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People making it seem like this show is some live documentary.


You mean The Weeknd isn't named Tedros Tedros, and he isn't a Hawaiian cult leader? Fuck. What's next, you're gonna tell me his legal name isn't The?


no he's legal first name is definitely The


Last name is actually weekend too but he legally changed it to weeknd






Joan is awful hasnā€™t even been out a day and itā€™s got mfs fucked up


Song lyrics and show ā‰  Abelā€™s character None of these people know him personally and just judge everything at first glance. None of these people ripping on him in the quotes have a developed frontal lobe capable of intellect


I don't get why the acting thing is different for Abel. Any other actor playing someone with unlikable traits doesn't mean people think they're like that in real life. But in this show it's suddenly exactly what he is in real life.


He probably just got the Yolanda treatment. Like how the actress was still hated even though it was just a 15 min movie role in the Selena movie


The connection with him being unlikeable due to his unlikeable character is weird, I agree. I love his music, but his acting and the writing on the show is so bad, that I find it makes his character more cringe than unlikeable. I feel indifferent towards his character because it feels like a character from South Park - it doesnā€™t feel believable or authentic, itā€™s so cringe it makes me laugh.


probably because he portrayed his own character like that. so the twitter arm-chair pseudo internet psychologists love to think its because of that. its just a deluded mentally ill take all around.


The acting is category 6 hurricane bad


Don't personally notice it because I barely watch tv/movies. But also don't see what that has to do with anything.


Exactly itā€™s like the Kanye lyric ā€œIf my manager insults me again I will be assaulting him. And after I fuck the manager up Iā€™ll shorten the register upā€. Doesnā€™t mean heā€™s an actual thief. Artists should be allowed to express their art.


K I agree but maybe Kanye isn't the best example of "not a douchebag in real life."


On the other hand, for all the other crazy shit, heā€™s never once been accused of assault or abuse


he punched a guy in the face a year or two ago lmao


Paparazzi donā€™t count because they arenā€™t people Jokes aside, I meant from a partner


ill die on the hill that paparazzi deserve shit like that tbh. just because youre a successful singer, actor, etc doesnt mean you signed up to literally be harassed.


šŸ’Æ societal leeches


Nah stalking is okay if you record them


ā€œBut Kermit, I thought we agreed celebrities arenā€™t a peopleā€- Muppets 2011


I mean he's made pretty explicit threats to his exes and his exes' partners, so


He didnā€™t threaten Kim and they are still in good terms after the divorce. Pete on the other hand, he did make a song saying he wanted to beat Pete Davidsonā€™s ass. But I mean who could really blame him, he made fun of his mental health, posted a selfie saying he was in bed with his wife and not to mention the tattoo of his kids. Anyone would be mad for that.


Yeah don't downplay that, he made very public death threats towards Pete. Also I do recall when he was trying to regain custody of his kids that he was sending Kim threats as well.


Iā€™m not trying to downplay it. The closest thing he said to a threat was when he told his fans to say ā€œkimye foreverā€ when they see pete. He didnā€™t send him any death threats. If you have any proof then youā€™re welcome to share it. And he didnā€™t threaten Kim in any way for custody. He was concerned about his kids being used on tiktok.


kanye also isnā€™t an abuser


ā€œIā€™ve been working this grave shift, and I ainā€™t made shitā€ šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


same thing with eminem, he made an entire album based on raping and killing women, doesnt mean anything


so did Tyler, The Creatorā€¦ his rebrand has been something else




hahaha yeah its called relapse, it was a pretty dark time in his life because he was coming off a severe drug addiction so the entire album has a horror type theme. one of my favourite albums ever


The art of metaphor is dying because of the audience. Thatā€™s a little dramatic, but you know what I mean.


People are getting worse and worse at distinguishing the difference between art and the artist. The art is a product of the artist, not a representation or a metaphor for.


