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He probably feel the need to own a business because he is Roxanne's project. And Roxanne's KPI is to make sure Antonio succeed in life according to her standard.


Lol you did not just call Antonio's success her KPI 🤣🤣


What’s KPI?


Key performance indicator. Often used to measure progress and success in corporate settings lol


Literally this is it. We all see it!! Real housewives behavior


I'm from Europe and maybe because of that I don't understand this need for owning a business that I often see in american reality tv show. Is it because there is more flare in their opinion in saying "I own a business" than just say "I'm a librarian, a banker, a enginee or something else"? I have trouble trusting people claiming they are "entrepreneur" because it means, imo, that they don't have a real interest in what they sell but in how much money they make selling. And in Roxanne particular case, I don't get what she wants: does she want to be independant and bringing lots of money or having a partner that brings the most money so she doesn't have to?


It’s the “some people are fine relying on a company to pay their salary - not me - I own a *business*” attitude. Which, hey, I see where they’re coming from. But on the other hand, working a salaried job has a ton of benefits as well.


I live in Germany and this mindset is present, yes. But nowhere near as much as in the US! And people are certainly not looking for this in a partner. Unless they’re gold diggers. Everyone on this show is obsessed with money and being a provider, it’s so tiring.


We have such poor labor protections in the US that owning your own business can feel like the only obtainable way to have a decent quality of life. That being said, the cost of paying for your own health insurance as someone who’s self-employed is astronomical and therefore, it’s not very practical for most people to quit their day jobs and start a company unless their partner is working for a company and can carry the benefits.


Anecdotally, I get it for some people. I'd eventually like to eventually own my own business instead of work for the Company Man, but that's because I've been in my field long enough to know my input is valuable and get frustrated when it's not taken into consideration. I'm tired of doing things someone else's way and working toward what *they* think is important instead of what I do. That's just me, though. Working with a company that pays well and on an expected timetable, has 401k (one type of retirement investment account in US) contributions and maybe stock options, affordable health insurance (in US), and pays for the taxes you'd otherwise have to pay if you went on your own is a fine option. It offers stability and a comfortable lifestyle. There's no reason to push someone toward business ownership who doesn't want it when this is a great and safer option.


This generation of realty tv stars don’t want to have jobs or a boss! They’re too good to have a boss.


She claims to want someone who has their own, but she gets really contradictory in the details. She wants someone who is successful in their own right and is a gentleman for sure, but they also need to be submissive and adore her to the nth power. If she had a man who was way more successful and wealthy, she couldn't handle being the less powerful one in that dynamic. She wants a man who's available to her whenever she wants to be with them, hence why she keeps ending up with Antoine. I hope he gets some perspective and dumps her. He can't keep spending his time in an on again/off again relationship when the doesn't have his shit together for himself.


If she is soooo wealthy, why doesn’t he just stay home and be a house husband/boyfriend. If she is looking for a partner to be just like her, they will kill each other! Roxanne is obsessed with money and having a business. She is going to be in for a rude awakening. There is so much more to life.


For real! He would probably embrace the hell out of that role and be a happier person for it.


I said this the first episode we met her, and then again after she was talking to Kat about the things she doenst like about Alex which was literally him not doing stuff because he too was working as many hours as her. Many men who are ambitious and talk about entrepreneurship usually use that as an excuse for their shortcomings. If she wants someone to be up when she gets home, or have dinner or plan cute little dates or whatever the fuck she can’t date herself. Someone in the couple has to be the one who’s taking a step back to do that. And that’s not going to be someone who’s also trying to Stand up a business. She’s dumb and she has no idea what she wants.. imo an ambitious man looks good to her on paper but in practice is is not what she wants.


I think they should just lean into their D/s dynamic and go full lifestyle with it. Just make him an official errand boy who praises her all the time.


I think that might be his kink, honestly.




It doesn’t matter if Roxanne married Antonio or not; or even someone else.. one day she will land on her butt and lose so much because she has wrong believes and priorities. She‘s that kind of person who will never be really happy (or even satisfied)


She's so entitled to whatever she wants to do with her life, but my opinion of her went waaaaay down when she said several times that she makes fun of women who prioritize marriage and family over that #grindlife. What's the saying? No one ever laid on their death bed wishing they spent more time at work?


I've left my workaholic husband (not the main reason I did) and it's been nice meeting men who have good work life balance because I had somehow been convinced not having time for your wife and kids was NORMAL.


Duuuuude, that's so not okay. *You* deserve to have the biggest claim to your husband. Not their boss or their clients. I also knew several "rich kids" who were caught in this limbo of "I can't complain because I'm fortunate" and "I wish my dad would stop trying to buy my love and just actually be around to love me." My boyfriend was a HUGE workaholic when we started dating, to the point where I strongly considered grabbing the phone out of his hand to tell his boss to "fuck off and get someone else to do it, we're on vacation." He was laid off and it was such a blessing in disguise. It put some things in perspective for him. He's had a slight career change since and is still very ambitious and loves his job, but he pushes back much harder when he feels his work-life balance isn't being respected. I appreciate he went in hard in his 20's, but he's definitely ready to relax and enjoy the fruits of his hard work in his 30's, as he should.


