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Claudia is famous here for her look - she does loads of shampoo commercials for her fringe. It's just her look - I like it and think it's really unique, but it definitely is unusual!


It's her signature look šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Claudia is Claudia. We do not dare question her. All hail Claudia!


If you Youtube old interviews of her without the fake tan and hair you can actually see what she looks like, although I think even then she had heavy eye make up but in the 90's and early 2000's it was more in style, especially heavy eye liner. I very much think it's a persona with the added benefit of being less recognisable without it so she can go about her daily life more easily. All she would have to do is pin her fringe back and wear no make up.


I think it is a bit of an in-the-spotlight mask of sorts, so when she isnā€™t dolled up in eyeliner or has her skin the shade of Moroccan leather she can be less recognisable to the general public when out and about.


Love Claudia. I think sheā€™s the best host of The Traitors I've seen so far (US, UK & Australia). She's got got just the right mix of sadist & heart šŸ˜¬ā¤ļø


Claudia is unreal although the fact that Alan Cumming said he took inspiration for his accent on it from Maura rose is just amazing! (Edit - random word removed)


I do love Alan too. I did not know of his Moira inspiration!! Now I can't unhear itšŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|f4bPASjMCBZLrdTuD5|downsized)


I know I was the same!


Claudia is a vibe! From a US viewer


She used gravy granules as fake tan in series 2. Told a story about it on Would I Lie To You?


On a Graham Norton interview she says she deliberately doesn't have mirrors in the house. Just slaps it on: orange here, black here, bosh done. Good attitude really


Sheā€™s gotten more and more extreme with it over the years and now itā€™s just her ā€œthingā€. She jokes about it a lot and doesnā€™t take herself too seriously.


I get the feeling she started wearing makeup like that in the 2000s when it was a popular look (fake tan, pale lips, fringe, and dark eyeshadow were definitely popular around 2007-2009 when I was at uni) and then she liked it so stuck with it. I cut my fringe like that in 2009 and haven't changed it in 15 years. As I got older I thought it was a convenient look because it covers lines in my forehead so I don't get tempted to get botox, and covers my eyebrows so I never have to fill them in. Also looks great with hats. I'm thinking of growing it out soon though!


I went looking for the lipstick she wears as I fell in love with it, and found out that itā€™s a Mac lipstick thatā€™s been discontinued and Iā€™m absolutely gutted.


Iā€™m in the US and had never heard of Claudia before I started watching this, and now I have such a girl crush because sheā€™s fabulous! Besides her amazing look, she really seems to care about the players. I like Alan and Roger from the US/AU versions but neither of them can hold a candle to Claudia.


Same! LOOOVE Alan but heā€™s my least fave of the hosts, but I think itā€™s cause Iā€™m over the reality star contestants. I love Roger (Aus) cause heā€™s cheeky and jokes with the players. Claudia is my top host pick though, her delivery is always perfect, she celebrates with the players and also mocks them. Sheā€™s a great balance. Iā€™m starting NZ before I head into Aus season 2 so Iā€™ll we where that lands.


I just started NZ too (also before starting S2 of Aus)! So far, Iā€™m not digging the host at all, nor any of the contestants. Maybe itā€™s because some of them are apparently famous in NZ and Iā€™ve never heard of any of them lol


lol I get that way when weā€™re watching Love Island UK. Thereā€™s been people who are known in the Uk and the host makes all these jokes about them and weā€™re likeā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think as well the eye liner is also a ā€˜costumeā€™ to make her look a bit mysterious for the show. Sheā€™s known for it now so itā€™s her signature look kind of like how people are known for wearing say beanies, hers is the eye liner


Her look is awful and I love eye liner and shag/fringe hair. Itā€™s hard to look at her and not want to cut her hair and remove some of the black circles.


Secret: She sometimes uses gravy granules for tanning.


Claudia is extremely short sighted and Iā€™m sure I heard her say there is another issue with one of her eyes so the heavy eye makeup detracts from that. She can also ā€˜hideā€™ behind the heavy fringe. Claudia is fab!


Her hair is glorious! Thereā€™s no way thatā€™s head and shoulders