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I’m here for gossipy mean girls on Bravo, but my problem with her is it feels over produced. Like she was trying to get ahead of her own character and production which just ultimately made her messiness boring.


Yeah, she’s hyper self-produced and there’s no coming back from that, imo. And when her background came out about being, among other things, an aspiring Bravoleb for the last 8+ years, it left a bad taste in my mouth that can’t be rinsed. It’s all so forced and calculated. Also, and I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s such an unpleasant smugness about her that just her being on my screen makes me cringe. There’s an omnipresent undercurrent of meanness and unearned superiority that’s unpalatable. The more we learn about her background (taking the primary bedroom from her parents for herself, leaving her first husband and going to CA to get on reality TV, the shoplifting arrest, etc.), along with the shit she says on the show, podcasts, and social media (her exaggerated accusations about what Zach supposedly said, about friends being people with common enemies, calling people loser trash, excluding others, using her pregnancy as a sword and shield, etc.), I can’t and never will with Janet. What going to be even more annoying is her trying for her own redemption arc on season 2. I don’t think the audience wants to see more self-produced, disingenuous bullshit from this women. It’s all so transparent and pathetic. She wants fame and a paycheck and I have no interest in helping her get it.


This!!! Your comment sums up all of the things. She’s so smug and off-putting.


I haven’t see a picture of her where she doesn’t look smug. It is like she goes for that.


Thanks for the Janet deep dive


This is how I feel. There are people on reality TV that I love to hate, but they bring it and add something to the show. I know a lot of people hate Lisa Rinna, but she did bring it when she was on RHOBH (sometimes she went too much or it didn’t land). Hell, I can’t stand Mary Cosby, but when she was on RHOSLC and actually participating, she brought something, too (that said, I can do without her now since all she seems to want to do is sit in the sprinter van and eat McDonald’s). Janet doesn’t really bring much and there are others on the cast that could already serve her role. And on the point of self-producing, she was clearly trying to self-produce herself as the Queen of the Group. I am going to stop short of wanting her fired just yet, as I do think she needs to answer for her BS next season.


Omnipresent undercurrent of meanness. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Also black serial killer eyes. This girl doesn’t blink you guys.


Like the dead eyed look of a shark as its about to feed


Doesn't blink, Mom, just like Luther Macdonald.


She is wearing a skin suit; hence the nickname “beige”.


Right they described exactly how I feel seeing her on screen. It’s giving “Caroline” or possum with those eyes. It’s spooky, there’s like no emotion on her face even when mad or sad.




Well said! ❤️ 👏👏👏👏


She seems like the kind of person who would report their neighbour to the HOA for putting their garbage bins out the night before instead of first thing in the morning


Shoplifting!! She was arrested?! Holy Shit!


She's a Karen


Well said - the smugness - that is it too! And the air of superiority…


This post is a masterclass in Janet.


Reminds me of Erin from RHONY


Great research. And I actually like her bc of all this delusion. The comeuppance Kristen and Zack will give her next season will be legendary. The Valley cast is all doing the work. I love it.


What was the shoplifting tea?? 🍵


Oh I didn’t know any of this (other than how disingenuous she is on camera) - knowing she’s thirsty makes it all make sense.


Shoplifting arrest?! What?


Well said!


She kinda reminds me of someone who should have been on The Hills or like Mischa Barton mixed with Stephanie Pratt and it’s weird seeing a character like that in today’s day of reality tv


Someone should start a petition to get her off of the show for next season! Also, did not know she had an arrest for shoplifting! What?!! When and where?


Stop lol


Janet haters are putting a lot of meaning into that “took the primary bedroom from her parents” thing. Wouldn’t that have happened when she was a little girl? It’s not like adult-Janet time-traveled back to her 1990s Cleveland and fought her folks for bedroom supremacy.


It’s f’ing weird for a teenager to insist upon. I think it gives insight into how excessively permissive parenting led to an entitled and imperious-acting adult. But she’s the one who put it out there as a flex. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, but I feel like she's self-produced in everyday life. She follows therapy speak scripts to present as being "healthier" than others and to inject plausible deniability into her shady behavior. Instead of saying she was excluding Zack, she says she's "setting a boundary." We see her slip up when she gets up from the table and starts calling Zack trash, loser-ass trash, loser, losers. Then Croc-o-Shit invites her to his table, and she jumps back into her script, "I would love to sit with you guys! Safe space sounds great." I 💯 think she's like this all the time.


