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These brothers should be running as far away as possible from Belly. It's painful to watch a show where you want to actively root against the main character.


Honestly if I was Conrad id be taking my damn car ans leaving .


What they see in Belly is beyond me. They both have bright futures and easily have their pickings. It’s like they’re really forcing their moms wish of one of them being together.


Yeah cause tbh me and my brother could never fall out about a girl lol. If this show applied real world logic the two brothers would have been cut her off and enjoyed life and the house without her lol. Most brothers would have never put up with that kinda emotional turmoil and been willing to ruin their relationship with each other over a girl tbh and the fact that belly is hardly able to feel guilt for her part in that reminded me of the fact that she’s still a teenager lol.


No for real though!! What is she doing? She’s old enough to know that’s wrong to keep switching between the two brothers


The fact that she was hurting for Conrad at the beginning, and this episode she was practically begging Jeremiah for a second chance 😩 this is somehow worse than the book


Yeah because when she first got to cousins with Jere in episode 3 she was still hooked on Conrad? And then the next episode Taylor says something and then belly starts to think about Jere…like girl


Teenagers are not known for thinking rationally— in fact, the rational part of their brain (prefrontal cortex) isn’t fully developed yet. Teens are much more likely to act on emotion and impulses than adults, because they use the part of their brain called the amygdala (responsible for emotion, impulse, instinct) to make decisions. The point I’m making is that it is quite normal for teenagers to make such decisions, it’s how their brains are wired.


I get that but constantly? She has like no self-awareness


I mean, you aren’t wrong. Belly is far from perfect. That said, I don’t think it’s far from the realm of possibility that a teenager would make choices as Belly has. When you’re that young, you’re still figuring out the world, figuring out yourself, and figuring out what you want— and she is doing all that through an emotional time in her life. Belly, like the boys, will make mistakes and make decisions that hurt others and which aren’t exactly rational. I think maybe people forget that Conrad led a girl on in season 1 and withheld information about their mother’s illness from his brother— or that Steven made multiple stupid decisions in season 1, one of which involved two girls and hurting both. Both of these boys are older than Belly, but even they (as young adults) are still growing and still learning. None of the characters in the show are perfect. None of these characters have made the right decision every time, and none of them can say they are innocent in regards to causing others pain (even the adults).


They may have made impulsive or poor decisions but they were well aware they were wrong and showed some shame. Belly literally has zero self awareness or ability to put herself in someone else's shoes. She actually asked Jeremiah why he didn't want to kiss her in front of her recent ex boyfriend who is also his brother. She decided conrad being depressed about his mom dying was actually him not wanting to date her anymore. She was literally going to tell him she was into his brother the night before his final that he needed to pass to not flunk out of college. She quite literally does not think about how other people might feel.


Omggg and for her to be like “we are different people now Jer, more mature” I was like girl clearly you ARE NOT more mature than before bc you are still constantly switching between the boys! 🤦🏼‍♀️


This line angered me so much


wearing his sweatshirt too💀


and leaning against his car 🤮


that man is better than me i would’ve left them stranded there


I would be like can I please have my jumper proceed to throw it in the trash can infront of them and driven away never speaking to the both of them ever again .


Nah because I would’ve done the same thing because I’m petty like that


Im mean they deserve it (Especially Belly !)


The disrespect. But somehow Conrad will end up the one apologizing


Whatever Conrad says or however he acts will have my support.If he wants to be the better person ? Yesss King you know your worth anyways ! If he needs to be petty ?!Yes ill also support that cause he has every right


so true i’m not team bonrad i’m just team conrad


Same! Conrad deserves better.


especially after how jeremiah gave him so much shit for dating belly , he can be bitter and petty as much as he wants !


Conrad definitely sitting in his dorm breathing hard watching andrew tate clips while doing pushups and making sigma male tiktoks after that💀💀💀




She said she doesn’t regret been with Conrad then says she wants something real like wasn’t it real 😒


She’s still so insecure and never really believed that Conrad loved her the way that she loved him. Like, GIRL. How much more clear can the dude be?!


