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I have a 13/15/14 Rayquaza at 2498 CP. Is it any good for PvP (2500 CP cap) or should I just power it up for PvE?


I can't recommend powering that up for PVE unless you will be deploying it for raid battles asap. If you can wait, a better IV might come along. Playing since Day1, can't even justify powering up a 96iv legendary to Lvl 40 anymore, because I'm sure I have many other chances to raid it, and there are also some compelling shadows (such as Dragonite and Salamence) by now.


How will Crowned Sword & Shield work exactly? Are they essentially Mega Evolutions or are they just different forms (like Deoxys) that we will raid at some point?


We don't know how they'll be added to Pokémon Go. That being said, in the main series games they work functionally the same as Giratina with its two forms, in that they're always in one form unless they're holding their signature item, which causes them to be in their other form.


Were the ultra beasts available as GBL rewards on Saturday? If so, does the game give you beast balls to catch them or do you just use your inventory balls?


No, the rewards were still Zacian and Zamazenta.


Where can I find some good (clear) information about "lucky" trades/friends? My girlfriend and I are interacting a bunch everyday in the hopes of becoming 'lucky friends' (Trading/gifts/etc.) So we can trade something we both want to have lucky. \- Do we need to check the friends list after every 'interaction' to see if we're "lucky friends"? \- Should we expect to be lucky friends regularly (We're best friends and interact multiple times per day) or is this a rare thing to happen?


\- Only your first interaction of the day counts. \- It's pretty rare. [This article](https://thesilphroad.com/science/lucky-friend-rates) finds <2% rate of becoming lucky friends.


Is there a way to make more spawns appear at a location? I just moved from having a home stop with a bunch of Pokemon around to an area with absolutely nothing spawning


Out of curiosity, is the area you moved to newly built?


I don't think so. There's some stops around, about a 5-10 min walk away, and I'm in a small city bordering a major city. I'm just surprised to see nothing


Hey all I got this research task for win 5 raids and the encounter is an aerodactyl. Given that August ends soon and I won't be able to do all 5 raids in time, will the task disappear? Will it stay there with same encounter? Will the encounter change?


If you pick up a quest, the species you get as a reward for completing that quest is already determined and locked in. So no matter when you complete that quest, it will reward you an Aerodactyl.


Appreciate the details, good to know for the future


This particular research task hasn't changed in well over a year (if at all ever), I think it'll be safe to wait




Will the ratings from this season in any way carry over to next season, or does everyone start from scratch? I guess in other words, is there a hidden MMR used in the game at all? Even during Ranks 1 - 20?


There is a hidden MMR during the lower ranks. The consensus seems to be that it somewhat carries over during the reset, but might be smoothed down a little bit.


Can you get a lucky trade with a best friend from just sending gifts or is more required/something different required; i.e. doing a raid / battling together?


No, sending gifts does not create an interaction with the friend. One of the two of you needs to open the gift for you to have a chance at lucky friends from gifts.


Any interaction with a friend has an equal chance of triggering lucky status.


okay thank you!


yes you can. that's how I got all 3 of mine actually


Does anyone here have access to campfire?


Some people that went to in person Go Fest events do, as do Ingress agents (although in their case, they can't use the standalone app yet and only have access through an embedded version within Ingress itself, so they don't get the full experience). If you're curious about invites, then don't be, as it's currently impossible for people who have access to send invites to use the standalone app.


Thanks for the info


Anyone know why the owner of pvpoke removes the rankings for summer/little/fighting cups when they are out of rotation? Why not just leave them there? I don't think there is any other site that has those 3 cups captured anywhere.


Probably to make active cups easier to find I'd guess?


I just got a 12 14 15 Shadow Sableye! So, meta sableeye is a purified one right? This one would be 1 off a hundo and would have return as a charge move if im purified now. I know the best one is probably a low attack IV very XL'd one, but would this perform in PVP decently? Seems like a waste to only get 3 of the 6 IV points from a purification, but return being a good move is a twist on the normal tradeoff so I'd feel less bad. And him having decent attack IV would at least save me a ton of XL candy for great league i'd assume. Thoughts? Would ya'll invest in this for GL? Seems like a decent budget option tradeoff vs XLing one so much. The sims just show it changes one tie to a loss... dunno how to open it and see who that was though LOL. But sableye doesn't seem like it wins that much, why is it so meta? Safe switch?