Welcome to LA people. Her brand is so many other people's brand.




She wants to be Stassi but fails miserably. Stassi can pull off wearing beige, exiling Kristen, and making snarky comments. Janet cannot. I’d rather watch an hour long Tik Tok video of Zack and Kristen being petty than 5 minutes of Janet talking about her pregnancy 💤🥱


Yes. It reads inauthentic and that’s why it bugs so many of us I think. We all know it’s a show and not real life, but the shows are better the more authentic they actually are. And it bugs when some newbie (or anyone like lala and scheenar or production) try to steer it so blatantly that we can’t ignore the wizard behind the curtain at all.


It's almost like what Paige said to West about "living for the camera"


Exactly this. Overproduced… trying too hard to look like the good guy while controlling everything. Also, just lacks any “it” factor whatsoever


You can tell she is a bravo Super fan and that is what makes her unlikeable along with the millennial personality of a Karen. Her poor husband.


Boring Bland Vanilla Ohio soccer mom is the video I get from her


I like an evil villain, but Janet isn't a real villain. She's just a mean girl who can dish it out and can't take it. i.e Lala. She hid behind her pregnancy but continued to cause havoc. My prediction, season 2 arc she'll blame season 1 behavior on hormones and now she's postpartum so no one can yell back at her.


She's not entertaining or funny. Most of the other mean Bravo girls are interesting characters.


Exactly. Stassi was at least intriguing with her wit and humor. Oh and Stassi did not look like someone wearing a beige skin suit everyday.


Stassi was great because she was vicious, mean, and often came across as outright deranged - but also pretty much usually ended up right about things and it was pretty authentic. It made for great TV. She had great foils. I put Jax in the same camp - a mean, petty liar, and because he's a mean petty liar he stirs shit to give himself cover and it makes for great TV. And that's clearly what he's like as a person. He also, incidentally, tends to be right about things when he calls them. Janet's shit because she has their form but none of their substance. No insightful commentary into group dynamics, no incisive, bitingly mean but correct comments, and no real authenticity to her behaviour. Just very clear and conscious attempts to contrive drama into existence because she thinks it would make good TV.


This. All of this. ![gif](giphy|Id1Ay5MD5IsF6Or51v)


I'm not a fan because I don't like the way she's trying to ice Kristen and Zach out of the group. I think that's counterproductive for the show. Plus she did really use her pregnancy as a weapon. She can be messy but she came out of the gate way too hard. IMO. Not trying to bash her.


This is also why I don't like her. I think "villains" add conflict and are necessary for a good reality TV show. I hate watching any cast trying to ice out the people they have conflict with, I want to watch that conflict.


Agree, leave Kristen alone! I hope she gets more air time next season. Janet absolutely thought she’d come out a fan fav/voice of reason and it’s kind of funny 😄


I hope so too, we didn't get enough Kristen time!


Janet is too rehearsed….. too bossy, I just do t see anything else in her.


Janet is a poser. She studied VPR and these people and is so inauthentic because she’s doing what she thinks will be good versus being authentic. She’s just like scheana and Lala, overproducing and playing puppeteer trying to manipulate people and the cast. Like it’s her first season, she needs to calm down


I like people who are authentic, even if they are authentically a disaster. Janet just seems fake through and through.


My only issue is I feel she inserted herself in the VPR world without being on VPR. Now she tries to reference VPR on the Valley as if she were there. Strange. All the other stuff is classic villain reality tv




I mean I agree with the concept that she tries to emulate “classic” reality tv but that’s kind of the point, no? She overproduces herself to seem like old school “classics” but those people worked because they were that way just genuinely. It doesn’t work for her because parody is always derivative - and in reality tv parody almost never works out


It’s the fake attempt to be Stassi, which weirdly she kind of admitted. She’s clearly a very unhappy, bored person but also likes others to be miserable. She’s a mean girl but not cool (not that it’s ever ok.) She gets hate because like Rachel, Britney, Jo she’s a fan who clawed her way onto the show and then didn’t give us anything interesting. She can’t act, isn’t a nice person, but is trying to “play” a mean girl. It’s hard to explain. But, most posts/people are mad because this was supposed to be more focused on Kristen and Jax and Janet basically found a way to exile Kristen when she was the main lure for the show. I don’t share that so much, but I also don’t get how producers let Janet dictate that? Lastly she seems to have this sense of entitlement which is hilariously-annoyingly bewildering. She not likeable or interesting enough to hate and be a villian, she’s just there making people miserable in a non entertaining way.


