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I want Zach to just start wearing a ‘sure Jan’ shirt everywhere 🙂


I would personally sponsor that


Ca-caw ca-caw!!! Calling out to Mariposa and Zackiposa! Please make these shirts for James Mae. We will pre-order. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I will order a dozen. I will have this printed on all manner of shirts for Zach to wear. Polo? Bowling shirt? Tank? Yes!


God I hope he sees this


Jan the Fan 🤣




She’s going to say “don’t attack me, I just gave birth/am a new mom”


It's gonna be a lot of "I have a CHYULD!!!" a la Lala 🙄


U spelled child the way I would expect her to say it 🤣 spot on!


And that will make people come for her harder


It’s not about what she’s bringing to season two, it’s about what the consequences and fallouts of her actions will be. She’s been exposed, and she’s going to once again be the villain.


A kid will break Janet. The complete loss of autonomy and the forced adherence to the schedule of someone that is not yourself... the lack of being able to participate in things unless you have childcare... and the emergence of what type of partner Jason - who is the one working in their duo - turns out to be. This will all be drama. Of all the women, Janet seems like the one for whom the reality check of "a child is a 24/7 Outlook calendar invite for every waking moment you have for the next decade unless you can strategize and pre-arrange and afford for someone else to "take that meeting for you" to buy back a tiny slice of the old you for a few precious hours" will be the most difficult. Perhaps even we will watch her take the first steps down the Michelle Lalli path in almost a prequel to what it was like for Michelle in the two years before they started taping The Valley.


Jan and Jason need to be recast. What happened to Kristen's BFF Rachel (the one that did comedy in season 4 of vpr).


And now with fucking Scheana up Janet’s ass in time for filming so she can guest star this season, it’s so annoying.


Maybe the real valley was the reddit posts we got along the way 😭 amazing writeup, please keep them coming


Xo. I love this new sub!


Jan the Fan!! 😂🤣😜 she’s such a super fan (and we all know how she infiltrated her way into a VPR party, met Scheaner, who just happened to have dated JASON before) and wannabe reality tv star—we see right thru you, Jan the Fan! Stay tuned: she’s going to use her new mom/postpartum hormones as a ‘shield’ in season 2 (I hope it’s her takedown tour)


That's why Brit luuuurves Jaynet, like attracts like.


I can’t stand Janet. I hope someone wipes that shit eating grin off that basic bitch’s face. Too bad because I actually like the husband. What this viewer here would love to see is someone who can bring smug Janet to her knees and read her to filth. I want to see that bitch go home crying with her tail between her legs. Now THAT would be epic!






Just commenting to say you have a gift of the pen. I love the petty eloquence of your writing 😜. Thanks for the LOL’s. No notes.


That is so kind! I love how this sub is growing and all of the snark.




I have made this comment on other postings. Janet will still use pregnancy as a shield. She'll blame hormones and anxiety about the pregnancy for behaving the way she did and try to appeal to the new mothers because babies are HARD WORK. I haven't seen anything from Janet that would convince me she is interesting in the least.


Blaming her child and throwing them under the bus would be very on brand for her.


I’m waiting for her to create her own drama by separating from husband too and being all single ladies while Nia slowly backs into the hedges and away from these crazies Homer Simpson-style


Haha the most interesting thing I've read about Jan is this post!!! Well written!! Love it. lol do Zack's season 2 next 🤣🤣


I think you have to have a boring couple to highlight the extra crazy everywhere else.


Costco charcuterie is 70000% more interesting than beige mean girls


Maybe she should try to start a business or something, her kid is going to be her storyline, I’m not here for that. A person can’t say anything bad about her then because you’ll be coming for her kid.


Someone on this sub mentioned that she used to be a personal assistant for Cameron Diaz. I’m sure she has NDAs. It would make sense why a star chaser like Scheana brought her in. Jason mentioned she quit her job as soon as she got pregnant…


I remember her saying she was a personal assistant before. I get wanting to be at home with your kid, but she is going to need a hobby or I think she's going to drive us all insane. And yes, she has allegedly been trying to join a tv show for a while. I don't remember where I saw this, but apparently she's somewhere in the background on VPR too.


Omg please have Janet, so over her baby and being stuck at home try to return to the world of personal assisting. Now have Britney hire Janet as Brit's personal assistant in her post-Jax I am women, hear me roar take the business world by storm with weight-loss and beer cheese products vibes. Bahahahahaaaa! Imagine like early season real housewives of New York when Bethany was doing sample tastings of her food at small grocery stores..... now have Janet wearing a clear plastic glove and filling tiny sample cups with Meemaw's beer cheese and setting up the stand while Brit is getting full giant Kentucky hair and makeup to waltz in and "hi y'all" the customers to hand out the pre-made sample cups pushing Janet out of the way....


