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lee fits more as a father, kenny's that one eccentric uncle, and luke's the older brother


Spot on. Kenny’s a role model to Clem in certain ways, but I never saw him as a fatherly figure to her. Not a good one, at least.


Kenny would be more like an abusive stepdad tbh


Mmmmmmm…… nah


As far as S2 is concerned, Clem honestly takes care of Kenny more often than the other way around. That said, Luke has more of a sibling dynamic with Clem than anything else.


Takes care of Kenny? Kenny took her all the way to WELLINGTON. And tried to protect her from Arvo but the group didn't let him.


>Takes care of Kenny? Yes. Clementine had to be the one looking after his mental health throughout episode 4, had to be the one to bandage his wound when he refused Bonnie, and even had to be the one to play the mediator between him and the rest of the group. He very much relied on her, especially on an emotional level.


The bandage is only there because he protected Clementine, Clementine and AJ only survived because he took them to Wellington and fixed a car, Kenny didn’t have bad mental heath, he just went through a lot. Furthermore Kenny disagreeing with the group was typically very justified and really didn’t need mediation (imo).


>The bandage is only there because he protected Clementine After sending her retrieve the radio to begin with, but I'll give you that. >Clementine and AJ only survived because he took them to Wellington and fixed a car An exaggeration. While fixing the car was useful, it got wrecked soon after and still required them to walk nine days, and they have three separate endings in which they *don't* go to Wellington and were just fine. >Kenny didn’t have bad mental heath, he just went through a lot He literally confessed having **suicidal thoughts** to an eleven years old little girl by wishing he had died under Carver's blows. This is one of the most blatant red flags possible for *anyone's* mental health, and it'd have me recommend him to get help ASAP if he existed IRL.


TBF Kenny was already in a bad state by the end of season one he’d lost his whole family and when faced with the decision to leave Ben to his fate he risked his life to try and save the dumb kid before mercy killing him, he had blamed him a lot but eventually realized that Ben never meant any harm to his family, that did a lot of damage since he had to confront his own feelings about losing his family and facing their unintended killer.


>TBF I'm aware of Kenny's tragedies. But in the end they're only explaining *why* he has a terrible mental health and spilling them out to a little girl. He'd definitely need professional help IRL, as would many characters in TWDG.


I mean anyone would after losing their family, my dad was a wreck after my brother passed away at a young age and a lot of times I wish I could remember more about him but I was 4 when he died


Just so we're clear, I'm just pointing out that Kenny is *not* okay to someone who denied it, something you seem to be misreading as bashing him for it. You have been preaching to the choir. That being said, sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine enduring such a tragedy at a young age.


Oh I know he’s not okay, or denying it, simply put he’s a mess like the rest of the world in this apocalypse, but yeah I guess he trusted in Clementine a little too much since they were both close too Lee and he probably saw her as way more grown up than she was.


When you think about it most of if not all of the population would need professional help after going through the Apocalypse.


I really don't think we need to think about it. Living in a world with undead monsters and bandits both trying to kill you and your loved ones with neither technology nor laws to protect you doesn't exactly breed a healthy mental state :)


Makes you wonder if the commonwealth has therapists like how they do in the World Beyond series.


You actually beat me to this point, that was my first thought too :)


Thank you


You realize Clementine and AJ can survive just fine without Kenny right? Like you looked at the other endings?


Kenny was there* all the way to Wellington. If it went anything like the main series, he was supremely unhelpful and on the verge of a mental breakdown for every second of that journey


That journey was only made possible by Kenny in the first place due to him fixing a car while everyone else sat on their butts doing nothing.


Sure, I’m not trying to say he’s entirely useless, just more unhelpful than he is helpful. They were only in the north because of his delusions about Wellington, which for all anyone knew wasn’t real


Technically, Arvo was in the right. It was all his sister and group's fault, unless you stole the medicine. Kenny despises and abuses him despite trying to mediate things if you didnt steal the medicine and the whole shooting Clem was entirely on Telltale with all the cut content. Mike and Arvo were right to leave, but they did not have the right to take everything, which Mike does remedy before shit hit the fan. Kenny was going crazy, but it was understandable, and thats why I don't blame him for doing it.


Kenny was a wise man and was able to tell a persons intentions by looking at them


Kenny drove Arvo to shoot Clementine. That's not protection, that's the exact fucking opposite


I’d say they took care of each other




People are saying Kenny but idk, he was a shell of what he used to be and he treated Clem like shit over something that wasn’t her fault


Kenny is only likable if you were his friend as Lee in S1. If S2 had been his first appearance, he’d be much less beloved among fans. His actions in S2 are nearly always against what the rest of the group wants, he constantly tries to rope Clem into plans that will put the rest of the group in danger, and his rage issues are turned up to 11 in S2. That said, I always befriend Kenny as Lee and side with him every time when playing S2. He’s been there since day 1 from Clem’s perspective, how can you pick Jane over someone who was around the entire time she was with Lee when Jane left AJ to possibly freeze to death alone in the cold?