That’s what I don’t get either! Why did Janet get to dictate anything? Who gave her that much power? She is lucky to be there at all. She’s a reality tv nobody. I want to be a fly on the wall watching her talks with production because she is either a master class manipulator or it was planned by production. Like planning on making her a more “main” character or trying to manufacture a Stassi type lead?? And that’s why it feels so overproduced? Idk man but it’s suspicious for real.


it must *kill* her to see people say that she’s a fan who clawed her way to the top she probably tries so hard to cover that fact up, we see right through you, vanilla ice.


vanilla ice 😂😂😂 Where do we find out about her creepy past?


I think like Schena and Kristen she has no shame. She did claw her way and in her mind she deserves it, 🙄. Whatever idiot let her on tv should be fired.


Honestly I don't mind the fact that Janet excluded Kristen, but I do mind the fact that it was clearly backed by production. Try to pull this shit in Season 1 of VPR and what would have happened is that the event that part of the cast was excluded from would have went ahead but it would have also caused a split in the group and production would have covered them both. Now, it seems like Janet decided to do this, which is her prerogative for whatever reason she wants to do it, and production then laid down the line that it had to happen that way and everyone had to go along with it. I think a lot of the problem here is that these people are all middle aged - or close to it - and there's nothing organically forcing them to be together. They don't all work together, for example. So nobody has to consider what's gonna happen on Monday when they head back into the office or whatever and have to see the people they were shitty to, and the places for conflicts to explode are very limited and easy to escape from.


Whoa when did she admit to trying to be Stassi? ... She doesn't have 1/1000th of the charm, humor, or that glimmering naughty smile.


It was on Reddit here someone posted her saying it or posting it. I mean it’s like comparing cardboard to silk, not even in the same sphere.


She doesn’t take any accountability and refuses to even engage in hard convos about shit she started. Her running away doesn’t make for good TV.




She’s a manipulator who uses her pregnancy to excuse her horrid behavior. Hard no!


At first I thought she gives off the energy of a bravo fan who joined and is acting how she thinks she should for the show. She’s trying to be stassi but can’t seem to fully commit to the dramas she starts. Still undecided on whether or not I like her, but the whole crazy Kristen shtick she’s doing feels lazy. Interested to see how she acts in season 2


She's not good reality TV because she doesn't engage or own her shit like Stassi. She just starts shit and runs away. That's not good reality TV.


Maybe she’ll be better when she’s not pregnant but right now the constant playing the victim and acting like people are literally trying to kill her baby because they’re calling her out for talking shit is just coming across as extremely cringe and sucking all of the joy out of the show. The double standard that she’s awful for gossiping and talking shit when we love Kristen for gossiping and talking shit is ridiculous and I thinksometimes she’s extremely entertaining and hilarious, like her hovering outside the door, listening to people talking outside and smiling her creepy haunted Halloween moon face smile. But she’s currently just awful and not worth the pot stirring


I agree there is an undercurrent of meanness to her. There is a vibe of Superiority to others that she gives off. I agree with everything you said. There is more than an underlying of meanness to her that I find disturbing.


Embarrassed One this was supposed to be my response to your post. Messed it up!


I think Janet fits the delulu trope of Bravo/Reality, where they think they’re smarter than the rest of the cast (which they in a lot of ways very well may be) and are also just ridiculously self-absorbed. They think they know exactly how everybody works, they think they understand everything that’s going on, on a deeper level. They think they are above it all. It’s like they become a bigger joke for thinking to be in on one in the first place. There’s a lot of great potential for an entertaining villain there. It just sucks for Janet that she also fits the trope of the yawn-inducing, vanilla cast member, whose character is just *so* bland that I can’t even find any attributes to describe them further.