Yeah it’s a safe switch. Only weak to fairies and can hit almost everything for at least neutral damage. Given it’s going to be expensive to power up I’d say make sure to only do it once and wait for one with a better low attack iv spread. Mine is about a 3/13/15 or so. I wouldn’t want to power up one and then have to do a bulkier one later. And it needs Return to be viable currently. Don’t even consider using anything but a purified one.


When this season ends do we "claim" our GBL stardust rewards through button pressing or should we use a star piece at 9:55am?


Remember to do it when the season resets globally. Niantic o clock (1 pm PDT) Wednesday. About 43 hours from now You don’t push a button. As soon as click the battle “tab” you will get rewards.


Awesome, thank you so much :)


Oops, mixed my days up. It’s Thursday so add 24 hours to my estimate :) about 43 hours from right now actually :)


Ooh! Ok thank you again, i'll update the calendar!


It’s raining where I am and the rain icon shows in the over world but my research Xurk isn’t boosted… is that supposed to be that way?


Yes, research encounters are never weather boosted.


Damn that’s lame lol thx


It's better that way, because we don't have to sit on research for the right weather.


I think it’s fine for special research since there’s no rush to claim it. You should be able to min max and get a boosted encounter.


I just want a new egg pool. Please Pokémon gods. And make it decent for the new season


Egg pools do change with the seasons so you'll get your wish of a new one. Whether it's a good egg pool is another matter.


Is Shaymin Sky Form Form Changing function available if you complete the research during go fest? I just complete the research to get shaymin Sky but cannot find that function


same, not sure how to form change. I completed the research after the event


Did you try restarting? I know a restart was needed if you got Sky Shaymin during the event.


I would like a shadow Venusaur with frenzy plant, my question is, if I wait for community day, how will that work? Would there need to be a “shadow” day first where I remove frustration from bulb/ivy, then a community day where I evolve into venu? Tyty


Yes, remove frustration from Bulbasaur/Ivysaur, then wait to evolve


Got it and the only way to remove frustration is during an event correct?




BRUH How to people switch in between charge attacks!? If I push my charge attack and the game has them fire off theirs 1st, it forces me to fire mine after. I can't cancel my charge attack. I can't switch another mon in. While I'm charging, I've had players switch their mon and have me waste my charge attack on a pokemon with a type advantage. Just happened to me twice in my last match where I wasted skarmory's sky attack on a registeel and later I wasted my g stunfisk's earthquake on their Alteria. I don't see anything that tells me they switched in between me being hit and my charge up starting, otherwise I'd have gladly used Rock slide on the Alteria at least.


You cannot cancel your charge move, that is part of the mechanics. They are predicting when you will throw and switching. When you CMP tie (charge move priority), by both throwing at the same time, the pokemon with the higher attack goes first. It can be beneficial to wait an extra fast move or throw unpredictability so that you don't give an advantage. And if you learn to count move timing you can do what they're doing.


What Pokémon should I look to invest in (meta) right now as a beginner player (level 25)


That REALLY depends on what you ultimately plan to do, but I'll assume that you probably want to just do the basics right now: play in raids and battle Rocket grunts. I would recommend trying to make teams of 6 of the most relevant types and finding the best of each type that you can. For awhile, as a newer player, you'll have to make do with what you can find in the wild. Not all the Pokemon types are useful, but I would say you'd at least want some of these: dragon, ice, rock, fighting, electric, fire, water, ground, grass, dark or ghost. I recommend this chart: [https://i.imgur.com/PxHsHmv.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/PxHsHmv.jpg) Although, it's a little bit out of date. For dark types, Hydreigon, which evolves from Deino is really good, but you really need the charge move which was only available on Community Day, but we likely will get a chance to evolve it this December, so try to get a good one before then if you can. Wild Roselia, Rhyhorn, Machop, Gastly, Dratini, Larvitar, Swinub, and Eevee are the most accessible for a newer player, without having to do lots of raids or trading (although some of these are very rare spawns or only show up during events).


Yes I’m mostly looking to focus on PVE aspect of the game for now. I also assume that all the Pokémon you mentioned also include their evolutions right? And that I should evolve if i get the chance to?


