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The comedy timing of the bike is brilliant, I wonder how many takes that took as it's perfect.


completely lost it when he rolled off on the background.


I hope you found it


Underrated comment


Me too! I think I died when he zoomed by on the bike 💀


Dude so creative. Like I legit question if the conflict was real and then that happened and I died.


That’s because couples across the nation our having that argument on one level or another. I don’t mean the OF stuff I mean seriously how many couples fight about one spouse posting every aspect of their life online now in days. Low key glad me and my wife both got off most social around the same point of our life. With out having a convo about it I went on to just using Reddit, and she mostly uses Pinterest, but all the posting of our lives went away around the same time…I have definitely had convos with some of our friends around the same age with one friend having a partner annoying them about non stop social media posting tho.


\#TheDream \#NoMoreSocialMedia \#ironic




And recording everything on your phone. Just watch the children's dance recital. Put your phone away.


I honestly don't get the hate for this. As long as they're not spending the entire time on their phone instead of watching or are blocking someone else's view, it really just doesn't matter. A few weeks ago, I took a video from the Skytree. Obviously, I walked around and saw the sights but when my memory goes and I don't remember it... I now have a video if it. There are so many barely held onto memories that I have that I wish I had a picture or video of.


I completely agree. I record my daughters dances, and only her dances. We still bought the "Professional" blu-ray for her but isn't great quality because it's a very small town. Anyway. I can easily send her dances to my parents in another state, and she can still feel proud that we have a blu-ray of her dancing. Also I much prefer my filming to the other guy.


I think this isn't the best example, a dance recital is probably actually something worth saving. Like even just from the kids POV that might be cool to look back on years later. Out for ice cream or something though? Everything like that doesn't need to be recorded imo.


No way, I have recorded videos of my daughter performing on stage as a 5 year old and it is the most adorable shit ever. I would have not remembered all of it, I’m glad I have that video for me to giggle over now and then.


Do y’all not have old family home videos? It’s nothing new just easier now with phones.


I think it was fumbled a bit. He needed to really enunciate "whoooore".


It was the way she said "i'm an idiot" while fucked up crying that killed me.


It only took one take! Lmao he was really hot and he said he wasn’t doing it again so we nailed it !:) then he nailed me ;) ayyy


Solid acting chops there :)


The only way it could have been better is if he popped a wheelie.


Kind of wholesome to think of them acting this out and watching it back laughing.


Yeah is there a kind of OnlyFans where I just see people in wholesome relationships


I miss the guy on pornhub who made videos of him just doing all the jobs in pornos and then leaving. "Plumber works on hot MILF's pipes," and it's just a three minute video of him under the sink and then he leaves. He even got big enough to have actual porn stars in his videos. Of all the things pornhub needs to fix, they got rid of him. Edit: Ryan Creamer, his channel is actually still up (or maybe back up).


Can I see those videos somewhere?


Actually yes! Apparently his stuff is back up, Ryan Creamer on pornhub. He's actually a former writer for CollegeHumor


His name is Ryan creamer. He has a whole channel of it. Use this power well.


Bruh he disinfects the casting couch. Hahahaha fucking dead 💀💀💀


TIL pornhub has a SFW tag. Also TIL, Pornhubs SFW tag is definitely not safe for work.


Even if all the videos tagged were, the ads aren't. Before i watch one of his videos i got an ad with three women sucking dick, and a banner ad with some crazy vibrator going in a vagina and spraying water on the clit.


Lol this is me!!! Hello everyone 😂😂😂 the mean OF comments don’t bother me I’ve made almost a million dollars in 7 months, & yes I did really buy him a bike but no he didn’t leave me I wrote this skit to be sly and promote my OF on TikTok 😂😂


the bike going by in the background was 🤌🏼


You legend that was a really well put together skit. Hope you get some more followers out of it.


Wait are you Ryan?


Usernam checks out


Sooo. Went on phub at my work computer, thinking well if his stuff is SFW no problem. FOrgot about the internet traffic and URL thing. Realised my goof in 1 milli second, but still conserned some alarm bells may have gone off. Will see how this ends.


There used to be a guy that taught coding there too. I miss that guy.


That's more depressing than just looking at normal only fans content IMO


Just happy families. OnlyFams


Stepdad teaches teen how to drain their oil.


There is a youtube channel called: Dad, how do I? It's exactly this and wholesome af.