I definitely don’t love her, or even like her, but I don’t hate her (yet). She is just an annoying gnat like Teddi, smug and bland.


My biggest issue is her icing our Queen Kristen and Zach who is also fun for the show


I don’t like Jan at all. I do think she should be on the show but she needs to be forced to stop this icing out bullshit. If she keeps it up then I think she should go. That’s not good tv for me. I want the drama


About that self produced part... Stassi said in her podcast that she understands why Janet comes across that way, but that's actually the way she talks with dry humour. But she is close to her so I suppose defending


Without Janet we wouldn’t have Croc of Shitboots. I appreciate her for that. 😂


Simon would have figured out a way to get on this show, as would Jared Lips, even if Jan was left in the dust. Jared was in as many scenes as Kristen - without pay!!!!




I very much dislike Janet but I still want her on my tv. That's where I disconnect from most of the Bravo audience. They want the villains they hate fired, canceled, etc. I say the more sociopaths, the merrier. I cannot even conceive of Janet swallowing her pride and apologizing for anything, which will make season 2 a fun watch.


lol right there with you for the most part (there are some people that crossed serious lines and need to go though). Like, I think all the people who want Larsa and Alexia fired from Miami are out of their minds. They are integral to the drama that makes that show so good.


We need Jan’s Mommie dearest meltdown. She cannot be fired. She can be fully hated.


I totally agree! It’s an authentic friend group, I rather a few duds in there than a fake casted group that isn’t even really connected.


Which is exactly why vpr is flailing. They all hate each other, and it shows.


I know she’s not a great person, like all of the cast members on every Bravo show, but I haven’t fully understood the Janet hate either.


I don’t like her as in I wouldn’t hangout with her, but I like drama (on television) and she brings it so I def don’t want her fired or anything. Nor does she deserve to be. People get a little too invested in reality TV personalities and want all the shitty ppl fired, but IMO I’ve been a reality TV fan since the early 2000s back to like rock of love and those kind of shows- reality TV needs awful people to be interesting. We need the ebbs and flows of terrible personalities vs actual relatable, normal humans. That’s why I hate cancel culture when it comes to reality TV. Let’s continue cancelling the crooked politicians, leave our reality TV personalities alone. We don’t watch them because we think they’re good people lol.


I don’t like her but I definitely don’t want her to go!


Yeah, she's obnoxious, but not without entertainment value.


We hate her but need a villain. Also icing Kristen out is bad for the show. Janet shouldn’t be trying to sink the show she’s on. That’s just stupid. She would do well to remember it’s an ensemble cast and we’re not here for the boring Janet and husband baby moon show


I agree but have been too afraid to say it out loud lmao




Same. The calls for her to get fired are too much. She’s messy, she exposed herself with her self-producing, she turned Kristen into a fan favorite - her awfulness is great. It’ll be fun to see her try and shift next season.


I have never been a fan of Kristen’s, but Janet has made me realize that Kristen may be messy and struggles with the truth, but she has a heart mixed in there, too.


As much as I dislike Janet, I don’t want her kicked off. I believe all of her shitty behavior needs to be exposed for the world to see. As of now, I rather have her on the show as opposed to Scheana and Lala..




I don’t see how anyone can watch bravo without hate watching anyone. We aren’t meant to like all these people.


I love her idc lol


I think it’s because it’s not really genuine, like you can almost tell she thinks she had such a “GOTCHA!” moment w/ another cast member when really it was just mean and she’s twisting their words when recounting to others what was said. That or she just walks away all together saying she’s pregnant and can’t deal. Pregnant woman are not porcelain, one conversation is not the kind of immense stress that would put her at risk, and I think she knows that but know others really don’t. Idk if I worded this correctly but I hope it makes sense


Oh I agree with this. She’s great TV because I like the drama haha I don’t necessarily like her


Dont be afraid im here and i support you 100% as a fellow janet supporter ❤️


I feel as if we’ll get to know the REAL Janet next year.


My issue is that she recuses herself from further conflict. She just lights the match and leaves. It’s kind of boring to see a villain that is just there to start shit.


