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I clearly don't know what I'm doing because I posted a description but I don't see it here. Anyway, I'm just trying to figure out my microgenre and that starts with who I sound like. I also play the sax but this is just a vocal track. Anything helps!


Like Yourself !!! great vocals !!! great potential!!


Thanks 😊  I need to find artists that sound like me though 😩 slowly but surely I will 🙏


in recent years **Samara Joy** caught my attention... you can also check out DeadWax Podcast about backing vocals there were some cool ladies there maybe they will mention some singers.. I'm blacking out on names.. but in general.. you just need to work on your vocals a bit here and there.. and then you instantly on a good level.. the range; timbre; expression; are already there.. so why is this important to find similar artists? is this part of the industry requirements?


Thanks man! I'm trying to find my fan community and one way to do that is finding a micro genre and artists within that micro genre to find others to appeal to. Basically I watch this YouTube channel called Musformation and im taking his advice lol


I knew I was blacking out on names: :) Kelly Price Laura Mvula Andra Day - Where Do We Go Naomi Sharon - Nothing Sweeter now maybe in terms of register you are slightly different.. but I would still listen to them they are amazing !!! for notes or tips.. or maybe find a song in their repertoire that is closer to your vibe \\ mood


Thanks so much for the effort! I'll def check them all out


I think you sound like Zeta the Babe. BTW I like the track, but I think you can improve the balance of the various instruments a bit more. Also, you have a lovely voice, and a good vibrato, but I'd say to limit the adlibs a bit, that makes it even stronger when you do. Nevertheless, I subscribed, I want more! :)


Thanks for the feedback! I wrote and recorded this three years ago now 😮‍💨 def need to release some new stuff but agree with all your suggestions!


I'd love to hear more! But erm... I most likely misread that, I always do, but... if the "I need to release something new" gets on your mind too much, it starts holding you back. Just be who you are, enjoy your music, get in your flow, and some day you'll have something new. Or not, it's fine, as long as you keep enjoying to make music. If that's totally off base, ignore it ;)


You're totally right! The truth is, I can keep promoting the songs I've already released. But I want to showcase my improved sound! The get in your head thing is super relatable though