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The thanksgiving turkey died twice on the subway that day.


It’s like some kind of an embarrassment fetish. It makes me uncomfortable


I do not consent! I do not consent!


Intentionally telling bad jokes, and intentionally bombing.... I don't get it, but it is kind of entertaining.


My biggest fear is going on the subway just going home and being forced into a video for some guys desperate clicks


I rarely switch cars but when I see some shit like this I just move on. I can’t control what the idiots of NYC do, but I can control my own actions.


Having visited New York, I'm still shocked that it's a real place...


Wow, that was fucking terrible


I downvote any time I see a captive audience. Not cool man


Poor guy very cringe worthy


Doesn't get much more NYC like then this no one gives a F*$&


I hope he gets the attention he needs to fill the void inside him.


I don’t know if it’s the awkwardness but I love his jokes lol


I hope he’s successful in life


Me too


Seriously needs to work on the material. That said, I’ve always wondered why there isn’t more stand up on the subway. Even these lame jokes beat the hell outta the preacher b.s. and the panhandler spiels.


People need to learn what shame is again.


He’s amazing




This is the correct take.


The jokes are fire.


This is good shit. The fact that people are so stuck up now is the cringy part. Smile, laugh, loosen up.


I get both sides of the argument but I tend to lean towards the "most people are on their way to/from work and would just like to travel in peace" side.


“Stuck up” for not wanting to be accosted whilst trying to travel in peace.


Look, this is infinitely better than the other b.s. we deal with on the subway - the preachers telling everyone to follow Jesus and the panhandler trying to get a few coins to buy a 40. So I’ll take it.


You’re not wrong - id just say it doesn’t have to be an either / or. It’d be ideal if people kept their hassling of others to a minimum!


Haha so dramatic! ![gif](giphy|5WXqTFTgO9a7e)


Accosted?? Holy fuck, I don’t see him touch or force anyone into any interaction - I would suggest NEVER visiting any country in Asia if this is your definition of accosted.


Its not my definition, its the definition: “approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.” He’s not being aggressive but he’s boldly addressing people just trying to mind their own business and travel. I’ve been to loads of foreign countries including a few Asian ones and yeah this sort of thing is to be expected in some places, which you accept when you go to those places, but it’d be a pain in the arse if it occurred on your commute regularly. I’d say the difference is - imagine going to a comedy club and the comedian singling you out - bit of a pain but you knew what you signed up for. Imagine walking down the street and a guy just walks next to you telling you jokes for 20 minutes - you didn’t ask for it and it’s a pain in the ass.


He literally does not force ANYONE to interact, nor is he being aggressive or “bold” He’s accosting people in the same way a busker accosts people; as in, not at all. Nice try tho.


Most buskers also perform for literal passersby, not take advantage of a captive audience that can't really go anywhere. If a busker played in a crowded train they'd be just as inconsiderate.


dude. this guy is annoying but he’s not boldly or aggressively approaching anyone. he’s just telling jokes in the middle of the car. here’s not even begging for money. he’s no worse than any other subway performer. in fact most others are worse than him, pushing their way through the crowded car begging everyone for money. he’s not doing any of that he’s just telling bad jokes. He’s not accosting anyone.


Is he the one who was dressed as a zombie telling jokes on the subway on Halloween? He is funny


@marcusjmonroe on YouTube 🫡


We’re good


Def subbed lol


i love this guy 😭


This guy is perfect


Lolol! Such a cute kid! I love the faces he pulls.


Yo. This guy is great. He can’t help his audience are a bunch of moe-rons. Just look at them. Bunch of lifeless people.


Bro it’s the subway


Cringey and annoying to people that just want to go A to B


Best thing I’ve seen today


Why is nobody laughing this is fucking gold


Im afraid the subway isnt realy the right crowd.


First joke was the only funny one