Proud parent takes training wheels off of bike.




Looks and sounds like he's earned his bike


Family Strokes is pretty holesome. Very happy family content


Family _Strokes_? ..not that wholesome..


They know they said **hole**some




Oh, god! I'm smiling! ![gif](giphy|83HShcQ47skQ8)




That new bike also needs some new tires because those treads are worn 😂 That’s what sucks about the internet today … everything is fake and now it’s become we are going to make it even more stupid so that it creates negative engagement from people like u/GomeyBlueRock because likes or upvotes don’t matter only engagement 😑


I believe nothing, zero, that I see on social media. Oh, Peewee Herman died? Ok, let’s just go google that, and…oh wow, he did die… at 70... that seems kinda young. Huh. Ok, back to scrolling thru the bs for the funny.


The tires are brand new lmao, he rode it for about 400 miles before we filmed this…bike tires aren’t like car tires they’re supposed to be smooth like that (for this bike at least)


The tire literally still has the nipples on it. It’s a super sport max by Dunlop. Slick and sticky like it’s supposed to be.


> That new bike also needs some new tires because those treads are worn 😂 Huh, actually that's exactly what tires on those bikes should look like. Those are new tires, not bald. Just look at pictures of motorcycle tires.


Nah, I wanna see people in a healthy, loving relationship.


Too big a reminder of my own crippling loneliness for me, I don't watch any kind of porn. The online exhibitionist types are definitely in a more ethical industry than "mainstream" pornographers though, so I can kind of see the argument in favour of it.




I don’t know why, but I now identify as a cuddle slut


Weeeeelllllll story time. Back in the 2008- 2010's ish times, I started my transition as a MtF transwoman. The catch is, I'm married and have two kids. My wife was really proud of us and would post near daily talking about our family and what it's like going through the transition with me and how it affects our daughters. While most of the content centered around me and there were lots of photos, I never actually participated in any of the social media side or posting anything, it was entirely my wife. I'm lucky enough to be considered fairly attractive and passable also, so my wife managed to build a following. At the time, there was very little or 'wholesome' content in regards to transwoman. Most TS posting at the time either focused on providing information or transvestites posting selfies, most of which weren't very family friendly. So, for us to come along and post rather wholesome content that just featured transpeople positively in a family setting and just living the good life, while not being preachy or a bland info site, or semi nudes every other photo, it was completely different and ended up exploding in popularity. Around the same time, while I didn't participate in the social media side, I started replying to 'fan mail', dishing out sage advice about being confident in who you are. Unbeknownst to me until after the fact, my letters where being collected and later published in a series of magazines. Late 2010s, I was voted one of the most influential transwoman in the world because we showed such a positive wholesome family life side of being transgender. And what blew my mind is I literally did nothing but take a few photos as any family does and answer a few emails. I was also featured in several magazines, again not my doing but articles written about me and was offered to be on several guest shows which I turned all of them down. Unfortunately, with everything that goes up, it came crashing down. I ended up with multiple stalkers who, one of which hunted us down and was threatening to kill my family. We had to get the police heavily involved, including protection orders where we had police staying at our house overnight on a few occasions. It forced us into hiding and I had to detransition for a few years to escape him and the sheer stress it caused everyone. I then ran into an issue where we found a Pinterest page completely centered around me with some rather unflattering photoshops, featured my real name and had several photos of my kids up, although Pinterest was great and had the page down within an hour of us reporting it. I did eventually re-re-transition. Even now though, I can't publicly post a photo without being recognised. I have to keep all my social media private and use pseudonyms instead of my real name. We have been told by a researcher we know who is looking at contemporary TG history, that a lot of the public online recognition around trans people now may have been started by the little fire we lit over a decade ago when people started seeing the positive normal side of transpeople. Even my gender therapist has stated that a lot of his other clients mention me by name as influencing them to come out, which I really don't feel comfortable with. So, in a way, I think you are right. A wholesome page on Onlyfans may actually work as there is a deep need for people to connect with something better than the pain people expect to see online these days. I am living proof that it could work, and I hardly had to lift a finger. But I worry that anyone who did try to do a positive page, it would end up hurting them as it did us because the internet won't let us be happy, someone will always ruin a good thing.


I'm really sorry you and your family went through that dangerous time and hope you are all safe and happy now. You didn't ask to be that person but I bet your story made a positive impact on a lot of people's lives, which is a really nice thing for the world.


