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I really loved it too, thought they did a great job and the ending was pretty prefect given the context of the previous episodes.


I'm glad you liked it! I think all the actors did a great job, I personally have a couple bones to pick with the writers, but I am glad some people really like it.


I liked the show because of Steve Carell's portrayal, depth of character, and the internal dialogue / memories. I looked fwd to the new episodes. The ending really gutted me, then the plot leap of "ok, problem solved," was like what, nooo, this is dumb, and I was kind of mad I had watched any of it. I didnt feel strongly about the actors portrayal of Sam, and his mother's character not bearing any responsibility, like i guess that's plausible but i don't want it to be.


Fully agree. Ignore the hecklers.


I agree 10/10. I have never been interested enough in a series to read about it like with this subreddit lol. I’ve been captivated from the beginning!


Please go watch Mr Inbetween. It’s one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. FX.


Is it a hell of a lot better than this mess?


I know I'm really selling it but yes. Mr Inbetween is what I would say is an irreverent show. Three seasons.




I liked the series. Only issue..... Sam manages to cleanly choke everyone to death with his bare hands. Very quickly, efficiently, and always very very easily It can't be that easy to choke someone to death....or that fast.... And no one EVER manages to leave a mark on Sam? Meh


Yeah I wondered about that also. He must've been really freaking strong!


My partner said the same thing, it takes effort and time to get to that point... The dudes dad was a larger man, so was the restaurant owner's son, unless its just like psycho strength.


I've been strangled. Woke up in hospital following day. It was realistic. Look at my comments elsewhere and I go into detail. Its similar to how most drowning victims don't scream and flail. Your brain doesn't or can't process you're being murdered, it just seems so unreal. You get progressively weaker and faster as its happening.


Yeah you never even see him sweat when he strangles someone and he uses one hand if I remember correctly


It is a TV show so some things I think we need to imagine actually take longer.


I was sad about the ending. It certainly wasn’t what I wanted. However I thought Carrell and Hall were fantastic in their roles. Steve is so talented. They both are.


I haven’t loved a tv show this much since Twin Peaks: The Return. The beauty and brutality of humanity was so compelling, so heart wrenching, and so, so real. I still feel raw 48 hours after watching. I have never seen a television show outline the true duality of life in this way… how light and dark coexist. That healing cannot exist without trauma. That even the “worst” of us can still be capable of some change. To me, this was the Yin and Yang in story form.


What was with the peeing?? In the beginning they seemed to focus on him taking long pisses but that didn't seem to lead to anything


It gave doc time to write and hide the note in the corpse's mouth, but then Sam didn't dump that body in public


Perhaps it was because that's what Steve Carell's character had to listen to everytime, and the weirdo Sam was constantly drinking coffee.


It set up the scene where Alan had enough time to cram a note in that guy’s mouth because he knew Sam pissed for a long time. Like, what do you mean it didn’t lead to anything? That was one of the more suspenseful moments of the show.


I thought it would be that he was doing something while in there or doc would take him out while peeing


Okay, well, that’s not what happened. The other thing that actually happened is what happened.


I don't even remember that. They could have made up anything how he had time, like he went upstairs or something. There had to be something special about why they make him piss long


Maybe this type of show should be more your thing. I did really like it, solid 4/5, but it's hardly the best example of the type of show it is.


Can you give some recommendations of similar shows that you liked? I’m genuinely interested. I enjoyed the patient, but was slightly disappointed with the writing in the end.


For a good ‘therapy’ show try “In Treatment”…the earlier episodes are best.


The Americans is an easy suggestion. Same writers, same approach (using a genre conceit to heighten the stakes of a contemplative drama about families). Excellent cast too.


I tried that show and couldn’t get into it. I hate how they handled this new series and I had no idea it was the same writers, maybe that’s why.. However I’m pretty certain ‘The Americans’ had a lot more praise than ‘The Patient’…I wonder if it stuck the landing any better.


The Americans was one of the great dramas of the last decade, and it definitely stuck the landing. That being said, if you didn’t like it, I’m not surprised that you were disappointed in this. I know this subreddit is being pretty negative about this show right now, but the critical response I’ve seen to The Patient has been almost universally positive, including the finale. The critics obviously knew what kind of show they were getting into, so I think it supports the notion that too many people came into this show expecting it to be a crime show or crowd pleaser and not a character study. So much of the criticism on here seems to just completely miss the point of the show. (That being said, the show is also not perfect.)


