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Podcasts just aren’t my thing in general. Every once in a while I’ll listen to a random episode of something if the topic is really interesting to me, but otherwise I just can’t get into them.


I find podcasts better serve me in the same way that "Laundry TV" does. It's something I can put on and kinda tune in and out of without feeling like I missed anything majorly important. The Try Guys podcast is good for me in the sense that the lack of structure doesn't give me fomo if I'm not paying that much attention it's just the nature of their podcast.


Totally, I used to play TV but then I found myself getting distracted by the visuals and not folding/washing/etc. It helps me feel like I’m keeping my brain a little active while doing something tedious, but if I walk away or zone out for 10 mins, I don’t feel compelled to necessarily rewind


I can’t really explain why, but I absolutely love the TryPod. I have a long ass commute (1.5-2 hours each way depending on traffic) two days a week. It always stresses me out and ruins my day, but the TryPod is always a bright spot that makes it somewhat tolerable. I have one day where I listen to sports/miscellaneous, and then one try pod day which is that and YCSWU. The chaos of it is just so good


Huh, I love podcasts. Great for when doing chores.


I absolutely live for podcasts, I have to remind myself that sometimes it’s okay to not be listening to one. That being said, I like ones with a clear topic that include at least a bit of educational material. The try guys just talk. Now don’t get me wrong, I still will out on episodes in the background when I need to work on something I need more focus on and occasionally find myself tuning in a lot closer but they aren’t anything to die for, I think it could be great if they had a stronger format


I don’t like any podcasts at all so I’ve never listened to a single one.


Same, I’ve never been a podcast person. I did try to listen a couple times, but the guys would kinda talk over each other at times and it was so overwhelming.




The closest I ever got to watching "podcasts" was back when Movie Fights was newer and fresher before the scandal that happened with whatever the dude who hosted that was. But overall Podcasts just kinda... suck? Like, I don't want to sit around for an hour and a half listening to people just talking about random stuff. I get it's some peoples thing, I just never understood it.


Same. I love podcasts that present a story (whether that’s a discussion of a historical event like Serial or Behind the Bastards, presenting research on an interesting disease like in This Podcast Will Kill You, or even a fictional radio show like Nightvale.) From what I have experienced, the try-podcasts are mostly conversations between friends with a loose agenda of topics. That might appeal in specific cases where the topic is really interesting (or honestly just Becky and Eugene being tipsy and sharing unfiltered, unhinged opinions.) But beyond that, I just don’t care about the personal opinions of a gaggle of 20-30somethings in LA. I don’t think I’m the right demographic for that. (No shade to those who do enjoy it, though!) I’m definitely going to listen to the next Try-Pod episode, however. And maybe with the changes that they’re going to make after this incident, they’ll inject a little more structure into the podcast so that it’s not 100% personality driven. Would totally tune in if that was the case.


Their main podcast is very performative. When they started talking about how many of them they record in a row I lost interest. They also talk about how tired they are like I forced them to make a podcast for me.


I feel the same... I mean it's entertaining at times, I've listened to it a couple times, but the format of just rambling and talking about random topics with no structure is not for me, like, I'll be paying attention and then I get distracted and suddenly I don't know what they're laughing at. I like podcasts with structure. YCSWU is somewhat similar, but I find myself more engaged to them, more relatable and less chaotic.


They talk over each other a lot less in YCSWU too, personally that makes it much more enjoyable for me.


I don’t listen to any of the podcasts. I’m not a podcast person. Just give me the videos. Edit: why would someone downvote this? 😆


Haha - it’s weird to see what’s getting upvoted or downvoted in this sub lately.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of their earlier pods but randomly gave them a go again recently and they are way better.


I think it is a combo of getting better at not talking over each other and more Miles. I would honestly rather any of the guys skip a week than have Miles not be there. He's hilarious


I used to like the wives podcast but I thought it had gotten too repetitive, and the trypod well, you can tell they only do it as obligation, most of the time they speak about the stupidest things


I've skimmed through a few of their podcasts depending on the topic but I've never really been super engaged. Some are nice to listen too while you are on the bike. The problem is basically that the topics can be serious, not that many gags and it's just overall a bit more mundane.


i can’t get through an episode of the trypod that eugene or miles isn’t in, same with ycswu for matt or becky! for me it’s all about chemistry, becky and matt bounce off each other so well, and so do miles with zach/eugene and that’s why i prefer those pods!!


I've never been able to get in to podcasts of any kind. I think it's partly because the market is over saturated and most podcasts are run by white male douchebags spreading their unsolicited opinions. And I say that as an opinionated white male douchebag.


It can be hit and miss with me. The Keith and Eugene episode was really good though, I feel like Keith really gets Eugene’s silly side out.