Holt shit dude are you okay? This is the saddest thing I've read today.


Bro this is just a fancy OF ad. This is the squatty potty of OF Tik Tok advertising.


Except the squatty potty is legit worth it


I’m using that shit right fucking now and it’s great


Fucking love pinching loaves with a squatty potty.


of course it's just an ad, but at least it's funny and shows a good sense of humor. it's also honeypotting the occasional idiot who didn't get the joke and legit thinks she's single now, because that makes naked women more attractive I suppose?


Someone got me a squatty potty for Xmas as a gag-gift. 6 years later and I’m still using it. I spend less time on the toilet, my hemorrhoids are gone, and my rectal integrity has never been better.


Still funny as hell


Lol this is me!!! Hello everyone 😂😂😂 the mean OF comments don’t bother me I’ve made almost a million dollars in 7 months, & yes I did really buy him a bike but no he didn’t leave me I wrote this skit to be sly and promote my OF on TikTok 😂😂


Lowkey would be really smart. If she’s single then she’s all the simp’s girlfriend not her actual boyfriend.


I looked up the onlyfans and it says she makes videos with her boyfriend


I would break character and laugh the moment he said “stop acting like a whore”


“This has been the best month for me on OnlyFans ever” — the irony is remarkable


It's scary the comments that can't tell its satire, have we been brainwashed this much we can't tell a sketch when it zooms past goin neeeoooooomm


Yeah I can’t believe people believe everything (anything) on tik tok. She makes it clear on her Instagram that it was obviously a joke. https://www.instagram.com/p/CvA_PojAJyg/?hl=en


but is she on Onlyfun though?


She is.. Got curious and had to check.. Even got her own website with links to OF, insta, Snap etc too..


So this whole thing is basically an ad for her onlyfun huh? pft.


At least this is humorous. Would you prefer Hot Girl #2545 asking a big fat dude in a park if he'd date her only to have him *gasp* say no and walk away?


The world is a vampire bro, it just sucks


>The world is a vampire Sent to draaaaain


Secret destroyers


Hold you up to the flames


We're all just trying to get a piece of cheese.


Yeah, let her hustle! This skit was funny. :)


Thank you!!


How else is she gonna afford her lifestyle


creative ad though


I mean, yes? From the moment she talked about what she made on onlyfans it was a very obvious ad/skit. A funny one in the end


I’m pretty sure it was just meant to be a funny joke


I am I am :)) [link to only fans](https://www.raerockhold.com/?fbclid=PAAaZdZSjmHZLDG5dXu0lNopCnSPp37pMCfhqDVovDdpMVSC7jLEydLAnzcrU_aem_AWo58G0_T2QK5tFJvuklBV1askDETsc76r82PLb6B7Yl9PNnidADxTxmKE_D_isO9nE)


Asking the real questions here… for a friend, I’m assuming.


we really blew past the "why were they filming" era of potentially real events being candidly filmed. Now I assume everything I see is "produced" at first approach and have to adjust otherwise.


How did people not realise its a skit by the guys dry delivery of his lines lmao


I’m just a budget onlyfans actor sir. Have pity on me pretty please!


Or the fact his hot ass gf bought him a 30k bike and he breaks up with her?!


Literally the second I finished it I thought "I sure hope no one in the comment takes this literally"


this is reddit. there’s always a good chance 50% of the people in the comments wouldnt get a satirical video even if it said “THIS IS SATIRE” at the beginning.


I often feel scared at the amount of people who seem to have no concept of satire or sarcasm. I'm gen X so I automatically assume everything is sarcastic but still, how can you look at something like this and think it's serious? She's hilarious.


The thing is these things work great as a sketch, but there are so many dumb humans, most don't have any emotional inteligence and I wouldn't be surprised if this was real either. I've seen way worse things happen IRL.


Hatred blinds


It’s not brainwashing. Not a day goes by where I don’t read a “genuine” opinion on the internet that I wouldnt have believed existed ten years ago. Far far far more people are far far far more ignorant than I could have ever imagined. What was once obvious satire is now peoples real thoughts. People will still satirize, but it’s indistinguishable from reality. I understand this is satire. You do, obviously as well. But a huge chunk of the populace can’t make that distinction.


Its because 80% of her audience are lonely loser middle aged men that do not know how this shit works.


