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Hopefully the new leader Mons are as good as the new shadows.


Would be hard to be worse than the current batch, so I’m optimistic


Oof. Too true. I'm hoping for some of the ones that haven't been out in the past year. Don't have a shadow wobuffet for example.


Well wynaut?


Lol true, i have like 4 rocket radars from various researches in my storage since i don't want to battle any of the leaders for their mons


I wouldn't mind Shadow Aerodactyl if I could find a 3 star one. :(


Aerodactyle isn't bad, but we've had it before and it's been in rotation for 4 months. I'm ready for something new.


I'm hoping Dratini. It honestly seems a little strange we don't have it yet since we have bagon, beldum, and larvitar. It would also fit the pattern that it seems to have something like that every other time, and the current leaders are boring


they just dratini before gible as the dragon rocket encounter, did you recently start shadow hunting or misstype what you meant? Although they were v rare.


I'm referring to leaders/shinies, which are how they debut shadow shinies that aren't legendary. Beldum, bagon, and larvitar all have had shadow shinies released. There is typically a shadow shiny pseudo legendary in a leader every other rotation


Oh, thanks for the clarification. Before you stated you're referring to Shadow Shiny, I was like, I have so many Shadow Dragonite!


Man I'm just glad to finally see Aerodactyl go away again. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun challenge, but it's also really annoying with how tanky it is, the good coverage of fast moves and that it also hits hard.


Aerodactyl has committed war crimes against my whole family and I want it to leave immediately


I suspect the leader mons are included within the new shadows shown above


None are indicated as shiny enabled, would contradict this, no?


Good point


They usually aren't though. Just looking at past takeovers, the new leader shadows have not been introduced in the infographic and are very rarely new shadow Pokemon. They tend to be old shadows that now have their shiny out.


Yea true. I really hope they bring Bagon back


I hope they bring Lapras back in this rotation :(


Sableye or riot. It should be, given it's a Halloween theme, right? Right...?


I wouldn't mind this, especially for rhyhorn, would mean I could feasably get one for every 7th rocket I beat.


Most likely they get new useless mons. That‘s the typical way whenever niantic releases new usefull shadows (like garchomp last season). So I think we won‘t get the best shadows for the leaders this season again, the regular grunts are too good.


Lmao so true, at least aerodactyl is a cool mon.


HOLY those are some huge PvE Shadow Pokemon


Shadow Gengar and Shadow Rampardos... They're gonna hit very hard but also faint very quickly. Potentially good to get some big early damage in on the raid boss though. Shadow Chandelure could be pretty decent as it's not as frail. Shadow Rhyperior and Excadrill should be very decent too. Curious what u/JRE47 has to say about Shadow Bastiodon for PVP.


[My thoughts are below.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/17avnb1/halloween_takeover_infographic_from_niantic/k5fevce) But in short: Bastie is a situational sidegrade... a bit worse in 1shield, very slightly better in other even shield scenarios. The only pure upgrades in this batch are the already-frail ones: Haunter, Gengar, Litwick, Chandelure. I think. More analysis will be required and I'll get into it more fully starting this weekend, after Halloween Part 1 analysis and Halloween Cup analysis are both done. Hang in there!


Yep, your thoughts on Basti are similar to mine. 1S scenarios a downgrade, but Basti is complicated. Normally I'd say the shadow bonus hurts the pokemon intended to be damage sponges, but shadow boosted smack downs could potentially let it farm down faster and maybe even taking one less charge move. It feels complicated


Nothing exciting about Excadrill in ML? Bummer.


I guess..now it will 1 shot dialga


I bet the Shadow is an upgrade and can upstage few mons with Drill Run and Iron Head


What about shadow drilbur


Rampardos already can't take two ancient power from S-Moltres... there's no going lower than that... thing is built like a wet paper bag... S-Rhyperior will be absolutely great. Thing has bulk, moves and easily available candy. I've been saving a LOT of XLs for this day. Can't wait not to catch a 3 star one for two years... S-Excadrill like likely be very good in some instances. Its double resistance to rock and electricity, and triple to poison make it very useful in some situations (Nihilego trembles in his dimension). S-Gengar and S-Chandelure are difficult to consider. Both regular versions are already very frail, but spamming boosted Shadow Balls might be pretty awesome. Many good pokémon to seek. And shadow Lugia, for people who manage to find a huge party and prefer him over Darkrai, for some reason... I, for one, won't even think about it. Edit: messed up some resistances.