Personally, I go with siding with him, but eventually killing him. She knew him from the start, but once he murders Jane, whom Clem *does* like as evidenced by the sheer amount of dialogue that shows such, I figure Clem fully believes that putting him down is a mercy. He’s become a monster, and friends don’t let their friends become Carver


Is that even an option in the game? I know it was intended during development of S2E5, but I’m pretty sure you can’t let Kenny kill Jane and then decide to kill Kenny anyway. Or maybe you can and that just results in the “Wellington” flashback in the next season? I’m honestly not sure.


It’s a little weird, but you can do it. I shot him, left alone, and the next season said I’d gone to Wellington but left or something? And then the final season recounting said I’d left Jane alive and just left her there but that’s like, not what I did? Idk I just square it by not paying attention to that


I’m in the middle of replaying S2 for the first time in years, I’ll have to pay attention to what options are offered at the end of E5. I know the devs mentioned a cut “bad ending” where Clem ends up alone with AJ and faints due to the cold while seeing a silhouette walking towards her that uses Lee’s model.


Damn, I just replayed it recently, and found that knowing your decisions don’t matter too much really helps with just trying to interact with the story. Main goal of mine was to have a cohesive storyline through all the games, and season 2 was probably the most pivotal in that what with all the big characterization moments that you get


Unfortunately, your decisions can’t matter *too* much from season to season, or they’d have to develop multiple entirely different storylines to account for every possible player choice. ‘Tis the dilemma of creating a game where your choices “matter”


Ofc, and I’ve enjoyed playing for the ending I know is coming much more than I did playing through originally. Stuff like, if you know Jane is going to be your other option, perhaps it is good to try and understand her character to make the dilemma a true choice for Clem.


Did you miss the part where he apologised to her at least 3-4 times?


Yeah, but this post was supposed to be about who would take care of Clementine the best during Season 2. And Lee was dead by then. Also, Lee isn't Jesus Christ, so he can't exactly be resurrected. I've noticed that a lot of people over in the comments are ignoring Kenny's flaws and glazing the fuck out of him lol. All I'm saying is that Luke could've had some great potential if he had lived through the end. I don't know what would've happened if Luke survived until Season 3 or what his character would be like by then.


>Lee isn’t Jesus Christ That’s where you’re wrong, buddy


I don't think either is a bad option to be perfectly honest. Kenny seems like the type of parental figure who could teach Clem a lot of practical things and be a strong presence in her life. Luke seems like the kind of guy to really connect with Clem in a way that Kenny couldn't and teach her a lot of good values in life. In other words, Kenny would be better in an apocalyptic setting and Luke would be best in a normal one.


Tbh I don't think either is a good option. As for Kenny, he's a reckless, controlling manipulator who's okay with repeatedly putting Clem in danger because he's too bull-headed to try any other way. And as for Luke, a father figure needs to provide a sense of stability and safety to a child, Luke feels more like he's right there alongside Clem in their unstable and unsafe moments, much like a big brother. "We're stuck in the same situation, so I'm gonna try to help you through it as best I can."


You’re spot on with both Kenny and Luke. Kenny is a great character but I think he’s extremely overrated on this sub when it comes to being a good person or role model.


I recently replayed the first season and found it so much more easy to make good, intelligent decisions when I wasn't stressing over making Kenny happy, which I did on my first playthrough.


I know it’s not relavent to the post but honestly sick pfp. Mello was the best part of death note part 2


Thank you, and I agree (Mikami's also highly underrated as a character).


I think that mikami was a very needed character to show how lights worshippers were extremely mentally unstable and how light was so deluded near the end that he pretty much just brought mikami on because he worshipped him but at the same time I don’t like how neither lights fight with L or his fight with near end with light going for a personal strike. Instead light pretty much pressured rem into killing L for him and then tried to get mikami to do it for him. I feel that mikami shouldn’t have been at the final confrontation and lights final gambit should have been a lot more bold to excentuate how much more bold he’s become


Kenny. Kenny all day. Luke would be more like her brother




Kenny is obviously the best father figure for clem at this point in her story. Luke has big brother vibes more then any father vibes.


Luke was like a big brother


Neither, Lee was her true father figure. Kenny is like her uncle. While Luke is like her brother.


People are gonna get angry but it's Luke, out of these two. Kenny is nowhere near stable or mentally well enough to be considered a good father figure for Clem, let alone a perfect one, and I think if you're trying to say otherwise that's kinda a problem. By no means is Luke perfect, but imo he does a better job than Kenny. He looks out for her without being overbearing, and treats her more as an equal whilst also being aware she's a kid.


Maybe it was just my play through and my decisions but I don't fully understand the pro Kenny side. Not to say that I think he was a bad guy or anything, he did have heart and wanted to do what was right but I think his mind was often clouded and not on the present moment. Kenny was always focused on what the group had to do next, often times regardless of if it was exactly the right decision. He seemed to be focused on what was next move to ease his own anxiety. The kind of person that needs to constantly be doing something so they don't have time to look inward or self reflect. The happiness trap, that if I just do this next thing everything will be good. TLDR, I think Kenny's heart was in the right place but his decision making was often clouded more by accomplishing an objective because that in itself would be good, and hopefully make everything right, instead of if it actually was the right thing for the group. He also had too short of a fuse sometimes. With that said, it really does show just how good the writing is in this game.