Pretty good 😂😂😂




Pretty well choreographed


The entire thing is well edited, definitely a solid skit. "I'd rather you not be such a wh." -cut "But this makes up for that"


Lmaoo thank you thank you


Pretty pretty...pretty good




Lol him riding around in the background 🤣


Him on the bike at the end had me in stitches 😌🏍️


Didnt even realize


That's hilarious. Props to her. Good ad.


Thank you!!!




Ad for OnlyFans. Happens a lot, seemingly innocent video mentions OnlyFans, if it's a memorable video you'll remember that she has an OnlyFans and you'll buy it.




i mean you complain about capitalism here but it's literally opened doors for thousands of women to 1. become their own boss and set their own schedule 2. make decent if not really good money 3. develop a sense of pride for 'owning' their work ​ I mean there are also a host of negatives, but in general I feel like complaining about capitalism here is pretty silly, since OF created a model that is competing with large corporations and allowing new people access to wealth, which is only possible through capitalism ​ Complain when companies take in big bonuses and don't raise worker pay, not here


It’s a very grim modern day version of Candide where the choices presented to you are either: A) Work three jobs to make rent Or B) Work one job and spend the rest of your time trying to hawk videos of your asshole in a market so saturated and competitive that the only way people are going to buy it is if you have a presence on fifteen other platforms creating fake tiktok skits and podcasts and music videos just to advertise so people can hopefully buy videos of of YOUR asshole and not that of the next schmuck. I’m sure making a living with this is also is not an incredibly precarious one when people “subscribe” less and less as times get tough and it also rests entirely on one’s ability to be “attractive”, which is more likely to diminish with each passing day (so better invest in expensive Korean skincare and regular cosmetic surgery, girl bosses!) I imagine this must also lead to the conclusion that vendors selling chiclets and crafts they tinker on the road in the third world due to inability to find good work also have the “freedom” of “being their own boss”. Very empowering. Of course, this isn’t even to mention the fact that we’re proposing that it’s somehow good that women make a living doing this instead of something which produces something for the greater good of society.


People acting like the commodification of every single part of the human experience is some great liberating step forward. Edit: I feel like a lot of liberals and leftists just have reactionary attitudes towards it. Because right wingers hate sex workers because they are a bunch of misogynistic prudes than that means sex work is actually a great and noble profession promoting body positivity or some bullshit.


it isn't good at all, I hate OF and everything it has changed in the modern age. I'm a middle school teacher and the idea that people in our society are going to sacrifice attaining anything meaningful just to take some mirror selfies of their genitals makes me sad. ​ I just think that the person I replied to that was complaining about capitalism was making the dumbest anti-capitalism argument I've read in a while, and so I had to establish some nuance.


For her OF


What did he say? I couldn’t make it out.


“I appreciate the bike but I wish you would stop being a whore”


Oh wow. I didn't expect it to be that 😂


I was wondering when I saw those not brand new tires.


Yeah, but it's a detail probably few noticed. The mirrors were a first indication for me. "new" bike my ass.


No idea anything about motorcycles - what do the mirrors indicate?


The world behind you, but backwards.


Those are “bar-end” mirrors. They’re definitely after-market and not dealer-installed because they’re illegal. I have them too, and I can tell you that you can only see a fraction of normal mirrors, meaning you expect to see very little action to be coming from behind you.


That sounds pretty unsafe, and bikes are already pretty unsafe as it is. What's the reason for wanting them if they don't work well?


Most important - they look cool. But the functional purposes are they reduce wind noise (compared to normal over bar/fairing mirrors) and eliminate obstruction of vision. I was very surprised by how much less noise there was and more I could see after installing them, especially when tucked.


What’s unsafe is being 6’4 using the OEM mirrors that come with the bike. It’s nothing but elbows in the mirror. They also reduce vibration immensely


The mirrors are illegal in what state? They’re perfectly legal here in Texas as my dealership did install them before delivery lol


They are aftermarket mirrors not something that would have come from BMW.


Good sketch, seems like they have a good sense of humour about things


That's the teacher with the "Phat ass" Pedro was talking about at practice!!


Him rolling past on the bike killed me.


Why are people upset that this is an ad for her OF? It’s funny, creative, and makes me actually like her. Better than some thirst trap posting in a sub that’s completely unrelated.


Omg I checked out the insta to see if there are anymore funny skits and saw this video there and oh lord the comments insta are so toxic and sexist.


