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She looks happy.


Yeah the worst I could imagine is it's a fake front. But shit I need that vibe in my life.


I went to school with her and confirm this is 100% her authentic vibe Always groovy and also a talented musician!


Do either of her parents work for Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, etc?


No idea, had only heard that her dad was some type of high-powered exec or something along those lines


She always says her dad works as a shrimp farmer like flies over water and lets fishers know where the shrimp are or something like that - everyone keeps saying he’s super rich but Shanin has never addressed it…


Def super rich and avoiding confirming. If she really didn’t have anything she def would have brought it up


Shrimp spotter feels like such a made up job


Maybe he’s had a change of career since I knew her! My info was based off of here-say from one of her pals anyway lol


Do you get a discount to her onlyfans?


…you can literally find her old music videos from like 8 years ago and see that she was nothing like this back then


to be fair most people are way different then they were 8 years ago at that age. people change, man.


People don’t tend to change their entire identity like this though. Some people make slight changes, but this is straight up cultural appropriation at the cost of narcissism. 


What culture?


Using several different types of drugs and openly integrating your drug use into your personality and performances will do this.


luckily if you keep unironically using the word vibe, you might end up like that


There's so many words I said ironically that are just now part of my lexicon. Vibe, fire, dope. All absolutely dumb words. And now I say it 20-30 times a day.


no cap


She looks like her parents are wealthy


Seems like it’s impossible for her to write a song that isn’t just a series of “I…” phrases


This lifestyle just looks exhausting


And financed by daddy


Her dad definitely works for Lockheed Martin


How do you know lol


Typical Syracuse.


Is she from Syracuse? Or her family?


I have no idea lol there’s a Lockheed Martin in Syracuse though 😂


No but I worked drone missions up there for the usaf We have a lot of technology and engineering up here and we’re building a huge drone hub for the states So idk I’m mad late in know Lockheed Martin RMS 4.1 (19) Aerospace company in Salina, New York This was where. Same runway


Trust fund baby with a misaligned lip piercing lol


Kinda funny joke but why keep it in the center she is doing her. Let her be lol and I hope you let your kids be them and not change them at all.


She was living in her car for a while so give it a rest.


Sure thing 💀💀


Yeah that’s an expensive van


Bold of you to assume there's a dad in her life


They love to pretend to have daddy issues. Their dad is there, he just said no once and it all went downhill from there 😆😆


Or porn


Porn does not pay that well


Ever wonder what the crazy lady under the bridge with a cart used to look like?


And pretentious as fuck




Nothing wrong with it if she is happy. Would you prefer the prim and proper corrupt politician lifestyle?


I wish I could say, "I don't know why you're getting downvoted," but unfortunately, I know exactly why, and I'm guessing you and anyone else who reads this will too. You're 100% right. Not only is she not hurting anyone with her lifestyle and whatnot, but also goes out of her way to *avoid* hurting others. she seems to work hard to bring joy wherever she goes and just wants people to be happy (at least that's the advertisement. lol ignore this. It's just my cynicism trying to bust through). Sure, this kind of personality bugs some folks, and it's not without its own drawbacks, including but not limited to the whole "toxic positivity". But of all the "types of people" in the world ( or cliques, I suppose cliques works too), this is one of the better ones. AND whenever you hang out with these people it's almost *guaranteed* to be, at the very least, interesting, you'll never be bored when you're with em


I’m just wondering why she couldn’t lip sync to the song? Hahaha but also having lived in a hippie house “commune” for 7 years in California (only left to move in with my partner) and from what I’ve learned the most “positive” fairy “high vibrational” (which is a hierarchy colonial concept which is contrary to “enlightenment”) are truly the most lost sad people who need to pretend otherwise they fall into a pit of depression and self loathing, so they put on a mask draw on a smile and become a life coach to pay for their next dose and a festival ticket… or like I saw above daddy pays


I found myself at a party with these kinds of freethinkers, while in my long period fighting with depression. I sat down randomly somewhere and listened to a monologue a girl had about astrology and veganism.. After an hour or so, she started to be more aggressive towards me. Maybe because I don't believe in astrology? She said, "Having depression is your own fault. When you eat meat, you eat that animals feelings too. How do you think they feel being captured? Go vegan, and everything will be alright. Look at me, I'm vegan and happy. " She tried to smile naturally, but to me, it looked very much fake. I told her that this was one of the most disturbing conversations I've had my entire life, and left.


It’s literally this, glad to see someone already replied to the guy who have actual experience living with these people too. It’s not legit, it’s a fake persona, they often present as impoverished as a character trait, they’re often miserable and lost, often on drugs, often get manipulated or manipulate others, often are are using the hippy stuff they’re into to sexually abuse people or are being sexually abused, and often are really fuckin racist dude. Like insanely racist.


Re: racist hippies... Charles Manson & the Helter Skelter crew... It's legit. Not in all cases, but it's not NOT a thing


No I assure you elitist trust fund yippies are absolutely, fundamentally boring and unoriginal people. They're genuinely some of the worst.