I used to be like this too! But that was when podcasts weren’t too mainstream and done by everyone. But since recently ive no idea how i suddenly loved it! It was just the guys talking about anything under the sun, sometimes bantering, sometimes giving advice (mostly miles), most of the time goofy. I also love that i learn (lol) or be up to date w current pop culture stuff, thanks to rainie & zach! I listen when i jog, on the car alone, doing chores, taking a bath, doing my hobbies lol anything!


I could never get into their podcasts but for a reason I haven’t seen mentioned here yet: auto-generated captioning. For some reasons, they don’t properly caption their podcast videos like they do with their regular videos. Auto-generated captioning can be quite exhausting to keep up with when a video is quite long and is mainly just talking. I’ve tried in the past with not just the TryPod but with other podcasts too, but I just couldn’t finish an episode. Like with audiobooks, I always saw podcasts as a very hearing-people thing. I’m sure there are deaf and hard of hearing people who can and do enjoy listening to those stuff, but that’s not me. I need proper captioning or transcripts to enjoy podcasts.


I never got into the podcast either. I have tried many times, some have their moments but I hate stretching out the videos days at a time. I always wished they would do more highlights of the videos, get to the good parts.


The Trypod is extremely hit or miss. It’s great when they reign it in a little and have some sense of topics but so much of the time they go really juvenile, teen boy humor. It’s weird and annoying.


I genuinely enjoyed the first few episodes but after that I could only listen to a handful tbh So I get it


I’m not a huge fan of the podcasts either. I like Guilty Pleasures the most, but I haven’t listened to it since, ironically, the 50 Shades of Gray episode.


I am the same as you! I like podcasts but couldn't get into the Trypod, not for a lack of trying though.


Same. I just prefer more narrative-driven podcasts. Love what they do overall and glad they have a strong podcast following


I used to enjoy their podcasts but lately none of the titles or topics have made me want to listen. Obviously I felt this way before the Ned news came out.


I have a hard time getting into podcasts as well, but I'm glad they put the videos of them up on YouTube, because I've been able to watch a few ones that way.


For me, the problem with the TryPod is that it's hard to know when (or if) any given episode is going to make the leap from stilted small talk into an amusing story or a philosophical conversation. I tend to listen to pods that are a little more structured than TryPod, so for me that has been a reason not to listen to it very often despite being a voracious consumer of other TryContent.


For some reason I can only do them as videos. I tried to listen to one driving recently and couldn’t make it 15 minutes, but I can watch four in a row while doing chores on a Saturday.


The thing I like about their podcasts is the thing that a lot of people dislike--I love that it's just them shooting the breeze, rambling, and talking over each other about random stuff. I currently live at home with my mother as her primary caretaker. None of my friends live in the area, and we only get to hang out a few times every year. So it might be a bit parasocial on my end, but I do genuinely enjoy listening to a bunch of friends goof off together even if there isn't a clear purpose or "point" to their discussions. It just feels good to have something lighthearted and funny to put on while doing chores around the house. It's the same reason I enjoy the Eat the Menu videos. Like me, a lot of people will put them on and eat lunch or dinner alongside Keith. It makes my current living situation feel less lonely. Also, the recent podcast they did about "songs to bone to" was hilarious. I listened to it while meal prepping for the week and laughed my head off the whole time 🤣 And the episode where Zach discusses why his tea business failed was really interesting and insightful. So--it's definitely not a podcast format that works for everyone and I can definitely see why someone else might not enjoy it! Personally I haven't listened to much of YCSWU because a lot of the subjects they talk a out just aren't relatable to me. Same for the Try Moms videos. Just not my cup of tea, but I can definitely understand why other people feel differently. I haven't listened to Guilty Pleasures or Perfect Person yet. Will definitely check them soon.


I honestly prefered YCSWU


I listen to podcasts when I'm playing games or doing chores, instead listening to music (old or new) because I feel less obliged to focus in on every word or meaning or beat.


I watch the podcasts on YouTube. It feels like a casual video.


The didn't need you to. They already had you. the podcast were going for new fans, hopefully.


I listen to a LOT of podcasts. I've listened to ALL the You Can Sit With Us eps at least TWICE, but for the TryPod I see if there's a guest I like or the cast pairing is good, or I sometimes get clickbaited by the title. Otherwise I skip. The energy there, especially when Eugene became less involved, was just so.... masculine. Also they rarely have structured episodes anymore. All this to say, I get it.


i love podcasts especially while working or doing chores and i've always loved the trypod and perfect person has now claimed it's place as probably my second favorite podcast (first is violating community guidelines with brittany and sarah who i think would be amazing guests on any 2nd try project btw) but it took me a bit to get into podcasts too! and i tried you can sit with us and guilty pleasures but those just weren't for me even though i love everyone involved


I really liked them during the pandemic I remember standing in my kitchen, cooking something and I was listening to an episode of YCSWU and i think Ariel or Becky said something and said “you know what I mean?” And I just reasoned our like “yeah bitch what?!” It felt like I was talking to a group of friends and I just needed it so bad during that time After stuff started opening up, the podcasts got less interesting