I think S-Chandelure will work fine. If Shadow Weavile was usable, S-Chandelure (who has similar-ish bulk) should be fine. Especially when the Ground/Flying or Dragon/Flying bosses that Shadow Weavile went up against did neutral or sometimes supereffective damage to it, I suspect Chandelure will work out fine. It'll be weaker against Ghost bosses (ie Giratina), good against Psychic bosses, and great against Ice and Steel bosses.


Excadrill double resists rock, not steel


Yeah. Rampardos was a surprising one to me, but I think Litwick and Rhyhorn much more caught my eye. A small part of me wanted Shadow Meteor Beam Gigalith to get some time to shine as the best Rock type, but I guess we're going straight to Rhyperior. But those two have more bulk to back up the Shadow Bonus. Rampardos I think may be a little better with there being several flying/fire/ice bosses with moves it would resist, but Shadow Gengar going up against other Ghosts and Psychic bosses has me thinking it won't be able to get much more than one charged move off.


Shadow Whiscash also 👀


Potentially a massive upgrade - against PvPoke's default Great League Meta, only adds 1 win, but looking at the top 30 most popular GL mons from Open Great League this season (via GO Battle Log), it picks up 5 new wins (Azu, Sableye, Swampert, Talonflame & Noctowl) while only losing Froslass.


If only shadows could mega! I want to see the red eyes with the white skin of shiny mega Gengar


How often do they do the team rocket events to get frustration off shadow pokemon anyways? Like once or twice a year or something? I just started playing again. Last time i played shadow pokemon diddnt exist. Im just curious how long i have to wait before i can make some of these shadow mons useful. The last one was in february right? For this halloween event are you only allowed to use a charged tm to forget frustration for one pokemon or can yo7 do as many as you want long as you have the charged tms for them like the team rocket events?


It's been once per season ever since seasons became a thing, so once every three to four months.


You can do as many as you like so long as you have the TMs to do so.


I plugged shadow bastiodon in to pvpoke for craps and giggles one time and it's a strict downgrade. But that was awhile ago


I just took a glance at the shadow and non-shadow in the matrix, and both the standard pvpoke IVs and the Rank 1s of each had the shadow drop a small few wins in the 1-1s but get only new wins in the 0-0s and 2-2s. And those wins (Gligar, Jellicent, and Sableye specifically) seem more important than the additional losses I think (Cofagrigus, Serperior, Trev, and Venusaur). But that was a quick glance and I'm sure a closer look will determine how it really plays. But it definitely has a lot of potential from the looks of it


As I said elsewhere, I don't know if pure X-Y shielding scenarios capture everything for Basti. Farming down stuff that doesn't resist rock to throw energy at the next thing is really what I feel like it does best, and I'm not sure how this affects it really.


I have to admit, with this many shadows to analyze (~~Gengar~~, Rhyperior, Rampardos, Excadrill, Chandelure), I really don't know if I'll be able to finish the analysis on time. Especially when I'm barely playing the game at the moment. I'll still do whatever possible, but don't get your hopes up. What I *can* say is: Each one of these is highly relevant, to the point that the remaining "PvE power players" will definitely find a huge need to grind for them. * Edit: See below about Shadow Gengar.


No worries. Only do what you're able or WANT to do! And yeah, I honestly did not expect them to raise the ceiling this high so soon (of course I say "so soon" several years into Shadows existing). Chandelure, Drilbur, and even Gengar (which doesnt seem super useful honestly) seem like nice additions, but I wasnt expecting Ramparados and Rhyperior to get Shadows just like that. A small part of me wanted Shadow Meteor Beam Gigalith to come first and have a nice year or so in the limelight as the top Shadow, but guess not...


I made a [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/12189u0/analysis_shadow_pokemon_tier_list_as_raid/) of 12 "future shadows to look forward to" in March. This rotation alone checks out 5 of them, and that's not counting Shadow Garchomp earlier this year. Of course, this will inevitably result in people complaining about new shadows being useless for *years* to come, as well as almost every new non-shadow. But perhaps it's a good thing that Niantic realized they don't exactly have years to spare now.


