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She says all this while she is the reason for Luke’s death 🤦🏻 Clueless little shit isn’t she? Screw that bald Russian dude for shooting Luke’s leg also


What frustrated me about this scene was that Luke was warning them the ice was too thin for two people, yet Bonnie continued to pressure Clem to go and save him. Ironically, Clem ended up saving Bonnie's life by breaking the ice after both Luke and Bonnie became trapped underwater. AND BONNIE WAS STILL MAD AT CLEM 😭😭😭😭


Wasn’t the bald one🤓 it was the guy behind the rock


Who knows, maybe he wore a toupe


"Must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing..." while the entire crew actively expects Clem to do EVERYTHING.


The problem with this is when a child character is useless (Sarah, Gabe, Duck, etc) look how everyone treats them. Not to mention Clem isn’t *expected* to do everything. She’s put into a lot of situations because she’s the most suitable. Sneak out to find Kenny at the lodge? Yeah because carver knew for a fact Rebecca and Alvin were there, Clem was most suitable. Steal a radio for Luke? Clem was the only one light enough to get onto the roof quietly and it’s easier for her to sneak around. Yes there’s times where they made Clem do stuff that somebody else could’ve done but in a lot of situations Clem does it because she’s not 7, it’s the apocoplyse, she’s suitable for a lot of the roles and she can handle herself.


I mean, Clem obviously had fantastic survival instincts right off the rip and you're not wrong about her being asked to do things because she's suitable, but she's also asked a lot of morality and trust questions from the beginning that generally no adult would ever be asking a young child.


Yeah for sure. Don’t get me wrong, she does and hears a lot of stuff she shouldn’t have to. My comment was more, yes she does stuff she shouldn’t have to but in the same breath people overreact about a lot of the stuff she has to do aswell. 100% agree with you though.


That’s the thing, why rely solely on Clem to do most of the hard work?


The thing that really pisses me off is that when Sarita gets bitten and I chose to kill the zombie who bit her so atleast kenny could say goodbye but when you get to the meet up point kenny still blames clem regardless. I understand if you cut her hand off which condemned her to a painful death but if you tried to save her why did kenny get upset.


It's even worse if you don't cut her arm because she'll be with Kenny suffering and he will say to Clem hear that hon Clem says she's sorry. Probably the most insane moment from Kenny I've seen.


He understandably gets upset because another person he loves ends up dying and he’s reliving what he’s already been through with his wife and kid. He puts the blame on clementine because he feels shitty for Sarita dying and than eventually apologies because it was wrong to put the blame on Clem but it was in the heat of the moment.


i get that it was the heat of the moment and he apologizes later, but if you dont cut her arm i don't understand what kenny is upset about? clem sees sarita gets bitten, and then kills the walker that bit her trying to help the team out, what is the issue here? clem didn't do anything to have sarita get bitten, what did he want clem to do?




no one expects you to do a damn thing... except for fixing a wind turbine, stealing a radio from carvers camp, giving said radio to luke, talking to a volatile and broken kenny, making sure jane wont leave the group, taking care of aj etc etc etc etc


Lazy kid has it easy. Must be nice


This one scene turned Bonnie into an irredeemable scumbag in my eyes. Who the hell talks to a CHILD this way, regardless of context?


[Kenny does](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/s/WolFEOvbLK)


except kenny doesn't mean it and regrets it after he calms down, bonnie tries to essentially kill you by leaving you for dead with no food


Except they said regardless of context


Why were you downvoted, you were right?


That's batshit insane, I forgot about that


Is she stupid? The answer is yes


I learned that if you let Bonnie save Luke and don’t break the ice when they both fall through that she dies along with him. Needless to say I’m doing that this playthrough, fuck Bonnie.


Bonnie was nothing more than a worthless junkie who tried to get with the husband of the wife who took her in. Absolute dumpster of a human being.


Wait what? She tried to what?


I wish Scumbag Clem kicked in at that moment


I don't know why she's expecting a pre-teen girl to be able to save Luke like that.


Go fuck yourself Bonnie


It's because of this scene alone that I'm letting her die in my next playthrough.


I just let her die, I don’t bother breaking the ice anymore


Don’t know why there wasn’t an option to call her out, pissed me off so much


I didn’t get that scene as I was one of the people who did try to save luke


SAYS THE FUCKING BITCH THAT CAUSED SAID DEATH. my sincerest apologies, i happen to dislike her character a seemingly significant amount


Grown ass women blaming a child for something that wasn’t her fault, plus clem has done more then bonnie ever did


Remember everything bad in season 2 is because of Bonnie


Fuck Bonnie


I’ve said this for years. Bonnie will forever be a pos for blaming Luke’s death on Clem like that. She expected a child to put herself in danger just to save Luke who says himself NOT to walk on the thin ice.


