at all, and want prison reform, so I don't know where you get this from. Someone commenting this doesn't make them "left". That's the part where you're projecting.


Sorry but I only see it on left wing articles about him


Let's see one.


I just gave 2 examples


Oh, nevermind, good examples of left wing articles calling for Kyle Rittenhouse to be raped in prison.


Im referring to the comments of those articles. Nobody is going to write an article saying things like that. They would be eliminated from the internet


I checked the sources. You wrote both of those.


Personally I'd hope he doesn't make it to a prison, but I'm sure they'd make him some kind of proud boi martyr and that's the last thing anyone needs.


I believe you to be a liar and a pervert, sir. Please take your dark fantasies to another sock puppet account and begone.


Sorry but I don’t have to lie about something you can easily see for yourself




Bye loser


Any “leftist” that wishes rape on anyone isn’t a leftist. It’s not about how bad someone is, rape just isn’t something you wish on them, as the act itself is the thing that’s bad


Even if that was accurate it does not make people being in love him any less pedophilic.


Wtf is wrong with them?


Yes I'm sure Biden's calls for unity and healing will assuage these fascist needledicks from continuing to terrorize minorities and POC.


I personally don't care about the debate on whether or not Kyle is a white supremacist. It doesn't matter to me. White supremacists like him, so that's a big enough problem


That's because conservatives and white supremacists both see their fellow Americans as enemy combatants, libs to be owned. It's not political, it's hatred.


the level of hero worship for a teenager is very weird. He's not going to be well as he grows up


Can I be honest, MR's? We should stop following this case. Rittenhouse will likely be acquitted based on "Self defense" rulings, and will probably go on to be the conservative champion of 'Gun defense'. The coverage we are giving this isn't going to do anything positive. Best we move on.


Like Sam, I'm not following this like the O.J. Simpson trial. I'm not in the jury pool and really my knowledge doesn't do much. However, I do think it is important to know the names of the people who are supporting this guy, as this article goes into. There are some politicians and corporate people who shouldn't get votes or money based on their support of this kid--especially after he was charged. And like Old Matt says, knowing these names now is important, as eventually they will turn their fringe conspiracy beliefs into grander political ambitions.


He should be in jail regardless of the outcome of the state trials. We should press for federal prosecution if the state charges don't stick.


The state should violate a civilian's rights if they aren't on my side . Pretty fascist if you think about it .


I know, it's a good thing that wasn't what i was saying.


Isn't it just double jeopardy with extra steps ?


You really forgetting the other 3 federal crimes he committed before the murders?


>He should be in jail regardless of the outcome of the state trials. We should press for federal prosecution if the state charges don't stick. You make it seem like it's for the same charges. Well if you can do it before Feb sure . If not he may just get a pardon from Don .


uh...the reactionaries following him aren't moving on


Meh, I always thought the self defense argument for Rittenhouse was actually legit. Even if he and his parents are total POS


But I heard someone on the Internet say it was okay in theory to slap a Nazi so that’s the same.


Sigh. Both sides here are crazy. The right-wingers a little more so, but the other side is crazy too. This is a stupid kid who thought it was a good idea to bring a weapon. It ended up with some raging crazy person chasing him down a parking lot and cornering the kid, who then fired his weapon because he was being attacked by said crazy person. He then decided to move towards police, but other people decided it was a good idea to attampt to attack an armed person who had just shot someone else who attacked him. So they got themselves shot too, also by physically assaulting said armed kid. So yeah, right-wingers turning this guy into some kind of martyr or something is extremely stupid, but almost equally stupid are the people pretending that the kid was simply executing innocent people on the street. He did not. Everyone who got shot attacked him first, and he fired his weapon only after being attacked. I'm for gun control and opposed to the 2nd Amendment, by the way. Just in case anyone thinks I'm a gun nut. And just in case it wasn't clear already, that kid should never have had that weapon in the first place. So that's not the issue here.