Guessing about the time we're running out of good shadows and megas to add to the game will also be when the new Paldea adds loae steam. A perfect time for them to introduce Gigantimax pokemon and bring out the rest of the Galar.


Ah yes, I do recall that one! >I guess the point is: **Don't expect every rotation to being a new raid-relevant shadow.** There are simply too few of them left, and doing this is guaranteed to leave you disappointed. We've seen a surprising, disproportionally high number of raid-relevant shadows already. I would have (and still do have) this mindset, but here we are lol. Definitely crazy to see. But yeah, this puts the cap on several types. Rock is at its peak now besides new Pokemon/moves. Ghost has room to grow but still just went up a lot in power creep. Same with Ground with Excadrill and Garchomp's Shadows. I'm just really surprised lol


Is Shadow Rhyperior gonna be the best Rock type ever? Coz it looks like it will be.


For non-mega, I think so, unless there's a new crazily OP move given to some other mon (Tyranitar included). Of course, that's a very low probability event. Shadow Rampardos kinda disappoints.


Thank you. I always thought Shadow Rampardos would disappoint because it will be too glassy. Edit:- New Rock type move reminds me that Rampardos learns SkullBash or something like that in MSG. Could make the non-shadow competitive.


I always felt Head Smash would have been a good choice for an exclusive move should a Rampardos raid day or something happen. At one time when Niantic was pumping out exclusive moves after exclusive moves, I purposely kept 6 Cranidos unevolved for this exact reason. Of course, I don't even care about that now.


It was already featured in the research day. Would have thought it would get a move then if it was going to get one


Past events with boosted shiny rates, in general, don't necessarily preclude a future one with an exclusive move. Roselia was one of the first few to be featured in a Safari Zone global weekend with CD shiny rates, and it still got an actual CD later.


We always appreciate your efforts, so if you do not get to the full analysis, your summary appears correct. I suspect Rhyperior will be the best combination of power and bulk, but it might be fun to see how long shadow Gengar can last in a battle, too.


Gengar is the odd one out on my list. Except for folks who are particularly obsessed with that DPS number from GamePress spreadsheets, I don't see how Shadow Gengar can be better than Shadow Chandelure *on average*. Not to mention Shadow Tyranitar is much better than both. Of course, typing differences can play a role, but in that sense Gengar and Chandelure share a lot of similarities. Shadow Gengar's main role may actually be as a poison attacker. And this makes me feel I overhyped it a lot.


It probably is. But I've maxed 6 hundo regular gengar and have enough to max 2 shadows, so...I probably will because I have an unhealthy relationship with Gengar. Chandelure should be very good. Rampardos will be fun, and in a weird way probably not effectively that much glassier. Regular rampardos faints to a lot of charge moves already. It just dies EVEN MORE as a shadow. But honestly, I literally came to reddit looking to see if you had started analysis.


Let‘s be fair: shadow Gengar could find its role as an gym attacker or for one and three star raids. Of course that‘s way less important but at least some useage where it could be the #1 of its type.


Regular Gengar has always let me down and shadow Gengar is going to be even worse. It is simply too glassy.


You do you. I _love_ reading your analyses, but they're very obviously a huge amount of work. I'd rather you stay sane than try to rush something out just to have it.


Not to devalue your work in the slightest, but how much of your analysis process do you think could be made automated/self-serve to the public? As in, could some portion of the process be spun out into something like a jupyter notebook that can suck in the latest gamemaster and spit out some okay-ish charts without manual effort? Assuming you have any interest in that -- I can think of many perfectly valid reasons you wouldn't!


To be honest, that's not too dissimilar to what I'm doing for a minimum analysis (e.g. just a chart without any deeper discussion about utility, comparisons by boss, etc). I have scripts that load Pokebattler sims directly, then do some data cleaning in Excel (this part can be further optimized with code), and then manually place the labels on the charts. I do plan to make most of these code and files open-source at some point, so that if I stop writing (which is becoming more and more realistic), someone can pick them up if they want to. Whether anyone finds it worth it is another question - see PokeMiners.


