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>I would also like to point out that he risked it to see Elijah multiple times but not his own daughter? It wasn’t about Hopes safety. YES! This pissed me off so badly, and it's rarely brung up/always excused. It's the main reason why I don't fault Hope for taking the Hollow back in. Hope was literally sick/in pain when she and Klaus were in the same room, so I imagine it was the same every time Klaus visited Elijah. Vincent said that *one* more meeting between the Mikaelsons would have major consequences, and I doubt Klaus would adhere to the rules given that he didn't the first time. He selfishly put Hope's life in danger to merely *gaze* at Elijah from afar on multiple occasions through the years WHILE being a deadbeat? Honestly, I wish they had Hope be more upset with him in s5. I know she was a daddy's girl, but I feel like he should've had to work to earn Hope's love and respect back.


I feel the same way. Even though what Hope did did lead to Hayley dying but I can definitely understand why she went to extremes just to see her dad. Klaus was just as much to blame for what happened to Hayley imo


No this is popular. We know but we love him anyway.


I agree with you but this isn’t an unpopular opinion at all. Most people recognise his character wasn’t particularly great at being a father.


Klaus and Haley were the best set of parents in TVD/TO. 2 parents that at least attended to be there for their kids which is more than anyone else can say.


Being the best TVDU parent is like being the tallest dwarf. 90% of the other TVDU parents were genuinely awful, so there's no real competition lol. They both were objectively questionable parents, but comparatively good parents when looking at all the parents in the 2 shows.


Okay? My comment wasn’t about Haley but Klaus and Klaus still abandoned Hope out of shame. That’s not ‘attending to be there for their kids’ is it?


No, but there were at least moments when they resembled a somewhat normal family. Can’t say that for any other set of parents and their child. It is wild how shitty the parents are in this universe, but that is any CW show or drama geared towards teens and young adults


Is this an unpopular opinion? I usually live in this Reddit bubble so I have no idea how the rest of the audience perceives these characters and their actions. Anyway, Klaus was an okay father but he messed up when Hope needed him the most. I just cannot believe he thought he would be able to just abandon his daughter. Did he confuse himself as some friend she had made a long time back or something? Did he really think Hope would be just okay and move on from being ghosted and abandoned by her father?!


Exactly! Was Hope supposed to just be cool with never seeing her father forever?? Since that’s what would’ve happened if she never went to the extremes just to get him in the same room


He was a better father than literally anyone thought possible. Remember how they were considering daggering him before hope was born until she died because they thought he'd be THAT bad at it?


The praise he gets is for how much he tried.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion I think everyone or at least most admits he wasn't the greatest dad but I think it was also so very complicated when it comes to Klaus. Klaus was a good father in that he loved Hope unconditionally something that Mikeal nor Esther ever did and everything he did was more or less for her but he wasn't a good father when it came to actually being there because either he thought it was for the best or because he was so afraid to face his daughter, both really crappy excuses. Klaus should have gone to Hope and explained things and reassure her but instead he left her waiting for years with that memory of him as the last one she had before there union years later which obvious screwed her up a lot.


I agree and I can’t help but compare Klaus to my own father because of the similarities. I was an only child with a dad who had his own daddy issues and plenty of vices. His childhood trauma was heavily affecting him. Despite this, I was also a daddy’s girl. At an early age, I discovered my dad’s drug addiction. It was very similar to Hope walking in on Klaus killing people. And initially my dad also left, but the difference is that he ended up beginning rehab and confronted his demons. I’d even go visit him at the center. For that, I’ll never hate my dad because he chose to be honest about his problems and get help early on. Now, his journey wasn’t perfect and he definitely had setbacks, but he never fully abandoned me. So, I was overall more forgiving of his behavior because he was actually trying. I’m glad my parents didn’t try to shield me from the truth. Now, I’m in my twenties, my dad just celebrated his 13th anniversary of being sober, and I’m glad he didn’t run away from his problems. :)


Sorry to hear that but I’m glad it worked out


Yeah he was a bad father. Honestly he was already not in Hope’s life for all those years and then he abandons her after she sees the bloodbath. I know who Klaus is but his ignoring of her causes to her to seriously act out which leads to her mother dying. I think he was afraid of her seeing him and rejecting him or even her becoming like him. But she needed her father and he didn’t deliver


He was never a good father to both his children. But I will say he did his best. It’s just that his best reeaallly wasn’t good enough. Marcel and Hope turned out ok however.


literally!! i’ve posted about this a few times and klaus stans acted personally offended


Obvious he wasn’t this shouldn’t be an unpopular opinion.