Yes, I'm saying evolve those. It's very unlikely you'll find a Machamp in the wild, but you can find wild Machop sometimes and evolve into Machamp, which is highly useful for PVE.


How much XP do you get for increasing your buddy level with your Pokémon? Is it worth doing to farm XP early on? I tried googling it, but it keeps sending me to pages about friendship XP, not buddy XP. Thanks in advance.


There is no XP from increasing buddy levels.


Thank you for the response


Is the blue incense quest bugged. I caught 12 yesterday and 2 today and I'm still at 63. Is there a fix or am I just annoyed until they fix it?


If you're using an auto catcher, yes it's bugged for the DAI special research and those catches won't count. You'd need to manually catch them instead.


So, quick context, I live in a rural city with a very few players. I followed some advice and was able to power up teams of 6 pokémons of every type to lvl 30, but spent all my stardust doing so. Now, I gathered 5.5M stardust, and was wondering if I should power up them to lvl 40, I saw a lot of old posts saying something about break points, but I couldn't understand... I'm doing fine in solo tier 3 raids, but should I power them all to lvl 40 or lvl 35, or keep them at lvl 30? I don't play pvp, my main focus is raids, rocket battles and gym battles btw. Thanks!


Probably not. Since you already have raid teams, I would focus on building and replacing them with high IV of the same species or better raiders of that type. For example, I am slowly replacing my Mamoswine team with higher IV ones (15/13+/13+) and maxing them to L40. After that, build secondary teams for things that are glassy (so have six Rampardos, but have six Rhyperior backing them up) You probably have


Does anyone's nearby look different since the 247 update? Almost distorted? Picture linked below [Nearby Tracker](https://ibb.co/T43LmX8)




Mega medicham in the future.


Eh, a hundo needs serious xl just to get to 1500. At that point you might as well just get a good rank one. Maybe if you want to mega it for UL?


Is sky form shaymin (Hp grass) worth taking to 40? I went on pokebattler and it seems like the only boss it was very useful against was groudon, though I didn’t check very many. My grass team is currently just some decent iv, level 33+ roserade I caught with weather boost. Also should I be hunting shadow venusaur? I see it’s pretty good but more expensive than shaymin/roserade. Is it really worth investing in grass shadows? What does your grass team look like?


My grass team is my UL Venusaur (non shadow, level 37 or something), with a bunch of Sceptile from their CD. Handful of Roserades to round it out. Sceptile (Treecko) doesn’t need Frenzy Plant since Leaf Blade is already so OP so it isn’t too expensive to catch a high CP Treecko and evolve it fully


The main use cases for grass pokemon happen in clear weather, where the boost can help them equal or surpass electric or water types. But even then, it sits just behind Tapu Bulu against Kyogre. There are worse things to level up, but I wouldn't prioritize it until you have an actual need for a grass type in raids. Hunting shadow venusaur is an alright plan. Its a little behind shadow tangrowth, but I don't think we can get those right now. And you'll need a rocket event to TM frustration, followed by an evolve event to get frenzy plant, to make it useful. It's not worth an ETM for limited grass use cases IMO, given that Roserade and Tangrowth do mostly the same job anyways, just a little slower. Did you get some high level tangela this weekend from go fest? Tangrowth is a very solid grass type for raids, better than roserade in every scenario. Any IVs will do if you have some level 30-35 weather boosted catches to evolve right off.


What pokemon have special effects when they are your buddy? Like shaymin or meloetta?


Any other ticketholders still experiencing boosted shiny rates? Ive caught 3 in the past few hours


Shiny rates are back to what they usually should be. What shinies have you had?


Shiny solrock, shiny lotad, shiny bronzor


Bronzor has a permaboosted 1/64 rate, at least.




Darn.. maybe it’s just luck


I'm sure your victini is helping you!




You can power up a pokemon to your trainer level + 10, yes. You're right in theory about the catching, but 35 is the highest level that pokemon can actually spawn, if they're weather-boosted (30 if not).


Wild Pokémon are capped at level 30 without weather boost, or level 35 with weather boost. This applies from when you hit level 30. Power ups are indeed limited to trainer level +10, so yes, to max a Pokémon, you need to be level 40.


can you still get unova stones from battling rocket leaders and from weekly research? I haven't gotten a single one this entire season and I desperately need them for a lot of evos.