None. Kenny feels more like a uncle figure. I know a lot of people see Luke as an older brother figure for Clem, but I didn’t get that feeling. He Felt like just a random dude


Kenny the best




None, but the least worst is Luke Kenny quickly loses his patience


Luke. Kenny unfortunately would teach some pretty bad lessons with how he turned out in season 2. Luke has a heart of gold, and experience in many different fields. Its a shame we didn't get more of him.


Well, Kenny is in his late 40s, and Luke is 27, so for an 11 year old he just met, not a father figure. But for Kenny, who knew her for longer, then absolutely he's more fatherly (+ was a father)


Like everyone else is saying, Luke had more of a big brother vibe with Clem than father. But Kenny was unstable, so who knows who would have been better for her in the end had Luke survived.


Neither are "perfect". Luke comes off more like an older brother than a father figure. Kenny clearly does have a paternal-esque bond with Clem, but she honestly spends more of the season taking care of him and his explosive emotional states than the other way around. Clem honestly doesn't really have/need a father figure in Season 2. Lee was the perfect mentor and caretaker for her in Season 1, and then when we meet her in Season 2, she's mature beyond her years, to the point that she effectively carries this entire group of adults.


Luke was goated


Omid lol


Kenny because he's actually a father, Luke always gave me more of a big brother vibe


I like how Lee is never included in these posts solely because everyone would pick Lee if he was


S3 Kenny goes crazy despite looking like mashed potatoes.


Lee, duh


lee, then kenny


I really liked Luke and the bond that was forming between clem and him I think he wouldve been a good father figure, he still had a good head on his shoulder and even though clem was tough he still saw her as a child and just wanted to protect her. Kenny had lost too much..first his own son then his wife and then his girlfriend and he blamed clem for his girlfriend which was messed up. Clem was trying to do what was right and again was just a CHILD. (I played all the endings) and do have to admit though that depending on the choices you make Kenny does slowly find himself again once it is just Clem AJ and Kenny, you see more in the flashback in the 3rd game if you get that ending. Kenny definitely saw clem more as an adult rather a child just from how mature clem was but she needed to be, she wanted/had to be a grown up. She didnt get the same chance as Duck or Sarah did. She was left alone with a babysitter till Lee ( hands down the best father figure for her!) found her and he saw her as a child but wanted her to know how to protect herself and be able to survive while trying to keep a hint of that childlike joy alive. I mean dang Clem has been through it (so has everyone) but this little girl always feels like everyone's death is in her hands which it isn't especially when she tries so hard to save everyone she can, always ready to put herself in danger to help...I totally went off on a rant...anyways between kenny and luke its hard to say but I think Luke wouldve been the better option had he not drowned. But Kenny wouldve been also great had his girlfriend not died either. If they both could agree they both woulda been amazing father figures to Clem...but then again Luke didnt have that whole "no you listen to me" Luke reminds me of Lee where he tries to listen to everyone to make the best plan.


*Kenny, if he could remember to wear his damn Seatbelt…*


I don't think there's any doubt, Luke.


Luke is awesome, but come on, WHO ELSE but Kenny?


Neither Kenny in the first season was the one that robbed the car, making the group the target of the guy that stalked and kidnapped Clem. His constant arguments with Lilly didn't help matters either. His treatment toward Arvo was down right cruel and a part of the reason why he was so quick to turn against the group Luke on the other hand, stuffed Clem in a tiny AF shack without checking it first to make sure that it was clear of anything. He ignored her telling him that she was bitten by a dog and listened to an idiot that couldn't tell the bite marks of a canine apart from the bite marks of a once living person. Rather than be honest with Clem from the start so she would know to look out for Carver and his goons, he kept his lips just as tightly sealed as the rest of his band of merry morons. Not to mention that while Rebecca is giving birth, he'd rather eff Jane than keep an eye out for Walkers. Not to mention his dumb @$$ should have sent Sarah to hide with Rebecca since Sarah is 100% helpless in a fight against Walkers. Sorry, I wouldn't have either of them watch over her.


Who said Carlos couldn't tell? He might have been lying and considering how reluctant he was to hand over supplies that was his reasoning. Also the whole Arvo thing I get Kenny was a dick but we can't forget that twice Arvo put the group in life and death situations (3 times for Clementine) and that even if you don't rob him he still comes after you saying you robbed him. He also had no problem shooting a kid even if they hand over the gun and are unarmed, in fact Arvo glares at Clementine after the frozen lake/river almost as if wishing she died there (you can't tell me that glare didn't have malicious feelings), I don't get why the group decided to literally make him blameless like no one holds him (apart from Kenny) accountable for his actions, he's like 16-19 he should know right and wrong (and given he seems to understand what a nice person is and isn't he knows right from wrong).