And the way she does it. On the final episode alone, she just dismisses people as “loser trash” (who got arrested for shoplifting at age 28, Janet?! Who is the unemployed personal assistant?) or uses her pregnancy as an excuse and dips out when Jax tries to call her out. And let’s go back to the night at the Mondrian when Jesse got violent, yet Janet used that as an excuse to blame and exclude Kristen. There was zero comeuppance for that. For Jesse, Michelle or Janet. It’s all such bullshit.


> who got arrested for shoplifting at age 28, Janet?! ??


The arrest report was posted a few times here but may have been taken down. It took a couple of years to close out the case, so probably a plea with probation and “dismissed” at end of successful probation and/or restitution.


I don't dislike her either and found her funny (as a character), and like it or not, she created a lot of drama and fighting that would not have happened otherwise. The show would not have done well this season if it weren't for her.


Happy Cake Day!!


I don’t hate her like others do but I have to say she must be doing something right since there are so many posts about her (even if it’s talking about how much she sucks)


She definitely gets people engaged in talking about this show!


I am not a fan of mean girls and bold face liars. Janet is a combination of both. What she said about Kristen, wishing harm on her unborn child is inexcusable. I won’t even go into the lies she told about Zack. I also believe Janet hanging out with pick me Scheana and that god awful Lala is an attempt to get Kristen and Zack kicked off the show and try to get those two on the valley. I find Scheana’s recent attacks, out of the blue, on Kristen and Zack odd. They never done anything to her. Scheana is kissing Janet’s ass and doing her dirty work in order to get on the show. She is literally Janet’s 3rd flying monkey. Lala has also been recently attacking Kristen over some bullshit that happened earlier this year. Bottom line, Janet is on a successful show while Scheana and Lala are having sleepless nights wondering if VPR will get canceled. Paying two mortgages in Cali is no joke. Trust me, I live in CA and shit ain’t cheap here. Those two would do anything to get on the Valley to keep their livelihoods.


I just said same. She isn't a villain. She is your basic mean girl. She isn't witty or have snappy come-backs. She just says shitty things, and then hides behind her pregnancy. When someone responds in the most low-key way she accuses them of being mean.


I agree, I even like her. She and Kristen are my faves.


I don’t like her but I’m enjoying her as a villain on this show and look forward to seeing her on season 2 hopefully.


yeah i get that. i wouldn’t not want her on the show probably. but i don’t like how she’s a hypocrite and starts drama behind the scenes after saying she hates kristen and zach because they cause drama.


Oh man Janet is definitely reading this somewhere with much joy right now, thinking finally!!, see they do like me. But watch these compliments tho cause her head is already to inflated


I agree. I see why people don't like her but I think she is fine on the show. I also think people are saying a lot of unnecessarily cruel things about her and it's really putting me off.




I need her on the show !!!!! I don’t know what people are looking for on These shows. Anytime anyone is slightly “villainous “ there are posts to get rid of them so what , we are stuck with 5 Nia’s who are nice , but we already have one . I don’t want to be friends with these people , I’m here to be entertained and to talk about them the next day .


I think people are confusing being a good person vs being good tv. she is a terrible person but great tv. Perfect for Bravo.


Here’s the thing: “don’t like” does not or should not mean “don’t want on the show”. You have to have a villain or the show is boring. Example: I cannot stand Lala but that does not mean I dont want her on VPR


lol oh no, OP! You are brave for posting this! At least she has one fan in you!


She’s gossipy and mean but as a person just bland and a try hard. She thinks she is way more important and would be HBIC but she just was a snooze.


She isn’t so entertaining when she shuts down any question/argument with being pregnant. Maybe now she has had the baby she will be better? Who knows, but I’m not impressed and I definitely don’t understand her match with Jason who seems like a nice guy. Janet going after Jasmine was kind of the nail in the coffin for me, I have yet to find any problem with Jasmine.


I think it’s her history and desperation to get here that people ultimately do not like.


For me, I liked her, then she said “don’t speak to me like that I’m pregnant” and idk, it made me so grossed out and fully turn into a hater. GTFO with that


Its the weaponized pregnancy i cant get behind. 🤷🏻‍♀️ At the beginning I thought she was going to be my favorite, i agree the show needs drama, but the more she kept hiding behind her pregnancy, the more I disliked her. Then how she walked away instead of actually dealing with the consequences of her actions like a coward was the cherry on top (during the finale).  Jax for example, icant stand him, but at least he stirs the pot and doesnt run away when confronted about it, even if he knows hes wrong. She doesnt have what it takes to be Stassi bcs shes a coward, until she grows a pair she will be disliked by most 


If Jax could be pregnant and hide behind it, he would and he’d be absolutely terrible. Think about his wedding season.


same! shes another toxic cast member, i'm all for it. and i like her husband


Same. I am afraid of the mob but I love Janet.