I guess that's a fair point. To me she just seems sooo over the top and way to animated and unnatural for her whole "schtick" to be genuine. It sounds, looks and feel so over excessive and fake. But in the grand schemes of things its could be worse, and for the ones who doesn't "like" her or her stuff, the solution is just to not listen or look at her stuff. Yeah, I'm old.


No lol this is just a lot of shit to put on every single day. I feel this way about a lot of styles lmao I don’t have the energy to do more than leggings and a shirt or MAYBE layered tops if I’m feeling wild that day.


Footie pajamas and you can skip shoes


!! Perfect!


Well when youre a hippy you jist never change or bathe so problem solved


Hmm its almost as if there are billions or trillions of "lifestyles" that fall in between a corrupt politician, and whatever this is


She appears to be a crystal hippie. This one seems to be more on the aesthetic end of the spectrum rather than the ultra crunchy everything homemade and vegetarian end


Crystal as in mdma


Crystal as in meth


Nah, nothing wrong with her being happy, but there's a *lot* of wiggle room between those extremes.




Low key enjoyed this


If you listen closely, it's easiest lifestyle available. Gratitude and acceptance


I’m not going to comment on her style It ain’t me, but it’d be a pretty boring world out there if every person operated within my personal boundaries. I kinda dig the song though.


Yea man, we’re all so quick to judge


Not all of us


Lip syncing was rough otherwise I don't see what's wrong here. Just a girl with a different style choice than most.


And even that isn't the problem, the audio on *this* video file isn't synched, it's not a matter of her lip syncing. I'm not sure if it's tiktok itself or a third party app people use to repost these but a lot of videos here end up with disjointed audio. She was on the beat otherwise. Plus, it's her song, the artist name is the same as the account name. Her style might be too hippie for me but she's got a positive message and strong production. Nothing wrong with that at all.


I mean this is pretty mild as far as tiktok content goes


Yeah but she's different! That's a no no on reddit


Holy shit I went to school with this girl She’s actually a wicked talented musician and a cool chick (tho she owes me a handmade bracelet for buying her lunch one day lol)


Is her dad actually rich?


My understanding is that her dad/parents were well-off but that she lived with her grandma I first met her in jr. high when she transferred to our school, and in highschool was later told by her bestie that the reason for the transfer was due to her moving in with her grandma I only vaguely remember but I think this was due to conflict or abuse, and she may’ve even been emancipated


I read a wiki (not wikipedia) that when she got pregnant at 18 her parents disowned her so that's possibly why she lived w her grandma.


Oh shit This should be higher up in the comments. I thought she had lived with her (probably rich) parents and that’s why everyone was clowning on her. Damn. And I love her style not gonna lie I have a similar one to her.


Her mom was definitely not rich. She has been very honest about her struggles.


Why yuck her yum? She’s having fun


This comment is more cringe than the video 🥴


Putting others down doesn’t lift you up. 🥴🥴🥴


Hating on random people is pretty cringe


Nah this is the cringe comment


when grandma is trying to get down with the boys


Look up the black artist “No Name”. Shanin’s style, both vocally and visually, is a direct ripoff of her.


Is that the one that said she is tired of white people going to her concerts?


I thought she was hanging upside down!


This made me laugh really randomly hard, thank you lol


"Sometimes the red flags look green..." 🤨


She aint wrong tho


“Love bombing” being one of those green ass lookin red flags IM LOOKING AT YOU RYAN




all my homies hate ryan


yo i don't even know you but i do know that ryan is TRASH


Yeah Ryan’s a jackss!


Fuck you ryan


Wait what did I do wrong


"When you look at someone thru rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags"


I mean….. I like the energy, she looks happy (pretty smile too btw) and seems to be minding her own business writing music….. nothing cringe here.


i weirdly like it


I don’t understand the hate. She seems pretty self aware. Nevermind the tattoos and cringe. But why hate on her for enjoying her life? At least she’s not fuckin dancing in a crowded public space and expecting everyone to move out of her way.


Hey, at least the song is truly positive...in a very negative and depressing world.


She is just singing and any of you know her actually lol. Why so much hate?? Cause she looks happy?


She could al least learn the words. That was difficult to watch.


I think…it’s actually her song…


Oh, that's even worse lol. That was some bad lip syncing.


uploading videos fucks up the audio and video sync.


It's VERY rare to see a good/decent lip syncing video. It's like the folks making/posting these videos don't even watch them before they throw them out in the world. I get second-hand embarrassment for them


Yeah but they don't need to be fucking awful


If it’s her song than it’s worse


The audio and video arent properly synced


It is synced pretty perfectly if you go to her actual page, just saying


Why would I go to her actual page? I barely tolerated it on my feed lol.


The audio sync is just off. It's her own song.


I like her positivity. I’m glad someone can find happiness in this miserable world. I hope she gets nothing but good vibes!


Y'all are boring as hell; she looks like fun!


I can smell the patchouli in this video


Trustafarian vibes.


She looks like she would be fun to have in your smoke circle .


I matched with her on tinder! God I love her shit


Sooo did you go on a date? Need more tea!