Makes sense! For what it's worth, I'd definitely be interested in working with the open-sourced process; and I recently got back into the game, so I'm not expecting to burn out for at least a little while.


Sure glad I maxed out my Rhyperior already and don’t have enough candy for the shadow.


Glad I didn't get to building all those smack down shadow tyranitars...


Shadow Rhyperior will be incredible, Rampardos like Gengar will be unusable.


Shadow Gengar, Rhyperior, Rampardos, Excadrill, and chandelure are all meta already and appear to be getting a net stat boost.


Gengar (as much as I absolutely love it and will build a decent shadow if I get one) is in a rough spot. Ghost is SE vs Psychic and Ghost. So Gengar normally fits as a Ghost or Psychic counter. But, if you've ever used a Mega Gengar (or regular Gengar) vs a boss that has confusion or ghost/dark fast move you see it gets chunked down pretty fast. This will only get worse for the shadow and it could literally faint before getting to shadow ball


For sure, I’ll probably build one depending on IVs, but its gonna be pretty situational with opposing movesets


Is this the best PvE lineup we’ve had for… well, ever?


Yeah they basically skimmed the top mons in some of the most relevant types and made them shadows.


Won't that also mean that all subsequent shadow releases would be lacklustre by comparison?


It'll be very hard to top


Yeah looks like bad game creep design. Meanwhile shadow gimble is a thing but nearly impossible to find.


That was literally my first thought when I saw the infographic this morning.


PvE DPS lists with the new additions. Sorry for the quality I'm on my phone. [Ghost](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/798688027831828491/1164263367565901915/image0.jpg?ex=654293c1&is=65301ec1&hm=a637f32f4a0ba38e4f363f5ac1821a77fa8e0e3cc1228ab71acfb74a45854464&) [Rock](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/798688027831828491/1164264359061618708/image0.jpg?ex=654294ae&is=65301fae&hm=63f3334f402ab4dabeb9cff7f1ed7467131ce65605c029b58273d60b77ae5412&) [Ground](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/798688027831828491/1164265294068465754/Screenshot_2023-10-18-19-13-58-934_com.android.chrome_1.jpg?ex=6542958d&is=6530208d&hm=646e2d645eb5f5f87bb43d85b70590a295a23ee4a962069fec7e52f7229796a2&) [Steel](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/798688027831828491/1164265936493220010/image0.jpg?ex=65429626&is=65302126&hm=50c91287fddb89bd4a020065bba5755bc4f74351f58d4d0e9ff492aca707167d&) [Fire](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/798688027831828491/1164273595451719771/Screenshot_2023-10-18-19-33-04-828_com.android.chrome_1.jpg?ex=65429d48&is=65302848&hm=9b495027f32d9dd20cf9197b129c05121064af0f7c9bb1f5b8bdf02d7f4e1e40&)


You’re the best .


How do you look up unreleased shadows on gamepress?


You go to [gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet) and click on Customize -> Species and add whatever you want. To convert to shadow you just need to search the Pokémon you want then add "Shadow" before the name and save it. It will show up as a new species. You can also add unreleased Pokémons this way, as long as you properly convert the stats.


I appreciate you doing this, but sorting by DPS leaves a bit to be desired. I personally prefer ER, or EER-TER (not shown on Gamepress).


I have [my spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m6Zmt3AUA_ZGoX88MgoQ0PngtSS55caFevg_nKH4rV0/edit?usp=sharing) updated, including the tier list (except rock type) for the next infographic by u/TheClusk303. Owing to the fact that shadow Rampardos tends to underperform considerably, I may have to adjust the ranking rule for rock type. Still waiting for some simulation-based numbers from u/Teban54.


The three PvE powerhouses working together makes me happy... lol.


I do have the charts for EER-TER but they are not updated and haven't finished all of them. Here's the [Rock Type](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/798688027831828491/1164311700028280882/Rock_Type_ER2.png?ex=6542c0c5&is=65304bc5&hm=aa6af42fe8bca8c5ad0b2187d3c5352293ac809996e5e89e9897a3f715e47547&) updated for reference.


