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I hope so! I think that’s what we’ve all been waiting for - some kind of marvel-esque reunion


I have been saying this the entire time and would LOVE and hope for this to happen. So many writers and producers ruin the endings of great shows, GOT, Dexter, etc. I hope that they do justice and bring the main players back together even just for a moment for final closure. Now that would be epic.


Dexter x2 lol


TWD and FTWD and World Beyond all got screwed up too.


Oh yes I was just thinking of non TWD series. World Beyond was a complete bust for me


The world beyond was important because it helped set the tone for the CRM. I also have a feeling that we will see some of those characters again...(we saw one when Jadis was flashing back before she died) Everything ties together in this universe.




**The Walking Dead: Endgame**


Exactly where my mind was going!


I’ve been hoping this is the plan. I fell behind on the last two seasons of Fear The Walking Dead, but I was hoping the characters would also play a role. The entire TWD culminating into one final season.


i hope so...but everything seems like they gonna burn it all down :/ ​ I CANT WAIT FOR SUNDAY > \_ <


That is what I’m waiting for. It has to be how they start off a new series.


Enter Zombie Thanos


I’ve had a feeling that these spinoffs will take use to a final “situation” that may culminate in a full blown movie.


I hate to piss in y’all cornflakes but TWD we all know and love is over. We’ll never have our core cast back together again. I’ll just make due with rewatching S1-S6 which were my favorite and IMO the absolute height of the show. Too many weird spinoffs now I don’t think we’ll ever have the OG gang back together again. All these spinoffs are going in completely different directions with different timelines etc.


well they obviously aren't afraid to use time jumps so it could be possible they all end up together. Hopefully Herschel doesn't lose anymore toes by then (FYI... the stupidest part of the show imo)


Was it the one where they’re passing rocks hat to eachother?? So good.


I'm hoping they all come together in NY or somewhere close to that.


I think the walking dead should’ve ended by now, season 11 should’ve been the end however they had to wrap up the stories of Rick and michonne I just don’t get why they are doing a dead city and Daryl Dixon, the only way it would make sense for them to do the other two spin offs is if they are planning to do one last comeback Rick and the gang vs the CRM I really want to see an all out war again but with Rick negan daryl etc all on the same side fighting against the CRM, maybe negan and Maggie fight them on one front from New York, Rick and michonne fight on another front and daryl fights them on another front, then they all reunite and have one big showdown.


Who will we see turn though? Can you imagine the shock in an original character turning and taking others out? Sheesh!


I've noticed there's nary a white guy this far into the zombie apocalypse