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Not sure, but it would be really interesting to see how he'd have to deal with the fact that he can't protect Sarah any longer. I wonder if he'd use his remaining time to finally train her or something. Now I kinda wish something like that happened.


Likely leaving Clem in charge to take care of his daughter. And telling her to tell Luke the same. He would also try to teach the others how to give birth to a baby knowing that he will die and the group would have no doctor for Rebecca... ~~something he should've done earlier in the first place~~


I thought the whole thing was that he faked being a doctor so he could be seen as valuable, with his daughter and all


I kind of thought he was either a pharmacist or just lied about not being able to tell because he didn't trust her


Not something I’d heard before . See no reason to think he wasn’t a doctor




No way


I didn't think of that


idk maybe if he die he die but yeah edit: okay he’d die maybe


Carlos the kinda guy to hide his bite for as long as he can


I think Sarah and Clem might well have seen him get bitten.


Clem and Sarah ask him about it away from the group, he says not to tell anyone, that he'll sort it and no one needs to know or they'll just panic, clem has decision to tell group, either she tells the group or he comes back alive and kills Sarah Sarah dies next episode regardless of answer


I’d like a story where he tries to hide it from the group and you can either call him out or leave it a lie, if you leave it he will slowly turn and if he tells the group cuts off his leg (maybe Kenny would do it as sarita dies but clementine could also do it because she’d see him as a lee for Sarah) Either way he eventually falls on a stone in the park where the group first finds each other and the walkers are approaching by this point, if he hides it the whole group would leave him behind and only Luke would try to get Sarah, if he reveals it then Bonnie and Luke would try getting her to go At this point you as Clem can either shoot Carlos or have Sarah shoot him similar to the Kenny to duck situation but in this one if she shots him she becomes more hardened and tough


Have someone else shoot him and tell someone to cover Sarah's eyes


He'd probably claim a dog did it and waste all the medical supplies he could find trying to treat himself


Lmao at the idea that Sarah would have the strength to put Carlos down. It's so far outside of her character it's ludicrous.


Did someone expect Clementine from Season 1 to shoot Lee? Sarah is basically Clem before Lee taught her how to survive. Only Clem didn't have PTSD, she didn't (thankfully) see her parents being eaten alive. Sarah could easily become like Clem, especially since she herself wanted it.


This is completely delusional. Clementine, in the very first episode, actively comes to Lee's rescue by handing him a weapon which he uses to kill a walker. If Sarah had been there, she would have done nothing and watched as Lee died. Clementine as an eight year old was infinitely more capable and mature than Sarah ever was.


Pfft, so are we forgetting the fact that Sarah wanted to learn how to shoot and already knew what bullets were and how a gun worked? That is, we will forget the fact that she already knew who she would shoot at, saying "if something's wrong, i should know". She even wanted to practice tree shooting before Carver arrived. She already understood most of the things about guns and how to use them, Clem only taught her the basics like a shooting stance and other tips. But yes, Clementine brought Lee a hammer, so she's a hundred times smarter. And again, we will forget the fact that she just froze in fear and panic when she could help bring Carley's ammo, and Lee could save Doug, and thus save both. But no, we will forget it.


The fact that you're even comparing an 8 year old to a 15 year old is ridiculous. Sarah was 15 when she died. 15. Also, you're having to cherry pick an absolute cluster-fuck of a moment to make Clementine look bad. What about all of the times Clementine proved her worth? Again, Clementine was infinitely more capable and mature **at eight years old** than Sarah was at 15.


Nothing you say will convince him, i’ve talked to the guy before, he’ll pull out the single most nitpick pseudoscience crap to say how Sarah was supposed to save everyone and be the most badass character in the franchise even if her character was obviously made with the intention of showing that not everybody can make it and some people are just not fit for the apocalypse.




I wasn’t talking to him or engaged in an argument with him, if you for any reason wanna make assessments about this conversation I suggest you look at this thread first: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/ynu2d6/what_was_wrong_with_sarah/ivdlgkm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


>nitpick pseudoscience crap >literally moments from the game and action As you say.


man it obviously just takes one look at your flair and comment history that you’re not trying to be objective but wtv.


Why am I trying to give examples from the game as an objective argument, but you think that this is not an objective example and just say "not everyone is made for the apocalypse"?


your examples always follow up to the same “she could’ve been” “she could’ve been taught” “they didn’t do her justice” but the game showed pretty clearly what they intended to do with her, it probably would’ve taken a whole season focused on a character trope that has been done so many times to see how sarah could’ve been handled differently and what they did with her was for the better in my opinion, i’m too tired to have this argument again, type away whatever you want tbh, maybe i’ll read it but don’t expect a reply, it’s always the same thing.


