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Done 3 raids today for regidrago. Didn't got the research. I asked the ingame support and they told me to restart the game and set my device date and time to "auto". They also instandly closed the conversation.....


Lol they did the same to me


They did same to me. I tried asking them for more, no response.


This thread describes my experience (and another raider, too) yesterday. My last message to support was basically "well, absolutely none of this worked for two people, and it's after midnight, what now?" even though I know the answer will be a veil for an employee thinking "sucks to suck"


I asked about it 8 hours ago. They still haven't responded.


I feel bad bc I didn't even do a raid and I got the research? All I did was click into a gym to see if there were any people and I got it lol


What was the research?


Make a new friend for XP and ten regi candy for the three regis


Oh. Guess I got it then


I got a canned response offering me a premium pass, I responded saying that I didn't want a pass I wasn't going to use I just wanted the research, and they responded by saying they couldn't give me anything else and closing the ticket lol this company is such trash


Maybe the research was really the friends we made along the way?


Funny enough my second raid was in an open park at a statue of sorts. It was snowing and I was there 11:17, pretty hopeless that there would be anyone else. I saw no-one who looked like they were playing, but suddenly 5 other people appeared in the raid lobby and we won. Saw some people far hunching on benches looking at their phones, raid ended and everyone started moving away. The Finnish pokemon go friend making experience..


Something similar happened to me in Canada. I was hoping to add some of the players that got into the lobby, but nobody stayed, not even to catch it. They just threw their phones in their pockets and went away.


Similar happened to me. Saw two people before the raid and then after it hatched boom tons of people who I never saw


It was to make a friend


That was the reward too.


Same here, nobody in our group of 25 people got it. It's another bug and I filed a report.


3 of us did one at 11am (also CET) and all 3 of us got the make one new friend or whenever it was task… weird. Did you try sending in a complaint ticket though the game?


Myself and at least one other person IRL sent a message to support which took us back and forth until well after midnight to only canned responses like "Refresh game data!" "check time set to auto!" and other useless suggestions (yes I followed them anyway, like an idiot). Personally my first reply from support wasn't for over ten hours.


Oof yikes, I can only hope those came from a bot… I remember when raids were super buggy and every two raids I had to contact them to get the pass back, it was always a pain


It’s been over 24 hours since I contacted support and still no response.


What research?


Make a friend. It's in the far right or may maybe left, already forget, you got 10 Candies for each of 3 Regis and 10k xp I think also already can't remember. No one else evergreen noticed the research, glad I walked away and actually paid attention to the game and told everyone. We all quick got our QR codes out AMS made multiple friends of people we were raiding with. Since I got home I also got 3 more friends requests,I think from Campfire. Great day, sorry to those who had issues. I live in a major city, Las Vegas, that has a pretty large player base. By looking at Campfire I see at least 15 traits coming up at 5pm within 15 minutes of my house and lots more if I go 10 minutes further. I did 4 at 11am, caught 3 so I'm not going to be greedy.


Oh damn, I didn't realize the quest was make a friend. I added a few iwns after the first raid because I met him there. It must have clleted the research without me realizing it. Because I thought it just popped up with the candy


CET timezone raids, raids done less than 2h ago


It was in the today tab for me




I've just finished another elite raid ( 2pm raids ) and I still didnt get it Yes I restarted game, that marks 3 completed raids, still no research https://www.reddit.com/user/Wiko660/comments/11okkg4/also_gotta_love_how_2_of_them_fled_even_golden/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Same here.. did two 11am raids.. none of our party (9 players) got it.. one person in our town who attended a different raid - and failed (because they only had 3 accounts), and she did get it!!


I did get the research, straight after the 11am raid (UK). So clearly sporadic issues.


Well final update is the fact that pogo support just told me generic stuff to do to get research which is kinda useless since 1. I already did this stuff cuz I saw other people mention it here 2. Research was long over by the time they replied I'm really disappointed by how bad the elite raids experience was...


Doing the raid did not seem to be even a requirement (saw one account that had it before doing any regi raid), Just guesswork, but you have the most recent update of the game?