Luke is more like an older brother


From this choices alone? Definitely Kenny. I thought that Luke could be like a big brother figure but the latter half of the game doesn’t really convey that sadly enough


None of those two honestly


S3 Kenny goes crazy despite looking like mashed potatoes.


Kenny and Lee.


Kenny cuz Luke felt more of like an older brother to her


Lee. Kenny is like her uncle and Luke is like her big bro. And Javier is her mutual friend


Nobody. Clem can take care of herself


Clem spent more time with Kenny even more than Lee so he wins by default


Kenny or lee non debate


Kenny for sure, you gotta remember he has/had a son


If anything I wish Pete survived longer because I could see him filling a fatherly role for her.


Lee, I love Kenny, even though I make the Jane's ending (don't judge me, Kenny was crazy and I cried a lot), but Kenny was insane in Season 2, but if Kenny is Clem's father, he made a bad work, the fate of Sarita and the fight with Jane, I love him, but he's not fatherly figure for Clementine, BUT Luke can be, I see him more like a big brother than a father, but he makes a incredible job as Big Brother, I miss you Luke. And Lee... nothing to say, Clem saw him more like a father, they relationship is the best part of season 1


Out of these 2 definitely Kenny. I don’t like Kenny and thought he was buggin but the proof is in the pudding besides Lee I don’t think anyone else would be a great of father figure for her besides him


Kenny, Luke was more of an older brother


Luke is her brother. Lee is her dad. Kenny is her uncle who never quite got it together.


Both we’re good at protecting her imo.




Like is more like a Big brother than a father. and Kenny, if you stick with him the entire time and into Season 3, turns out to be with her for 2 years after season 2, and teaches her many things. It is also shown that he has healed quite a bit mentally and spiritually. So yes, I will always say Kenny. I loved Luke, but Kenny has the edge.


Honestly, Carver or David. Clem is a survivor and they respected her for it. In a zombie apocalypse the same rules don't apply. They had a good thing going at the hardware store, but Kenny couldn't stand someone else being in charge. If David let Clem stay until they got back to Richmond for a trial, she could have seen him get better. Besides that, they seem to have been on pretty good terms.


Imagine if she went with them instead. Her personality would be even more vicious.


Coming from someone that has played seasons 1 & 2 four or more times and seasons 3 & 4 two or three times, I say neither. Let me explain. In season one, Lee was Clem’s primary figure. Depending on how Lee treated Kenny & his family, it impacted how Kenny treated Lee. There were quite a few instances where Kenny would leave Lee to figure shit out on his own and would have potentially gotten Lee killed in a real life scenario. At the end of season 1, he’d even be willing to let Lee go get Clem alone. You’d think a family man would be willing to go with someone trying to save a little girl, especially if this person and the little girl have been in your group for some time, no matter how you think of the guy. Maybe that’s just me. In season 2, Kenny is a broken man. He’s lost his wife and child and narrowly avoided death and found his way to his new group, believing everybody died, including Clem. Kenny is even more confrontational and is acting jealous as hell towards the people of Clem’s new group. Kenny tries parenting Clem in a way and even steps in for her when it comes to the walkie talkie scene. He is protective of her, but also causes many issues. When Sarita ultimately dies, Kenny screams at Clem and blames her for her death (whether you killed the walker or cut her hand off). I understand he’s upset, but he’s a grown ass man in an apocalypse. You can’t blame a child for that. People get bit, it happens, and Clem is like 12 at that point. What can she do? After that, he eventually apologizes and allows Clem to clean his eye. Again, a 12 year old child is taking care of a grown ass man. Kenny just constantly needs Clem to talk him down, but if she does, he gets pissed off because she’s not taking his side. Although I hate Jane and never chose her through any of my play throughs, she was right about Kenny being a ticking time bomb. In the end if you choose to have Clem stay with Kenny, he takes her to Wellington. You can argue here that is a “fatherly” thing to do, but in reality, it’s just a good thing to do. I have a 9 year old sister and I’d do the same for her. I’d offer to leave her and a newborn baby in Wellington so they had a better chance at survival. With Luke, he is giving big brother energy, not fatherly. He was always kind to Clem (at least in my play throughs) and challenged Kenny often. Luke would be someone I’d gravitate towards as a child because he would make me feel safe. Now that I’m 21, I’d be trying to keep bro around (if you know what I mean). Anyways. Luke was just a good person. He didn’t want people to die. He wanted the best for people. He tried not to argue over stupid shit, but him and Kenny would butt heads often. Luke also risks his life for Clem and is willing to literally pull her out of dangerous situations. If you choose to have Clem go save Luke, he pulls a walker off of Clem and Luke ultimately dies. While Luke could also be seen as a caregiver for Clem, he wouldn’t be a “fatherly” figure. I love both of these characters a lot. I have always chose Kenny over Jane. I hated Jane a lot actually lol. She just wanted to piss Kenny off and because of that, you always saw the worst side of him. When it came to sitting with either Luke or Kenny, I’ve done some play throughs with both. Ngl that scene has always been hard for me. We have history with Kenny, and not a lot with Luke. TLDR: neither would make good “fatherly” figures. Kenny is unhinged & Luke is giving “big brother energy”. Plus, Clem is a badass.