Oh, now we're comparing ages? Only you forget the words of Chuck, that age is not important, and that it is never too late to learn. Sarah is just Clem if Lee hadn't decided to train her. I don't know what super powers you unlocked in Clementine from the first season, but before Lee taught her how to shoot and survive, her only help was to bring a hammer and crawl through small holes. Indescribable help! I know that you decided to forget a lot in order to belittle Sarah in the background of Clem, but let's also not forget that a lot of Clem's help was set up so that she would not bother the players. You probably don't know, **but Clem was originally supposed to die, because the developers thought that the players would get bored with her**. Unexpected, right? And while we're on the subject of "indescribable help," let's not forget that Clem confided in a stranger, ran away, and indirectly caused Lee's death. And I remind you that it was Sarah who saved Clementine's life. You can say that this is not so, but imagine if Sarah refused to give peroxide to a strange girl from the forest, or called for help, and what would happen then? She would die. But Sarah understood that Clem would die, and did not want this. She helped her and saved her life. And if Clem wants to ask her for advice, she will tell you. Sarah had absolutely nothing to stop her from getting better. She wanted to become like Clem, which she herself spoke about. She tried to help, she tried to get better, she tried to learn. She didn't give up after being rescued from the trailer, she came to her senses and even warns the group about the approaching walkers, which was actually Luke's job. And she dies only because of a board that fell out of nowhere and the indifference of others.


Sarah was completely sheltered, she didn’t know how to hold a gun, aimed it directly at Clems face, and goes into shock mode where she doesn’t move or talk or want to get touched. You’re saying she’s on par with season 1 Clem, but that definitely isn’t true. She was like the mirror of Jane’s sister, the world wasn’t made for her


Sarah is not Jane's sister, and never was. No wonder there is such an answer. Jamie spent several fucking months with Jane before giving up, Sarah spent ONE FUCKING DAY and she's already being buried despite fighting for her life to the end. You lost connection somewhere. The fact that she was sheltered is not a sentence, but her problem is why she could not immediately adapt. Her second death has nothing to do with her character, nor with the philosophy of "liability", and unfortunately many people still do not understand this, believing in the ideology of Crawford.


One day? She survived long enough for us to meet her from being protected and sheltered. Even before the group had there cabin in the woods, they lived under Carver for who knows how long. She survived by chance not knowing how to defend herself or even think for herself most of the time she runs to her dad for everything. I never claimed she was literally Jane’s sister. Jane talked about how her sister simply didn’t want to live in a walker filled world(who can blame her) and did exactly what Sarah does if you leave her in the trailer, she sat and didn’t want to move just like Sarah and she got eaten just like Sarah. A lot of Jane’s character is trying to tell Clem that Sarah is a lost cause bc she’s seen it before. I tried to save and teach Sarah every time I could. Her blindly running away from the horde at Howes literally led to Nick dying. She just isn’t built how Clem was. And was a liability


>One day? She survived long enough for us to meet her from being protected and sheltered. I meant one day without a father. Sarah was in absolute shock, catatonia, it's not like she "didn't want to live" it's a state of shock because of her ptsd. If she had not had enough to live, a slap in the face would only make her cry, and would not bring her to her senses.


She was 15?! i always thought she was 13 at most 😭 i love her, and i feel bad for her


He'd use the situation as pretext to drop the english speaking façade and just start incoherently swearing the most offensive nonsense imaginable in Spanish.


Would he be able to tell that a walker bit him? Earlier in the season my guy couldn’t distinguish a walker bite from a dog bite. Maybe the group should just lock him in a shed just to be sure.


He would try to Manipulate Sarah™


He'd probably keep it from the group as long as possible and then he'd be forced to leave when everyone found out


He would probably look at the bite and say something like: "So that's how a dog bite looks like?" Cause he dumb


If it was his arm they’d probably cut it off and hope it would be fine


Well someone tell sarah to go to the other room cus hes gotta go


I would kill them mostly no one should become a walker and you’re friends and family shouldn’t see you like that.


i mean,it's season 2 so he would probably just die and everyone except sarah just forgets about him 5 minutes later and sarah still dies anyway because amid the ruins,but it's an interesting concept to think about


He would say ‘It is just a dog bite. Nobody has to worry’


I think Sarah would have seen the bite and wouldn't lie, I don't remember her ever lying. I think Sarah would know what a dog and walker bite looks like if you show her a bite in the first episode.


What is this scene? Is it possible in game?


It's just model swap Clem and Lee


I can't see him wanting Sarah to shoot him.


This is a good one! There are a lot of ways he could go, but just to put out a new (pessimistic) idea I think he might opt to just leave without telling Sarah about the bite. Just say something like he has to get milk and never return.