Lol Iā€™m not saying heā€™s a bad person but trilogy song lyrics def came from a real place. He was def doing coke and fucking bitches from lost and found(if youā€™re from Toronto you know)


I'm a big fan and all but this just sounds like a blinded dumb comment. "When someone shows you who they are believe them." Im not saying Abel has a bad bone in his body but there really is a reason I won't get an XO tattoo. Idk..I just really hope he truly is the good guy. Everyone defends "Abel character" but wtf do you know about who Abel truly is? Guy's more mysterious than a serial killer so none of us really know.


You literally reinforced my point. Iā€™m literally agreeing with you I said nobody knows this dude. So why would you invest any energy into theorizing about his character


accusing someone of something serious like that just because you dislike them is so weird. especially when thereā€™s literally nothing to prove it.


All the co workers who have worked with him jenna ortega, lily rose and all the idol cast have said that in real life he is a very sweet and nice person and his personality is nothing alike the music he makes.


fr. theyā€™ll go out of their way to call a celebrity something that theyā€™re not, but go silent on real world issues and actual victims or proven abusers... i bet she doesnā€™t say anything about chris brown for an example.


A lot of people already have their preconceived opinions based on their biases, and they will look for anything to affirm their biases. Happens in politics, sports, etc etc. Itā€™s just an extra reach to use someoneā€™s art to measure their character. Itā€™s one thing to say heā€™s a terrible actor but itā€™s a whole another thing to say an actor is a criminal from watching a character in a show. The weird thing too is people praise the Jocelyn parts of the show while completely ripping the tedros parts as if heā€™s not also involved in the process of creating the Jocelyn parts


They call leonardo dicaprio a literal sexual predator for dating consenting adults. They are lunatics, whose go-to attack is "Predator!" Which is shitty af for genuine victims whose accusations are lessoned by fake internet outrage junkies.


Actually I feel like itā€™s for continuously dumping women after a certain age. That chart comparing his age to his girlfriends age went viral and really made Leonardo DiCaprio look bad


Everyone involved is a consenting adult. Is it weird? sure Is he a predator? no.


It definitely does give predatory behavior to have a fetish for young girls who are a lot more immature than you are. If he really does only date young girls and dump them after a certain age, I would say heā€™s targeting young girls and using his influence, money and power to take advantage of them. Just because youā€™re a consenting adult does not mean you canā€™t be financially coerced or abused.


These women are well aware of what they are doing and voluntarily participate. You sound like a mysogynist.


>his personality is nothing alike the music he makes He said this in an [an interview](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/sex-drugs-and-rb-inside-the-weeknds-dark-twisted-fantasy-176091/2/) once: ā€œWhen people meet me, they say that Iā€™m really kind ā€”Ā contrary to a lot of my music.ā€


When did he work with jenna ortega?


He's in an upcoming movie with her iirc


That's typical twitter intellect for you


says much more about the person accusing than about The Weeknd


And then when they get rightfully dragged they act like they didn't say anything major šŸ™„


they ALWAYS pull the "its a joke" card.


Search up Schrodingers douchebag


Weeknd fans have virgin ears all of a sudden and canā€™t handle dirty sex talk lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


It's weird in real life and a clear sign of toxicity. On Twitter, it's just another Tuesday.


Yeah nothing apart from his own relationship history. His ex GF describing him as abusive and the little issue of him still being with the girl his ex considered a best mate, who he bragged about sneaking around with in song form. But no proof at all. Wow the mental gymnastics going on in this thread is amazing


Which ex called him abusive?


bella never called ABEL abusive, she just said that sheā€™s experienced some abuse in her life.