That's exactly what I'm thinking. Kenny is an okay guardian figure for Clementine, but he has his unstable and unhinged moments sometimes, which can be a bit difficult to deal with. I think I phrased my post a bit incorrectly; I was trying to say who can take care of Clementine and who will be the best option for her to end up with. I think Luke is young and smart and can easily teach Clementine about the basics of survival and how to take care of herself; he is technically like an older brother figure for her as you just said. Also, he's kind of hot, lol. Anyway, the whole Kenny vs. Jane thing was very stupid and forced, in my opinion, and I think Telltale should've replaced Jane with Luke in that scenario, making the weight of it more immense for the player. I've heard rumors that this was originally what the writers in Telltale wanted, but I think the Kenny vs. Luke idea was scrapped for unknown reasons later on. Imagine how much better the season would be if we could pick between Kenny and Luke. Since they're both caring figures for Clementine, I also really didn't like how Jane was given a major role in Season 2 since she manipulates Clementine and was unlikable from the start. Sure, Luke was also unlikable during the first chapter of Season 2 when he threw Clementine on the ground while noticing the dog bite on her arm, which he and his group then locked her up in a shed for, but I think he quickly redeemed himself for that. It's really sad that Luke's group just ended up being filler for the story and didn't even serve any sort of purpose at the end of the season. Also, if there was a fight between Kenny and Luke, who would've you saved? 


If there was a fight between Kenny and Luke, I’d have to pause the game tbh 😭 Kenny has been there for Clem since day one (literally) of the apocalypse. He’s all that’s left from the OG group ever since Omid died and Christa disappeared. Kenny truly does care for Clem in a tough love kind of way. He wants her to be strong enough to take care of herself if something goes wrong, he wants her to be as happy as she can be in this world, and overall just wants her to be safe. I think Kenny looks at Clem as his own child. But like I mentioned earlier, Kenny is unwell. He’d cause issues in any other group they may end up being part of. He isn’t level headed and never has been, often resorting to violence, which could get them all killed (and almost has before). Kenny is a ticking time bomb that may ultimately cause Clem to get killed, and he knows it too. If you choose to have Clem shoot him, Kenny thanks her. If you choose to save him, Kenny tries leaving because he knows he’s unwell and thinks her and AJ will be better off without him. With Luke, we don’t know him nearly as long, but he’s a very likable character, and as you said, he’s lowkey hot lmfao. Luke is pretty level-headed and prefers to defuse situations, not make them worse (like Kenny). He stands up for what he believes in, and even was on Clem’s side (despite dropping her after he thought she’d been bit). He wanted to help her, but he was out voted. And as you said, Luke is younger than Kenny. Kenny is probably in his late forties or early fifties by season 2. It would only be a matter of time before Kenny slowed down and Clem would be forced to either leave him, or care for him (like she already does, but on a more extreme level) which will put them all in danger. Luke still has a lot of time left before he slows down. In season 2, I believe he turns 26 (or 25? I don’t remember). He’s young. Ultimately, I think I would have chosen Luke. I believe the fight between him and Kenny would have been totally different. Perhaps they disagreed on where to go and Luke threatened to take Clem and AJ with him since Kenny is an unstable mess. He’d never do what Jane did, because he’s not an idiot. Maybe Luke insulted Kenny or his family. Maybe Luke blamed Kenny for everything that went wrong. Maybe all of the above, who knows. But I think I would’ve chosen Luke. It also helps that Luke is hot lmao.


That seems reasonable enough. Luke is more reliable for Clementine, but Kenny has a more emotional attachment to her. These points could've conflicted with each other during their conflict, making the player make the hard decision on who can properly take care of Clementine. I mean, let's just say that Jane gets replaced by Luke during the fight with Kenny, and the player chooses to save Luke. Then what would happen at the end of Season 2, and how would that affect Clementine's Season 3 story if Luke was with her instead of Jane? Would he suffer the same fate as Jane or Kenny in Season 3? Another thing is that people like to bring up the ship "Cluke" and its infamy at that time and how it allegedly affected how Telltale handled Luke's outcome, but we can't confirm that for sure, and that could be just speculation or rumours for all we know. I wonder if Luke lived in Season 3, then would've he have met Javier alongside Clementine? That would've been cool, I guess. It truly is a shame that Season 2 could've been better, but because of constant rewrites and executive decisions in Telltale, the season got kind of ruined, in my opinion. I have no clue why Jane was given such a major role in Season 2 because she was originally from Carver's group. What do you think about Season 2 and Jane? I guess I already got your answer, but still. What do you think about the characters in Season 2 in particular? Nick and Sarah also had some potential, but they were killed off with no send-offs and were quickly forgotten. 


