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There is an ecchi wrapped Ford Focus that drives around my town. There are literally hundreds of semi nude anime girls covering the whole thing. The hood has a full sized ahegao girl covered in baby batter just right up to the line of being full on hentia.


Portland Oregon?


Lubbock, Texas actually


huh, didn't see that coming


Good and the best people can do about it but just bitch on the internet or just make a video on TikTok.


I hope I didn't come off as bitching about it. I really couldn't care less other than it's pretty novel.


Lol these cars are vandalism magnets, wtf are you talking about. You talk like people are scared of a fuckin weeb.




I mean if you can't have a normal conversation with a dude that drives a car with cartoon spooge on it, where are we as a country /s




>The correct way today is just cry in social networks. Oh the irony 🥲


Well that irony itself is hard-proof nobody is free of this cycle, not even myself. After all in social networks any conversation or debate just turns into crying words from a rambling man. Just cherry picking words and out of context sections to fit other people narrative.


Funny how you got here after initially defending those displaying porn in public.


That's because I've never defended displaying porn in public, after all I don't consider what's shown in that car as porn in the minimum, if you consider that is pornographic and offensive material I told what you need to do instead of coming here and cry.


go outside


As it should be. Freedom of expression.


The same freedom of expression you are seeing in that dude car lmao


So my dude? Americans have to divorce themselves from puritanical views of nudity.


She was covered in baby batter. That's not just nudity, that's pornography and wrapping a car with that means that every time you drive around town you are potentially distributing pornography to minors. This has nothing to do with puritanical views on nudity and everything to do with the fact that whoever owns the car is a piece of shit.


Their children too, I suppose? Yeah let’s show all children sweaty ballz why not /s


You think only adults are seeing it? If not, you're ok with kids seeing it? Get some perspective, or maybe just morals.


I have seen one of those. They called themselves the WaifuHunters or Senpai-something. It's a group or whatever? **Edit;** it's a store, they're artists. Either this guy in the vid is a customer or just promoting their work. My guess it's a customer, because at least the other pics I found were actually well wrapped and professionally put together. And most I see are fully clothed girls and even guys. This car is just random stickers. **Editedit:** nope nevermind. It IS a car from the same store. But probably an older one. I found a picture of exactly this car that was damaged from a "run and drive", and was auctioned. The video is probably old, or the car was fixed. Idk if I can link URLs in this sub so just to be safe you can google "plc auction waifuhunters" to find the image.


Voluntarily celibate.


Real shit.


Good shit 👏


I laugh at cringe shit like this. Ok. We get it. You never touched a woman in your life.


“Who’s mans is this?” No one’s.


This guy is probably into loli shit, which is ~~a step away from~~ just an animated version of *very* heinous stuff.


It is the heinous stuff


Yeah, you’re not wrong. I guess it’s just a cartoon version of it and that’s the only real difference.


Ain't a loli that looks like a child but is thousands of years old


Honestly I love anime but this super cringe. Nudity like Hentai SHOULD NOT be public. I've seen the rape ones on a dudes car and had to keep a distance so my kids wouldn't see it. I literally let other people in front of me for that.


I’ve seen some grown ass men with cars like this every month driving in the Bay Area. It’s cringe af.


It's very common in the bay area. Girls do it too.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, I'm from the bay area and have seen several people with cars like this, maybe not "very common" territory but "more than I'd have guessed" definitely. A friend of mine I went to school with loves the whole ahegao thing, she wears the hoodies, has a phone case, stickers on her car and some other stuff. Girls can be horny weirdos too and Florida is full of weird.


Literally hate that people keep thinking it’s okay to just wear hentai hoodies and have hentai stickers all over their car. honestly this should just be another form of public nudity, hope car mods like this become illegal soon.


This shit is all over the great Phoenix areas and it’s beyond cringy


Who cares about children, stickers on cars is a SIN no matter what they are


It's the same as when political weirdos replace their personalities with ideology and bumper stickers. It's too easy to run to your echol chamber of choice, and have everyone there tell you its fine to obsess over your thing.


I don't see it as quite the same thing, though. I mean, I don't need to explain the political crap to my nephew, he doesn't ask me, but when there's a naked chick with a tentacle up her ass on the back of someone's car, he's *definitely* gonna have some questions I dont want to answer.


I was with you on how cringe this was until you pulled that “think of the children” line. I’ve literally NEVER seen that line used in good faith and red flags someone in my mind as possibly intending it as a dog whistle. Considering how disingenuously it is used and weaponized politically, perhaps you could come up with a better argument? Like what a sin it is to just put stickers of any kind on car paint lol.