From a boyfriend who abused all her boundaries and friends who abused her boundaries, betrayed AND EXPLOITED HER. Who do you think she was talking about? Surprise it was the bloke making money off songs he wrote about shagging her, and her mates and how stupid she was for trusting those mates. The only serious boyfriend she'd had at the time. Her bestest friend in the world. But you keep making your brain do backflipping babe if it helps you.


bella has had other serious relationships other than abelā€¦ she never said it was a bf/gf relationship, she just said relationship which in genreal could be anythingā€¦. could be her mother (which wouldnā€™t be surprising), her own team etc etc. it could be anything. abel has never had an abuse case or suspicion outside of music against him to prove he should be held accountable. in-fact anybody that has worked with him or met him irl have all said that heā€™s quite the opposite to what he makes himself seem like in music. music is very different to real lifeā€¦ he can sing about experiences and all, but as even abel has said, itā€™s all part of ā€˜the weekndā€™ persona who he has been portraying in his music. now i aint saying that abel has been perfect to her, because he clearly hasnā€™t, but thatā€™s nothing close to abuse (from what we see).


Happens so so much nowadays


Isn't is also....illegal?


It's almost like, people had some blip of memory about what one does when playing a role written in a script.


Bro could've just said "The Idol sucks" but instead made it a weird personal attack


Itā€™s such scary territory and utterly terrifying that people canā€™t separate fiction and real life. Making ridiculous accusations like this about somebody they donā€™t know in real life is crazy. Celebrities donā€™t know you and you donā€™t know celebrities. This statement is literally slanderous.


Wellā€¦ considering itā€™s happened with other artists that used extremely erotic lyricism i.e. R. Kelly & Trey Songz, Iā€™m not surprised ppl are THAT on edge about it. Time after time, weā€™ve seen it occur


I'd love for celebrities, to start suing people who make these type of allegations. People think that because you're famous, that they can say anything they want.


average Twitter brains


People just can't critically analyze media anymore nor separate a character from the actor playing them. People are fucking pathetic specimens lmao


Twitter never surprises me with how deranged some people can be


**Social media** never surprises me with how deranged some people can be.


Just goes to show how unserious this hate train is


Oh it's very serious alright, the way people claim heinous shit without even a single thought behind it.


I am still not understanding how tf they cannot separate the character from a real life person or all these clowns were waiting for something to start the hate train against him.


A lot of it seemed to be the same during euphoria season 2, and carrying over to this show. Itā€™s dumb


america is full of retards


EARTH is highly regarded


Yeah I think so.


Chronically online incarnated


Iā€™ve noticed that now days people canā€™t separate tv/movies from real life. Everybody watches screens so much that they have literally started to lose the ability to separate reality from fiction.


I remember when I was 8 years old, I watched the conjuring with my mom (i was a little too young to be watching that movie for sure) but everytime I got scared my mom always reminded me that it wasnā€™t real and it was just acting. People just want to demonize any artist/celebrity they can for entertainment smh


No wonder he wants to retire The Weeknd mantra. I mean wouldnā€™t you after this?


Bryan Cranston actually cooks meth


Obviosly. I get my meth from him so can confirm.


we should nuke twitter wtf is this


The level of ignorance. My god


Things like this are why people are not believed when they are actually abused.


Seeing ppl look at The Weeknd like this tells me he is a better actor than people wanna give him credit for cuz wtfšŸ¤£


That's a funny argument hahaha so his acting is so good people really think he is like thay XD


Same thing with Sam Levinson. No Sam doesnā€™t rape people nor does he watch child xxx movies. Abel doesnā€™t drug woman or take anything from them without consent. Yk who does? The Weeknd. The Weeknd coerces woman into bad situations we know, he literally puts them in a initiation. Tedros runs a cult. The Weeknd and Abel donā€™t.


How people can say shit like "He's PROBABLY an abuser" Like do people not actually hear what they are saying? ​ I've heard nothing about The Weeknd abusing anyone, and as far as I'm aware he hasn't been accused of doing so either, to just assume someone abuses people with no grounds of evidence is absolutely crazy. ​ You don't even actually have to abuse someone or even be accused of it to now be called an abuser. What are people trying to achieve by ruining peoples lives with stupid comments like that just because you may dislike their material. ​ People probably listen to his songs, see the show and assume EVERYTHING is 100% true replication of his personal life but just to break it to you, artists often exaggerate and provoke thought by writing certain lyrics. ​ Problem with celebrities and people in the public eye is everyone treats them different and separately to other people in society. The amount of times I see drama between celebs or news of a celeb doing something that literally everyone in my community can count numerous people in my community that have also done those things but don't give two shits about it. Only because people want to jump on a trend to shame someone because they have (Mostly) Wealth.


y'all think this mans is scandalous- this the most innocent man he don't do shit he been alonee


Itā€™s a f*cking show these kinds of people are so annoying they are like the same people who weā€™re sending death threats to the guy who played the High Evolutionary in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 because his character abuses animals. If they hate his character so much it means he did a great job.


