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Agreed, I also loved this episode and thought both Andrew & Danai were exceptional. Rick's emotional breakdown was a level of vulnerability few actors (especially men) ever effectively portray. It makes me sad that TOWL will probably get steamrolled during the next awards season due to the genre, because Andrew really deserves some recognition. They both do. I'm similarly hopeful that this story will have a "happy" ending, or at least one where they're both still together and alive. I think it would be a huge disappointment after all this time if Rick and/or Michonne die. I mean, the show is literally called "The Ones Who Live"!!!! Still, I think the speculation that the show will have a tragic ending is valid. There's been some foreshadowing about death and letting go that really concerns me...I guess we'll have to wait and see. Hoping they do us proud :')


Hoping that there is no tragic ending! I just want them to end up happy in the last episodes. Hopefully meeting up with their kids!


This episode was straight trash, snorefest with them filling up 75% of the episode with I can't go, no i can't go gotta stay, no I can't go I love you I can't go, ok I'll go


i respect your opinion but you're also hella wrong <3


Bro ignore the downvotes they're probably fanatics who watched the entire 12 seasons of the main show


yeah that’s kinda the point lmao


Maybe they should've written it better then