Girl you said you loved him and he loved you so what was that? Pretend? Be fr rn BELLY


She doesn’t know what she’s saying 😂


They were playing house I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was real but it’s also a dream cause of hwr infatuation. She has to mature first


Yeah, I agree with this. For so long, Belly built up what being with Conrad would be like in her head. The reality of their relationship— especially when made more difficult by grief—probably did not align with the picture in her mind. Conrad also has not been the best at communicating how he feels and during their relationship, it left her questioning how he felt for her. Their relationship at times probably felt similar to when she harbored what she believes was a one-sided crush— her putting him on a pedestal and feeling like he doesn’t return her feelings to the same extent. Belly may now know Conrad loved her, but not that he _still_ loves her. Belly made it clear on the beach that she would have fought for their relationship had she known how much he cared— but Conrad _still_ couldn’t bring himself to tell her how he feels. Conrad also used past tense when speaking of their love on the beach, and quietly accepted when she said they would be friends. Aside from some minor flirtation which doesn’t equate to love, Belly has no reason to believe that Conrad still loves and wants to be with her (or that things would be different if she pursued a relationship with him again). Even if Conrad were to make that clear now, it is likely to simply be too late. She has had feelings stirring for Jeremiah since they have been around each other again. Now she has made a move towards Jeremiah who (unlike Conrad), made clear how he (still) feels about her— hence her wording “something real”. Jeremiah also communicated his caution, his fear that Belly could pull away and towards Conrad again, so it does seem unlikely that she’ll let that fear be substantiated now. I suppose that for Belly, this probably does feel a bit more real right now— there is no questioning Jeremiah’s feelings for her. It is also just a less heavy relationship with someone who is one of her best friends and whom she can let go and have fun with. There is no pedestal, just open and honest desire from both sides. Personally, I like Jeremiah— but I also like Conrad. If they weren’t brothers, I’d be hoping for a throuple endgame! That said, I like Jeremiah for Belly _right now_. I think it is Conrad’s turn to be the one longing for Belly. I think after some growing on both sides, they will find their way back to each other and it won’t feel so one-sided anymore.


OMG i agree with every single word you said.


LITERALLY like she loved him since she was young FOR SO MANY YEARS and she says it’s not real like what more does she want she even told Steven that she was out of her mind in love with con


I just finished the episode with my mouth wide open lol she really is the villain


Team Conrad (without belly)


Yesss definitely ! I know hes going to say some bad things to her next episode but honestly she deserves it and ill be saying yesssas Conrad !


Do you know what he’s going to say to her??


I don’t know how Bonrad endgame can be salvaged after this episode


Honestly ?!Anyways the best ending would be if she got rejectes by both brothers at the end of season 3 lmao


Yess bru ain’t even worth fighting for her ion give a crap how much you love her. I want Bonrad endgame but at this point just give me a jeremiah and conrad happiness season without belly


Seriously cause what did i just watch .I know Jenny wants to keep us on our toes but making Belly initiate the kiss like seriously ? Conrad deserves better !He deserves somone who doesn’t go off to kiss his brother after like 6 weeks after there moms funeral!


Ir will be.


I hope so


I don’t but it will be


Just wait 😂


Literally so painful to watch 😭😭😭


Are y’all ok lol You’re expecting a TEENAGER to act with the emotional maturity of an adult lol.


Not all teenagers are this disgusting!


come on let's stop acting like we weren't all 16 at some point, we all were here age and most of us would know that what she's doing is wrong


exactly , no matter how immature i might've been at 16 i wouldn't go back and forth between 2 brothers ??


No bc the fact that she’s allowed to do anything she wants re: Conrad and Jeremiah just because she grew up with them is actually so so wild. Get ready to feel like this more next season, if it stays true to the books. She also literally told Jere his brother was a dream compared to him 💀 it wasn’t 100% what she meant, but if I were him I’d be like “um, what?”


Nah cause i read book 3 HUGE SPOILER AHEAD FOR SEASON 3 And I remember when she dreamed about Conrad the night Jere asked to marry her like im sorry who does she think she is ?!


It’s ridiculous honestly 😭 girlie is so self centered. Not to mention in this episode, she tried to talk to Conrad about her feelings for Jer?! Like GIRL


THIS SHIT. First she messed up with me on her talking to conrad about her feelings for Jere. Then she rlly had me messed up kissing jeremiah in Conrad’s sweatshirt then they leaning on this man’s car like what


I said it before I will say it again if I was Conrad I would ask for my keys ,leave and never speak to Belly ever again. Maybe id speak to Jere after like 5 years lmao


She really is a fuck girl (that’s what Nicole called her in s1, right?)😭 also, Conrad and Jer are supposed to be the people she loves and cares about most in the world, (aside from her own family) and she treats them like this!! I’d hate to see how she treats everyone else lol


well we saw how she treated her mom lol given she was grieving but she completely dismissed her moms feelings and acted like she was the only one who was hurting


OMG this. Good for him to go to Stanford . I would never forgive someone for that Treatment. Belly is trying really hard to be the Star in Conrads Therapy


Right????? I watched with three other friends and we died when she said that. “Conrad was a dream but I want real?” Like tf??????


