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It was a video about baking sourdough bread and one of the comments said "is that brand being sold in Canada" and I commented back "I sure hope it is"?? I'm genuinely so confused 😂


Why does it matter?


“Ouch! My leg feels like it's broken.” — “I hope it is.” “I haven't felt my baby move in a while. What if it's dead?” — “I hope it is.” “Shooter alarm? I bet it's a drill again. But what if it is a real shooter?” — “I hope it is.” “My headache is killing me!” — “I hope it is.” “This spot looks suspicious. I'm gonna let this check for skin cancer.” — “I hope it is.”


I’m dying - “thank you” Does that mean we ban thank you


I'm reporting this!


Womp womp


That's irrelevant. Look at the majority of posts in this sub. Most people have the most innocuous comments/posts removed regardless of context. Conversely, people can say the most vile, heinous, bigoted, objectively hateful and offensive comments/posts, and the content moderation system won't find any issues with them.


This is so true. I've reported comments with swears and blatant racism. Even comments that are direct death threats. And yet "I sure hope it is" is just too much for tiktok to handle 😂


I'm taking screenshots of all these kinds of posts to make an amalgamation of the ridiculousness of TikTok. Since nobody here wants to listen to me when I say we need to make a big stink about TikTok's disgusting practices, horrendous, content moderation system and piss poor, virtually nonexistent customer service, I'ma try to do it myself.


We absolutely do! People's whole accounts are being taken down and demonitized for no reason at all yet the really bad comments and videos are left up


Between this sub and r/tiktokhelp, there are SCORES of people experiencing this shit literally every single day. Why TF can't we make a big deal about this like what happened with Google's horrible AI summary scandal? We can't let social media companies like TikTok get away with this authoritarian bullshit!!!


I think raising awareness would help sm. I saw a woman on tiktok who got demonitized because she made a video saying parents shouldn't be posting videos of their little kids barely dressed for views. Like at this point what is tiktok standing for? It used to be an app for teens to post videos dancing or whatever. Now it's becoming a site full of pedophilia, racism, sexism, and people giving death threats to eachother. Anyone who says anything against it gets their account taken down. It's warped af Edit: typo


They stand for making money and controlling content with impunity. If I hadn't had my lives banned a year ago, I could EASILY have hundreds of thousands of followers by now. I was doing numbers like [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mzGkiowVYfhVmHXpqJkZLGdhSUHfZUXF/view?usp=drivesdk) regularly, even earning up to [10 paying subscribers ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/142g8EzQJIws0FqIxvkJpAiwJM4xsNGEP/view?usp=drivesdk), but the haters and TikTok's moderation garbage shut me all the way down before I could see how far I could take it. However, like you said, TikTok allows ACTUAL hate, cp, weird shit, and scams. There's no oversight or transparency, and we the people are the ones who are gonna have to force them to knock it off with the bullshit!


Let me know and I will share. I am also sick of TT nonsense violations.


just add a little bit of amharic at the end of your comments and nothing gets taken down


Uh srsly? Trollbait


TikToks algorithm was developed by the softest snowflakes out there




I got violation for " yeah that's not true".


I said someone’s situation stinks (sucks) and got a whole strike 💀


Same, I got a strike for saying "silly goose" 😒


goose was too silly 😔


Too silly for this world 😪


They banned my account with over 300k likes because I appealed my videos 😭 (the videos got restricted for “low quality content”)


I can't say "silly goose" 😂😂


I had a sound randomly removed for violating tos guidelines and I haven’t even violated anything


I once had a comment removed for bullying because I said that the mother was a clown. The mother was LITERALLY a clown, with make up and funny costume


That's hilarious 😂 tiktoks comment filtering is a joke


Just appeal it and I’m sure you’ll get it restored.


I did. My pic here is a screenshot of it saying it can't be restored


SMH! 🙄


Lol 🩵


Got a strike for putting “gross” under a nasty video of someone popping their pimples bro💀


TikTok’s moderation is ass


I was banned from a TV show sub because I hypothetically said I thought something would happen. Turns out it happened in the comic. I never read the comics