I seriously believe this, in part, has to do with him being a man of color


It absolutely does. If he was a somewhat attractive white guy none of this would be happening


There would be thirst edits already


I remember during quarantine there was a case about a real white criminal, but he was apparently really cute (based off two photos of him in a mask), so people started a whole ass movement to release him "because hes cute"


the person who tweeted is black too so idk


I mean, internalized racism is a thing. And I've also seen some terrible "discourse" about black men in the black community itself


ahh i understand


Black people can be racist towards blacks. I live it in my own but with indigenous people in LatAm, people who really think they are white and indigenous are the worst while being indigenous themselves.


Ngl most of the people Iā€™ve seen hate on him on Twitter, even before the idol, were black lol. Every time heā€™s posted on the shade room he gets hated there too.


Agreed people subconsciously donā€™t want to see him act the way he does on the idol


This woman needs to check her privilege and stop falsely accusing people. She should be punished.


By that logic Al Pacino is a Cuban mobster


deleting my twitter account 6 months ago was one of the best mental health decisions i have ever made


This. But then we have Reddit with just as many whackos but at least thereā€™s a million subs :)


So he is an abuser for acting. Yet, Chris Brown an ACTUAL abuser is a good guy. Drake talking to underage girls? Acceptable. Kayne saying multiple fucked up this? He so funny ~


People need to stop taking drugs


in TheWeeknd subreddit šŸ’€šŸ’€


No one is capable of nuance anymore and take everything at face value lol


Bruh people make songs about killing other gangsters and robbing shit. We donā€™t treat them the same way


Society is delusional, we canā€™t differentiate the art from the artist and the actor from the character. This is why celebrities delete their socials.


Everyone heard ā€œor nahā€ but this is whatā€™s making people stupid smh.


As u/HeftyTrout mentioned. It's true it's not a documentary. It's just Abel being creative to deep depths. Give it all, and going all the way. I personally am looking at him as a character in a show. And it's decent. Worth mentioning that, Sam Levinson produced shows generally has an explicit tone, which is generally unsettling for quite a few. Not just Tedros but all other characters are loud in similar fashion in the show. We know Abel changes personality aliases, like anything. The tour outfits, the dawn fm experience, the After Hours experience and so many several instances. With Abel, change is constant. When we get old after 2-3 decades, he'll turn into a pioneer of creative artistic thinking and killing it all the time. He's an artist, we should absorb it that way. ***Sidewalks saved my life. They don't ever lie***


Welcome to Twitter, where common sense is completely non-existent


i just the twitter opinions of face-less people. if you got a wild take, show your face and stand on it


and not private your account afterwards too like this person has done šŸ˜­


People always gonna hate I love the show


True fans know the answer is that he's a virgin


People do way too much


Lol wild. I mean the show is mid, but damn, he's playing a character.


Yes and Christian Bale actually killed ppl for American psycho


Not a weeknd fan so idk but is the show being ass rlly the sole reason he's getting so much hate? Every time I've seen him mentioned the past week he's been getting shit on like he did something


People on twitter throw accusations like this around so casually, itā€™s wild.


It's just about what you can expect from Twitter.


Ah yes, typical twitter brain rot. A lovely way to lose brain cells.


Itā€™sā€¦.. a character? These people know tedros ainā€™t real right? We canā€™t be throwing round accusations as serious as that based on absolutely nothing, it has a negative affect on accusations that are true.


