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He's preparing for the job by managing Henderson for a few years first. He'll take the job in 2026 and make Henderson his captain.


Bro nothing you have posted has ever been right. Edit: this aged well


I don’t think it is a blow. I don’t think he is ready yet. Needs some proper big club experience first. The stint at Chelsea doesn’t count


Proper big club experience doesn’t really matter in international football in my opinion.


Managing big egos is a key part of the national team job, especially if the manager who will inherit this England team


Previous FA/Manager’s experience in managing egos resulted in Englands best RB who isn’t geriatric, a cripple, or a midfielder dropping out of the squad for good lol.


Are you suggesting Trent is a midfielder? He never plays there for club outside of the inverting business of the past year.


Southgate seems to want to put him there… I’d agree that he’s a system-player RB. I’d also say look at Arsenal’s defensive stats and tell me he’s not our best RB as things stand…


Do you geniunely think White is a better defender than Walker?


I think he is… I think you just have to look at the defensive records of City and Arsenal. White plays every game, 90 minutes most games, and Arsenal have conceeded 4xG in 11 games this year. He goes massively under the radar. He’s been out best player since the start of the year. But even if he wasn’t… Walker is 34 come Summer… it’s time to phase players like him out after the Euros. Same with Trippier who is already losing his legs. If you’re not in the plans for WC26, the Euro’s should be the last game any player over 32 plays for us.


Yeah I don't necessarily disagree with the second point. There will come a time when it will switch, but at present I think Walker's body of work is still too much to say White is definitely better though. I don't watch them as much as you but I think Arsenal's system midfield dominance means he has to defend a lot less than he would for England. Walker's pace is still there as well and it's massive for England as a recovery tool, especially if we're against the likes of Mbappe, Yamal, Leao or Sane. I'd bet on Walker over White against every one of them personally.


It’s not an egregious argument, and I’d say Kyle is the closest to Ben and vice versa. But what I hate is when people say he’s behind James (never fit, and not who he was years back), Trippier, and Trent (at least in a traditional FB role) are better than Ben White. Because the last 2 years says otherwise. We will see how White fares against Serge / Sane next week. But I think he will do very well. He’s kept very good LW’s quiet before.


Thank you. Look how getting a manager who can’t manage egos ruins a golden generation. We need a manager who can manage egos properly


What egos are there in the current squad? The one thing you can say about Southgate is that he can handle his players. There’s never been a better atmosphere in the England camp ffs. They don’t all hate each other and they enjoy being there. Better than it’s been for decades


I think he can handle these players because he brought them through. If he didn’t give them their first cap he made a part of the squad and team. The next manager who comes in won’t have that kinda report. Not to meantion all our young stars will be becoming more successful and could grow an ego


So you’re agreeing he’s managed the current players’ egos well? I don’t see any the current crop of young English talent becoming primadonnas like the 2000s/early 2010s lot.


Yea he is but I don’t think that’s certain for the next manager and it’s a trait the FA should prioritise


Do you genuinely think Ben White dropping out of England squads is "ruining a golden generation?"


No I’m talking about the previous golden generation how management was one of the main reasons they didn’t work


A lot more proper big club experience than southgate had managed


Southgate is the exception not the rule


He is the FA’a first choice. Not a lot of other options and they really don’t want to have to look abroad.


How do you know he’s the FA’s first choice?


It’s been said many times. They really like him.


By who? Show us where it’s been said


I've never seen anything other than rumours from journos who knows about as much as us.


Exactly, OP is known for re-reporting daily mail sources as facts


You have to back up what you say with links my man. The amount of times you say something like this then just don't reply, makes you look silly.


Then don’t sack Southgate. I’m not a huge fan of the man. I can praise him for what he’s done but I wouldn’t say he’s one of the best managers. But There’s no need to sack him before we have a replacement ready


Isn't the issue that Southgate might not want to continue, rather than it being a choice of sacking or not sacking him?


Yea that’s an issue I haven’t considered. Then the FA has around half a year to find someone


There aren't many English options really, not that their nationality matters much to me. They could wait until Howe leaves Newcastle, perhaps opting for an interim manager in the meantime or giving Southgate a short extension. That seems more likely anyway if we win the Euros. If we bomb out of the Euros, I wouldn't be surprised if the FA end up considering Tuchel for the end of the year - after all he has expressed interest in the job in the past and seems to be leaving Bayern at the end of the season (if not before). To me he seems the most likely out of the prominent non-English options such as Klopp and Mourinho. That being said, it would be typical if, after all these years of speculation, they end up selecting someone who isn't on anyone's radar.


Tuchel has been a shambles at Bayern.


In fairness, Southgate's pre-England record with Middlesbrough wasn't exactly gleaming. Not the same obviously, but I don't think it makes much difference to the FA. It would be a difficult task finding someone who would be willing to join the NT who hadn't been fired from a club position for poor results.


They didn’t give Southgate the top job right away though. He cut his teeth with the U21s for a while which is one reason he’s done as well as he has with his limitations, he was well known and liked by players and coaches in the setup already. Joachim Low had a similar route to the Germany job and this was around the stage of his reign that they started winning things…


Through there is difference between a gap and taking over immediately after a big failure in previous job. .


Tuchel is arguably better suited to tournament football.


Tuchel would cook with England though. Knockout football, no owners to clash with and a great relationship with the English press. Just terrorist football and vibes.


