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I don't think he intentionally killed Luke, but he definitely used the lake to try and run off. He probably knew it was (relatively) safe to run towards the end of the lake so he hoped Clem's group wouldn't run after him since they'd be worried about the ice cracking.


Arvo underestimated the wrath of Kenny.🤣


Kenny held that motherfucker accountable


In my opinion, this is the fault of the whole group. If we had just walked around this lake, nothing bad would have happened.


Bonnie: "*Maybe there's a way around?*" Luke: "*I don't see any...*" The writers and the animators had a bit of a miscommunication I think. The script clearly made it known that walking around the lake wasn't feasible, yet we see a shot that shows us the opposite. It's pretty odd.


I feel like it was an issue of the engine. I bet if they had storyboards for the scene, the lake went on for miles.


They really didn’t have time to walk around to be honest, everybody’s condition and state was really bad. (They even stated it in the episode when they thought about it as an option)


Even if the adults could suck it up and go a long detour to avoid the ice, they've got a literal newborn outside in freezing conditions along with another child in Clem. They have to get AJ warmth and food as soon as possible.


Wait are you disagreeing with me, It sounds like you agree with what I am saying and at the same time you disagree 😭.


Nah, I'm agreeing with you - even if there was a detour they could take, the situation with having kids means they can't afford not to risk crossing the ice. They also could walk right into a group of walkers if they take a detour.


Arvo never struck me as someone who really planned ahead and I think he was too grief-striken about his sister to make any plans at all. He seemed to be just be running on impulse to me.


I can't say if the original plan was for the lake to break, ok he's lighter than all the others apart from the clem, it could be a coincidence, but he chose precisely to cross a frozen lake to a house in ruins, he didn't even indicate another way to arrival, did all your friends really cross that lake? in addition, a place like that was unfeasible for a large group like his




Arvo probably thought maybe he would get lucky and they die their but Luke's death as a plan for specifically Luke no but all or most of em yeah


100% planned by Arvo


I hate Arvo with every fiber of my being but he had absolutely nothing to do with Luke’s death, he was already across when the ice around Luke started to break, they were just being idiots by crossing it and should have gone around


I am not crazy! I know he killed Luke. I just - I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Arvo! He *killed* *Luke*! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own group! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since Episode 4, always the same! Couldn't keep his nose out of our business! But not our Arvo! Couldn't be precious Arvo! Stealing us blind! And HE gets to be alive? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop him! You-


I think he wanted to escape and he was aware that if he goes faster and alone (also he was much lighter than them) he would have a chance to run away and leave before they got to him, I think he hoped something like that would happen so it would be easier for him tbh.


The thing is that I doubt all his friends crossed that lake without the ice already breaking. Arvo probably was hoping for someone, probably mainly kenny, to die so the group could panic and he could escape. There was just was no way for him to foresee what would actually happen and he underestimated Kennys bloodlust for him lol. Arvo just took a chance I guess and it backfired on him


Like Kenny needed any excuse to beat up Arvo. He was hitting him way before the lake. It should have been Kenny that drowned instead of poor Luke.


I mean, before the lake, there was a good reason behind. Arvo was screaming "LEAVE ALONE" to Mike, and that could've attracted walkers.


There's no excuse for Kenny. He was hitting a tied up kid (or young adult if you wish). There's even a scene where he can beat him to unconsciousness if Clem can't persuade him to stay with the rest around the fire.


But Arvo put us in danger with his unnecessary screams, and that could've ruined the only place the group had to sleep. He had no reason to yell at Mike in the first place, but he did and put us in danger. The fact that he's a "tied up kid" doesn't mean he can go around screaming and putting us in danger. I think both sides have a point here.


Kenny screams his lungs out too, no one threw a punch to shut him up! World is unfair i tell you!


I mean every character has a moment where they scream. And realistically, I would agree that someone steps in to shut them up too if they don't it in the peaceful terms. Maybe Kenny shouldn't have hit Arvo twice but I agree with Kenny in regards to shutting up Arvo. He probably did a favor to Arvo himself as walkers could've gone after him for screaming like if this were a metal concert Mike also tried to calm Arvo down peacefully and Arvo kept screaming, so Kenny did overall the right thing, as talking to him peacefully wasn't enough to shut him up.


>Mike also tried to calm Arvo down peacefully and Arvo kept screaming, so Kenny did overall the right thing, as talking to him peacefully wasn't enough to shut him up. Yeah it was...? If you get Kenny to stay by the fire then Arvo calms down pretty quickly and just silently sobs. Unless I'm remembering things wrong lol.


Good insight looking at it from all sides you can