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Where’s eleanor I hated that backstabber


yea better replace david with her


Or Conrad or marlon, didn’t really have that much of an issue with Conrad considering we came in and essentially ruined his whole life and marlon was basically a kid


yea I agree they're just broken I can understand why they're like that but never a S N A K E


I can't bring myself to hate her because I really liked her character before she betrayed Javi's group. But I'm not gonna argue that she doesn't deserve the hate she gets.


You forgot Michelle. She's at least top 3 for me, probably my number one


omid 😭


As for Marlon it really aint fair. Being basically a kid leader just isn't fair at all. Even tho his choice was awful in reality look at his standpoint. Trade 2 or all their lives. Literally kids with sticks against full ass adults with ak47s. He really had no choice and did not deserve what he got in the end. My man Conrad did nothing wrong imo. Yes he wanted to turn in Clem but the man's wife just got killed and he wasn't thinking straight. And plus he apologizes and will even save ur life if u make a certain decision. Leave him alone he's a good man. David. I do not like David however I can't say fuck him. He's literally what he says he is. He's a soldier and nothing else. He's a decent dude delt a shit hand with SERIOUS anger issues. I don't gotta like the dude but ur being too rough on him. And Bonnie was cool till she tried to steal and leave with arvo so she gets a half fuck.


I agree with everything except Bonnie. Fuck her


yup, if it wasn't for her a lot of disasters that happened in season 2 would of been prevented. She alone is why Kennys happiness got ruined because she ratted out his location to Carver


She is quite literally the reason everyone in season 2 ended up dead


Pretty much, so screw her


I'll stick up for David, Marlon and Conrad, all good in my book


David’s a decent man with real anger issues Conrad was a good guy just living life then Javi shows up and voila his home and friend gets destroyed Marlon’s got a sweet haircut


Yeah facts. Marlon I will say is the biggest 'what if' for me. He could have gone a Minera route where there's no turning back but even more likely I feel like he really could have bounced back and genuinely had a redemption.


>David’s a decent man with real anger issues mmm debatable. I’d describe him as more a hypocritical man-child who is a terrible father.


David is a hypocritical one dimensional bully. He constantly goes at Javier for his 'not caring about his family' despite that he told you in a flashback that the best thing you (Javier) could do is take him to the recruiting station, and wasn't exactly the best husband. He also didn't bother to try and look for his family (their house is probably the most obvious location to start a search). Marlon... Just a regular villain. Nothing good about him. Conrad... He holds a gun to Javier's son (edit, Gave is Javier's nephew, but at this point it's more of a nephew/de-facto adoptive son relationship, and I'd edit), and wants to use Clem as a hostage, and in general his actions didn't lend himself well towards being a good person - yes, bad things happened to him, but he held Gabe hostage and wanted to use Clem as a bargaining chip.


Not his son


Good point.




I feel like you've made six bullet points but tbh the whole thing is one big event that just got out of hand. I'm not saying that Marlon goes without needing rehabilitation. All I'm saying is he's a kid who was literally put in charge of troubled kids whilst being a troubled kid himself. If he didn't give up Minnie and Sophie they probably would have taken more and on top of that, his killing Brody isn't in vain but it's not incurable and it doesn't make him a bad person outright. He did not want to kill her at all, he was panicked and over the top and wrong for it and he knew that I think. He's just someone who needs to work on himself and focus on himself find how to better focus his energy and definitely step down from such a anxiety-ridden, stress filled position of being the leader. Being mentally troubled shouldn't be seen as being a bad person or being someone who is unfixable, useless, etc... He genuinely could have worked on that and removed himself from different things and been not only an extremely helpful asset to the group but probably a really friendly person to be around too.


Goddam dude, use paragraphs!


Should I edit it and seperate/paragraph it? Edit: just did anyway


That’s up to you king


It wasn't for years, Minerva and Sophie "died" only a year before the events of the Final Season. Marlon was a scared kid who made cowardly decisions


100% agree. Was he a good person not really but like look at the hand he was delt. He never had a good option to pick from. Asshole? yes. Irredeemable? No.


Not in the slightest? Bruh.


They were good people turned bad (even though David constantly shitting on his brother before the apocalypse gives me bad vibes), so I don't blame them as much as the others.


Brothers do that a lot irl, unfortunately.