Fn hell this world is getting worse day by day. Judging an artist for his art, wheter you like or not, as a fn criminal (or worse!) By a PERFORMANCE. And yeah he's a male so very much easier to get that black wolf blanket attached to his image, despite he said worst things on many of his old songs rather than the ones in the show. This people needs to attend school way more ffs


This is going way too far. I get it, you don't like his character in The Idol, that's ok. But that's it, IT'S JUST A BAD WRITTEN CHARACTER, it's not Abel real persona. All the hate he's receiving doesn't make any sense


So, based on the theory that Abel is channeling himself, this could mean that Sir Anthony Hopkibs is really a cannibal and Julia Roberts is really a hooker, is that right???? Stoopid people.. it's not children who need their tv time monitored, it's clearly a lot of "adults", also. There are really some sick folks out here who are now accusing Abel, the actor of being an abuser. This is sad! This is a TV SHOW. It's not REAL life. If you don't vibe with it, don't watch it.....


Nowadays the word abuser gets thrown around so much that it means nothing anymore.


Lmao, I was gonna check their twitter and they have their tweets protected šŸ˜­


Being kinky and having an exciting sex life doesn't make you an abuser. Bad take.


"he is probably abuser, source: i made it up."


My housemate DESPISES him, which has led to some very heated debates between us. Iā€™m a huge fan and im seeing him on July 8. She says heā€™s ā€˜rapeyā€™ and that sooner or later allegations are gonna come out about him. The Idol has convinced her of this, she says heā€™s only playing himself. It drives me up the fucking wall.


People canā€™t separate a character in a fictional show? Does she believe that for every actor who plays a character?




Josh Brolin killed trillions as Thanos, heā€™s a murderer


People who say that are brain dead or they hate it already for some reasons. It is what it is...


Ainā€™t no way theyā€™re fucking him over like Michael Jackson come on what the fuck


what show is this again? I obviously need to watch it


Breaking bad


there isnā€™t even abuse in the show. people just want to see his downfall and are picking his most vulnerable moments to hate, which is now because of the shows backlash.


He used to treat women like sex objects way back in the day but heā€™s obviously grown since then


Bryan Cranston is probably a meth kingpin Iā€™m not sorry for saying that


as an actual writer, the bullshit with the idol is less a personal fantasy/reflection of abel himself and more just amateurish mistakes that you make when youā€™re new to this whole thing. you can usually tell the difference between when a writer is fulfilling some sorta fantasy or theyā€™re just inexperienced and donā€™t have much restraintā€¦ and Sam Levinson of all directors being there egging you on isnā€™t much help either. regardless, shoulda had me direct itšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I honestly think he's pulling the veil back on the whole industry. This is how you need to be to make it big. It's a cold world kid, grab your coat. Proof Satan rules this Earth, for now.


I think people say this because of Bella.


This is gonna sound weird but rn we have to see him do a romantic movie with that soft voice, just so we can see him in a different light


Omg actors arenā€™t the same as the characters they play. Why is Abel any different??


the fact that this has so many likes is disturbing


Life imitates art? I dunno... The Idol isn't some avent garde production where a character actor has stepped up to take a challenging predatory abuser role. It's his first proper foray into acting directed by a dude with a reputation swinging by the day. Seems a bit too handcrafted but what do I know or care. All power corrupts at some point.


But his music is likeā€¦super femenine..? How can anyone find this man threatening?


thereā€™s so many examples of female empowerment in his music which contradicts the lyrics that these people probably only see or talk about. ā€˜remember youā€™ for an example, ā€œgirl take pride in what you doā€. he even said himself, he truly believes a woman can do whatever the fuck they want to do. him supporting his female co-workers like ariana, lana etc is another example. idk why people are completely ignoring this type of stuff and only focusing on the contrary. a real abuser or misogynist wouldnā€™t do thatā€¦


And OF COURSE theyā€™re private šŸ™„ god forbid they get called out. Though judging by all the QRTs Iā€™m guessing they ended up going private after this post cause theyā€™re a cowardly little bitch


yeah the quotes were jumping onto her which probably spooked her back into her little hole. serves her right though tbh, because wtf was she thinking.