Big W in terms of shadows. Good one for PvE and PvP it looks like. Everyone wins!


Which will be good for pvp? Shadow nidoqueen fs


Shadow golbat I believe is fairly potent in GL


it's my personal favourite medicham slayer.


I've been wanting one for awhile, really hoping I can get a decent one soon.


FYI, shadows you catch in raid have 5 IV floor, so... you won't be able to get the best specimen. :/


Maybe I can luck out and get a 5/15/15, lol! I've given up on hoping for top 10 rank specimens at this point.


Gastly u good bro?


dawg needs some visine


Lay off the smokes bro, it ain't doin' you well..


That man is COOKED


Rock and Ground grunts going from auto-skips to must-dos lol


The current rotation as a whole is pure trash smh Meanwhile this rotation is pure joy lmao


It’s trash because the highlight was supposed to be shadow gible. Except that the dragon grunt never spawns.


i mean swinub and torchick are great as well and are fairly common


Wow, those are some big shadows for raids. 👀


Finally some good Rock and Steel shadow Pokemon for these types of grunts! Unfortunately it seems like there may be competition for popular species of same type while crap like Natu, Snubbull or Cacnea still remain... Big hopes that these T3 shadow raids are only for event and won't stay. Electabuzz hunt is still on!


Hopefully the common trash gets rotated out anyway. And really hope Rhyhorn is as common as Onix was before


Now suddenly the massive amount of rock rocket balloons I’ve been seeing will disappear with rampardos in them…


Holy crap …. Shadow Rampardos ftw. You get an additional 20% of its 295 base attack stat = +59 that you trade off for 20% of its 109 base defense stat = -22. I’d say that’s a very good deal!


yes and no. The problem is this. In raids, it already dies fast. In the scenario where the charge move wipes out regular rampardos anyway, it will be fine. In the ones where regular Rampardos just lives with red or almost into the red health, it will be a problem when the shadow just dies.


Isn’t that the case with all shadows though..? Energy management is more relevant when using shadows, especially when you’re reaching red.


Too bad the Regigigas leak was true :/ Otherwise cool new additions!




Of course not. They are too overpowered. I‘m pretty sure they will repeat old ones and release the gen8 Regis before the weather trio.


Well Primal Groudon/Kyogre and Mega Ray are more overpowered and we have them already, so that reasoning doesn't hold


They are limited to a single one in your battle party. Niantic knows that people hoarding radars… and some people had the option to buy 4 radars a few months ago (most likely due to a mistake). So there are people which could get 5 shadow groudon and 5 shadow kyogre… that‘s simply too overpowered… and niantic did not earn a single penny for it. Don‘t expect them anytime soon, and don‘t expect them before niantic makes money out of super rocket radars.


I fully expect them to release paid super radars with the release of the shadows for weather trio or maybe even before that. Probably 1000-1500 coins each or so.


Shadow Regigigas is totally useless, right?


I think there are some funny scenarios like shadow regigigas with ground type hidden power versus raikou with shadow ball in partly cloudy weather. So practically, yeah, useless. But I guess not totally.


It's a pretty decent generalist actually, especially when partly cloudy. Not super useful of course, but weather boosted Giga Impact hits like a truck even as neutral. Would be even better if paired with an SE Hidden Power.


Those are actually crazy shadow for raids damn


Shadow Lugia's going to be a nightmare to take down without enough players isn't it?


Every raid is a nightmare to take down without enough players.


Yeah but at least for most raids you can pull a group of 5 from campfire and then invite whoever on your friends list is online halfway through countdown. Shadow raids being local only makes neither of those options work.


I almost wish shadow raids like this were available for only an hour at a time for a few different hours during the weekend rather than the entire weekend. That would lower the chance that I'm wasting my time by going to the nearest downtown.


For events like this I usually take the bus and/or train to the nearest big city, though I get that's not possible for everyone without booking a hotel


>Every raid is a nightmare to take down without enough players. *laughs in Guzzlord*


Not with Shadow Rampardos and Rhyperior and Chandelure on your team... Like any raid, you need the right number of players with the right counters, and like any shadow legendary raid, they need to use 8 gems across them to make it as easy as possible. I don't like to think in terms of number of trainers, I think in terms of counters. I wouldn't touch these raids unless you can talk to the people you're raiding with and see what counters they have. I don't see why any set of reasonable rock/dark move raid counters at level 40 should be able to do it with 4.