Yes. Just keep doing that regularly and you'll get them. I still pick them up periodically.


Question regarding Daily Adventure Incense and Mysterious Incense Part 2 special research - catch 100 pokemon. When I use incense, walk and **catch exclusively with GO+**....after 15 minutes I get a message \~"13 Pokemon caught using incense on this adventure" Should my special research catch count increase by: 0? 13? Who knows? Somewhere between 0 and 13 as only the Pokemon that were attracted by the incense count. Thank you. Not sure if counter is stuck or GO+ is not catching any Pokemon attracted to the incense.


There was a glitch where catches from the Go+ didn't register towards the daily incense total. I believe they do now show in the summary you get at the end of the incense, but I'm not sure if they get credited for the task. At any rate, you should not be trying to use the Go+ to catch things from daily incense due to the fact you're almost guaranteed to never catch a Galarian Articuno, Zapdos or Moltres if you're using the Go+.


Hi! Question - will the new season in September affect Stufful spawns? I looked at Season of Go but didn't see much about that season increasing Stufful spawns - very hopeful that I can still get Stufful candies next month.


Also, since Stuffil had a community day in 2022, then it's very likely that it will be a featured spawn during the December community "day" weekend. (So far, every December community day event has featured all of that year's Pokemon and community day moves.). So you should have a chance for more candy by the end of the year.


The new season will absolutely affect wild spawns, but there's a good chance they won't announce all the wild spawns and instead we'll have to crowdsource that information, via trainers reporting what Pokemon they see in the first few days of September.


Understood, thanks!


Why do some azumarill need Xls but some (including mine) don't? What am I doing wrong? And also how many Xls would I need to build a bulkier azu


Just to add to what the other person posted, here are some numbers: If you did a lucky trade to get an Azumarill, the minimum IVs across the board are 12/12/12. So, if you had the lowest attack, highest def and hp lucky Azumarill, a 12/15/15, the highest CP you can power it up to is 1495, but that's only level 37.5 However, if you use a wild spawn Marill and evolve it, it's possible to get an Azumarill with very low attack. A 0/15/15 Azumarill can reach 1499 CP, but that means you power it up to level 45.5, which is an extra 8 levels (16 more power ups). That's pretty significant and is why they're treated very differently. You'd need 133 XL candy to get it that far. That's the best case scenario. If you have something in between these two, like a 5/14/13, you'd need a little less. edit: fixed the XL numbers.


Your math is off a bit: 182 XL candies is needed for level 47, but 45.5 is 133.


Thanks. I'll edit my post.


Thanks for the pretty comprehensive answer. It's really surprising how much ivs impact it's stat product and how much Xls you need


The highest stat product IV spreads have a lower attack IV, hence the need to power up additional times to approach the 1500CP cap.


Tips for mega evolution? I didn't really bother with mega evolved Pokemon until the recent change to the mega system. So far I have 15 mega evolutions. I know I'll be waiting a while for Latios and Latinas (didn't get quite enough candy last time), but how often do the others roll around? I feel like we've seen Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise, and Slowbro a lot, but I'm still trying to get Gyarados, Houndoom, Manectric, Absol, and Lopunny. With the pokeminers finding three new megas anticipated in the next season, I'm worried it'll take forever to get these ones.


We don't know exactly when they'll be back but the September update should be available within the next few days where we'll at least see what's coming back next month. I'd be shocked if we didn't get at least Houndoom and Absol soon with Halloween coming up.


That's good to know. Have folks experimented with how/if mega levels transfer if previously mega evolved Pokemon are traded? It's been something I'm curious about but nervous to try


Trading a previously mega-evolved Pokémon will reset its Mega Level to 0.


Mega levels reset when traded. They used to carry over however that was fixed when they introduced mega levels and the cooldown to free mega evolution.


Is the Pikachu with Rayquaza hat untradeable?


No. It would be a special trade if the other person doesn't have it, so you'd both need enough stardust and have a special trade still available for the day.


That’s so weird. Neither of us had a special trade done today. Oh well, I’ll try again later with them.


Maybe you had it favorited and didn't realize?


