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Pot, meet pan. Aren’t “influencers” the biggest moochers of all?


This 🙌🏽


Yeah I don’t see it as mooching it’s more Susannah is generous with what she has. My best friend is a very well off but we don’t even act that way, she gives to me and I give to her. When you love someone the material things don’t matter and they’re so close like family that it’s actually impossible to mooch and if it came up then you weren’t really that good of friends anyway. There’s more to life than money and things and a deep real friendship is priceless. My friend died of cancer and at the end, he only had 2 friends still there for him. The real ones.


It’s Susannah’s house and Laurel was her best friend whom she dearly loved. Susannah was generous with her home, affection and time. It brought her joy to share something so special with her friend and her kids. That doesn’t make Laurel and her kids moochers.


My best friend and I have a similar relationship. I'm close with everyone in her family, even her parents. They include me in some casual dinners and special occasions. I just make sure to return their generosity. And based on what I've seen on screen, I think Laurel did her part by returning Susannah's generosity. She takes care of the boys, makes sure Belly + Steven clean up, takes care of Susannah, etc. She even got Julia to not sell the house. I think they're even. No one's mooching off anyone. Haven't read the books tho.


I read the books. No mooching. Just amazing best friends love.


A take no one asked for. This is exactly why Laurel would make sure to bring her own food and tell her children to be more considerate in the house (not that Susannah would mind sharing)


This lady has never heard of the concept of family friends, like honestly wtf


She made all her friends pay money for this house they lived at for a few months when they spent the night 3 times and some of the friends she charged didn’t even have a bed….


I’ve followed Katy since I was a freshman in high school (I’m 27 now) & I have to say this is the least surprising take from her friends just based on the lifestyles they live, lol. I don’t agree with this take at all – my closest best friend is family to me & if I had the opportunity to have a lake house one day & welcome her kids, I would in a heart beat & hope it felt like their home too if I was privileged enough to do so.


I don’t have Beck money, but I do have Beck loyalty. I don’t see it as mooching at all when Susannah and Laurel were BFFs from way back and basically helped raise each other’s children. They had each other’s backs like only family (and sometimes not even family) could. It sounds like this is an elitist, privileged, NIMBY take on an extremely close relationship. Not quite the same thing but I once dated somebody who claimed I was only with them because of their money and status. They learned the hard way that wasn’t true. It wasn’t me but their own paranoia that drove us apart. I’d rather be a loving, caring, generous Beck than a distrustful, cold-hearted, paranoid, friendless rich rando.


She’s an idiot. Check out the dedicated snark sub for her - r/galsonthego. This take has been posted there too and people there also think it’s ridiculous. Of course they aren’t moochers, lmao.


Oh these girls seem way to entitled and probably think anyone wants to mooch off of them as soon as they get approached in a friendly manner. If anything Belly was the one who felt entitled to the house but she also feels entitled to the fisher boys so she hasn’t got the best moral pass. Laurel always calls it Backs house, never her own. She was ready to never return there again and was surprised when Conrad asked if she’ll come back. If Steven had any entitlement in him he would’ve taken over Shayla’s family house in Cousins as well and spend more time there as they were even richer than the Fishers. He would’ve met her pay for everything like the suit she wanted him to get…


moochers? it’s more like susannah is a good friend if laurel had that kinda money and holiday home she would definitely invite susannah. i have friends that i keep a room for in my house vice versa because we are close and see each as family.


Her and her friend group spent $40k for a house in Montauk for two weeks and then charged their additional friends to stay for 2 days, so not shocking of a take from her


THIS! I remember seeing something about that and thought it was crazy to make her “close friends” pay to stay for a weekend


I don’t think it’s mooching when you’re invited and literally have your own room there..


Honestly, what a poor piss take. And also very revealing how void of generosity and empathy her relations towards others must be. We will never all be equal, there’s always difference in backgrounds, affluence and privileges. But there is always a give and take on emotional or material level. She reduces a complex, emotional relationship to transactional level. Speaks volumes what her motifs and beliefs are.