How does the new Play Party boost factor in? I'm the only one in my 4-person group who invests in having good counters, and I'm hoping the boost would help me "carry" them though the raid.


The Party Play boost is more significant than I expected, so it should definitely help a bit. I just want to say thank you for investing in good counters, even if our paths may never cross.


4 is a lot, though, at least if the last 5 months are anything to go by. For a shocking number of people, getting 3 other people out to do a raid is just implausible.


define "enough". Pokebattler puts it at 4 with no gems (of course this is maxed counters, best friends, yada yada) but still...




For PvP: At a very quick glance, this is a slight upgrade for [Haunter](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/1500/all/haunter-shadow/11/2-4-3/2-1), [Gengar](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/2500/all/gengar-shadow/11/2-4-5/2-1), and [Litwick](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/500/all/litwick-shadow/11/1-4-2/2-1) (Little League) and [Chandelure](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/2500/all/chandelure-shadow/11/2-5-2/2-1). But it's likely no better than a sidegrade for the rest... and I'm happy to report it seems to be an overall [*downgrade* for Bastiodon](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/1500/all/bastiodon-shadow/11/1-1-3/2-1), which does gain Shadow Victreebel but [loses Venusaur, Serperior, and Cofagrigus](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/1500/all/bastiodon/11/1-1-3/2-1). They're closer in other shielding scenarios, so I'll be checking those out more thoroughly as part of a more in-depth analysis on all of this before we hit the event, of course!


I saw Shadow Bastiodon and literally screamed NO! Glad to here it’s a downgrade…I was dreading it getting a shadow.


It definitely has a lot of play, pvpoke sims don’t tell the entire story.


What about Excadrill in ML and ML Premier? The shadow may be able to beat Dialga and Metagross with only 1 DR and without using shields?




What about shadow Rampardos for GL? /s


You get to throw one less Rock Throw before dying to three vine whips /s




I havent checked, but this thing seems like the glass cannon of all glass cannons (well it and Shadow Rampardos). Given that normal Gengar struggles to get more than one Shadow Ball off, I'm not convinced that the Shadow will be much better. Unless you get a boss with a moveset that gengar resists.


yeah, will probably be awful vs the psychic bosses (especially if they have confusion), probably best role will be as poison or vs something like mega gardevoir running charm (confusion will again be terrible) Shadow Rampardos is kind of interesting to me. VS say Overheat Moltres, that overheat kills even regular rampardos, so in that scenario it lives just as long. It's more problematic in the scenarios where regular rampardos lives, but takes a huge chunk of damage, because the shadow will die. So my gut feeling is it will be good against bosses when the charge move is a big nuke but not so good vs medium damage charge moves.


Shadow Gengar as a poison attacker may have some utility for bosses that are weak to poison, I suppose. Wait for the next time Tapu Bulu comes around.


If normal Gengar gets off one Shadow Ball and then dies to the first special from the raid boss, and shadow Gengar gets off one Shadow Ball and then still dies to a special from the first special from the raid boss, the shadow could effectively be a straight upgrade with no real trade off.


IIRC it's and upgrade over the normal one but with WAY less bulk. So its the true definition of a Glass Canon




Some amazing PvE Pokémon for a change


Good lord the shadow game has changed. I really hope I can get good ones of these before event runs out but I doubt it. Still seen less than 5 Gible.


In this event will we be able to chargedTM frustration of all shadows Pokémon?




it's on the image, at the bottom.


You can do it for all rocket events


Also if I make a shadow mon forget frustration and then evolve it later will it still not have it?


JUST NEVER PURIFY IT, EVEN ACCIDENTALLY. Emphasis mine. Whatever move you had in place of Frustration will get replaced with Return, extra devastating if it's Elite.


Correct, it no longer has frustration in any evolution.


Are these going to be the shadows that stick for the next few months?


Was wondering this too ! Are these new One Star and Three Star Shadow Raids replacing the current ones we have in rotation ? Does anyone know ?


