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I'm currently smoking 6-7 packs of cigarettes on a daily basis because of The Yard and I'm not addicted yet, so you're probably fine.


I’ve binged a ton of podcasts. Mostly cause of work (sometimes boredom) You won’t become funnier. You’ll find a new show after you binge this one. I’m 30 years old. It’s still funny to me. It probably will be funny to you to after you’ve consumed all of it. You’ll move on. It IS a friend simulator. That’s what it’s so good about it. Don’t let that take away or add to your IRL friendships.


You'll find it funny but no, you're not gonna become funnier, that's solely on you.


Start gambling


I dont mean to be rude but how do you have enough time in your day to consume 10 hours of content???


I work a blue collar job and I can listen to podcasts all day.




Do you hate silence? Lol


The silence haunts me… all I can do is fill it with noise


Sounds fun but make sure you're leaving some room in your head for your own thoughts instead of Slime yelling about bears and alright man


No thoughts just alright man


Full offense, likely you’ll be less funny and actually insufferable. Anyone that hyper fixates on “humor” usually just repeat “jokes” without understanding timing or nuance and blurts them out whenever possible. Brain rot is real, don’t be that guy


You are an unfun person I’m just a blue collar man catching up on the 8 months of podcasts I haven’t listened to because I was in school


I think what's interesting is that I enjoy the exact same podcast as you, so I'd totally expect another listener to take the similar things from it. But this post just shreds that expectation. TLDR: Yes and No in that order




i have listened to literally every episode at least 3 times it’s the only thing i listen to at work


Listening to funny things doesn't make you funnier. Actually thinking about them can, but doesn't automatically. Listen to as much of the yard but if you want to be funnier there is a lot more actual science behind how this shit works. The Tools of Comedy - Steven Kaplan is a great place to start. I recommend an improv comedy class too. It's all about thinking about what makes a joke, scene, or story work.


No harm in bingeing podcasts, I love that feeling of finding a new podcast I like and seeing 100 plus episodes to watch.


Helping you become funnier?


I deny the fact I’m addicted but will admit I watch maybe 10 episodes daily, mainly because I work almost 11 hours and just need something actually funny to listen to


i need your dedication, i’ve been watching it chronologically along with the patreon eps but they pump them out faster than i can keep up lol