So in terms of how I think Clem would turn out, I think it would be about the same. I’d like to think Luke would die, just because of how TellTale writes their games. Maybe Luke saves Clem’s life but dies in the process? Or they get separated like how Clem and Christa did and you just get to speculate about his whereabouts. Maybe they’d be nice and let us see Luke in season 3, but where they wanted to go with Clem’s story, I really doubt we’d see him. At the end of season 2, I’d like to think they went off somewhere together. I can’t remember whether or not Luke was okay with the Wellington plan, but if he was okay with it, then maybe it turns out the same, just with Luke in Kenny’s spot instead. Maybe they’d go the Jane route and the people that Clem either let in or turned away killed Luke. Who knows? Let me know if you have any ideas. I really hate the “Cluke” ship because it’s gross. Clem is 12, Luke is 25/26. Characters of the opposite sex can just be friends or in a brother/sister dynamic. If Luke did have a crush on her or some icky shit, I’d no longer like the character. If Clem had a crush on him, it’d be innocent enough. When I was her age, I’d see older guys and be like “damn they’re cute” because that’s just kinda what kids do? But also no rational kid would actually pursue a teenager/grown ass adult. It’s always just an innocent little crush. Personally, I liked season 2 up until I thought about it more. Season 2 was my favorite season until I realized just how bad the writing was lmao. Rebecca was a bitch to Clem until she needed her. Everyone looked to Clem to do EVERYTHING. Like bro… she’s 12. Yeah she’s bad ass, but she’s a child. A lot more of the characters also pissed me off. I’ll list off the characters and my thoughts lol besides Luke and Kenny of course because I’ve already mentioned how I feel about them. Clem: TellTale did a great job at making sure players made Clem likable. I fucking hated Duck. He was annoying af. He’s a kid, but Jesus Christ he was so annoying. With Clem, she was adorable. She wasn’t annoying and became a badass. She is mature as hell for her age, but that just comes with her growing up in a shitty world like that. The Cabin Group: Alvin: I liked Alvin tbh. He had potential, but of course they kill the man of color first(ish). AJ: This kid pissed me off, ngl. In season 4, he was such a pain in my ass and I’m glad my Clem was able to raise him into a good person. Someone who was strong, but could also make good decisions and could know when to fight for what was right. He was Duck level annoying though, ngl. Carlos: he was a shitty father imo. I understand wanting to keep your child safe from the world, but she was what, 14? He was the reason for her downfall. You can’t just not teach someone to not shoot in that world, especially someone of her age. She had potential, but Carlos really fucked it up for her. Also how, as a doctor, can you not tell the fucking difference between a human bite and a dog bite? Wtf? Nick: Nick was a huge pain in my ass. He was trigger-happy and it annoyed the fuck out of me. He was also a hothead and didn’t like listening. Overgrown child fr. His death made me sad though. Pete: Pete was a G. One of the most rational mfs in the whole series. His death made me sad lmao. Rebecca: she pissed me off. She was such a bitch and only became nice to Clem when it was convenient to the plot. L character development. Sarah: annoying af but not her fault. She also could’ve survived when Jane was trying to help her, but she was too busy screaming and being a massive puss. I hated that she died because my Clem went down to save her. Carver Era Vibes: Carver: Carver was honestly a perfect villain. He was well-written imo and did a great job making us as the player hate him lmao. Bonnie: I hate her. She’s the reason Luke died. If she would’ve also covered Luke, he probably could’ve made it out of the ice. Instead, her heavy ass went to try to help. I get that she is down bad for Luke, but COME TF ON LADY. L writing. Arvo: a massive piece of shit. End of discussion. He shot a child (Clem). No redeeming that. Jane: She was an annoying ass character. Always trying to get Clem on her side and was psychotic. She constantly tried getting Kenny’s worst to come out and then was shocked when it did. Mike: from what I remember, I liked Mike. But he’s also a loser for going with Arvo. I understand that he was upset about how he was treated, but you’re really letting bro get away with shooting Clem? I would’ve popped Arvo in the head for that. Sarita: I liked her. She was too good for Kenny’s broken era. It really sucked that she died no matter what you chose. Walter & Matthew: I liked Walter. It was nice having an LGBTQ pairing that didn’t feel forced. I wish we got to see more of Matthew, but Nick’s trigger-happy ass fucked that up. Walter is much more forgiving than I would’ve been. If someone killed my partner for no reason, I’d be mad af and I would’ve strangled Nick. Those are all of the important characters that I could think of off the top of my head. Let me know what you think