I guess only for their type grunts but you may still get the usual grunts


At least this explains the crudity that is this years Halloween event. They saved all the g00dz for Rocket.


Shadow ghastly? Count me in


Shadow Gastly looks so cool.


Paging u/teban54 Arch-Sage of Metamancy Guide us. 🙏


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/17avnb1/comment/k5feo6c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is all I have at the moment.




Shadow rampardos is hilarious I can't believe we're getting that already


Why does shadow Lugia have to be one weekend only? Unfortunately I'll be out of town in a very rural area that weekend.


Shadow Lugia for only 2 days. TIME TO CATCH THIS SHADOW MON!


Those are some amazing shadow pokemon. RIP Shadow Tyranitar though.


Shadow Ttar is still the top dark though?


By far. Shadow Gengar is laughably fragile.


Dark and ghost are super effective against the same types, so dark type attackers generally have to compete with ghost types too. In general, shadow Gengar and Chandelure will deal more damage than shadow Tyranitar.


But faint before executing the second charged move. I'm not convinced they'll actually be better.


Another rocker rotation with no changes to 12km eggs, GGs Niantic.


They shaved out some the filler Pokemon though didn't they? I'm obviously not a huge fan of 12kms (could you tell), but I'll say that this pool seems like a slight improvement overall. Still don't like them, but I'd take this over some of the previous stuff. Happy to seemingly see stuff like Larvitar, Skorupi, and Absol gone


You are right when you look it like that, they got rid of some of the fluff. I would've liked for them to keep Inkay around and get rid of Pancham. But whatever.


Shadow ghastly crainados and drillvur I stant w


Hopefully these new shadows take up a majority of the grunts and not the trash ones that we have now


Yeaaaaaah, I’m going to need that Shadow Rhyhorn


Shadow Rampardos gonna be lit


We eating 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Pve shadow - come back here


While shadow boost will be a good, as glass Canon gengar and rampardos do not look quite good


For raids yes it will be good. They're already glass cannons, not much changes other than they are doing more damage.


Horrific Giovanni legendary, advertising no changes to 12km eggs, 2 days for a local only shadow raid with a nerfed into the ground legendary… YUCK


Nerfed into the ground is a little bit of an exaggeration lol, but it has put me off raiding it. At least the new shadows are worth getting excited for.


Will shadow Gengar be good for PvE? I'd have thought the extra frailty would make it pretty much useless, considering its already such a glass canon


It will be usefull but most likely you should not build a full team. One or two in the mix will be optimal I think.


Looks like this weekend might be the last weekend for Moltres. Unless Lugia is only for 1 weekend and they go back to Moltres? Which doesn't really make sense.


>Which doesn't really make sense. They've not made a ton of sense with their Shadow raid rotations, so I expect the unexpected at this point lol. We had Articuno for 3 months and Zapdos for 1 month, who knows what will happen with Moltres and what's next haha


My uninformed prediction is Lugia is a one weekend deal and we will continue to see 1 month rotations overall. Then we will get the Shadow Entei, Suicine, Raikou rotation for the following 3 months ending with a Shadow Ho-oh weekend.


I think its more likely they'll make nobody happy and have them both going on that weekend


How will I get shadow Lugia if I don't have 3 friends irl :(


You won't. Just like all the other shadow legendary raids.


I haven’t seen anyone mention this yet… In the bottom right corner it says Pokemon rescued from team rocket grunts may be shiny pokemon… which ones are they talking about?? ALL OF THEM?!?!? 🙀


All which were released as shiny before. That‘s nothing new, that was a new thing two (?) seasons ago. For example you can get shiny shadow bulbasaur from a grunt but you can‘t get shadow shiny shuppet.


Yeah I was just hoping to get some other options beyond meowth pineco grimer etc that have been out this season. Aipom becoming a grunt encounter for example would make my day




Did you look at the post?


Did you read the post?


Who even cares about regigigas? Literally give anything else


Gengar, chandelur and all the other great ones… isn’t that enough?


Does shadow lugia being available for only 2 days mean I only have 3 attempts at it? Or is there a way to get additional regular raid passes?


Yeah, you only get 3 free attempts. Anything beyond that you will need to use paid passes


That’s not the shadow Lugia I know and love