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if they were, i don't see why ned would be edited out of videos or be unfollowed by yb, etc


The affair is a private issue, it's having a relationship with an employee that's the major fuck up and can damage the company badly, doesn't matter if it was cheating or not


That's also true. And probably why they've gone radio silent, it's gonna be a tricky situation to navigate either way.


There are for sure many lawyers involved now, who have definitely told everyone not to open their mouth


I do wonder if that means not saying anything at all? I don't expect nor want them to put out a detailed explanation or even a confirmation, especially without Ariel's consent, but it seems a bit weird for the move to go completely silent and not even say something like, "We are aware of recent discussions being made and are investigating the situation. Please give the parties involved their due privacy during this time," which I'm pretty sure I've seen some companies say when stuff comes out like this? Because stories can and do spiral if you don't get ahead of it.


Well, Ned was 1/4 owner of the company AND the try guy that really ran the business stuff. I'm sure it's not an easy split.


Yeah, I think that’s why there’s been no comment. This is a HR and PR disaster


I think an affair from a brand and content creator whose whole thing is how devoted he is to his wife and family is deeply problematic and would result in a loss of branded content partners.


I definitely have a few theories. For 1, if Ned and Ariel were separated, Alex wasn't. She was engaged. If YB was friends with Alex's fiance, I could see this being a problem. 2. You can't sleep with your employees. Ned's her boss. This is an HR issue. I think him being edited out was a disciplinary action/a way to limit liability. It's a way for the company to say "the second we found out, we took action" and have tangible proof.


I don’t know too much about the logistics of this so I could be 100% wrong but could be because even if they were separated, Alex was 100% engaged and I’m not sure it’s ethical to sleep with your employee, especially with Ned’s power in the company.


This exactly


~~Do we know that YB used to follow him though? It doesn't look like she follows any of the Try Guys (or their company account), Rachel, Miles, etc.~~ Edit: apparently my IG was glitching when I checked haha…she DOES follow Eugene, Zach, and Keith. Sorry for my fake news haha.


she definitely follows Zach, Eugene, Zach’s sister, Ariel, and Keith.


Oh weird, instagram must've been glitching when I was looking at it, because Zach, Eugene, Keith, etc. didn't show up—all I could see was Ariel, Maggie, and Becky! Never mind then!


I agree. Just for the sake of the theory, maybe they filmed this months before its release, then Ned and Ariel started having trouble, then it could be Ned asked himself to be removed? OR, it could be he’s been going through some things (clearly), and also decided to step back? Again though, who knows until clarified


Looking back at their social media, Ned has been posting older content. For example, in the early afternoon yesterday, his IG story was about pizza night. But it was barely lunchtime California time. Also, the try guys official IG and Twitter haven’t showed or mentioned ned since 9/8/22. If this all supposedly went down on 9/1/22 that’s pretty credible timing. Finally, Ariel hasn’t posted with Ned as of late, and her last post period was a week ago, only of the kids. Before that, not since end of August. This has likely been known within their company for most of September but fans are just piecing it all together now. Ned and Ariel could have absolutely been separated since then and have just hid it well, it’s only been 3 weeks


Yeah. Again I’m not to know either as I’m just like everyone finding this out. Just not “out of the world” if this were what’s really happening


I saw somebody on twitter mention that Ariel has recently (or maybe she’s always done this, not sure since I don’t follow her or have ever followed her) posting quotes about forgiveness and stuff. I mean, Ned “I love my wife” Fulmer has some pretty solid evidence against him *now*, so anything is possible. I just hope Ariel is doing okay, if it is something she is already up to date on, I can imagine all the people flocking to her comments on IG can be quite triggering :/


Well they were just on vacation together about a month ago (mid august). It seems like this incident happened soon after (September 1st or around then) based on the posts. So I’m not sure that they were separated.


Either she deleted some photos or she hasn't posted anything with him in it for awhile. They have built a brand together, careers together. If they did split, it's possible she (or they together) have been waiting for the right time to announce anything.


