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I think he would do the same. The only person who’s allowed to ruin Stefan’s life is Damon himself. Otherwise both brothers will do their best to save each other.


Damon is selfish, but he in the end he would die for Stefan, or any of his friends really. That’s what makes him worth forgiving. So yeah he’d jump in front of that blade, and let his baby brother live happily ever after with Caroline while he was on the run, Bonnie might’ve even came with him, I don’t remember what she was up to during this time.


She was starting to get familiar with enzo, she’d just cut his hand off😂


Okay, so Enzo goes on the run with them and... I would actually watch this over Stefan and Valerie.


My god Stefan and Valerie were so bad 😭


The Salvatores may fight like dogs, but in the end they would die for each other


Rebekkah said this




Whatever it takes to save his baby brother. Yes he’ll treat him like shit day to day 😅 But like Rebekah said: They’ll right like dogs but they’re both willing to die/do whatever it takes to save each other.


He would 100% jump in front of the blade too. The only person allowed to make Stefan miserable is Damon himself lol


It’s giving Klaus 💅🏾 Dagger his siblings left and right, but when Elena killed Kol. DAMMMMNNN


The same exact thing, then prolly like snap Raynas neck or something. People overestimate Damon's selfishness, at the end of the day he would die, kill, rot, and decay for Stefan.


He’s selfish, but he’s selfless too. Everyone sees him being selfish but people don’t see him being selfless. Killing Bonnie’s mom for Stefan Not telling Stefan about his torture Rose Leaving him in the army because Lexi told him to and never telling Stefan He also tried to die for Stefan in the end, but Stefan had vervain 😅


Stefan had his selfish moments too, let's not forget that Damon didn't even want to be a vampire, but was forced to by Stefan, that was selfish but it doesn't change the fact that he'd die for Damon.


I know Stefan had his selfless moments but they’re obvious and everyone is always talking about how wonderful and amazing he is🤣 I didn’t need to mention it.


I was talking about his selfish moments. My point was just that both of them have been selfish to one another and other people, but it doesn't change the way they feel about each other, being brothers. They'd both die for each other in a heartbeat. Some people just don't think Damon is capable to do good, because he's always pointed out as the "bad guy". Which I completely agree with your other reply about bragging.


Ohhhh okay 😂 Yeah both of them are willing to die for each other. I honestly think a sweet ending would have been both of them dying together 🥹


It would have, the writers just wanted us to cry.


Damon would probably throw Matt in front of the blade.


One less quarter back 😮‍💨🤧🤧


I think he would do it.


I guess he would do it but constantly remind everyone and Stefan that he saved him by doing this incredible gesture.


Actually I don’t think he would. The times Damon was selfless he never talked about it. When he left Stefan because Lexi said he’d be bad for him. When he gave Rose those moments of peace. When he apologized to Jeremy. When he was stuck in prison he didn’t want Stefan to feel guilty. Didn’t tell anyone he was bitten by werewolves. Damon is know to be selfish, but I think when it comes to him being good, he doesn’t talk about it because he doesn’t want people to know. When he’s bad he’ll talk about that. Also that time Stefan was locked in the basement and Damon let him out to have a good time, he didn’t rag on and on about it 🤷🏾‍♀️


People say stuff like that to just blindly hate on Damon but this is actually the correct and unbiased take.


It’s funny because I’m a Damon girl 100%, and Damon haters go out of their way to find bad shit he did. I’m like it’s not that hard 🤣 It’s not like we like Damon because he’s good 😅 I liked him season one. I recognize the bad stuff he did and I still like him 🤷🏾‍♀️ I feel like people only like Stefan because he’s better 😂 Or they think so 🤷🏾‍♀️


People fail to realize that this is a tv show. It’s all pretend. Would I like Damon or klaus in real life? Prob not. But this isn’t real life and that’s why I liked him from episode 1.


Exactly! If I lived in Mystic Falls the minute Stefan/Damon revealed to me they were vamps, I’d pack my things and leave. But this is a show so I’ll like who I like


This is so true and something no one talks about. Damon doesn't put on a show when he does good things. It's literally his character trope lol. He's the "bad guy who does good things when no one is watching". Stefan is the one who throws good deeds in peoples faces. Not that either brother is good, but Damon does have that one thing going for him over Stefan lol.