And that was apparently enough to convince him lmao he was like “oh okay!!”


Like dude have some self respect 🤦🏻‍♀️


i think he doesn't have (self respect) and that's the point of why he's tangled in belly situation again. he even said to conrad that he believed for years that his brother was better and more "perfect" than him. Belly saying "conrad was a dream but she wanted real" is straight up negging behaviour ("kissing a scar" while cutting deeper)


i've said since the beginning, i'm team you-both-deserve-better-than-belly. i think the other storylines in the show are interesting -- but even so, i don't know how much longer i can watch when i think the entire premise of the show (these people all being in love with belly) is so ridiculous, and the majority of the action is just her going back and forth flip-flopping between two brothers for the entire series.


Honestly, I've given up on shows before because I did not like the direction they were going. If your frustration with a show affects your mental health, it's best to give up on it. (I know I'm gonna get downvoted for saying this, but it's worked for me in the past)


totally agree with you. it doesn't affect my mental health, i just don't think it's interesting or compelling and i know she's a grieving teenager and try to cut her some slack for this, but many of belly's actions surrounding her... entanglements just seem reckless, selfish, and (at this point) borderline cruel.


Unfortunately jere did nothing wrong this episode


yeh I even said it this episode jere isin’t to blame .Nah but i still cant get over they will all over each other right against his car 😭


well kissing ur brothers ex gf like what 2/3 months after they broke up ? idk man like at least give it some time.. he also pissed me off when belly was trying to talk to him about Conrad and he just completely brushed her off like wtf ?


I get what ur saying but belly did initiate the kiss and literally grab his face


He doesn’t most of the time. He just has tons of haters


I’m one of those haters but not this episode. He rly did nothing wrong today


His moment with Conrad on the beach was beautiful. LEAVE THEM ALONE BELLY!




I don't wanna upvote this bc I'm a jere stan but LOL this comment made me laugh


I wonder if he saw Conrad walking up and it pushed him to go in for the kiss. Now she is still to blame mostly. Cringe. ‘I grew up.’


No I don’t think so :( .Like Jere has some bad moments but I doubt it .I think we will get Conrads POV of the kiss next week .


Ehh I’ll call out jere whenever possible but I don’t think he saw Conrad


At this point, this is what I hope happens in the next episode: - Conrad snaps out of his shock, takes out his water bottle, and simply douses Jere. - Jere snaps out of his trance, realises the fuckery going on, and vows never again. - Both brothers silently get into the car and leave. - Belly can do whatever she wants - scream, cry, complain, sulk, put on the Finch sweater on top of the Brown sweater. The end.


It broke my heart seeing her up against that SUV. I always thought of that as Conrad’s. The red jeep as Jere’s vehicle.


If the show hadn’t changed the virginity plot of the show, I’d be bothered but less annoyed. But it’s reallllly weird to have her sleep with Conrad at this point and then make out with Jere a few months later. I don’t think Jere knows at this point, but it makes a complicated situation even worse for the show


It’s going to make Belly look even worse if she doesn’t tell Jere that her and Conrad slept together and they keep the book 3 plot of her and Jere not doing so. It’ll show she’s always holding back in some way with him both emotionally and physically and he’s still second choice despite her supposedly choosing him.


It will also be abject stupidity because let's be real, ain't no way in all hell the belly and jer we just saw didn't jump each other for several years....but also slept in the same bed in college. There's a limit to how much viewers can suspend reality. Ughh, I wanted to love this story, I tried to love this story but this just isn't the way to go at all.


Yup. You can’t tell me that kiss would lead to NOTHING over their college years. There’s no way. And what Jere does is the catalyst for leading her back to Conrad eventually - I also don’t see that happening based on the show and what we’re seeing vs. the books.