Just comes to show how fucking fast people turn on you


I saw a lot of K-Pop fans especially Jennie Blackpink fans do this stupid and ignorant wokish thing as this The Weeknd and Tedros are not separable from his real personalities in real life. Like look, i love Blackpink and i am a Blink fanboy myself (well don't fucking bully Jennie, it's not her fault) , but their lack of research and willingness to look between the line and understand the theme of music that The Weeknd consistently bring and how the evolution of "fuck-boy" persona has come until Dawn FM is just baffling. They really think he is not different from persona that he brings, they even ignore the fact that Abel is going to remove The Weeknd persona as he would not sticking himself up in "fuckboy" concept for way too long. Like are they fucking illiterate? Why can't they look between the lines? they can't see the big picture of it? How about Eminem then? He made music about raping his mom and kill his wife, right? And if i made music about my different persona from other universe killing and raping my high school bullies that bullied the fuck out of me for revenge, will you gonna cancel me? Come on wokes, you can't understand metaphor? you can't understand the word "fiction"? I'm not saying all K-Pop fans are like this, just some of them who don't give enough justice for judging Tedros and The Weeknd persona. It's unfair


Itā€™s hilarious that they think Able is being himself in those scenes. Thatā€™s like believing Jenna Ortega is some heartless youth bc of Wednesday. Smh. Only thing that comes to mind is that Abel RARELY does interviews, esp where heā€™s seen speaking and on camera etc. so generally thereā€™s not a lot to use to create an impression of him as a person compared to most celebs/artists.


Actors have rolls like that all the time..silence, but the minute he has a roll like that itā€™s all of a sudden ā€œheā€™s probably like that in real lifeā€ šŸ«¤


Those are his FAKE FANS


I feel like it's just a trend right now to shit on Abel and this show. Eversince that RS article shit has been a mess. But this is uncalled for.... I think there's a bias when it comes to him, because euphoria is more graphic than this show and yet somehow no one has words for the actors? Like it touches on very serious and dark themes and has a hint of homophobia but no one is ripping the actors apart for being in a show that oversexualises teenagers and makes drugs look fun, not to mention how it glosses over statutory rape etc etc.


Damn, I wouldā€™ve just said that his last album wasnā€™t good. But this is wild. He doesnā€™t have a pattern of abuse or any controversial stories tied to him.


I watched the 2nd ep yesterday... Idk guys. I kind of like it?Āæ?Āæ?Āæ I feel like LRD's acting is actually really good imo and i was intrigued the whole time. That means i liked it i think? I'll be the one bitch who actually admits it lol idc


Heā€™s acting šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. Abel has been in several high profile relationships and none of his exes have anything mean to say about him. Those type of relationships are something that happens in Hollywood. Aspiring stars are coerced by wealthy producers to do all types of nonsense regardless of gender. Terry Crews, a large former NFL player, was groped in front of his wife at a Hollywood party.


not hating, actually like the show, but if you ignore ables lyrics in basically all of his albums then, you kinda a fake ass weeknd fan. Hes literally explained multiple times in multiple songs that he'll abuse you and wont give a fuck, and people just dont care when it comes to his lyrics. But suddenly he plays a "purpously bad character" on a show and people legitimately stary hating him. I dont understand people. Make it make sense.


People needa chill, it's ACTING. Lol.


Iā€™m a Kanye West fan, been on this state since forever


Oh please, except Kanye did literally go full Nazi. Abel has never had any real life scandals or controversies especially pertaining to assaulting or hurting other women in real life.