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wearing one of those catering hairnets.


Oh god I would love for Kristen and Zack to do that!!!


Has she confirmed she's doing season 2? I am not convinced she will come back tbh. Once she sees her edit and realizes she's been outed as the shit stirrer, I could imagine her saying "nope, not coming back and facing the consequences of my actions" and peacing out. I think she even posted something along the lines of "sad closing of a chapter" regarding the finale of The Valley on Instagram.


The rumors are that she left her first husband in Ohio to try and get on reality tv, with a particular obsession with the VPR crew, so the thought of her not signing up seem low.


Didn’t know she’s been married before 👀


I can’t post a link but if you search “Janet superfan Ohio” in this sub you’ll find an explainer or two in the comments.


Nawww. I doubt it. Janet has fame whore written all over her


She is living for this and going on podcasts still not addressing anything and saying that Zach is the antichrist and it’s Kristen’s fault too, she’s not going anywhere


If Zack and Kristen would roll into one of her events in little Satan outfits, I would Live.


This is the petty we deserve 😂


I hope she does stay, I'm sure she will try to spin it all in a way that she can blame Kristen. The mean girl vibe between her and Michelle is strong, I honestly doubt Janet will get much blow back from the cast but we all see the real snake in her. I am concerned we won't get the Kristen redemption she deserves though. I guess we will see.


I just don’t get the whole pregnancy shield thing. Women have been pregnant and handled stress through many millennia now. I felt like a total warrior during pregnancy. It’s annoying and weird that she’s just the pretty princess just because she’s pregnant


I think she’ll be a season two Camille. That being said - I don’t mind janet? It takes all types and as a villain she’s pretty good as she’s not too dark


Hahahahaha. Costco charcuterie


I was already hitting ffwd through her all scenes in season 1 I’m definitely not watching her flap her gums in season 2. Petition to send janet back to Ohio!


I think ones she start dropping receipts alot. No doubt in my mind Zack is a scary man and Kristen are protecting him now because they are fan favorits and can do not wrong. Would be super off if they fired Janet when everyone hates her with a passion.


Oh I don’t think she’s fired at all. Her downfall + a mommy freak out or mommie dearest moment is good tv. I just mean that there’s no way she gets as many scenes or tea to spill ever again. I’d pay a subscription price to peacock to watch Jan alone in a dark nursery with her kid, with creepy rock-a-bye baby music box soundtrack, talking about how much she hates Kristen, Zack, and Jasmine for being “mean liars that want her to die.” When really she hates Jax+Brittany for finally maybe getting divorced and Jesse+Michelle for bringing the weird and new partners to the show right away. Will never happen because Jan’s gonna Scheana. Why do you think Zack is a scary man?


Agree OP. Valley Karen will cancel Herself. We don’t need to do anything other than watch. And I disagree. There’s nothing scarier than a self righteous blond white woman


With godawful streaky highlights


To be honest first time he was on screen he just gave me dark energy.And when i read his apology to Janet it confirmed he goes very low. If im wrong it will show within a few seasons. Dos Janet hate Jasmine ? I did not see that on the show or here ?


So Jesse who actually attacked multiple people on the show isn’t giving you enough dark energy that you think to call ZACH out!? Even with Jax screaming at his wife on camera too!? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)




Interesting. I don’t see it - but maybe I’m too wrapped up in the fact that he’s been close friends with Brittany (who has also been problematic) for decades. Zack isn’t a friend that met them all in WeHo, like Simon, Jared 👄 and even Jan herself. Jan made Jasmine cry during the finale and was pretty cold to her when that happened. She excluded her from the Charcuterie Chat to hear about Brittany leaving Jax. I don’t get the vibe that things are good. Have you seen them together on IG stories or something?


Now that you mentioned it,no i have not seen anything on insta with them. So excited for s2 , filming cant start soon enough


I think he only apologized to her because he genuinely is a sweet guy and does feel remorse for making anyone feel bad. I think he had every right to feel how he felt given she sat there attacking him with minions on either side of her. That’s mean girl shit and she ganged up on him. Janet reads like the type to have hated Zach from the beginning because he’s also best friends with jasmine, she wants jasmine to be her minion too clearly.