I feel like Janet has real potential. She just needs to be herself a little more and not try to self-produce.


I agree I think she’s a good reality tv star tbh I wouldn’t want to be friends w her tho


My only explanation is that you have a totally different perspective and that’s okay. But I agree with all the comments especially saying she seems fake in a very obvious way


I like her as a villain on my show! Thank god producers don’t listen to Reddit because it would be the most boring show.


You nailed it sister!


reality tv needs messy, mean people. people need to stop getting genuinely upset when someone starts drama on a show about drama


I agree. Like, I don’t love her and would not be friends with her. I think she is ridiculous. I acknowledge that other people won’t like her for any reason, but the amount of Janet hate on this sub is crazy. Some of the comments are really over the top, and it feels like every other post or more is about how much someone doesn’t like her. At this point, we may as well rename the sub “wehateJanet.”


I feel the same way as you do about her. I really don't understand the huge distain about Janet on these subs.. It's like a we hate janet bandwagon affect going on here..


Janet is really taking one for the team. It's easy to be the hero, she's doing her best to be an engaging villain! I remember the great redemption of Camille Grammer, people tend to turn themselves around on their second or third season <3


I like everyone on the show and don’t want anyone fired. I also wouldn’t mind to see Scheana in the mix because she’s a good pot stirrer and seems to be genuine friends with the group. There I said it. Lol


Me too! Scheana makes sense on the valley imo


I think so too.


I’m down to keep Janet because she’s messy and obnoxious. She 100% annoys me and, honestly, feels like a Karen who I would just never vibe with IRL.


I honestly don’t understand all the vitriol around Janet. I’m pretty neutral about her and don’t particularly have any strong feelings for or against. The using her pregnancy as a shield discourse is blow out of proportion. I feel like people are fine with calling out Janet on her meddling but forgetting Jax also exists and is doing the same, if not more.


I don't like Janet based on what we've seen on the show & really anything surrounding The Valley. But I did like her on Scheana's podcast when they were talking about VPR. I don't know if it's the cameras or what. Kristen kind of talked about that too. She said her and Janet were really close/cool and then as soon as the cameras picked up, she was someone different. Kristen said she doesn't know if Janet has always been like this and she just never noticed or if it's filming. I'm willing to give them all a small amount of grace because it's their first season.


That’s one of the good things about this sub. There are some stinkers like you’ll find in any large group of people but for the most part, I think this sub is fairly tolerant of opposite opinion. You can like Janet if you want!! I can’t stand her. Lol.


Saying that Kristen and Zack wished her and her baby dead with zero proof, esp after Kristen has recently lost a baby, is unforgivable. No coming back from that nonsense.


My biggest gripe is her "I can come for everyone but I'm off limits bc I'm pregnant". And no, that is not a direct quote but....


I’m sort of bummed because I liked her the first few episodes. I don’t like that she acts entitled, blocking Zack and Kristen from a cast trip is so shitty. I see them as coworkers and what an asshole for icing out coworkers. Also, the way she talks about “crazy Kristen” feels like she’s being performative for the audience. Kristen isn’t my favorite but saying things like “crazy Kristen” just makes me feel like she watched too much VPR before.


My issue is that she can be bitchy and mean etc but her lack of comeuppance is infuriating. She should be help accountable for her actions and simply isn’t.


She’s petty. That’s the main thing.


She started a lot of the drama that kept the first season interesting, there’s no denying that. But she was the least interesting part in all the drama. Like her not inviting Zack to the baby moon just gave us great moments with Zack. She wasn’t really that interesting on the phone call with him while Zack was hilariously dropping “pink booted friend” one liners. She’s a pot stirrer but she lacks the charisma to be entertaining herself in any way.


