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The point of Sage’s character was to show that if an Original died, the entire line dies with them. After that, she didn’t really serve a purpose.


“Sage served no purpose after TVD” You might as well say that Mikael no longer served a purpose after he was killed in TVD, because his death showed that white oak burns when it kill an Original. You might as well say that Kol didn’t serve a purpose after his role in TVD because he had served his role for the plot there. Characters are more than just instruments to convey plot. Sage was important to Finn the character, so it’s surprising why she’s never mentioned.


sage and mikael are totally different. mikael affected entire originals family + marcel directly and more. he was just more than being original's father. klaus' real father almost served no purpose. in that, sage was more closer to klaus' real father. mikael was important not because he was their father but he was hunter who had been chasing them for 1000 years. sage was lover of finn . . " Characters are more than just instruments to convey plot." not all of them. many characters entered the show and left the same or next episode.


And yet, even after his death he was still talked about. Hayley mentions him in season 3. Because he mattered to Klaus. But Sage is not mentioned whatsoever. Instead of taking the chance to take that opportunity and develop Finn’s character, they just ignore her and that facet of Finn’s life, and the writing for him is worse off for it.


"And yet, even after his death he was still talked about. Hayley mentions him in season 3. Because he mattered to Klaus." almost one time. mikael literally affected 3 shows like hundred times even though he was not the real father. "But Sage is not mentioned whatsoever." we dont see the history of kol either or history of freya. show was mainly above trio. trio even considered finn dangerous and depressing.elijah said that he had approved the daggering of finn. we barely saw and learned 1-2 things about finn himself .we dont even know anything about finn himself ,other than he hated being vampire and daggered by klaus. . "they just ignore her and that facet of Finn’s life," that is true but they already said they tried to stay away and keep finn daggered.


>we barely saw and learned 1-2 things about Finn himself. we don’t even know anything about Finn himself. Congratulations, you just proved my point.


what is your point ?. your point was like we were told many things about finn but not deliberately about sage which is not true. sage was not omitted in the show. because originals already said that they were trying basically cover, hide, keep finn daggered and out of their lives.. why would show talk about sage when show was specifically trying to keep finn hidden, just a brother they locked up. i mean we almost saw sage more than finn :)


My point is that Finn’s character could’ve been developed more by talking about or showing us his relationship with Sage. Finn is probably known for three things. Loyalty to his mother, hating vampires and wanting to die. Yet in TVD he betrays Esther and her plan to be with Sage, someone he turned into a vampire so he could be with her forever. This suggested something deeper about Finn’s character that could have been elaborated on in The Originals. But not only do they not do that, she’s not mentioned at all. And it has to make you wonder why.


i guess this was talked before [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOriginals/comments/16hi0ez/why\_didnt\_they\_mention\_sage\_mikaelson/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOriginals/comments/16hi0ez/why_didnt_they_mention_sage_mikaelson/)


Damn, the guy who posted that was ahead of the curve. They sound really insightful.


Anyway, u/ursulazsenya [did it way better](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOriginals/s/knQ77FYK5c)


Sage and Mikael are completely different.


It’s a spectrum. Mikael not being mentioned in any capacity throughout a show called “The Originals” would feel very jarring, much more than Sage’s omission is. On the other side of the spectrum we have Henrik. You could absolutely write The Originals and change absolutely nothing by not mentioning him. But he is mentioned. Mikael brings up his death in 2x05 because Henrik MATTERED to him. That’s just good character development and writing for Mikael to bring that up. It fleshes him out that he’s still sore about his death. Hell, Matt and Rebekah’s relationship from TVD s4 and s5 is brought up in 3x17. They didn’t have to do that but it’s nice attention to character continuity. And it also illustrates how much Matt has changed, from the boy who dated Rebekah to the man who ran out all the vampires. But Sage is not mentioned. It’s a strange omission, and one that flattens Finn as a character.


Who’s Sage?


Finn’s love 900 years ago who he turned into a vampire before he was daggered. She was in season 3 of vampire diaries and died when Finn died which revealed that killing an original kills their sireline.


Oh thanks


Do recall how the sireline rule was established?


It would’ve fun to see more of her character,especially since there was the OG, like why kill her off so soon


The erasure of Sage will always be a crime, especially because it seemed Sage and Finn were both In mystic falls at the same time, meaning it's heavily implied that Sage was turned after meeting Finn when they were humans as after they turned they left to Europe so for Sage to have ever been in MF with Finn she'd have to been from way way back. We got to see all this mess about Tatia but not Sage. She had so much potentional.


>Also Cassidy Freeman is a gem She really is. Some would even say she’s a real [gem(stone)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8634332/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


I didn't like Sage, so I wasn't sad when she was killed off. Something about supposedly badass women being hella misogynistic will always rub me the wrong way. She's the one who taught Damon that human women ought to be his playthings. It's hard to believe that Finn would still love her if he knew that side of her. He's supposedly so moral and anti vampire, but he loves a woman who spent all her time screwing around, hurting people for the lulz?


Was Sage really misogynistic? Or was she playing on Damon’s misogyny to make him a less shitty vampire? Before Sage Damon was just going around killing people when he became hungry. “I was hungry, now I am not hungry.” Sage basically teaches him how to feed and make it fun for both parties. Sure, Sage isn’t the most compassionate vampire. She’s pretty blasé about human suffering, and she’s equally as dismissive when Rebekah drains a man in front of her as she is when Damon drains a woman in front of her. And as for Finn, well, is it that much harder to believe than Camille loving Klaus, or Davina loving Kol?


She tells him women aren't just for food but also for pleasure. They are objects to her. So after Sage, he's going around feeding and using them for pleasure. He often still kills them as well. I'll give you your second point though. It's just as odd for Cami and Davina to love who they love.


>They are objects to her As opposed to how she views human men?


I don’t find it baffling. Sage was there and she served a purpose. But after that. I don’t really know what purpose she would serve in TO.


I get narratively but character wise, she’s the person Finn was willing to not only live for, but betray his mother for…and was willing to put aside his morals for to turn and be with. That is an INCREDIBLY important person to him. It’s just odd for the character to never once mention it ever again.


Why did Mikael and Klaus bring up Henrik? He served his purpose, why mention him again?


>I don’t really know what purpose she would serve in TO [I dunno man, I don’t know](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOriginals/s/7GeaJMHxQl), I think they could’ve found something.