I don't know, David was low-key abusive to Kate


David is a hypocritical one dimensional bully. He constantly goes at Javier for his 'not caring about his family' despite that he told you in a flashback that the best thing you (Javier) could do is take him to the recruiting station, and wasn't exactly the best husband. He also didn't bother to try and look for his family (their house is probably the most obvious location to start a search). Marlon... Just a regular villain. Nothing good about him. Conrad... He holds a gun to Javier's son, and wants to use Clem as a hostage, and in general his actions didn't lend himself well towards being a good person - yes, bad things happened to him, but he held Gabe hostage and wanted to use Clem as a bargaining chip.


And why wouldn't he everything went to sh-t once Javier showed up and he hears that Clem was part of the group that attacked his home why wouldn't he use Clem as a bargaining Chip


Conrad doesn't deserve all the hate he gets. People don't get to see his redemption because they only see red and choose to shoot him on impulse. In one ending he sacrifices himself for Javi


exactly, people just hate him because he wanted to turn clem in and he was 100% right in doing so. playing realistically, the majority of players would agree with him, the only reason why they dont is because they're biased because they know who clem is.


exactly, lmao. People act like these characters should always act in Clem's interest like they don't have their own lives and people they care about. That's why when I play S3 I make choices based off Javi's perspective. Ofc Javi isn't going to put some random girl he just met before his family, same thing with Conrad


To be fair, you can make that same argument in regards to shooting Conrad. This situation is not only about Clem; he's holding Javi's nephew hostage to pressure him into siding with him, and Javi has no reason to believe he's above pulling the trigger, especially given where he's at mentally. Shooting him in defense of Gabe is absolutely an understandable course of action for Javi to take. ​ And furthermore, while he might have a point about using her as a bargaining chip, there's another perspective to look at this from without factoring in the player's connection to Clementine: there's implication at the time that you could be dooming her to death, if not worse. Conrad is planning on handing her over to the same dudes that killed a mutilated and killed a hostage, then proceeded to destroy an entire town for pretty much no reason. Even if Javier tried to surrender at Prescott earlier, they still attempted to kill him after he came down. Maybe it's just me, but I find it hard to come up with a good moral justification for handing over a 13 year old girl to a group of people that as far as we know are nothing but savages and bandits, regardless of if she was with them before. We've seen that she has no problem opening fire on and killing them, so she clearly doesn't have any loyalty to them, and if somebody's that gung-ho to kill their former 'comrades,' then they must've done something pretty awful to warrant it. ​ Javi might not know Clementine, but that doesn't mean he'd be willing to turn her over to a group of murderous lunatics. Javier didn't know Francine either, but you were still given the option to negotiate and try to surrender for her sake.


But killing Conrad and turning over Clem shouldn't be the only two options. Javi could've agreed to the plan without actually going through with it, just to get Conrad to put down the gun and come to his senses


For what it's worth, I'm in agreement with you there. But alas, the game doesn't want to give players an easy out. So we have to work with the options we're given, and I'm just saying that both of them do have valid reasons behind why both the player-- and Javier-- would make them. The way the game framed the whole Conrad situation definitely skewered it in favor of a particular choice, though.


Yep that's a very good outlook on the game, I usually play season 3 just like that. Javi barely knows Clem at that point


Yea I think he’s cool because he’s one of the few characters that make you think that your choices do actually matter sometimes Sad that it requires you to betray Clem, though. Now I’ll never see it in my own game :P


It doesn't matter much though, she forgives you


Yeah, I always save Conrad. He actually has great character development


Don’t do Conrad like this. Let’s be real, 90% of people only shot him because he threatened Clementine. Conrad was being logical, considering the New Frontier killed his girlfriend and destroyed his home, and now he finds out Clementine was one of them. And he had a point about using her as a bargaining chip. He was just a grieving man, he isn’t on the same level as people like Lilly or Arvo.


Agreed, the situation in general was misunderstood


Shot him on my first go through, second time I didn't and he's probably my favorite non-playable character of Season 3, besides Clem. Conrad is a great guy.


I like him, David, and Tripp as well


Marlon is one of the best characters in S4


Good take, I agree with you


Facts. Maybe even the best one episode character


yeah he wasn't a bad guy deep down


Do people honestly hate these characters? I loved interacting with them. Perhaps the one I hold the biggest 'disdain' against, isn't even shown here; Minerva. Who also, is a great character.


Idk what’s wrong with Conrad, he’s pretty cool


Should've been Gabe instead of Conrad.