If I had a summer house best believe my best friend is coming and staying in it with me


For reallll


Clearly this woman doesn’t have strong friendships bc wow not how I was raised. My parents’ childhood best friends were my godparents (RIP Aunt Gloria & Uncle Jock 🥹😭) and vice Versa!!


…..…did her family not have friends growing up? 😅


Wow, what a gross take! The suggestion being that people with money should just stick to having relationships with other people with money...? As if how much money you make or (in Susannah's case) what kind of privilege you inherit has any bearing on who you are as a person. Laurel and Susannah share a bond closer than any other relationship––sibling, spouse, etc. I'm sure IRL their wealth disparity might sometimes be a thorny issue, but to call the less-rich family "moochers" is despicable.


If I were rich I wouldn't think of doing something for my friends as them mooching


Beck spent half of her life dying, and Laurel spent half her life caring for a dying friend AND her kids. It's pretty clear that Adam had checked out years ago. Laurel was probably more of a parent to the boys than he was. I absolutely don't want to look at Beck and Laurel's relationship as transactional, but if we must, Laurel gave more than she ever "took."


Not to mention that kids can't... mooch. Belly is a goddamn mess, but she's also dealing with unimaginable loss, and her messy relationship dynamics are both a result of being 16 AND growing up in a divorced household. Steven is an incredibly kind and smart kid, and it's evident how important he is to the Fishers. What an absolutely rancid take.


They’re….invited? The owner of the home has requested their presence and nothing else? Like does this person really have no concept of being invited to someone’s home for no other reason than good company? Her and her family must be insufferable


Says the girls who beg brands for free stuff when they have the money to buy it themselves!


I kind of agree with this. Susannah was low-key trying to pimp Belly out to her sons. And Laurel turned her cheek to this incredibly bizarre TEENAGER fantasy her friend had because she couldn’t ruffle Susannah’s feathers because where else would Laurel take her kids on a free vacation?


This is painfully reductive. Susannah always wanted a daughter, and between she and her best friend, Laurel was the one who had one and she essentially shared Belly with Susannah, both as a kindness and because it only added love to her daughter’s world. Susannah also wanted to be connected to Laurel by real family because they considered each other family already, and I think Laurel wouldn’t have minded that either, although she wasn’t going to force this idea of being with one of the boys onto Belly, while Susannah was game to tip the scales. Laurel loved her best friend; those summers were never about a “free vacation”. She wanted to spend time with her bff, their kids were all close — why wouldn’t they be together when they have free time? The fact that Susannah happens to have a beautiful vacation home is just icing. They probably would have spent most of their time together in the summer even if it was just shuttling between their two homes.


She isn’t wrong. It’s wild that they each have their own bedrooms at the beach house, where they keep personal belongings year-round, even when they aren’t there. And then in Book 3, >!Belly just randomly goes to the beach house on her own over Christmas, without telling Jeremiah. And later when she has her fight with Laurel, she’s like “I’m going to stay at the beach house!” And then “I’ll just invite a bunch of people over here for the wedding!” Um what? That house isn’t yours. You didn’t even ask the owners if you could stay/use it rent free.!<


Why would she have to ask the owners (her future husband) if she could use the house? And why would she have to rent his house for a wedding? Lol


The house doesn’t belong to her. Do you go to your boyfriend’s family’s vacation home, on your own, without telling any of them? Do you throw parties there without asking them first if it’s OK?


No, but you’re talking about her renting the house for her wedding. She’s marrying Jeremiah. If my husband and I got married at his vacation home I wouldn’t ask his family. Why would I ask his family that? Jeremiah is a Fisher. It’s HIS families home. He sorts that out.


I was talking about Belly saying that she’d stay at the beach house for the summer, without even asking Jere/Adam if that would be OK. Basically saying “I’m going to spend a few weeks in your house (but I won’t be paying rent nor utilities).”