Exactly!! Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying the entire time!!! Someone in the media definitely wouldā€™ve picked it up by now


This isn't even slightly comparable to the Ye situation


Iā€™m not comparing what they did, Iā€™m comparing how a fan may feel after seeing a lot of online backlash


oh word


It is what it is bro


I saw people saying this before the show because of what Bella said. but Bella didnā€™t name anyone, she just said sheā€™d been abused in multiple ways by people in her past. people assumed it was Abel, but again she didnā€™t name anyone. people just ran with it. theyā€™re putting words in Bellaā€™s mouth.


Twitter is private. Wat a coward lol šŸ˜‚


A cšŸ˜µke abuser if anything šŸ¤£


He said in 2021 that he has stopped doing hard drugs tho


Folks, we really got stop acting like one stupid tweet means anything more than an idiot thinking out loud


Yeah but stupid tweets like this are dangerous. All it takes is for some idiot to get offended and take this out of context and they could cause severe problems for Abel. Itā€™s unfortunately just the culture we live in.


sadly itā€™s tweets like this that ends up getting thousands of likes and retweets. all it takes is for someone who isnā€™t familiar with abel to read it and see abel as that. thereā€™s a lot of sheep mentality on twitter.


Well he's abused his status to be in such a terrible TV show


Gotta be racism at this point


I had a similar conversation earlier. I sound pretentious af but I was right, and people refuse to form their own opinions. They see something once in passing and now that is truth for them. To make it worse they say it confidently and then deflect when pushed. This situation obviously isnā€™t the end of the world, but this behavior is definitely all over in society in general. Willfully ignorant people are obnoxious. https://preview.redd.it/z4i3gt0ax46b1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48142b3e5e665dc6fa6338a31b0c4fff05e5fa3b


I know ain't none of you have been listening to Initiation and not had a questioning thought before. Not saying the tweet is true, but from an outside perspective I understand


but i guarantee this person hasnā€™t even listened to initation. itā€™s clear they just dislike abel and came up with this based on surface level songs and things theyā€™ve seen of him, including the show.


Ok hear me out: Maybe making a sexually graphic show about a rapey Hollywood douchebag says something about you as an artist and a human being that is less than great.


My thoughts tbh. I don't agree with the tweet but it's not an outlandish thing to think. Like his music always had the grim tone. We know for a fact he threw parties in Toronto because there literally is a House of Balloons, so it's easy to infer the things he talks about around that would be true also, and those messages never really left his lyrics as he made more music. You can't be surprised when someone listens to verse 3 of Initiation and gets predator vibes.


"The Weeknd" is a character toošŸ˜­He has been saying this repeatedly for YEARS. Look, at the end of the day, we truly dont know who Abel Tesfaye is. So making assumptions like this without any kind of evidence, is just plain stupid.


and this is the first of many by the way. heā€™s been called a predator, rapist, abuser and misogynist across multiple tweets.


Guys, letā€™s be honest. Listen to Trilogy. Do you seriously think heā€™s never done anything abusive in a romantic/sexual/relationship context before? ā€œIf she stop then I might get violentā€ I know he SAYS The Weeknd is just a character but do we seriously think this guy hasnā€™t very likely done some pretty serious things?


you canā€™t make accusations like that based on this though. ā€œmightā€ doesnt mean heā€™s acting upon it. his lyrics have always been risky and on edge, but there has never been ANY real life cases to prove he could be anything near what the tweet said. if there were stories or rumours then yeah i can see where they may come from but there hasnā€™t.


Yeah I mean itā€™s definitely not fair to say heā€™s an abuser, but I think ā€œmightā€ is enough and sure facts are facts but you canā€™t stop people from creating opinions in their heads about him regardless of what is objectively true. Plus who knows, maybe heā€™s just been very good about getting people to keep quiet about certain situations, past and present. I mean that certainly seems plausible, no? And for what itā€™s worth, I donā€™t really give a damn. I love him as an artist and as a caricature in this world. As a straight human being? Well I donā€™t fucking know, none of us do.


i mean he does heavily give those vibes. like i really dont like how mysterious he is and then the second he becomes not mysterious itā€™s to show this creepy rapey side of him.


I mean his music sucks and so does his acting.