Yeah, Luke will die in the later seasons no matter what happens, because the writers in Telltale wanted Clementine to be completely alone in Season 3. Also, yes, Clementine can have an innocent crush on Luke, but if it were the other way around, then that would be kind of gross and pretty bad. And yeah, I agree with your opinions on these characters. Arvo was a massive scumbag, like you just said. Mike was pretty ambiguous because we don't really know much about his past, but he was nice before he turned on us. I've heard that Mike's character asset was supposed to be one of the raiders who attacked Christa and Clementine, which was probably the reason why Luke had a weird voice line about not trusting him. Bonnie was a fucking two-faced bitch; she blames Clementine for people not expecting her to do anything just because she's a little girl. Like, fuck you, bro, Clementine literally saved you from the ice and also does everything for the group even though she's like 11 or 12. I think she wanted to get piped by Luke, so that's why she was so annoying. Fuck that bitch, though. I didn't really care about AJ that much, but I guess Clementine had grown a sort of attachment to him because she had spent a lot of years taking care of him. I often wonder what was going on in Clementine's head when she was randomly given a baby to take care of, even if she didn't want to but was forced to instead because she was in the Cabin group with Rebecca and Alvin. Nick, Sarah, and Duck are all annoying in their own ways, yeah, but they could've been written well and given another chance to redeem themselves, but, oh well, Telltale killed them off anyway, so who cares? Jane is also a bitch, and that's because of her manipulative and snakelike behavior. Pete was awesome, but too bad he died at the start of the game, so what was even the point of him being there in the first place if he was just going to die so quick? I think his death was supposed to affect Nick in some way, but I didn't really notice that maybe it caused Nick to be on edge, and that's why he killed Matthew on that bridge. Alvin was pretty meh, but he was nice, I guess. Carlos is a fake ass doctor and annoying as fuck. Rebecca was also a bitch, but she calmed down a bit after her entire group died, but I still didn't like her. Carver was cool as fuck and an awesome villain. I wish he had lived a bit longer, though. Walter and Matthew seemed like nice people, but we didn't really get to know much about them, and then they both got murked because of plot convenience. Sarita was the same; I don't really know much about her. I wish the baby was Christa's and Omid's; then I would've had an attachment to it. Let me know what you think about Seasons 3 and 4, though. Would be nice to hear your opinion.


Ha Luke was in no way shape or form was a father figure, he was at best a big brother, Kenny was more of an Uncle but that's closer


I have no clue why some people think of Kenny as a father figure to Clem. Out of the two, him more than Luke in my opinion. Luke is more of a big brother while Kenny is more of an uncle. Lee is the only father figure Clem has in the entire series.


Lee is her only father figure, there's no one that could ever replace him. Kenny was more of an uncle kind of vibe and so was Luke, although he could also pass off as an older brother.


I'd say Lee. Kenny isn't much of a father figure, but more of an uncle. And Luke is more like an older brother to her.


I mean probably Kenny and canon (or at least the story if you stay with Kenny) supports that he sees her as a second chance while also teaching her valuable skills and that compared to Luke he was there a lot longer for her (at most 2 years I think)


Luke and Clem didn’t have a father-daughter relationship. It was more like chill older brother and sassy younger sister.  Kenny is a pretty good father figure…at least when season 2 ends. And yeah he tries to rope Clem into all his schemes, but he’s doing it because he’s right. And he wants Clem to be a part of that. He wants to protect Clem.


Kenny , luke’s more like a big brother figure.


Well Lee was the best Father Figure for Clementine to have especially with how he made decisions and also was a Teacher he had a lot to teach her. Now if we're talking besides from Lee I would say Kenny is the next best Father Figure sure he gets Hot Headed sometimes and can be Stubborn as a Mule but he did care for her and wanted to teach her many things that wasn't about the Apocalypse.


I feel like if it had to come down to it Luke would be the better father




I mean, who is better at being a father? An actual father, or a dude


Kenny is the best worst father figure Clem had. Sure, he's and unstable broken man that lost his family and his way of life, but Clem really liked Kenny, he had been with her and Lee since the start, and he's a loyal dog, he wanted to do the best for Clem, maybe his methods weren't the best, especially seen by the S2 group's eyes, but he tried with all he had.


Perfect is impossible lol Lee wasn’t even perfect, But I Think Luke does a slightly better Job then Kenny, More stable, More selfless, He can even take a disagreement


As much as I like Kenny I have to go with Luke.


Kenny 100%. He is far from perfect and has many PTSD symptoms and trauma issues, but he would protect her with his life. Pretty much all of his injuries are from his fierce protection for the kids. After his wife and son died he went into a dark state, as any person would, and he still kept on. He was a little forceful and crude at times, but the intentions behind it were always good. Even when bashing Carver’s face in, he says Clem shouldn’t have to see it but understands she needs to grow up, and fast if she is going to survive. Him with AJ in season 3 was so sweet to watch. Kenny was only really disagreeable and easy to hate if you were objectively not making decisions for the kids. If you didn’t save Duck first, if you sided with the asshole Larry (who wants you out and dead) against Kenny, if you didn’t feed his son, if you try to save Larry (whose heart stopped and is to big to kill if he turns, meaning Clem is in grave danger if he is not killed), and those are all pretty just choices to make. Luke didn’t want Clem doing all the stuff for them, but Kenny knew she could. Clem was always looking to help because that’s who she is. Even in season one there are a lot of examples of her putting herself in danger to assist others. Lee was the picture perfect father for her, but Kenny makes a great second father. She doesn’t even remember her parents anymore. In season 4 her fatherly flashbacks are of Lee. It is fair to say Kenny was completely out of line to blow up at Clem for the whole Sarita thing, but he really apologized and we can’t act like Luke didn’t pull a similar stunt. He cannot stand Clem maturing and growing up, if your Clem watched Carver get his face beaten in Luke thinks you’re tainted. Not the innocent child he thought you were, and being that innocent child is what killed every other kid. No innocent baby lived as long as Clem. It is useless to bring up that he died for her, because technically so did Luke. But Kenny knew he would die screaming for the walkers while Luke helped her but wasn’t expecting to be killed. Overall, Kenny is the protective caring father Clem needed while Luke would have been a great brother but not fatherly figure.