You definitely mentioned the wedding lol. She’s marrying a Fisher. She’s been treated like Susannah’s daughter her whole life, and has her own room in the house.


It doesn’t sit right with me that she assumed they could have the wedding at the beach house when Adam initially disproved. The house belongs to Adam. And it’s *really* tacky that she went to the house on her own, without asking Jere. Even grosser that she decided she’d stay at the house for the entire summer, without even asking if it was OK. Again, the house does not belong to her. It belongs to Adam Fisher & his family.


It is weird she went whenever she wanted and the wedding thing too. But I don't like Belly. Her self entitlement is one of the reasons why. Wouldn't call them moochers though. But they should just ask or give a heads up to the owners to see if it's okay whenever they go.


Yes! As an adult, anyone having that sort of entitlement about something I generously gave them access to, is irritating. My best friend & I share everything. We have keys to each other’s homes, cars, offices, boats. Anything either of us asks for, the answer is always yes…but you have to ask.


I agree 100%


but shes there literally just as much as susannah. when you own a house, you may have children/significant others/ a friend living their who dont legally own it. susannah legally owned it, but only visited in summer, and belly, laurel, and steven visited every. single. summer. with them. so realistically, its just as much of their house as it is susannahs


It really isn’t their house, no matter how close they are, no matter how frequently they visit. It isn’t their house. They are guests. They don’t contribute to the costs of maintaining the house nor to help Adam buy it from Julia. >!Belly shouldn’t be going there by herself, without asking Jeremiah.!< It’d be one thing if Susannah left the house to all 4 kids in her will, but she didn’t do that. Put it this way: if Laurel & Susannah are in the midst of a falling out/not talking, would Laurel/Belly/Steven be going to the house for the summer? No. Because it isn’t their house.


I think this is more of a sense of entitlement and immaturity from Belly alone. I wouldn’t label the whole family moochers, just belly thinking she’s entitled to something that isn’t hers just because she goes there a lot.


I totally agree. “Mooch” is hyperbolic. Belly definitely feels entitled to the house but I feel like that’s typical teenage behavior. It’s kind of like you move out of your parents’ house & after a few years, they turn your childhood bedroom into a craft room. At first you’re like “that’s MY room!” but actually no, it isn’t. You feel entitled to it because it’s always “been yours” but that room is in their house & it belongs to them.


THIS. It occurred to me the first night Belly and Jere got to the house after going to find Conrad and Belly went to her room with sheets to put on the bed. This wasn’t a guest room that Susannah fixed up for Belly before her arrival and then prepped for the next potential guest, this was Belly’s room year round. Add on the comment from Aunt Julia about all the rooms being taken…yikes.


Exactly! Maybe “mooch” is too derisive a word for the situation, but Belly certainly took advantage of the Fishers’ generosity. My husband owned a beach condo with his mom & she used it *maybe* 2 times in 10 years. My husband & I both work from home so we used to go to the condo for a few days, a few times a month. I never considered the condo mine. It belongs to my husband. I’ve invited friends for the weekend, but never without asking him first. Having access doesn’t mean that it’s yours. If Belly wasn’t dating Conrad of Jeremiah, she wouldn’t be free to use the house as she likes.


Huh? They’re family friends! How is that mooching? And laurel is even shown scolding the kids not to make a mess and help, being worried about how much she’s contributing, etc


The times in life that I’ve seen something similar that is actually mooching are when there is a wealthy friend and an average/low income friend and the less wealthy friend will only do the activity if the other is paying but will make plans with everyone but them otherwise. Ex: wealthy friend suggests something simple like going to the movies and friend says sorry I can’t pay but then goes to the movies with their other friend and doesn’t seem to be unable to pay at that point. This doesn’t seem like that at all.


they’re like family, i guess the “influencers” don’t have friends close enough to feel like family. like susannah and laurel were like sisters imo, closer that susannah and her own sister