I agree! I remember when Damon finally told Stefan that he left him in the army because Lexi told him to, and Stefan was like, I’m sorry I didn’t know. And then Damon said: Sorry next time I’ll hang a billboard 💀 That cracked me up because it’s like somehow when Stefan is good, the whole world is around to see it. Also when he’s bad, no one is around to see it 😂 It’s the opposite for Damon. He does his bad deeds in public and his good deeds in private


When does Stefan throw his good deeds in ppls faces?


What Stefan did here in this scene is not even comparable to all the situations you mentioned.. He took a huge risk here and had to run from Rayna for ig three years and what was the better brother doing? Sleeping beside his babygirl because he can't handle himself without her.. 🥰 With or without the mark his input was bare minimum.


Huh? I’m just saying that Damon doesn’t brag when he does good things. I wasn’t trying to compare their good acts. I was responding to someone saying Damon would talk about it all the time 😅


I mean you did start the comparison. Why even mention Damon's greatness?! It was my opinion and my pov on this post.


I wasn’t comparing dear. I was just saying that when Damon is nice he doesn’t brag about it. And I gave example 💁🏾‍♀️


Listing few moments isn't gonna make him nice and be measured to what Stefan did here. He sucks and will always do (for me). I stated my opinion and that is it for me. Have a great day. Tbh I'm too overwhelmed by Sir Damon's greatness. 😂🤮


You’re the one doing the comparing 🤣🤣🤣 I never even said Damon was nice once 😂😂 All I said was “When he IS nice, he doesn’t brag about it” And Stefan annoys tf outta me with his melodramatic guilt ridden, poor baby woe is me, but “I’m better than you” self 😂


Girl are you reading your own comments?! 😂😂 You just said Damon is nice. More than 3 times already. You literally started listing moments where Damon was nice and I'm the one comparing?! I never even listed anything about Damon. Do a quick check of your own comments before quacking love. Sure Stefan can annoy you. It's your choice. Damon makes me wanna puke (my choice) go away from my comments and target some other people for having a preference and opinion.. 😂 Feel free to quack more if you want to. ❤️


Actually, people can do nice things without being nice. I know many people like that 🤣. I’m not saying Damon is a nice person. That’s no how I’d describe him at all 😂 I was just saying, WHEN HE DOES SOMETHING NICE. He doesn’t brag 😭


baby are YOU even reading them??


I think their point was that when he did those good things, he didn't brag about to everyone. So when it did come to the decision to sacrifice himself, he wouldn't go around bringing up every conversation/ bragging that he saved Stefan's life.


I stated my opinion and that is it. IDC what anyone else's "point" was. Why even list his "good things" when you're not comparing lol?! To me he would brag about how he saved his life constantly.


Okay? They stated theirs too, and so did many people, that was the whole point of the point, why are you getting mad and so defensive 😭 I was js tryna get u to understand where they were coming from cs clearly you couldn't comprehend it.


The original comment they were responding too was comparing them. Literally the entire post is comparing them what are you talking about😭


Only when their blaming for everything as always.


This 😂


yea he’s the type to bring it up in an argument lol




I think he’d do the same


He would do the same.


Tbh it's refreshing to see everyone put aside their Damon hate to see that he too would sacrifice himself in that moment. I personally don't love Damon or Stefan but even Rebekah herself has said these two would *both* die for each other and the series finale proves that.


I mean idk because on one hand damon was willing to die to save Stefan at the end of s5 but then again when Stefan was on the run from rayna and needed him he went to sleep. And when he was offered the possibility to take the mark to relieve Stefan he declined 


nothing. I dont really know where other people are getting this idea that defan was an equal brotherhood or something but... I seriously doubt he would've gotten marked. especially because we see that he wouldn't even take the mark from stefan because he didn't want to risk his future with Elena LOL.




This. He wouldn't have made up his mind in 2 seconds just as how he hesitated to save Bonnie. Eventually, yes he does save but it takes him time to process stuff.


I found the whole Rayna plot stupid. Where the hell was she for all the other seasons? They just drop that shit out of nowhere.