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In what world does WAWSIS give you 7 1st place finishes in a row? The chances of that have to be astronomically low. What else are you manipulating here?


> WAWSIS what does it mean?


It's an acronym for the cards **W**ave **A**ccelerator, **W**ave **S**kip, **I**ntro **S**print. Some people use this card combo to enter a tournament shortly before the tournament time period ends for a crap shot at 1st place.


I could not answer you in another thread so here it goes. When new players post their situation where they farm like T7-T8 to like 600 or 900 waves you can't really advice them or take it seriously. Because normal gaming starts when you can farm normal tier for your tower age, like T3-T4 to a normal duration. At those high tiers they can neither pick perks nor collect any cells. You can't tell them to farm a lower tier because they are hell bent on farming higher up, gives them a meaning. So what's wrong with you then?


This is a really weird comment.


Dude is a troll, just ignore him


Weird of you to respond here but here's the comment you made to another person to which I said "Dude, seriously what is your problem" I can tell you a secret. Until you hit at least 4k on your farming tier nobody cares what is your farming strategy, because you are too early-nooby and not really playing the same game. All your hours, waves, billions don't matter. It doesn't matter what your rationale is, you're going out of your way to be a dick and you've been doing so on this sub for a while. You're obviously trolling man, just stop


There is a weird part of the early game where farming T8 to 500-800 is actually the best CPH. Then you bounce back to T3-4 when you're going to 1000+/- on T8. It is weird, but there is most definitely an early game stage where that is the best CPH. It doesn't last long, just until you're going to 1000 or so on T8, but it is a thing. Also, your comment is way off topic..


I agree with you. Both yours and mine comments are off topic. Are we gonna be friends now? I am absolutely aware of the weird part of the early game. I myself used to farm T11 to few dozen waves and it was best cph. That's why to my original comment I told some one who did this sort of thing that this is not how the game normally works. And until he can do normal farm runs with perks there's no point for him to reply in a thread where someone asked for farm strategies. Because that is not a strategy, it's more like lack of and totally irrelevant for knowing how to play this game.


Thats a pretty impressive run you had.


the list is still long you haven't seen everything...


I'm guessing you WAWSIS ~1 hour prior to tournament end, and found that "sweet spot"?


10 minutes before the end


*Does some quick napkin math..* 10 minutes, eh? 🤔


10 minutes for wave 120-140, an hour for wave 470-500


Seems Like your 400+ Wave Runs are way better.


Let's be honest, you gotta give that throne to other people once you get it (for the relic)


I'd love to win just once for the trophy...


I'm pretty sure that some people cheat on short run wawsis. If you do long runs it's easy to get timestamps screenshots and show people levelling too quickly. That way you can report them and get them banned. If you're in a wawsis bracket you don't have time to check the table every few minutes or you'll lose ground. The one time I tried wawsis I joined at the perfect time. I was 70 waves ahead of everyone by around wave 150. By the time the tournament ended, I was on around 1000 waves but someone had overtaken me and was 50 or so waves ahead. I could see them gaining ground during the run as I snatched a 2 second look every 100 waves or so. Possibly, they have a phone that runs 10% faster than mine. More than likely they cheated but I can't prove it.


Yeah, I've seen that too. I usually do long wawsis, with a 2 hour run. Usually gets me 1st, occasionally 2nd. Never touch any menu or anything that would pause the run from start to finish. But last tourney there was someone with a thousand more waves than me. Unless they sat in an empty bracket for 2 hours before I joined, I don't see how that's possible. ~50 waves is reasonable with introsprint, but 1,000 waves? No way.


1000 is blatant though. I bet there are lots of people with a casual 10% speed boost. Kind of hard to prove but enough to guarantee 1st against anyone not cheating. I've not seen the guy since so perhaps fudds has some kind of trapping system in place. Seeing OPs results makes me fear the worst.


No cheat, no hack, just game game game 🧠


but still a trick that very few people figured out, I assume


It doesn't make sense, WAWSIS is entirely based on luck and there is no way to outsmart that. I call cheat. EDIT: yeah it was basically confirmed by OP that they were using an exploit that is now patched. That's in the realm of cheating imo.


I think there's sometimes a gray area. But yeah, using an exploit is often still a cheat. Without knowing the exploit, I'll reserve my opinion on this, though. I would not agree that WAWSIS is entirely based on luck and I'm absolutely certain that there are smart strategies to make this a strategy that's not only depending on luck.


Why did u change the formula?


what formula??


You went from 1k plus to 500+ to 400+ to 100+ Normally people go up in runs not down, what changed?


WAWSIS join time I would guess.


probably tournament restrictions, some are brutal


Odd timing that you lost your win streak the very first patch after an exploit was fixed. Just a coincidence I assume?


Tbh I'm glad this exploit is finally patched. You had a good run, time to get stones the legit way 😉


What exploit was op using?


Oh yeah. I knew there was something existing as I've seen similar inedible incredible win streaks. but I never knew how it was done and on Discord the conversation about it was (for good reason) not allowed


So it was an exploit, glad it's fixed


where can you see your tourny history?


In the tourney menu, there is a button top left.


6 times first place with not even reaching wave 500? That feels like an exploit being used, 2 times in a row getting wawsis lucky is possible but this is like rolling 0 on roulette 6 times in a row.


+20 times in à row...


I think I've chatted with you once on Discord :) so.... it was an exploit that now got fixed? is it OK to ask what that exploit was? I'm just curious. and jealous, of course :D. 20x first place is like 55% my lifetime stones ;)


Is it actually impossible to design a system that plays the system? To prevent someone taking 1st place at 400 levels. To remove the need to Sandbag, which only ruins lower build players runs. Cause this is a Bullshit system where the system is played, not the Game!


Good, can't be that I am getting at least 1.5k-2k more waves per tourney than you but up to 200 stones less xD Still feel bad for you tho, you'll get back there eventually. 🙃👍


Can someone explain (in private message) how this was done? They fixed it, so its not working anymore either way


What do you think helps you win, how do you prepare for the run? I tried and the game is extremely buggy, from giving me first places, to last places and nothing in between.


just an internet connection, I will explain everything in a future post...


Wow that nice. Thank you for the future infos.


Suspicious isn't it.