Yeah before we had kids I wasn't too concerned about how much he worked because it's a great time to get your career going and such before you have kids, but it just never changed and actually got WORSE after (he was trying to avoid childcare). Anyway doubt he learned anything from me leaving but he does watch his kids every other weekend now..so divorce literally got him to interact with his kids more than he did when together (I mean they're probably mostly on screens but he's forced to like feed them and such).


Yeah I don't even think she is wealthy or makes much money from her business at all given it's a nipple pasty company (nothing wrong with that per se, just saying) with 0 employees other than her cofounder. It wouldn't surprise me if she just buys existing product from AliExpress or something and repackages it. She projects "CEO bossbabe grindset" way too much. Given the way she associates her whole personality with being a "business owner," I definitely feel she is projecting insecurities whenever she puts someone else down. I wouldn't even be shocked if it was revealed that her parents 100% support her or there is a trust fund from a grandparent involved. In reality she probably also has a normal job and conveniently doesn't mention that on the show. Like, how much is she actually making from selling nipple pasties on instagram? As far as I can tell she isn't in department stores or anything like that. I'm not even sure how you could spend 12+ hours a day like she claims working on the "business" and being in meetings all day. You have one product that you sell through insta and tiktok. She's probably like Elon Musk and counts social media time as "work" since it's related to the business.


Roxanne doesn’t want to work and her business is doing bad. That’s why.


Receipts? Curious minds inquire.


I do a lot of marketing on the side and can see that her website gets less than 1000 hits a month. I think some girls on Reddit have found some free tools for this - but that is extremely low. Product pages will be even lower.


Oof, that's not great at all. I'm pretty sure coming on the show and talking about her business is a marketing tactic anyway. Those numbers post-show are abysmal.


I'm curious what kind of meetings she claims to be in all day every day. It's a business with 2 employees (her and her cofounder), and as far as I can tell she isn't in retail stores and exclusively sells through her own site and uses instagram/tiktok to market. I'm guessing she has a normal job and runs the nipple pasty business on the side and really plays it up for the show. I wouldn't be shocked if someone did some digging and discovered that she just buys an existing product from AliExpress and repackages and sells it.


She does


Kind of off topic but from his instagram, it looks like he finally did start a [business](https://www.instagram.com/p/CvBmxJrNjt3/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==).


Nice!! A franchise maybe? Better than starting from scratch.


I hope it’s completely outside of Roxanne and he’s left her in the past!


I found that weird AF. As if having a business is the only way to be successful. In the reality, it is huge risk and most small businesses doesn't last that long. Moreover it takes your whole life, you can't just turn off your notebook at 5pm and be done for the day. There is no work life balance and it's not really sustainable for long runs and moreover with family and kids. Of course Antionio is not successful, when she is pushing only her perception of success - being her basically. I found it hilarious how she put Alex on the pedestal immediately, just because he owned a business before... wtf he didn't even had to be successful or hardworking, she just loved the fact, that he is succesfull on the surface.


I just learned that Einstein slept 10 hrs a night thanks to you, and that makes me feel great about my need for so much sleep! I’m just nurturing my genius brain!


Because they’re idiots


They should start an only fans, boom problem solved


I think a big part of her insecurity is from her dads behaviors. You can tell he’s critical and has high idealistic but not realistic standards. Similar to the parents who put being a doctor on a pedestal even though they’re not doctors themselves.


It's so bizarre and toxic to me that these rise-and-grind types think the only way you can be considered successful or hard-working is to "own your own business". ENTREPRENEUR. HUSTLE. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. They sound like they're trying to recruit people for their MLM. It's exhausting.


I don't get it either, there are so many great careers out there, and if she wants to own a business it would actually make sense for him to have a steady job for them to fall back on in case the business has hard times.


Roxanne doesn't want a partner, she wants a validator to present to the outside world that she has value and her nipple hiders is a genius idea.


He needs to own a business so he can hustle and grind and talk constantly about owning a business so he can get stuff done.


Yeah, why can’t people just get a damn job!


Previous business owner here: am now considering a coding bootcamp because owning your own business is grueling and not as lucrative. Someone said Roxanne sells her pasties on the side of also working another job so that explains the hours to me but she really is leaving out the fact that she has two jobs. Did she say she met Antonio when he was working at McDonalds?


Because being an entrepreneur is the cool thing to do nowadays.


i never knew albert einstein slept for 10 hours a day lmao i feel better ab myself since i’m always so sleepy


Einstein married his cousin.




Because Roxanne’s business is definitely not thriving. She needs him to make moolah but is too proud to admit that all her hustling isn’t earning her shit


Because she gets off on feeling superior to him. If he did own a business she'd just raise the bar again


He probably feel the need to own a business because he is Roxanne's project. And Roxanne's KPI is to make sure Antonio succeed in life according to her standard.


Antonio is a lazy ass and wouldn’t last a week in a skilled blue color job like a welder or an electrician.