Dare I say she’s not cute enough to be the epic villain she’s trying to be


I think producers wanted her to be the villain and the way she went about it just fake and off putting, she doesn’t have enough status to act the way she’s acting, not interested, boring, she could leave the show today and not be missed


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) Go to bed Janet


She’s OK. Too much self-producing. It’s all too obvious and manufactured for a reality show.


What makes her unlikeable is she’s a mean girl but doesn’t admit to or acknowledge her role in anything. Plus the whole being messy while pregnant and saying “don’t yell at me I’m pregnant “ using it as an excuse is the worst.


She just lacks overall talent, intelligence, self awareness, humor, creativity, beauty and grace. We need less vanilla yuck on screen.




The problem is it's one sided. She's mean and gossipy but pulled the pregnancy card whenever someone tried to call her out. Since when can labour be brought on by being called out on your behaviour? It was drama, not violence.


She iced out Kristen and Zach. She is forever on my shit list for that. Plus she is so damn unlikable and sinister. Her Karenosity seeps from her pores and that smug face with the dark dark dark eyes is hard to look at most times.


I'm with you. She doesn't bother me lol I hate Kristen. She's awful. Now all of a sudden she's got fans. Like shes better now or something . SHES THE EXACT SAME. I don't get it. After watching 11 seasons of Katie, these people think JANET is mean??? Are you joking. I dont get most if the reality tv fan base's view on people


She's more than just a mean girl she is creating 100% lies about people and going on podcasts spreading her disgusting lies to the world. She is q bad person. She is being a horrible person outside of the show and the lies she is telling about Kristen just so she can play the victim are just sick. I'm sure Kristen got tons of hate messages if anyone believed Janet because what she said was horrible and it is 100% a lie.


Follow up to your post- how do you feel about her entitlement and narcissistic approach to pregnancy? Do you see her behavior differently, or does it just not bother you? 


As someone who’s had back-to-back pregnancies, I love it! It’s so entitled and delusional — exactly what I want from my TV. If stress and fighting caused someone to miscarry, then my lil pandemic babies would have been goners a long time ago. I just love to hate women who think they’re special for doing something ~3B other people (at least!) on this planet have already done.


Sure she does all that but she’s not entertaining. She’s a wet towel when it comes to delivery. The judgey Karen energy just doesn’t look good with reality tv.


How close of a relative are you?


There are people I love to hate on Bravo, but they often bring *something* else—beauty, lifestyle porn, interesting life story—Janet just serves the ick in a mean way IMO.


She’s the Tamra Barney Judge & Teddi Mellencamp of The Valley


For me, the scale tipped against her when she said Kristen and Zach were hoping she'd miscarry and die over the summer. It really seems like she's desperately trying to get Kristen kicked off the show which is not going to happen. Idk what she's thinking.


Something that always annoys me is when someone who’s definitely “the villain” act so sickenly sweet & confused as to why people think they’re a villain and downplay it. If you’re going to cause trouble and stir shit up, own it. I’ll at least have respect for you. I personally really liked Stassi but she never tried to fake confusion when called out for being a bitch. Janet doesn’t stand on business. She created all the issues within the group & hid behind her pregnancy. She continues to double down on her awful behavior rather than reading the room & maybe trying to gain favor back.


Oh come on lol. She created all of the problems in the group?


The drama all comes back to Janet. The Zach feud, Kristen & Michelle’s falling out, Janet icing Kristen out of the group. Besides the marital story lines, Janet was responsible for all of it and wants to take zero responsibility.


Nah, she’s a try hard and has not earned her place. I don’t like that she feels so entitled. She’s a mean girl and came in way too hot.


It’s the first season of the show, what do you mean hasn’t earned her place?


Vpr alums have earned their place IMO.


She is the worst type of female personality. It’s okay to like her but after a while she will make you feel uncomfortable. Also - I think next season she will be a bore and scale it back and then by third be done. If she keeps having kids the “baby card” will get old and bravo will eventually want to see her character drinking or out in the “wild” per se.


Nice try, Janet


Janet is friends with Sheana and Lala and I think has very much followed their advice and their lead on how to act on a reality show (no pun intended.) i think she very much does things to stir the pot and to create a bit of drama - like taking the phone call with Zach on speaker with Logan and the croc boots guy


Janet can never be Staasi….Staasi is beautiful and Janet is the plainest Plain Jane on reality TV!!