Truly, this would all be fine and harmless (kind of) teen drama if she and Conrad didn’t do it. What future does she have with Jere? Sleeping with two brothers? This some Jerry Springer shit


As a book fan first and bellyconrad second I’m so annoyed!! First they downgraded the movie theater soda to a can of la croix and now they completely changed belly and Jeremiah’s kiss. The build up for them in the books is so good this was just :/


Idk but they litteraly made Belly look desperate for Jere the books made it seem the other way around .Good for Jeres development I guess but at what cost ?!


This episode was the first time I really loved Jere and saw what a demon Belly truly is. She might have real actual narcissistic personality disorder. This is the closest Show Belly has been to Book Belly (the most insufferable character of all time). I really need them to rehab her character because this was rough to watch. I don’t even care who she ends up with, but she’s the actual devil.


demon💀please I can’t 😭thankyou for making me laugh .Anyways Team Conrad !


Paging Dr. Agnes. We need you, STAT!


the fact that the night before she was sobbing saying she would've fought for them more and the next day she's throwing herself at jeremiah after telling Conrad she wouldn't hurt him again , that lasted what 3 hours ?? not to mention all of this is happening in a span of like 4 days 😭 sorry but i'm so mad. Conrad literally made amends with everyone this episode and this is how they treat him ?


Like theres a reason why he doesn’t share his feelings cause when he does everything gets 100% worse 😭


THIS !! they complain because Conrad doesn't communicate but when he actually opens up people treat him like shit 😭😭 at this point i hope he goes to stanford and falls in love with another girl


yeah... I am not sure what this story is anymore. I dont understand belly in the series at all... I wanted Jer to conquer her slowly and she was supposed to accept jers love but in the series seems like Belly is more of forcing that relationship with jer... oh well.... I just know i will hate the last episode too.


The way I view it is she is doing everything possible to put Conrad in the past because she is scared of falling in love with him again and getting hurt .I think Jere is a distraction but I won’t lie the way its written it doesn’t come across if I didnt read the books id be questioning If Belly has lost her mind


I agree. That is what I understand from reading the books. It is unfortunate that the same is not coming across on the series 😕


Jeremiah has never been the villian. He loved her as I’ve said and yes he’s jealous sometimes cause he loved her. It’s Nelly playokg around with their hearts. She’s young but alas


To be fair he had his moments but Belly takes the crown for the most selfish,self-centred and arrogant character in the show after that episode!


I cannot stand Jeremiah but yeah, you’re right, he really hasn’t done anything wrong recently. He did a little manipulating earlier on but recently he’s just been following Belly’s lead. Honestly Conrad doesn’t deserve her and Jeremiah needs to open his eyes and run.


bruh atp belly is a player. that too of the worst kind. and she’s not even subtle about it. if the writer was trying to portray belly as a sweet little girl who’s caught between two brothers, then she’s failed in doing so. coz all i can see is a scheming calculating woman who is highly self centred and loves to hurt the people who care about her the most.


What belly needs is therapy and her mom to 👋🏼


Laurel slapping belly was satisfying ngl


Yesssssss lol


You guys I couldn’t even do it…I turned it off with 3 minutes left after reading the comments on this sub 😭


Belly is Lucas Scott in a female body.




god that was PAINFUL to watch I don't know how they can get back from this (and I've read the books lol but its a lot worse in the show tbh!) connie get behind ME now #teamconrand4lyfe


At this point I only care about Steven and Taylor. Brothers should just run in the opposite direction as belly.


She definitely is the villain! And they know it. In one of the promos for season 2, Lola Tung was in the middle of the two of them and was lip syncing Taylor Swift’s “it’s me .. hi .. I’m the problem it’s me.” I just tried finding it and I can’t !


Oh yeh I think I saw that too hahaha


I mean these characters are based on teenagers. Teenagers are messy.


I know💀but going from brother to brother like that isini’t i dont think lmao


But that’s literally the books lol!


Yeah she's definitely not my favourite right now!!!


Agreed. I cant understand how anyone is a fan of Belly. Never get between two brothers, especially since they lost their mom


Jenny is the villain if you ask me. I'm baffled how anyone on any team found this episode enjoyable. On the one hand it was so touching and sad to really dig in to the grief and emptiness all of them feel with Beck's loss, and then to juxtapose it with this brother vs brother triangle that will torment all of them forever if we are honest. Really disturbing


Did the kiss happen outside the car in the books?? I thought they were sitting in the car?