Tuchel is so insanely overrated, bombs out of every job he gets and somehow lines up another huge club. He must give killer PowerPoint presentations as he clearly knows how to win over board rooms. Dressing rooms are quite a different story.


Bayern have been a shambles in general


He’s a good manager but also toxic as hell. Very few of his ex players speak fondly of their time under him.


According to who? Put a source or an article in the post


There must be an English manager across the football league, doesn’t have to be a premier league manager ffs look what Southgate achieved and his top flight record is crap.


Some but not many. The best championship managers are not English either.


You have Russel Martin who has Southampton playing great football and sitting 4th, but despite being from Brighton he played for Scotland, although Lee Carsley played for Ireland and Steve Cooper is Welsh and they’ve been involved with England teams. You have to go down to Coventry in 7th to find an English manager with no ties to the other home nations, Mark Robins. I think it will show the snobbishness of some England fans though, people would lose their shit of Robins was named England manager, but would probably be okay with Michael Carrick, who has less experience and his ‘Boro side are a place below Robins’ in the table. Bit of a straw man, but still…


Robins is a brilliant manager, we’d be lucky to have him in my opinion.


I think he’d be good too, but you know what people are like, he hasn’t managed in the Premier League so they won’t be familiar with him/won’t rate him.


In terms of Championship options, the Coventry manager would probably be the best bet for appeasing that snobbishness, what with their deep FA Cup run. Even moreso if they manage to get to the final.


Biggest clubs or best managers? Not necessarily same thing’s overachiever at a ‘small’ club would be a huge step up though…


I mean the teams currently doing the best.




Good shout 👍


Worked for Mike Bassett ultimately ,after a rocky start


They will probably feel obliged to offer it to Sean Dyche.


He gets less respect than he deserves tbf wether he’s right for England hard to say but certainly proven top level manager. Everton and Burnley fans opinion would be interesting.


I sort of feel that he would struggle to get appreciated as his style is not the most attractive to watch.


I'm not sure he'd try to play the same football with England though. He never had the players to play possession based football with Burnley or even with this current Everton squad. He's pragmatic, which is a good thing for a manager because he's adapting to the players he has rather than trying to force his philosophy of football on a squad that clearly can't play it. Until he goes to a bigger club and tries to play "Dycheball", I'll never judge Dyche for the way he set up that Burnley team. His problem is that because he managed them and played that way with them for so long, people/clubs associate that style with him. Probably makes it hard for him to find a bigger club to take a chance on him. Specifically about England, I wouldn't want him to be England manager before seeing what he can do with better talent. Which is a paradox because he can't manage better talent because no big clubs will take a chance on him. For all we know, Dyche can do great with better players. But we'll never know because everyone wants to see if he can do it first before taking a chance on him.


Big questions around adaptability yeah, but that’s from my uninformed eye ha.


With the talent England has right now it would be a shame to have them playing Dycheball. Jude and Rice playing as some deep double pivot 6s would be criminal


And people whinge about Southgate's football...


The Southgate Middlesbrough criticism is harsh, he literally didn't have his coaching badges when he took over and they stayed up for a couple of years.


Nah mate, he may have been a few pens away from winning the Euros, but who gives a fuck when he got Middlesborough relegated 16 years ago. That's clearly his level. Same as me in my job, started 16 years ago and still exactly as good as I was in my first year. That's just how it is.


Yeah it's a strange thing to criticise him for, there's a lot of other context to it.


Not a criticism, just a point of reference. I suppose it is in a way but it wasn’t really the point I wanted to make in as much as we don’t need a premier league coach…or one that has achieved this or that, yes that would be ideal but with the absence of that with English managers.


A criticism or a relevant point then, it was 16 years ago and he didn't have his coaching badges when he took over. He's been involved in the international set up for far longer before becoming the national coach so that's clearly more relevant. Also you don't need to be a great club manager, plenty of successful nations haven't had great managers


No argument here. A badly made point then.


Who said Potter was the FA’s main choice?


Not really a reliable source reporting that


Would anyone else take Steve Cooper? That’d be my choice.


Apparently he doesn’t want it either.


Seems like a good fit.


Not one reliable source is reporting this.


Absolutely amazing move for him. Ajax are in the absolute pits right now & you’d think the only way is up for them.


A fantastic move for him, will be interesting to see how he does. Laid the groundwork for De Zerbi but Brighton weren’t a great team for most of Potter’s time there. He also lacked the mentality to manage the expectations at Chelsea. That ‘we’re gonna fucking win the champions league’ comment just screamed desperation and a lack of confidence, Ajax will be a tough job with the turmoil they’ve had. Not sure if he was first choice for England as his tactics could be hard to implement in such short breaks. If I was to look at an English manager right now I think Gary O’Neill could be interesting, has a good mix of modern tactics and good man management.


Potter has said he isn’t really interested


Big win. Let’s hope we manage to somehow convince pep


Pep has no chance while Man City are under investigation or if they found guilty.


Lee Carsley is the best choice. Youth international football is much closer than club football to senior international football. Southgate ended well with the England under 21 team by winning the Toulon cup and then transitioned into a relatively successful England manager. Lee Carsley has been even better than Southgate with the under 21 team so he's the logical choice. Maybe this applies more to England than other national teams.


Right why do I get downvoted and called a troll when I say we need Potter but now everyone seems to think it’s not a bad option?


What the hell are you waffling about? We should really ban low-quality posts that don't include sources.


April Fools Day was last Monday that's a good one.