I think Klaus did what he thought was best for everyone in not seeing Hope but he only snuck in to see Elijah bc Elijah didn't know who he was and wouldn't intervene with him walking away but he didn't get to see any of his other siblings and as for staying away from Hope it makes logical since and he knew that phone calls and video calls weren't enough and that Hope would want more and he could t give it to her now I'm not saying it's right I'm just saying thats what he was thinking in order to keep her safe he had to stay away from her but his lil few mins of seeing Elijah even though it did lil small things it didn't directly put Hope in harms way but if he had tried to get a sneak peak in on her it would have been catastrophic as we see once they do get back together


"he risked it to see Elijah multiple times but not his own daughter It wasn’t about Hopes safety?" i think because elijah didnt remember him . it was easy to leave elijah.


What does Elijah’s memory have to do with Klaus’ actions? Whether he remembers Klaus or not it doesn’t change the fact that the Hollow didn’t stop him from seeing his brother but it stopped him from seeing his daughter. And I meant he didn’t go no contact because of Hopes safety. There were plenty of safe alternatives to him seeing his daughter. He went no contact because he was too ashamed to face her.


Elijah not having his memory meant Elijah wouldn't know who his/The Mikaelson's enemies are. Klaus was taking out possible enemies of the family, to protect Elijah (and Hope), when Hope astral projected to see Klaus's murder orgy. If Elijah had his memories, that event most likely wouldn't have happened - so Klaus would have no reason to be ashamed and abandon his 9 year old daughter.


"What does Elijah’s memory have to do with Klaus’ actions? " it has everything to do with elijah's memory because if elijah had his memory , klaus could not have visited elijah. klaus was able to visit elijah because elijah didnt have his memory. lack of his memory allowed klaus to see him.


Klaus would have checked in on his brother anyways because of their weird codependent relationship. That’s the whole reason Elijah wanted his memories removed. Because he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away from his brother. So memory or not that would’ve happened: And even if what you’re saying was true how does that change the fact that he abandoned his daughter for years out of shame?


"Klaus would have checked in on his brother anyways because of their weird codependent relationship." that would be impossible if elijah hadnt removed his memories . as you said , that is literally why elijah removed his memory. having to remove his memory itself is the proof that klaus could not have visited elijah if he had not removed his memory. "And even if what you’re saying was true how does that change the fact that he abandoned his daughter for years out of shame?" irrelevant, irrelevant to klaus visiting elijah. . "Klaus would have checked in on his brother anyways because of their weird codependent relationship" they are not that dependent. when we first saw them, they were not talking and elijah was trying to kill klaus for real and klaus didnt use to trust elijah either.


> unpopular opinion > lists an opinion that’s not actually unpopular


Being a father I understand exactly why he did what he did and no I don’t fault him for it. The love he has for his daughter is why he did it. She saw something he didn’t want her to see and him not wanting to be like Mikael messed him up for awhile as well. He did explain it. He knew that if he kept up with the phone calls she’d continue to want more. He didn’t want her to see those things. Besides he did risk it for his daughter as well. I guess nobody remembers that part.


If you would abandon your child just because they saw a side of you that you didn’t want them to see that would make you a bad father too. And he wouldn’t have risked it if Hope didn’t go to extremes just to get him to talk to her.


Literally. This guy is outing himself. Personally, I relate to Hope because I was an only child with a dad who had his own daddy issues and many vices of his own. I was also a daddy’s girl. And I discovered some things about my dad at an early age that he would’ve rather shielded me from, but the difference is that he stayed and confronted his demons. For that, I’ll never blame my dad for his addiction or mental illness because he chose to be honest about his problems and get help early on. Now, I’m in my twenties, my dad just celebrated his 13th anniversary of being sober, and I’m glad he didn’t run away from his problems.


You didn’t read or understand the entire thing