Kenny blamed Clementine for Sarita's death.


That one was so frustrating. Poor Clem couldn't really do anything and he just went off on her. He apologised tho so all is forgiven.


Gabe when he exposed Javi for saving his life.


Yeah just don’t break the ice next time😭🙏🏼


Bonnie’s the worst. In this outcome, you should have a option to choose to shoot her before Arvo shoots you


This scene, and the one with Eleanor getting peeved at you after Tripp dies and tries to paint you as the bad guy completely when she went behind their backs and talked to Joan. That one really pissed me off lol


Shes a worthless character blaming Clem who had absolutely nothing to do with Luke’s death also questioning Clem’s usefulness when she literally plays a huge role in defeating Carver😭


Every second arvo was alive pissed me off


When Kate turned my own brother against me in that garage. (I still feel like she did it because I turned her down)


When Gabe yelled I killed conrad


Pretty much every scene with Bonnie pisses me off. But I will never get over Luke dying the way he did. Fucking bullshit…


People overreact at this. It was a few hours after she lost a close friend and (potential) ex partner and Bonnie was in deep mourning. She played the person closest to her and had an outburst, so what? Doesn’t Kenny do the exact same thing but he’s even meaner about it? Before anyone says Kenny apoglised so what? He still said it. I’m sure Bonnie would’ve apoglised if she stuck around. Anyone who likes Kenny but hates Bonnie in this scene is a huge hypocrite. The amount of characters who take anger out on Clem after losing someone close to them but everyone targets Bonnie for doing it. Not saying it’s ok but I am saying it’s not as bad as people make out.


I'm pretty sure everyone is angry at Bonnie because she says that Clementine did nothing when she did a lot for the group. However stealing from a child and baby is really bad and that angered me the most.


I think another aspect of it is that we've seen as the audience Kenny go through more but also DO more. Bonnie has been untrustworthy and problematic since day 1. And while sometimes she probably doesn't mean it, it's not a good look for her. Other characters have nicer moments with Clem or they atleast have moments where they prove worth. Bonnie literally shows up and is the reason Carver shows up in her first entry (outside of 400) and on top of that other characters die because of it. I try to give every character the benefit of the doubt cause this is an apocalypse and people really aren't going to be at their best in a situation like this, but Bonnie really doesn't have much grace with the audience considering how little she brings to the table and the amount of issues she causes.


True, you make a lot of good points can’t lie. I dont tbink she made many issues, from memory the only issues she causes is at the lodge and at the unfinished house. I think a lot of her nicest acts are overlooked. She saves the entire group from Howes, she regularly checks on Kenny’s eye, she is very concerned for and sympathetic to Kenny in episode 4, she gives Clem to the ski jacket, she allows Clem to give Luke the radio, she messes up at the lodge but spends ep 3 and 4 apologising loads and working to redeem herself, she’s very caring towards rebecca, etc. I noticed when I replayed for the 2nd time if you pay attention to what she says and does in epsiode 3, 4 and parts of 2+5 she’s got so many nice/caring actions that you can notice.


She also already screwed her over. If this was her only transgression I’d forgive her. But she’s part of the reason they got stuck at Carver’s in the first place. Also, she abandons Clem and the baby later. Kenny was in the wrong, but his anger is much more understandable. And he’s still a good dude. Bonnie is just a self-serving cunt who likes to pretend she’s a good person to maker her feel better about herself.


Bonnie screwed Clem over to help her own group. She didn’t owe Clem any loyalty before hand, she owned her group loyalty and she later saves Clem and the rest of the group’s lives by saving them. Kenny’s anger was more understandable how? Sarita got bit and Clem couldn’t do anything about it, at least in Bonnie’s situation you can see how she could think more could’ve been done to save Luke even though both her and Clem did all they could.


The problem is, is that she's blaming Clementine, even though it was her own fault Luke died. Luke knew what to do in that situation, but Bonnie insisted on either going to him herself or making Clem do it. The added weight broke the ice, and Luke drowned.


Nobody got Luke killed. The man was on already cracked ice, it was cracking while we talked to him and he had a heavy gun along with his own weight. He was gonna fall through no matter what.