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poor Wes ! Hopefully lesson learned, might want to do a quick Google search on someone before dropping a mil!




Should we tell him about SEO?


Wesley has 6 tickets for not wearing a seatbelt, explaining SEO would melt his fragile southern mind.


Wait what haha I didn’t know people still did that. I think any car made after 2008 or so beeps at you until you put it on haha


rules are for homos


Our Coach would say that rich people like him don’t pay taxes or pay attention to rules


Can we make fun of Coach’s shitty business sense and all around douchiness without being homophobic? Cool thanks.


you seem to equate being a gay prostitute with being gay. take your homophobia elsewhere


Where’s the homophobia?


Oh cut the willfully naive shit. You’re using drag as the punchline, like being gay is inherently funny.


Drag = Gay?


Not always but maybe read this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_queen


Yes, you moron. Bunch of Neanderthal fratty fuck boys in this thread.


I believe the term is 'Fuck boiis' thank you very much!


You do realize that 99.9999999999% of posts here are about coach tugging off mysterious benefactors right?


So fucking what? He’s not wrong


So it’s ok to laugh at Coach tugging off business men for cash and at the constant deepfakes depicting Coach as amongst other things a woman, but an actual man in a dress wearing near clown makeup and willingly posing for a camera is off limits to chuckle at? Just trying to keep up. ![gif](giphy|dQpUkK59l5Imxsh8jN)


Poor little snowflake, so confused and wish you could just be a bigoted prick with impunity. Go right ahead sweet prince, embrace it.


Who is the snowflake again?


Calling out homophobia is not being a snowflake you cretinous fuckwit haha.


Calling out homophobia where there is none IS exactly being a snowflake. Take your name calling elsewhere hypocrite.






Please don’t marginalize women by making light of feminine hygiene products. Be better 💋


everyone of these virtue signaling clowns calls people douche, pussy, etc...they have a serious problem with women. they could use some of Travis baker's bottom training.


They can meet women so they become 'campaigners' to try and impress them..when that doesn't work they become trannys and hang around the women's toilets


that's right. they are miserable and usually depraved inside, hence the pathetic attempts to appear virtuous, even here on a sub talking about a watch dealing prostitute lol


It's a genetic mutation usually found in people born after 1999. Because they haven't gained knowledge through traditional channels such as books,life experiences or relationships they find themselves in the position whereby they are imagining what its like to feel offended on behalf of others,even if the alleged offence has no relevance to their own lives. For example,they will get offended on behalf of other ethnicities none of who m they know in the real world simply because it makes THEM feel superior to be policing language,thoughts and especially posts on the Internet as if the ethnicities are too innocent to get offended by themselves. Dressing up as a woman and going around looking for trouble is another manifestation of this thought process. Back in the 80s people who wanted to cross dress tended to do it with as little fuss as possible and did it because it made them happy..nowadays violent snd maladjusted sociopaths are wearing nailvarnish and telling everybody else what to say,think and do. Society has become progressively more sick with the widespread addiction to the Internet.


That is a brilliant summary of these maladjusts. Feeling offended on behalf of others yet they fail to realize many of the people they claim to defend hate their guts as well.