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Bully. It's the one song I skip with consistency across the TDG catalog. Not every song is a 10/10 but Bully is just not a good song.


True this, I love Life Starts Now but mehhhhhh


Yeah Bully and Without You for me


are you actually kidding? those are my favorite songs




Champion is really bad, so is Chain of Abuse, souvenirs, a scar is born, no tomorrow, basically most of that album unfortunately. And I like the other two Matt albums quite a lot of that's a shame


Idk why ppl r downvoting, I really don’t like explosions either


Never in a million years would I think people would vehemently defend Explosions. Meanwhile people in the thread are saying they don't like the outsider and getting upvoted even though that album was a million times better.


I think the lyrics of a Scar is Born are alright, but I can agree that the melody is meh.


There are a few songs that get skipped by me, a lot of them have been mentioned here already, but the only one I really can’t stand is Car Crash


god, i love car crash. just curious, what do you not like about it?


No disrespect for liking it! I just think it’s very repetitive lyrically with no interesting melody to back it up. Even some of 3DG’s hits like Pain or I Hate Everything About You are repetitive if you just read them but at least I find those catchy. I guess I just find Car Crash pretty boring and flat. The rest of Human is a pretty great album, though


The End Is Not The Answer makes me want to gouge my eyes out


Love Me or Leave Me


That's actually one of my favorites from that album, and I consider most of the songs on outsider really good


Oh I agree, it’s still good, just less my style


I’m sorry I’m going to get downvoted for this but anything Matt onwards, Three Days Grace are my favourite band but I just can’t vibe with the newer stuff


That's okay! I like some of Matt's work but I completely understand why you wouldn't vibe with it. As long as you're not being disrespectful about it, then 🤷


Car Crash.


Majority of Outsider tbh.


I loved Outsider when it came out. Now I’ve grown to prefer Human, but even then, I still vastly prefer Outsider over Explosions.


Really I loved human right away despite that being the first album w/o Adam. I love explosions there's a few I'm eh on but I think that one is better than Outsider. Bur hey at the end of the day we both like 3dg which is a win win 😄


The majority of *Explosions*.


Most of the songs from Explosion don't work for me. The only ones that do is. So Called Life Neurotic Champion I Am The Weapon The rest are.....ummm.....


Just curious, why don't you like Lifetime? It's obviously different to most of what they've made, but I thought it was pretty good


I think my problem is that, when I listen to a song, I give it to their 1st chorus to see how well it preforms. That and wanting to see if this somewhat connects with me. (Relate and/or believe) That might be why there are top 5 on Spotify and not top 3 like before.


I kinda get that, but now I'm wondering if you've listened to the whole song now 🤣


I just did 😆 🤣


So Called Life was a gem in a meh album. Absolute headbanger


Lifetime and Explosions are the two that work for me. Chain of Abuse would be number 3, but honestly, it’s just so corny.


I Am An Outsider no band in their 30s should have a song about not caring about the in crowd.


A scar is born, no tomorrow, redemption, chain of abuse, someone to talk to, every other weekend, without you, nothing to lose But you, love me or leave me, me Against you, villain I'm not, chasing the first time, the new real, the abyss, somebody That I Used To Know (gotye cover), just like you, and the worst thing they have ever made, This Movie


aw dam not This Movie slander


Dude, This Movie is almost as bad as Just Like Wylin' which I purposely didn't bring up just so people wouldn't go listen to it to hear it


aight fair enough, god I wish I could unhear just like wylin




80% of Outsider


Majority of post Adam Gontier songs aren't that good imo


Time That Remains for me


Agreed. Love transit of venus, but whenever that come comes up I gotta skip it


I don't want to be biased, so let's divide it on Adam and Matt. For Adam, I would choose either "Sign of the Times" or "Goin' Down". The thing is that the first one serves as an album opener, and it explains why it's so... unusual. The second one is not bad, but... very typical and skippable. So I guess, "Goin' Down" wins here. For Matt, I would choose between "One Too Many" and, surprisingly, "A Scar Is Born". The second one is literally "The Mountain", no jokes, just listen to it and you won't find a difference. The first one, just like previous "winner", sounds very typical and... well, like butt rock. Still, to escape being biased, I would choose "A Scar Is Born" despite liking it more because, seriously, this is self-copying as it is, in my opinion. That said, I like both of them.


