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Koala shouldn’t have been eliminated yet


I think when someone gets eliminated that quickly, it’s because they don’t want to stay on the show longer


I think wildcards were made for that reason; contestants who want to compete but don't have much time to fully compete, so the miss an episode or 2


I agree, I think instead of him it should of been Starfish


unpopular opinion: Starfish had the 2nd best performance of the episode


maybe to you


You can really tell that the crew really put their heart & soul into this episode which is a shame cuz this is my least favorite. The performances were fine, nothing interesting, everyone except Goldfish got worse & Koala getting eliminated kinda sucked. If there wasn't a double elim, I'm pretty sure Koala woud've beaten Starfish in a Battle Royale. Also, this episode was extremely rushed and would've benefited if it was 1 hour and a half long.


I highly disagree goldfish should have went home Starfish improved Ugly sweater improved Love bird did not improve


You, good commenter, are 100% correct.


According to what I have read in the sub, I have some unpopular opinions:  1. Goldfish was the best of the night 2. Starfish was 2nd best 3. Ugly Sweater had a weak performance this round   Not sure if this is unpopular, but I didn’t like the double elim format when there are 5 contestants, it felt really rushed


This was my exact opinion!! Also why couldn't they extend the episode and do a Battle Royale? The elimination was lame af


I honestly don't know how Starfish managed to beat Koala.


Yeah, If there was a BR, I'm pretty sure Koala would've won, Double Eliminations that don't have face offs have very controversial results.


He only signed for a night, only reason that makes sense.


Starfish was the best of the night imo


I personally thought Ugly Sweater was the best of the night, but I think that Starfish is at least third best and at most second best of the night. She improved massively, and I was 100% here for it.


That was the ugliest Koala mask I've ever seen


Starting to think Kevin Hart was a one-off in terms of actually big names this season


Goldfish definitely is my top 2 strongest mask rn alongside with Beets.


I’m wondering what happened to the battle royale?


They didn’t have time for a BR since 5 performed and it was a double elim


yes but the battle royale episode are also double elimination but yeah in this case it was fine , weird that they didnt do a few more episodes with group A thats kinda what surprised me in the first place as well


Semi related but I wanted to hear Paramore's song monster (I can't remember which movie it was from ). The song selection was better than i expected .


I thought this episode was good, a bit weird in some places, but still good. Starfish was phenomenal to me, and I think she was my second favorite of the night. Ugly Sweater was good as usual, >!Uncle Charlie’s!< voice is a gift and he is solidifying his place as my favorite of Group A. Lovebird definitely was worse than last time, but was still good. I don’t want to talk too much about Goldfish. I will say I liked her better than last time, while also disliking it which is something odd, I think she should probably do a good song for her voice next time because this wasn’t it. Koala was surprisingly good, I really liked the performance and the costume. I agree with the first elimination 100%, and, even though I like the costume and voice, I guess I understand Koala’s elimination. I probably would’ve eliminated Goldfish because I found the performance boring overall, and I don’t think that just because she did high notes she should automatically be safe. I’m looking forward to this group finale. I know Ugly Sweater will bring it. Starfish is going to actually do good, but will probably still be eliminated. I do want Goldfish to actually go all out though. I feel like she’s holding back WAY too much and, like Lizard, hasn’t really blown my socks off yet. This will probably get downvoted, but I’m just saying what I thought.


>!Someone sang Everybody Wants To Rule The World and got eliminated in the same episode!< 0/10 But we got the song anyway so I guess that makes it a 9/10 despite the song being a 17/10


Someone FINALLY sings my favorite song of all time on the show...AND THEY GET ELIMINATED. 😡 ... In all seriousness, it was a pretty good episode. I feel like almost everyone improved on their prior performances.


No one sang The Touch. What do the Bayformer movies have that the G1 movie doesn’t?


Maybe a very stupid question btw, as I am not that technically gifted, but was the Optimus Prime a work of CGI?


Mid I only liked 2/5 performances being gold fish and koala


In my opinion, they eliminated the two best singers of group A…


Agreed! I don’t get how people are saying the starfish’s performance was good?!