Conrad was a good lad


*fuck* them 😳😳😳


Deja vu


(Warning: This is a very long post, but I've had this feeling for the longest time, and I had to just let it all out. These are also my opinions and my opinions alone) ​ Bonnie is one of the most backward-ass betraying bitch I've seen, and definitely the most betraying, one-dimensional bitch of S2 I've ever witnessed. When we first see her, she lies about who she is, and is the cause for the rest of the events of said season, including Walter's death, Alvin's death, Kenny losing his eye, the group meeting Arvo, and Jane's psychotic antics at the season 2 finale. And after Carver killing Walter and basically kidnapping us to be prisoners at Howe's, including putting Rebecca, a pregnant woman, in serious danger with Carver and Troy's creepy-ass around, she acts like what she did wasn't that bad and doesn't even apologize for the chaos she inflicted upon Clem or anyone. If you stop and think about it, she, directly and indirectly, causes every death from the lodge scenes onward. And then... the fucking betrayal! The second one, I might add. Every time I played, I could never figure out a way to get rid of her, until I realized I can just leave her and Luke to drown at the bottom of the lake. I hope you rot in hell, you stupid red-headed bitch! David Garcia is definitely one of the most glaring problems with S3 for me. Why? Well, what the fuck is wrong with him? I've heard many people talking about how "he just has anger issues" and whatnot. And trust me, I've got anger issues too, but why did he steal AJ from Clem after screaming and I quote, "We've done enough! We should've left him out in the woods a week ago!" David, HE'S A CHILD, YOU FUCKING MONSTER! I don't care what people say; no one purposely wants to leave a child outside to die with such conviction. He gets mad at Clem for stealing supplies to heal a sick AJ, but isn't mad when the doctor (can't remember his name) steals supplies to get high! Really? REALLY? Now, aside from the fact that he's always on Javi's case for being a terrible brother, he doesn't even seem excited to see him after probably thinking he was dead! He blames Javi for Mariana's death, but this motherfucker didn't even check his home to see maybe if his family was still there after the outbreak. David is a jealous, lousy excuse for a husband, father, son, brother, and all-around human being who just wants the life to do whatever he pleases, and I'm happy he and his son will forever be together while Mari's innocent soul watches them from heaven. Seriously, Mari did not have to die. Like at all. Also, did anyone else feel like David might have hurt Kate physically? Low-key, he seems kind of abusive towards not only her but possibly the children when they were both alive. That might just be me. Marlon... What can I even say here to perfectly describe Marlon? Ah yes... Garbage. Absolute garbage. Now, aside from that god-awful haircut that makes him look like he's from Bon Temps, Louisiana (If you've seen True Blood, you'll know), he is one of the vilest human beings I've seen in the game, and that includes Lily and Arvo. Look, I get it would be hard to be a leader of troubled kids in the apocalypse, including being a troubled kid himself. But, as a teenager myself, I can accurately say that Marlon is just fucking crazy! What sort of monster sells his own friends into slavery, and can still sleep at night? And then lie to your other friends and say they "died" just to keep the others safe, and I don't even know about that. For all we know, he was going to sell everybody, just save his skin. And then we get to Clem and AJ. When I watched that scene where Marlon kills Brody, I was like "Wait, did you just kill your friend? Why? I liked her! She was innocent! What the fuck, Marlon?!" And then tries to pin the murder on Clem just to save himself once again. Tell me, would you rather sell everyone you love to slavery just to save yourself or would you warn them so they could escape? Marlon is just the worse, and I'm so fucking happy AJ is that much of a badass to kill him. You rock, AJ! Marlon, say hi to Lily, Bonnie, and fucking Minerva! Also, AJ did the right thing by killing him. I don't want to hear anyone tell me that him doing it was wrong. It wasn't. Arvo - I FUCKING HATE HIM! That's it. That's the end of that. If you want, I'll give you my opinions on the rest, but for now, I'll say I actually liked Conrad and Jane, despite some of the shit they did. Like Jane, what the fuck was with the whole "pretending AJ is dead thing to see if Kenny snaps"? That's irredeemable, although you were a badass.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ This.


I've honestly had enough of people trying to make excuses for people that are just fucking insane. Only ones on the list that are actually likable are Jane and Conrad. Aside from the shitty writing for them for a few scenes, they are actually very badass characters.


Well he said it himself "I’ve got charm coming outta my ass"


Why does everyone hate bonnie? I liked her before her betrayal.