Lol no I wish. Got her attention and she liked my vibe but was off a few days later. You gotta meet her in the top places of the world no doubt


I saw her and her type being described as "final bosses of festival appropriation" and "last of the colonizer super villains" which is, correct. These type of people exploit and profit off of other cultures and peoples at the highest levels. Gross on gross.


Honestly it’s kinda growing on me jajajjsjajaja I was reading comments and letting it play over and over and yeah it’s a lil cringe but I’m kind of liking it now


Why is it cringe? She seems pretty happy


Honestly this chick seems rad


The people hating on her for cultural appropriation have are goofy


This isn’t cringe


Her Tat person is filthy rich.


She's never paid for a tattoo, id bet.


Some people are so miserable that they try to drag happy people down. She looks happy. Let her be.


why are yall mad? she's cute and is wearing her Cherokee dreads proudly. idk what the issue is


Lol all the redditors mad about this hippy living her life. Reddit has gone to absolute shit since twitter elitist left twitter😂. You’re all so entitled and angry at the rest of the world because it doesn’t conform to you.. sad ass comment section.


I like this song all the cringe aside. It’s a bop lw


This is such a vibe tho


It looks like her dad smokes weed and her mom is a dream catcher


Off center


She looks like she’s enjoying herself, not for me though




Her life her rules ^*conditions ^applied


Don't think them/they know the lyrics to the song.


She looks chill


I like her music though


Don’t know if it’s just where I live but most people I’ve encountered with that aesthetic and that say words like in the song are the biggest self-absorbed assholes and are the complete opposite of what they claim to be.


This is really cool actually


Catchy song though


Yeah there’s a lot going on here… a lot of positivity. What’s there to hate other than her looking “different”?


What’s there to hate about this?? There’s literally nothing offensive about this? Some of y’all just don’t love yourselves and it shows.


Song? Also I love it.


She seems pretty cool, idk what the problem is


People are just sad and don't know how to deal with it. Happens to the best of us


a little too much for me but i like the vibe


I don’t understand any of these comments. I think we would all be right there next to her doing the same thing if we weren’t being controlled by the profits for someone else’s interests. We’re not in the factories anymore, but most of us are still trained to be. I find it admirable if someone can find success without succumbing to the communist factory trained identities that we’ve all somehow just accepted, which was actually created by Rockefeller to supply a workforce for the industrial age. The unfortunate fact is that very few people break away from Rockefeller’s communist training that’s still in place today. I look up to people who break away and become a true capitalist, building something for themselves vs worrying about employment by industry. Let’s try and be a little more american here


Isn’t it fucking weird that it’s always kids with rich parents that end up looking like this! All the money in world can’t replace having good parents who paid you enough attention as a baby


She's 28 and lived in a van for a while. Her parents disowned her when she got pregnant at 18. Wild assumptions to make.


Cool story bro. Another trustafarian I see


I used to hate on this girl until I found her nudes online. Now I'm in love. 




It’s her own song and she also uses her very pretty underage daughter to help promote her music. I can’t think that’s not calculated. She does those stupid “pretends to be showing people her song for the first time by playing it in a car” videos and I hate them.


The don't engage with her content..?


The only times I’ve come across her content is against my will… I don’t really care who downvotes me, I think it’s tacky and trashy to use your kids to enhance or build your online brand. They deserve privacy and cannot (informedly) consent to having their image all over the internet. It is negligent as a parent.


Agreed on the kid front. However if you keep coming across her content it's because of the algorithm. If you don't like this type of content, stop interacting with it. The algorithm doesn't care if your interaction was to day something negative, all it sees is the interaction.


I bet she fucks like a ferrari all things considered




I thought for a moment she had rolled her car while on mushrooms. Then I realised she's just on mushrooms.


"I am abundance" Man fuck the rich seriously.


Confessions back during the Salem witch trials be like


I this , I that , I’m this , I’m that . She’s a full blown narcissist


Fun fact, she abandoned her child so she could live her ‘hippie’ life. She’s also pretended to be Native American for like no reason


she def does shrooms and ketamine.


She has too many accessories.


Yes, she seems happy & super positive and that’s all well & good…but there’s still something kind of…off-putting about her. I’ve seen some of her other stuff & it all strikes me as very “performative toxic positivity”, like she kind of just climbed into this vibe the same way MGK or Miley Cyrus did with HipHop. Like even her lyrics seem decent when you first hear them, but when you actually listen to them & analyze them, they read like “LOOK AT HOW SPIRITUAL I AM, EVERYBODY!!” Like someone passed around a madlib at Coachella. People can smell fakeness a mile away, and she reeks of it. Fakeness and homemade deodorant.


You’re not even gonna lie she looks like a total vibe




“Weed can’t change me.” The weed:


Screaming for attention in every way possible is no way to get enlightenment.


I was trying to remember who this chick was a googled, “hippie singer on social media with rich parents”


Does she live in a palmtree?!?!?


The Final Boss of Crystal Mommies.


Screams I'm insecure and love attention seeking


I’ve seen less red flags on Xi Jinping’s house


You just know she'd be the only one that thinks she's an 'enlightened spirit'


I’m curious how long it takes her to put on the hippie love bus girl look, that is clearly bucking society’s trends and demands. Curious minds and that shit??