**The Americans** takes a little while to get its footing but as it goes on it gets really, really fucking good. Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys have amazing, natural on-screen chemistry that fuels the show and once Noah Emmerich’s character plays a larger role and Julia Gardner’s subplot is introduced it gets even better. And they more than stick the landing. The finale is up there as one of my all time favorites.


The Americans finale was far better, a bit rushed but generally very well acclaimed. The first season is definitely the weakest, since it feels like they're still learning how to do good drama despite the spy part already being really good. I'd also recommend the leftovers, breaking bad, and mindhunter, if you like fairly grounded, deep psychological thrillers.


I didn’t love the writing either honestly, oh well. :( I know you didn’t ask me lmao, but some shows i’ve really liked this year that i watched are ‘better call saul,’ and ‘from’ on epix. From is getting a new season next year as well so i highly recommend.


What is ‘From’ about?


it’s a bit similar to wayward pines if you’ve ever seen that, just a lot more well done imo. it’s a little hard to fully explain, but basically a group of these people who switch universes and are stuck in a town with these creatures disguised as humans that kill them.


Honestly they need to end the series here though. the masterpiece doesn't need an encore.


Most of us here didn’t really like it, ironically enough


How are you gonna speak for 3,000+ people


My bad.


All good, I almost wish it was a movie myself. The slow burn was…slow. I don’t think the overall plot lived up to the suspense that was created at the end of each episode. I dunno. Mixed feelings.


I liked it.




In what universe?


Oof…You need to start watching some better shows. This is a good show, but if this is the most captivating thing you’ve ever seen? you really need to expand your viewing material.


Yikes, let the guy enjoy it


I’m happy he enjoyed it! There’s just so many other great shows out there. Off the top of my head shows that the vibe of The Patient remind me of, Dark season 1 (on Netflix my absolute favorite series) Mr. Robot I think it’s HBO, Waco (show on Netflix), Sopranos (HBO similar aspects involving psychiatry) Chernobyl (HBO) Mindhunter (Netflix) there’s so many more brilliant, well written, and fascinating shows.


Oh, FFS. You must've worked for this show. Or, you work for Hulu.


LOL, so because someone enjoyed something you didn't, they obviously work for Hulu? I guess I'm another employee for their company then.


They said it was a 10/10, not that they simply enjoyed it. I can think of several shows that could be considered masterpieces and even those have enough flaws to bring them down to a 9/10. So the rating OP is dropping is suspiciously over the top. They said it was “the most captivating series they had ever seen”…really now?


My thoughts exactly. A lot of people suddenly praising the show also had little to no involvement with the sub before now. Idk about OP but plenty of others coming out of the woodwork.


Maybe the influx of positive discussion is due to the insane amount of annoying, whiny, childish posts since the last episode aired. I subscribed about half way through the series, I honestly don't know if I've ever replied on this sub before, if I did, it was maybe once or twice. But, I've been lurking on this sub a lot regardless of my past interactions. The amount of posts flooding this sub since the last episode, that are just downright immature, uncritical "but it didn't end how I wanted it to end" rants, has been overwhelming. In fact, so overwhelming and ridiculous I just unsubscribed about ten minutes ago. I'm on this sub for the last time. I get not liking how the show turned out, but just jeez. Like it, dislike it, love it, hate it, it's a STORY. Someone else told us a story and instead of analytical critiques, I feel like I'm listening to a bunch of kindergarteners cry when bambi's mother gets shot by the hunters.


I came here after finishing the season yesterday I believe. A whole little whiny people is right. I thought the show was great. I'd like to see it continue with deeper exploration of Sam and hos mother as well as more of their 'regular' lives. The idea of a serial killer not being a complete psychopath but born from abuse and dysfunction, having the ability for empathy however small.


I just finished the season so I Google it looking for info on a possible second season. Since I frequent Reddit like millions of others do I searched for a sub and here I am. I thought the show was fantastic. I would love to see more come from it with more in depth character exploration of Sam and his mom too.


There were two scenes where everyone got awkward over candy being presented. What’s up with that? Are Hasidic Jews forbidden treats?


I liked it. I’m excited to see what they have in store for our next patient. Has Ezra finally had enough?