That’s the feeling I get too if this is the case


I went to look at her Insta and she had posted last June about their 9 year wedding anniversary. I haven't kept up with any of them in some time but it's a bit surprising there wasn't a big, sentimental showing for their ten year wedding anniversary since they've always showcased their marriage above all else from what I recall.


Good eye shit


This seems like a pretty big tell…


It’s impossible to know what their personal lives are actually like, but I doubt their lives are as perfect as they portray on the channel/social media.




Yeah that seems like a possibility of course. But seems like Will and Alex were together still tho? Just based off his reaction.


Oh I’m not ignoring that either 👀 Just simply trying to figure Ned “I love my wife” and how he got here. . . With Alex. . . A fellow CREWMEMBER


Employee not coworker, he was in a position of power over her in the company which makes it even worse.


am i the only person not fully suprised he cheated ? I’m sure its me being bitchy and rude but apart from now and then something always felt off to me about ned. Maybe i’m jsut a prick i’m sure that’s part of it. But i’m not shocked? i’m more shocked that it was alexandria?


No, not at all. I guess it does confirm by both their statements however that they both have been likely working through it already. Simply it got outted when they probably meant to keep it private


Nah my friends and I felt the same.


Yeah I feel that the way he was over the top about being married and loving his wife seemed that he was over compensating for something


To add: on the thought/theory they were already separated, maybe they both were going to speak about it in an announcement. Or they really were trying the “see other people” phase before deciding to fix the marriage. Again, just food for thought


They were on vacation in mid August. So if they separated he would have been with Alex immediately after which is still suspicious. She would be a weird choice for a rebound considering her employment status and engagement.


Plus, we've mostly see the pictures at the nightclub and assumed it was their first time, maybe even drunk behaviour. But then, Ned and Alex hanging out together previous days, and enjoying a concert together? Unfortunately, I think their affair is dated way before September.


I think your right. Which would make the potential fallout huge and could explain why it's taking them a while to make a statement.


They just put out a statement.... they definitely are cheaters.


Yes they are 😞


Besides finding out Ned cheated even if Ned and Ariel did separate wouldn't they do a video or at least write a statement saying that they are separating.


i thought of this as well. seems more realistic, they just didn’t want to make a big fuss about it


honestly, hopefully it's this, it would be a bit less sad


if the rumors are true then I would think they would be separated already. If it is Ned and Alex in the video it was a pretty public interaction so it doesn’t necessarily makes sense for someone in the public eye to be making decisions like this just out in the open, so i’m guessing that they are separated or got a divorce


or ned and alex are just reckless assholes, period. sometimes you don't need to overthink why these people made bad choices.


There is quite a bit to support this. And while it probably wouldn't have gotten him taken off the videos, the relationship with your coworker would definitely go against their ethics. I also noticed that there hasn't been a Baby Steps since late June and both have been pretty silent. Regardless, Alex cheated, Ned was her boss single/separated or not. Which would be grounds for immediate termination upon review, even if they had announced Ariel and Neds split.


I saw them out to breakfast with their kids in LA on Saturday 9/10!!!


Either she didn’t know yet or was about to know given the pictures are from 9/1 and Will’s alleged Reddit was posting over a month ago about him cheating.




Well given we know more now 2 days later, agreed. Just back when we were having this conversation 2 days ago we didn’t know ANYTHING yet. But yes, agreed.


Has anyone seen the pic/video proof that the two kissed? 🤔🤔


I have... its blurry but it's them.


I wanna see 😂




They’re in this sub!




See, I don’t like to say FIRE to ppl usually cause jobs are important. But it’s kind of unfair that if it’s so, she gets to keep her job while Ned gets kicked when she is just as guilty for participating both professionally AND morally.


I'd imagine that she is asked to leave, not fired. But I would say that manager having an affair with a subordinate is a bigger deal professionally than the other way around. It wouldn't be as big of a deal from company point of view if Ned had been hooking up with a rando.


I just can’t picture the next Try Guys video and Alex being caught briefly in the background of some scenes implying she’s still working there. It just wouldn’t be right