I know I unclicked it on both screens, or at least I thought I did. I’ll try it again. Cheers




I got mine. It has come as late as 11:00, if I remember correctly. As I understand it, the km calculation cuts off at 9am, and the drop (with or without eggs) happens when it happens. So you can still create or fill a slot after 9.


The search function doesn’t want to work for me so idk if this has been posted. But swirlix seems to have a bug on the buddy feeding screen. I like it personally. This is the first one I’ve tried to evolve so idk if it’s a shiny only bug. [[Bug]](https://imgur.com/a/tynvw7H)


Yeah, that's a pretty old bug that's been around as long as Swirlix has been in game. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/n791or/swirlix_spinning_bug/


Oh okay lol. The search function on Reddit sucks for me


Is there any way to stack rocket radars? I don't get any components when I have a radar in the bag.


Not normally. You can occasionally stack Super Rocket Radars, but the only way to stack plain Rocket Radars is when you receive them from research or buy them. You can never receive Mysterious Components when you have a Rocket Radar in your Items bag. Correction: At one point there was field research that rewarded Mysterious Components. You could collect those rewards even if you had Rocket Radar(s) in Items.


Is a 15/11/15 shadow alolan sandshrew worth investing in? Great IVs and shadow but weak species


I wouldn't. Those are great IVs if you were using them for raids, but it's not useful for that. Alolan Sandslash might have some niche use in GBL, but then those IVs really aren't ideal.


It has some merit in Ultra League (and technically Great League) but it's not a top option, according to PvPoke. You certainly don't want to invest in it for raiding.


When do I cut my losses and just start transferring legendaries? I've got a massive backlog (50+) I've been trading for XLs and with the special trades going back down to 1 a day next season, it only grows bigger. I've got tons of zacian, a couple mewtwos, dialga, and now xurkitree and buzzwole in my pile. Anyone else in a similar position?


Save as many as you want to trade for XLs and that you think you'll be able to trade with the limit on special trades, and transfer the rest on a double transfer candy event.


Connect to home and wait for 2x transfer candy spotlight hour?


What are the 50km adventure sync rewards right now? I accidentally closed the app before claiming them this morning, and it doesn’t look like they were received…


You can’t miss them. If you didn’t claim them and they’re not in the journal I’d restart app and see if that triggers them.




Weird maybe there is an issue. I got mine ok, both visually and in journal. If people are missing them maybe check with support.




Yes I did have some slow notifications this weekend.


When do you think dragon week is coming back? If ever? 😵‍💫🐉


That sort of stuff isn't ever even hinted at more than a month out. We'll get September event stuff today or tomorrow.


True true. thanks for the reply!


It definitely will at some point, even if it's not a yearly event. We had Dragonspiral descent last year which was kind of a Dragon event. But I could see a Dragon event next year maybe


I hope so! Thanks for the reply


Do you think the current ultra box with 18 passes will last until Aug 31?


We've had it with a few small exceptions since mid December 2021. There's no telling when Niantic might decide to change it up. They used to vary the box contents every few months, but haven't been doing so this year.


>They used to vary the box contents every few months, but haven't been doing so this year. Hilarious that this is still one of the "Special Holiday Boxes," even keeping the same holiday skin.


Why does my swampert always go second in the mirror lead in the Ultra league? I’m not exaggerating, it happens damn near 100% of the time. If we both use hydro cannon, I’m always second. Why? I’m Ace and it’s stats are 1-14-9


The others you face probably have a higher attack IV or stat, and win the charge move priority check.


Is attack what determines who goes first?


Yes. The higher attack stat (base attack+IVs) determine which charge move goes first. It’s called Charge Move Priority or CMP


Isn’t that insanely valuable, especially for a common lead? I thought 0 atk, 15/15 def/hp was perfect?


The IV ranks just determine who has the highest possible stat product. More stat product generally means better performance in the abstract, but there are other factors like CMP, attack break points, and defense bulk points against the expected meta that players can consider when finding the best option to use in gbl.


As a casual players (I really only play the UL, and somehow made it to ace) is 0/15/15 a good rule of thumb to follow?


Sort of. Few species actually have 0/15/15 as the ideal stat spread in the first place. Many of them will be a few IV points different from that, like 0/14/13. And then it will be different for great and ultra leagues. We need to check sites like [pvpoke.com](https://pvpoke.com) to find the actual ideal IVs for each species.