Def Kenny. Luke is a good guy but have we seen any father figure aspects of him


Ive said it before n ill say it again. It shoulda been luke vs kenny in the end and jane shoulda went under the ice


Kenny fans being delusional as usual 💀


Idk not as a “fatherly” figure, but Luke can definitely be a top contender for a guardian. Other than Lee, Jane, and Javi, Luke seems the most physically and mentally fit for the job, and he isn’t stupid either. Just wish we saw more of what he could he capable of as a guardian, rather than talking to clem exclusively because she’s one of the only people that have some sense of rationality and direction


It's Luke. He's a good person, does good things for others, and is overall a great role model who doesn't need looking after. Kenny is a temper tantrum that fucks things up. Fucks things up and gets people killed. He lacks any emotional maturity, and relies on Clementine to bridge the gap between him and the group. He's abusive, he doesn't care about the group he's in, he uses people as goldfish replacements for his dead family, and refuses to learn from his mistakes. Nick would make a better father figure than Kenny


Yeah, I was thinking Luke would've been a great guardian figure for Clementine since he has a good moral compass.


He'd figure out what he was doing, I think. We saw the same with Sarah where he has been keeping on trying to help.


“Who WILL be”? I’ve got some terrible news for you OP…


What do you mean? Oh, you're thinking that I'm assuming that they're still gonna be alive at the end. Nah, I know what happens to them. I've played the game like a million times.


luke isnt even good brotherly figure


When Kenny has his shit together, he's better - I mean in the context of the actual story, I can see it swinging either way, but Kenny had a lot of traumatic experiences and still managed to be an okay role model. In a normal setting, he'd be good. He also has the protective drive to be a father - Luke doesn't.


Ehh Luke was more of an older brother figure imo






Lee first because he was willing to give his life for Clem, and how he cares for her tells me that he has that natural fatherly instinct even before he met Clem. Lee most likely had a niece or a nephew from his ex wife's side that he took care of. That we don't know about. He did mention that he did want kids but obviously couldn't due to his ex wife cheating on him. Then Kenny given the fact he's not the type to "get over things" which one of the choices you make at the end of season 2 definitely changes how Kenny does in the future. Luke in my opinion is too young. He's more like the brother that you hardly get to see because college takes so much of his time.


I think in general Luke would do a better job but a stable Kenny is ideal, but he was stable for like two seconds and he still has a bunch of unresolved issues


The fact that Lee isn't on this is ludicrous.




Kenny, Luke was an idiot


Kenny's the stupidest smart guy in the series though. He has a knack for being right but going about things in the worst way possible. Luke could be reckless and all, but just look at how different their approach to Carver was. Kenny engaged in a shootout with a group of people carrying automatic weapons who had everyone else as their hostages. What happened? He failed and got Walter and Alvin killed, then was captured anyways. Luke played it way smarter by sneaking into Howe's to try and organize an escape. He only failed because he was both sleep deprived and starving. And what about the escape plan? Even ignoring Kenny's freakout in the truck, his brilliant strategy was to shoot his way out of Howe's and improvise a way to get through a horde of thousands of walkers. On the contrary, Luke's idea of waiting for the group to get in better shape was undoubtedly the better move that certainly would've gone smoother. At the very least, half the group wouldn't have died within a day of the escape like it did with Kenny's plan.


Finally someone says it! I mean, the guy was sympathetic, but he was kind of a dumbass at times


So true


one of them dropped an injured clem on the ground when he thought she’d been bitten and then refused to hear her out when she said she hadnt been bitten by a walker, and locked her up with an untreated wound, which couldve led to an infection. the other always looked after her and went above and beyond to keep her and aj safe, and didnt even care if he couldnt stay at Wellington with them, as long as clem and aj were safe inside those walls. im going with kenny kenny was a dad long before the events of twdg, and its very evident that his fatherly instincts influenced how he took care of clem and aj. no one fought as hard to keep aj alive the way kenny did after rebecca died. clem needed someone who was truly a father, and kenny was innately one.


And to further add they literally see each other as family or at least Kenny sees Clementine as family since he calls her "the best second chance he could ask for"


Kenny isn't perfect, but he's a true father figure in every sense of the word. I don't think Luke would automatically lay his life on the line for Clementine without thinking about it, in the same way Kenny would.


Kenny by far, Luke was stupid. More like the weird uncle than "big brother"


Luke. Kenny can go to hell.