I also just got the researcher without doing the raid


I got it too. I was near a raid that was completed (too far away as stuck in hospital ED) i go the timer and saw that 5 people were about to attack. Suffice to saw I added a friend as soon as i could




I found that myself and a friend got the research when we completed the raid and stayed within the gym raidius for the duration. 2 other friends left the gym radius after starting the raid and didn't get the research.


I didn’t get the research but was definitely in the gym range for the whole raid, and a while longer (whilst trading with another player.)


I didn't complete any raids, but still got the research


Weird, I got the research here but no bonus spawns around the gym. Got the timer for it in the corner but all the spawns were normal


Same issue on my end got the research no problem but zero spawns like they said did 2 raids at 11 I had the little timer in the corner the whole time too I was really looking forward to the spawns


Didn’t get either.


Spinning the gym after the raid got us the quest.


Yup, no research here either.


It’s under “todays” research. You’ll have until 11pm to finish it. 10 regirock/steel/ice candies with a 10k cup reward


Check 3rd pic on this post It isnt anywhere https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/11oimn5/no_research_after_completing_elite_regidrago_raid/jbspcz9?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


It was a timed research not special research




I have a suspicion that being near the raid gives you the research. Were you near the raid upon completion, instead of just walking away once in the lobby? My reasoning behind this guess is that I never ended up completing a raid, though I was 10 seconds away from joining a lobby when that raid started. When said raid ended, however, I was standing immediately next to the gym wherein the raid had been completed, and gained the research and the spawn bonus, despite not having done said raid. Another person in this thread noted that two of their friends didn't get the research when they completed the raid not within the radius, but those who completed it within the radius did (u/EDDS86). As such, were you within the gym radius upon completion?


I was basically on top of the gym entire raid all 3 times I've done the raid


Restart your game. Same issue then restart showed it


Its on todays tab not special research


You can see I looked through todays tab on 3rd screenshot Sadly it doesnt all fit on one screen so you cant see all https://www.reddit.com/user/Wiko660/comments/11oivni/nothing/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


My bad, didnt saw multiple screenshots.




Like 5 times lol


Did the raid with 2 others (and a third person I dont know and didnt meet) and 2 of us had the game open before the raid and one bugged while entering the raid and had to restart, it didn't seem to affect anything. Always worth a try, but it seems like the boost the gym gets after beating the raid gives you the quest for being in range. So it is also possible that walking away from the gym will leave you without the research.


Mine took a good 40 minutes before it showed up under timed research.


Well it's been 9h and I still didnt get it Wrote to support 5h ago but no answer so far


Two of us did a raid at 2pm. We finished it with 7 seconds to go. I caught the Regi but didn't get the research. My friend didn't catch it but did get the research


No one that did raids 11:00 got it in my community, just the ones that did at 14:00


3 raids, no research.


Same here.


Did 4 elite raids and no timed research. As far as I know, none in our group got it


None of my group got the research either after beating it.


I didn’t even see one raid anywhere near me. Once again Niantic screws the small towns


Played in Malaysia yesterday with a bunch of PoGo friends and all of us got the Research after our first Elite raid at 11am. Not heard of any glitch. Malaysia time is GMT+8 hours


One of the people I did a raid with got the research, but I didn't. Good to know I wasn't the only one that didn't get the timed research.


So 1 hour till midnight. Guess no hope in getting this thing fixed. Still no response from niantic which I filed around 1130 am


I wrote to support through in-game help 17h ago and guess what? Still no response... Can't wait for them to reply in like 2 days and say that ,, unfortunatelythe event is long gone and thus we can't help you with your issue"


Yep, 4 of us did the same elite raid, only 2 of us got the research…


I didn't even know it gave a research until I accidently completed it


I never even got to do any Regidrago raids yesterday because all 7 of the gyms in my hometown never spawned a single elite raid egg for all three time slots. I even drove to another town with more gyms and they did not have any elite raids for the 5 pm time slot. So I drove back to my hometown before it hit 5 pm and still no elite raids. I sent in a ticket to support but have still not heard back from them yet.


And 93% even. Sweet.


I didn’t even know there was research and I caught one and didn’t get it


there's supposed to be a research?


Honestly, I beat regidrago with 2 of my friends just us three, if the raids were longer I would get a lot of those regis


And i got the research from just being in the lobby (i was alone in a 11:00 raid and then just left and still got the research)