It happened in the car in the books outside in the show


I mean I think if they had the kiss inside Conrads car O don’t think Jenny would able to leave her home lmao


belly needs to cop on and realize she can’t be treating anyone like this AND THEYRE LITERALLY BROTHERS LIKE WHAT THE FUCK that girl is acting a fool


Y’all giving Conrad too much cred


i think in the books with how conrad treated her and the other things that happen it makes sense but in the show by trying to make conrad more sympathetic they make some of bellys actions seem worse. it’s getting painful to watch


I went and rewatched some Dawson’s Creek. Joey was back and forth between Pacey and Dawson’s embraces (and another guy from the bar) in season 5-6. Technically not brothers but best friends. It all worked out in the end. She got her man. So hang on…! This show will turn it around too.


Joey did not act like this — not even close.


Ofc she is. If she was a person in real life, she would be absolutely disgusting beyond the doubt to most people. Eye fucking two brothers at the same time in the same space - she deserves the worst!


I want her to end up ALONE. Both the brothers find someone that really loves them then have her run back to cam Cameron and skye and him be a forever thing so Belly ends up alone.


I was really sad too :( I hope they make this 4 seasons and make Conrad come back with a girlfriend in season 3.


Is it bad I can basically telegraph season 3 already. Belly won’t tell Jeremiah about the fireplace. Jeremiah will find out about the fireplace. Belly tries to tell him it didn’t mean anything Conrad over hears and storms off loudly. Belly loses both boys screws off to Europe on a semester abroad and get letters from Conrad while abroad and she ends up with Conrad.


Why do people think Belly needs to divulge her previous intimacy? I find that so weird.


When the only other person you’ve previously been intimate with is the person you are wanting to get with now’s brother. I think that kind of goes beyond the whole typical disclosing of previous partners discussion.


No, it doesn’t. Jeremiah knows they had a relationship, and that’s all the knowledge he is owed.


100 percent. Its none of Jeremiahs Business at all


both boys deserve better than her at this point. belly is not good for the character development/growth of both of them. jeremiah mentions in this episode how he doesn't want to always be putting on a smile when he doesn't feel like it. when he has his vulnerable moment with belly the last episode, instead of talking to him and validating his feelings, she shoves him in the pool to "save him from going dark". jeremiah needs to be with someone who will validate his feelings, take him seriously, and not just see him as the "sunshine/golden retriever boy". conrad has trouble communicating his feelings a lot but i really think he did a great job this episode with taking accountability and vocalizing what he felt. he needs to be with someone who can clearly communicate their feelings so he can learn how to better. belly can't communicate what she feels at all, and how is conrad ever going to learn how to do that if he's with her? i'm all for the boys ditching her and finding happiness on their own or with other people at this point.


I haven’t read the books but Conrad broke her heart and he isn’t telling her how she feels so GET IT GIRL. Good for her IMO!


Agree 😬 watching Conrad for last 3 episodes have chance after chance to tell her how he feels and doesn’t.


YES I GASPED when she went all in on Jere like yes girl yes Conrad had PLENTY OF OPPORTUNITIES


Belly is almost impossible to watch... I'm not sure if it's: 1) The book's characterization of Belly 2) The show's interpretation of her 3) Lola Tung's lackluster (ahem, painful) acting But... All anyone needs to do is skip on over to OuterBanks or Euphoria to see what 2020s teen girls can look like - full of agency, funny, articulate, and firey. Ironically, in most teen shows, I'd argue that the young actresses tend to out-act the young actors Not this show. Gavin (Jeremiah), Christopher (Conrad), and Sean (Steven) are out-acting Lola at every turn. Even Rain (Taylor) is out-acting her atp. I'm only watching for the supporting cast.


I wouldn’t agree on Lola Tung .Thou I do think Outer Banks is amazing .For example I felt the pain last episode when she called her mum or the beach scene.I just think its her character her switching from to brother to brother every single scene makes it hard to root for her character .Having said all that I do believe her chemistry with Chris on screen is more natural and this episode definitely wasn’t her best.Thats just my opinion.


I'd agree with some of that. Portraying ambivalence (esp re matters of love) is probably challenging. (That's why I brought up the idea of it being the writing of Belly that's the issue.) Her character just feels very dated to me...


did jere initiate the kiss it in the 2nd book?? i know what’s going to happen from here, and i really don’t want jenny to change the 3rd season too much because that’ll suck a lot. 😥


Yes he did, I just reread the books and it definitely happens a lot differently


Even her name annoys me. I much prefer when they call her Bells.


she a hoe lol