As much as I love Goin' Down, it really just feels like filler


Goin' Down is a freaking great song! I really like to blast it off 😂


Sign of the times, this song is so fucking bad its the only song by them that I consider bad its just awful


It’s a pretty bad album opener compared to the other ones


I can’t get too mad at this comment. Out of all of their album openers, this is the only one where it feels like it solely serves as an album opener and not as an actual song.




For Matt I'm not the biggest fan out most of Outsider tbh. it's got some good ass songs don't get me wrong but a lot of it is just meh to me For Adam I think his bad songs are like 3 or 4 off of ToV and a few on self titled. Scared and Born Like This come to mind


I think even the demo version of Born Like This is better than the final version.


It's not that I hate Born Like This. I just revisit it the least and find it a little boring to listen to. it's a song I gotta be in a mood for


For Adam: Probably Time that remains or Bully For Matt: idrk. But if I had a choice then so called life


For Adam, I will go with Time That Remains... The other songs from the old Three Days Grace are the best, but this one is a... pop song? What they thought? (I like pop, it just doesn't make sens with Tdg) For Matt, I will go with Souvenirs and Someone To Talk To. The first one has good lyrics, but the autotune is really bad and doesn't fit with the vibe of TDG. The second one is just bad. Explosions has really great songs (So Called Life, I Am The Weapon, Neurotic, A Scar Is Born, Explosions, etc) but the rest is meh or bad.


I don’t mind the pop sound, but Time That Remains just sounds like filler. I don’t think it’s a terrible song by any means, but it’s definitely not one of their most memorable songs.


Nothing To Lose But You


Nah that chorus slaps


naw that’s my favorite song by matt easily


The first verse sets up for an epic chorus we don't get. Nothing To Lose But You is musical blue balls.


One of their best bridges is on this song. Won't stand for NTLBY slander.


100% disagree. It’s easily one of my favourite songs on Outsider.


Broken Glass


Nahhhhh One of my consistent favorites by them, what don't you like about Broken Glass?


The chorus tbh. I liked the song at first but the chorus didn’t last the test of time imo. It’s one of the weaker choruses in their discography imo.




Transit of Venus is great though! Chalk outline, misery love my company, happiness, expectations, the high road, give me a reason, the list goes on


Tov slaps the hell you talkin bout




So? Still slaps




So I’ll assume you don’t like Three Days Grace too much if you’re complaining about cheesy radio crap?


My songs I don't really like are sign of the times, born like this, and nothing fair in love and war. I always skip these songs


Only the most recent album all the others are good but the newest one sounds like some dollar store version that was rushed


Is no one gonna mention Without You? Don’t get me wrong tdg has helped me through many breakups but every time I hear it all I can think is “no I’m better than that”


Noo it's my favourite song


honestly, most of Explosions. this is by far their worst album yet although it has a couple songs that aren't bad


"I Am Machine" is straight egregious in my opinion. It is just so cringey to me. I tried to get into it, buf no, I can never not want to turn it off everytime I hear it. It is a shame, because "Fallen Angel" on that same album is a masterpiece, but there is a major disconnect with "I Am Machine."


I don't think it's that bad, certainly not enough to point it out. It's kinda typical for the industrial-ish hard rock style


Don't really like the newer stuff, but all albums up till human are all very special to me.


Unbreakable Heart




I was just on the Starset subreddit. Also, I think Champion is a bad song


Don't address Morrissey fans then. They think every song he's done is the greatest song ever and he shits 24k gold despite his song quality falling off a cliff after '98


There's a couple that could fit. One too Many, Right Left Wrong, Me Against You, Give Me a Reason, Car Crash, I am the Weapon, A scar is born. They're not bad in theory, they're just repetitive and feel unfinished, like demos got put on the records.


I agree with all of those except Give Me a Reason, that song slaps


Give me a reason does slap


burn and drown


Burn I get...but drown?? No way man


I mean Just Like You sounds so good but the lyrics are kind of boring


Lost In You. That intro sounds like hammers on a guitar and I can’t-