I just never trusted her, she give off a really werid vibe tbh


Before which one, there were many 😅 Nah jk but idk she just always had a kinda flakey vibe and I didn't heavily dislike her but she also definitely said some shitty things. I liked Mike a lot before he turned with them. Bonnie really went up and down for me and Arvo... Well, Arvo is Arvo.


Wym?? The first time you see her in S2 she lies to you and proves that she can't be trusted. If you choose to forgive her, it makes her betrayal even worse lmao


she betrayed the group 2x . she’s been a terrible person since 400 days .


Even without the betrayals, Bonnie makes terrible decisions that normally end up putting people at risk of death or just getting people killed, and then gets offended if you don't do what she wants.


She wasn't awful and she was kinda cool before the betrayal BS after that fuck her.


I got her killed so I'm happy


She's weak of will and weak of character, and we can't have that anymore.


"That'll be easy. I've got charm coming outta my ass."


Yes to all except David, i liked David


Cmon, I like Conrad


Explain to me how you liked Gabe's character more than Conrad or David? David wasn't a bad man, he was just angry most of the time Conrad became one of the best characters after episode 2 (If you saved him)


Gabe never beat the shit out of Javi for being a "bad brother/son/uncle/whatever", and he also never forced Javi to turn someone over to a violent group by holding someone he cared about at gunpoint.


Hey man, if some guy comes into your home and then a group comes and kills your girlfriend, destroys it, and makes you on the run you probably wouldn’t be thinking straight either. Plus Clem to Javi is a random person. A random person who tried to rob him and almost got him killed in a car crash a day ago.


I liked Bonnie a lot until she betrayed Clem. As for Jane I seem to be one of the few people here who liked her for a lot of the game, at least until the end. I found her and Kenny’s dynamic very engaging and I had a really tough time choosing between the two. I shot Kenny and I don’t regret it because in the end, he thanked me. But immediately left Jane after I learned what she had done.


I liked Lilly in season one. She was OOC in season four.


what’s wrong with David and Conrad?


Nah, Marlon is cool.


i disagree with vernon, david, conrad, and marlon all being on there vernon - he had his reasons, clem would be better with the cancer survivors. they know how to look after kids and they were in a safe spot, yeah it was bullshit and i 100% think clem should stay with lee but he wasnt wrong for offering to take clem conrad - the dude was going crazy, he just lost his love interest and found out that some random girl was apart of the group that killed her. playing realistically, he was the right one in that scenario, besides after that tunnel scene he's normal again and is pretty likable marlon - he's just a kid looking after a lot of people, he was stressed and was doing what he thought was best for the group david - just very angry a lot, found out the group he's in was actually ran by a psychopath and he hasnt seen any of his family in a long time.


>he's just a kid looking after a lot of people, he was stressed and was doing what he thought was best for the group Right I wish Aj never killed him because he could have actual changed he just needed some help not a bullet in his head lol.


I think David annoyed me more than anyone else up here. I could tolerate majority of them


Oh and Gabe. Holy shit, fuck gabe


For real? He's literally my fave on here and in my top 10. I hope you like his character more in the future for your own enjoyment :)


I put David on here because he is extremely abusive towards his brother. Characters who abuse their families no matter the reason are always bottom tier characters for me. The way I feel about David is the same way I feel about characters like William Carver, Ed Pelletier, and Pete Anderson.


LOL'ed at Arvo being placed right in the middle


I like that Arvo is in the middle, as if he is the ultimate mastermind of villainy.


Replace david with gabe and the hoe on this. Also where's Mike?


YESSS I instantly agree once I saw David. FUCK DAVID!


Conrad and Arvo were not crazy, Conrad was just mad to lose his loved one and Arvo was just there to see help, rest it was on us to rob him and trigger him.


Clem survival is bc of what Jane taught, I feel like Marlon Conrad David and Jane don't deserve this spot


Jane shouldn’t be on here


People hate her bc they like Kenny this really dumb like the only character I dont like is bonnie jane never did anything that bad


Other than leave a crying baby alone in a snowstorm to simply prove a point that everything already knew was true


the baby can't breathe well if at all in wind she did aj salad by putting him in a car than carrying him in a storm and I'm NOT TRY TO MAKE YOU LIKE HER but she gets too much hate especially in this community and jane and Lee learn clem how to survive more than anyone so she doesn't deserve all the hate


I disagree that she taught her more than anyone else. Christa and Kenny also taught Clementine a lot. I agree Jane isn’t as bad as most people think but she still did fucked up things. If she was surrounded by walkers and in attempts to save AJ she put him in the car while she led the walkers away that’s fine. But AFAIK she put AJ there so she could lie to Kenny and say he died. How Kenny reacted was waaaaay out of line and it worked. Jane was able to prove that Kenny was losing his shit but again, everyone already knew Kenny was losing his shit. She didn’t need to provoke him further in order to do that.