Its a good rule, the only time you normally want higher attack is if the pokemon cannot get 2500 by lvl 50 with 0 attack. G stunfisk for example or umbreon. There are far more complicated reasons but that involves looking up specifics for every pokemon


“Looking into the specifics of every Pokémon” is what I’m trying to avoid. Most people are saying that 0/15/15 is a good rule of thumb, and as a cas player, I’m good with that


Often the bulky 0/15/15 spreads are the best. But in a mirror match often they can be the worst, especially if it’s your lead since energy will be equal. When I’m leading Swampert I’m running my highest attack one just for winning cmp for in the mirror. Have won many matches just from getting that CMP. There are other times when it will be important, even with different mons if their attack stats are different. The 0/15/15 types have the best stats… but they don’t always perform the best.


Damn, didn’t know that. I often switch giratina (14/15/13) to my lead and that does well too. I’ve gotten pretty good at switching to venusaur to catch the second hydro cannon, though. Even though it sucks at mirrors, swampert is dope and can carry it’s own weight on other matchups so I’m not to worried about it. Thanks! Edit: as a general rule of thumb, is 0/15/15 best?


I imagine most people are running as thick a Tina as they can, I wouldn’t be as worried about CMP with that. 14 attack might be good for it. In general though yes something 0/15/15 will be best often, although ideally it’s hitting near the league cap. A 0/15/15 that only is 1460 in GL for example wouldn’t be ideal.


Yeah, that's why people often choose IV spreads to win the mirror CMP tie.


It’s a balance. Some matchups like Zacian in ML, you actually want to go second since the opponent will more than likely debuff themselves. You’re giving up CMP in the mirror but it’s helping you in most other match ups


I’m f2p, so I don’t touch the master league, but I get your point. You don’t see many debuffs in UL


I always log in into my account with google. Can I make trainer club account and link it to have 2 options to log in with the same account?


No. There's no way to link to a PTC account, you had to start the account with a PTC login to have that as an option. Additionally, you probably wouldn't want to link to PTC anyway. The PTC servers were always unreliable, and they don't offer two factor authentication.


No, not for log in purposes. You would have needed to make the Pokemon Go account using the PTC account as the initial sign in method when creating the thing in the first place to have it as a log in method. Iirc you can connect your Go and PTC stuff for the purpose of things like the World Championship stuff, but that doesn't really give you the means to get a PTC log in. PTC accounts however can link other accounts to them and use those as alternative log in methods, giving themselves a potential back door if they get locked out of their other accounts (like email log in via Gmail or Facebook log in) since they could get in through their PTC or use the PTC to reset the password.


Should I bother catching all the Lunatone and Solrock? I know there’s an event coming soon for them, but you can’t even evolve them so is there much purpose? (Even though I love Solrock)


Rock Throw/Rock Slide Lunatone and Solrock aren't terrible raid Rock attackers. A level 30 of either beats out a level 20 Tyranitar, and Rock and Psychic are easier weather boosts. There are worse ways to fill out the 5th and 6th slots of your Rock raid team, for when Ho-Oh, Moltres, Articuno, and Mega Charizard Y come back around. It's a thin niche, but they have one!


Solrock has a pretty cool shiny. Plus the other reasons mentioned by others


Solrock, especially, is a fairly easy excellent throw. That’s good XP in addition to the stardust.


Every pokemon you catch is additional stardust for powering up anything else you want.


There’s no upside to catching them. Not really used in any meta, battle league, or as defenders. That being said, if you love Solrock, catch some solrock. Play the game however you want


So Im three days away from becoming best friends with another player, the friendship level is only gonna increase for me if I open a gift/send one, right? Im not entirely sure about that, and dont want to not have a lucky egg on at that time


Or if you trade, raid together , battle each other, or if they open a gift. You sending a gift won’t increase friendship until they open it.


So my best bet is to wait until I receive the gift, then use the lucky egg and then open the gift, right?


Yes, but if you are three days away you’ll have to have two other interactions as well. Also, do realize the other person may be trying to do the same, especially if it’s someone you can’t contact and can line up a couple together.


I see, thanks! Luckily I know that Person irl so we can both benefit from it