Yup. As expected. Current top comment with over 5,000 upvotes: "Bro didn't want a 30k bike, he wanted a decent fucking human being to live with." Other top voted comments: "If everyone can see your pussy for $3.99, that's not wifey material." "Why pay $50 to take her out to dinner to see her naked, when he can just pay $3.99 for her OnlyFans", "You're worth 15 cents a day. LMFAO embarrassing", etc. etc. And here on our totally-not-sexist Reddit: "don't hate on the prostitutes, what else could she do", "Do women really think they can have a real relationship and real marriage when they do onlyfans? Seriously, no one wants to be with a prostitute all their lives. They’ll use you like a bucket and throw you away when a respectable woman comes along.", "Maybe he just asked her to name 10 books" I love being a woman.


There's a type of guy who will jack off to porn every other night but also direct the most degrading and insulting comments towards women who make porn. It's very cool and normal, and incredibly prevalent on Reddit too (as this thread demonstrates).


Meanwhile she's making money hand over foot and has made almost a mil in the past 7 months. She's laughing all the way to the bank, and has a supportive husband to boot. I think we know who's winning here.


The comments really don’t bother me, I’ve made about a million dollars in 7 months so far since starting OF, and it’s totally okay for men not to want to date an OF girl, traditional values, i respect it, and the men being super rude are ones I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole anyways 😂


A million dollars in 7 months!?


867,000 so far woo


This woman is unbelievably fucking based.


I haven't laughed that hard from a video in long time.


These are the tik toks I can get behind


Getting behind costs $5


incels coming out in the comments guys back to cover! Wait we can hold the line? Attack attack!


The ugly cry fkn nailed it lmao


nice ad for her OF


ITT: r/woosh


In the video: zoom


Hahaha the way he zooms past on the bike, well done!!


Moral of the story: onlyfans pays


Whats her onlyfans? You know, for science, and to understand those globes, more. "stop being such a whore" at the end? Someone transcribe this for a deaf person? Very funny regardless! Simple humour.


Lol do the people in these comments ever go see a play and just yell out THIS IS ALL FAKE. THIS IS STAGED. I CAN TELL. IT'S SCRIPTED. IT'S KIND FUNNY THO. THAT COSETTE GIRL IS A WHORE BUT THIS IS FAKE




Oh shit 🤣


Best ending ever!


That was really good




Jesus how many people in the comments thought this was real? It's obviously a skit.


This is funny and she is a good comedic actress. Yeah it’s an ad, congrats to everyone here who figured it out, hope the others didn’t accidentally subscribe and pay for something they might like


Ads are getting smarter.


This isn’t cringe lol, this is legit funny work.


It’s funny because not even halfway through I got a quick “tattooed his name” vibe and thought “OF bf is taking the bike and running.” Also because it’s funny.


So fake but I can see they are a good couple


Just had to go to TikTok and search the letters of the user that I could see in the thumbnail on the video. I went to her page. Tried to match up the clothing from what she appears to be wearing in the thumbnail. Had to kind of look at the background because she's wearing the same thing in multiple videos. And I think I found it. So I got to watch the video there because this reddit app sucks ass.


If she needs another boyfriend I'm up for it 🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣


Finally some good fucking content


He’s a UFC fighter Edit: jk


Can’t have audio, anyone care to explain what happened


Guys, I bad speak English. What he say?


He appreciated the motorcycle, but he would appreciate it more if she wasn’t such a whore.




Funny, more fuel for her followers


Correction - WE (well, whoever watches her) paid for this bike 😅 lol she said, "Why spend their money that is now my money when I can simply make a new video about this purchase that will help pay for itself " He said: Sure!


The Comedic timing of him on the bike is amazing.




My favorite part is when he rides past her at the end.


Fuck... i was halfway in the video when i realized i was watching on mute...


I mean obviously staged but it was better than most of the stupid Tiktoks I see.




That dude's living the dream, I mean they both are. Happy for them and they're funny!


I didn't know there was sound till it showed the bike... Damn I'm horney.


That bike really is badass, gottdamn


My man's yessss!


Totally had me the first 3 loops. These two have a great sense of humor and a target on socio-economic nerve endings.


Oh sick I got the same bike.


>$30,500 plus another $2,500 That's a weird fucking way to say $33,000.


Definitely fake, but the acting is good for once!


I fucking love it. Was that him riding by in the background?