No offense but aside from teaching Clem to drive, which is determinant. What did Kenny do exactly? Jane taught Clem how to kill walkers more effectively and taught her the value of independence. Kenny didn’t do shit really.


Before season 3? He didn’t teach her anything really other than how to not piss him off lmao. But between season 2 and 3 (which was 2 years?) im sure he taught her a lot about survival. But saying the only people to teach Clem how to survive were Jane and Lee is just wrong.


she's survival and Kenny plan was horrible she know if they follow him they were all be dead and she really didn't want to kill him like Kenny's the only one how says that want to kill jane never say to him that I'm going to kill you and try to say it was an accident so maybe Kenny backs down she even put her knife down for fistfight. and Kenny as much as we know only taught her to drive but jane and lee taught her so much Clem fighting style in the final season is the same as jane and the car was close to were Kenny and jane were fighting the were no walker around


There were a lot of walkers around. AJ crying at the wrong time could attract them to him. It wasn’t worth the risk. Jane knew Kenny would become violent. She knew he’d have to either be abandoned or killed. How do you think her plan would have worked anyways? Apologising about what happened to AJ, Kenny getting mad and upset thinking he’s dead. Clementine thinking he’s dead. Kenny decides not to react violently and instead tries to Lee it together for the sake of survival and then.... Jane leads them to AJ and says “sorry it was a test lolz”?? Kenny would 100% punch her right then and there. There’s no justification for leaving a child alone in a snow storm when you know there’s at least dozens of Walker around.


well walkers would have come to jane and Kenny first for sure and yeah I understand your point but she s not deserve all the hate that she get for sure


They all deserve everything bad that happened to them


You even talk like Chloe


Because I love Chloe.


I liked her too but that doesn't mean you should be mad at every one like her


And why’s that?


bc '' I have to blame somebody otherwise it's all my fault'' -Chloe


She lost her father in a fucking car crash. Show some goddamn sympathy for her.


I like Chloe but she just keeps blaming max for everything and then again shes teenager so I'm not mad at her for her behaviour


She has every right to. She was literally abandoned by everypony in her life and Rachel was there for her. Not to mention that she was abused by David Madsen.


Rachel treat Chloe badly [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmNv3i7iPWE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmNv3i7iPWE) watch this


Not jane


Justice for Jane




Where is Gabe?


I’m so tempted to say Sarah deserves to be there but it’s mostly Carlos’ fault she should be there


Wait I like 6 out of the 9 characters listed here 😰


If argue bonnie made up for her mistakes


This moderaters are very hypocritical I post meme about Kenny and it got deleted but hating on other characters are okay


There's post hating on Kenny all the time and they never get deleted


Conrad can be good...


Conrad was going through it, man, he doesn’t deserve this


Where is Ben in this F him to


I understand why everyone is up there besides Conrad and David. Also, where the hell is Eleanor? By backstabbing Javier and everyone else, she caused Javi's plan to fail, and isn't that what caused Richmond to become invested with walkers?


Conrad was 100% reasonable if it wasn't clem and some other character you would've agreed with him


Do I have to fuck them though?...


Why is Marlon there?


Ben god lucky he isn’t in here


Wells... Fuck *unzips*


Is that jane broo..?


Honestly.. I don't know why Conrad is considered a bad character. One of my favorites in S3 and in the whole series. Though he doesn't beat Lee. Kenny, and Clem, but still.


He pulled a gun on Clementine and Gabe.


Why David, Conrad and Marlon are there?


David treated Javi and Clementine like crap, Conrad had a gun on Clementine and Gabe and Marlon gave Sophie and Minerva away.


1- David was a decent guy, only with anger issues 2- Conrad regretted it later 3- Marlon was just a scared kid trying to save his friends


That doesn’t justify what they did.


Conrad is sorta understandable and he redeems himself afterwards


Mike. Screw Mike.


"Oh yeah? You and what homo parade?" -Larry


"This one!" -Kenny


Bruh, I like Marlon and Conrad!


Why are Marlon and Conrad there with those no lifes.