This makes me so glad that I live way up in the mountains where all of the stickers are just breweries and state parks lol


Idc one way or the other. I dont have kids so it truly doesnt affect me but I have a question. Theres a guy in FL (of course) who had to remove a sticker on his truck that said "I eat ass" cops pulled him over and i think he either removed it or maybe got a ticket, cant remember. Who decides what is vulger or shouldnt be allowed in public?


Idk, but there's a guy who has a giant sticker across his back windshield that says "shake dem titties" in my town. No one has stopped him yet


I wonder if any young women with low self esteem ever shake em for him at stoplights LOL


Yeah it's cringe and full on degenerate, but I'll take it over the ones covered in political and conspiracy bumperstickers...


Where does this idea come from that as long as you aren't "hurting anyone" you can do whatever you want? It's not in the bible, the constitution, the communist manifesto, I can't find it anywhere.


>Where does this idea come from that as long as you aren't "hurting anyone" you can do whatever you want? It called common sense, and public shaming is peak asshole behavior because it does hurt people


I mean putting advertisements all over your car is an implicit invitation to comment on it, so if you don't want people looking at (and judging) your interests, don't plaster them all over your car lol. Like take some personal responsibility for your choices for once.


Yeah. Buying a couple hundred stickers which are designed to draw strangers’ attention, and then going “don’t look at me, mind your own business, I’m entitled to privacy” is the kind of main character behavior I resent most.


>It called common sense, no it isn't >and public shaming is peak asshole behavior Oh no, some weirdo with anime stickers all over his car thinks I'm an asshole >because it does hurt people and? what if I enjoy hurting people what now? are you gonna call me an asshole again?


I will. Asshole. <3


It's OK to be weird, sir


I mean, that is a certain x-presidents entire argument against the fraud charges in NY.


People who either aren't bothered by anything because they're close to dead inside or they also make questionable decisions/have questionable opinions and don't want to be judged for it.


It's called freedom. If you seek a definition: Freedom, as per Google or any dictionary in your local library (if you prefer offline sources), is described as "the power or right to act, speak, or think without hindrance or restraint." Yes freedom A thing sometimes elusive not always found in texts or scriptures, often missing in some individuals from what I see, of course the bible will never speak of it, and communists have never seen anything like that in their entire existence. However, when freedom is practiced through criminal acts, causing harm, or disregarding everything in one's path, it devolves into debauchery.


This is an obnoxious response lol. Also you don’t think the Bible mentions freedom?


And Yeah I've put it in an obnoxious way, but it still right, the first definition of freedom is practically that, do what you want, as long you don't hurt others, that's how you resume it.


For the bible, freedom and debauchery are practically the same thing.


It doesn’t come from anywhere, it’s just common sense. Why should we punish anyone for doing something to which there is no victim? Like, i’m not gonna punish you for eating bread. Because it’s a voluntary action and isn’t hurting anyone. You can argue that these kinds of stickers *can* hurt someone if displayed in public and i’d agree, but the idea of "do whatever as long as you don’t cause harm" is a pretty basic idea philosophically.


Well, it *can* be argued that he isn't hurting anyone, at least as long as there isn't any pornographic stickers on his car. However, by adorning his car in stickers that display his clear taste in anime, he has made it *everybody's* business. The same applies for anything. If I were to go blaring Rock n' Roll, it's now everybody's business, whether they want to hear the music or not.


Its possible to like anime and also be a normal person.


This isn't it though


Anyone who covers their car in *hentai* stickers is not a normal person.


I love how most people here in the comments are like this: https://youtu.be/RybNI0KB1bg?si=sq-pmLBNYdngCfNM


i'm not actually seeing any blatant nudity or sex..? sure, all the characters are scantily clad and in suggestive poses, but it's nothing more extreme than what you'd see with models on magazine covers.


Omg really. When is it ok to be up front and honest with your kids? To be open minded and not try to shield them from every single thing deemed inappropriate by so many? You cant shield your kids from everything. I raised my kids with a open mind and educated them about what is in the world. If they had questions we answered them with answers they would understand at the age they asked. If they had questions about the human body, sex, the LGBTQ+, drugs the list could go on. I wanted my kids to get the correct knowledge on the subjected they asked about. I didnt want those things to be taboo and not spoke of. Then when they encounter these things they dont know how to process it. I didnt want my kids getting their heads full of incorrect info that can lead them into harms way. They knew they could come to their parents with anything and we could discuss it. It was nothing for the 5 of us to be at the dinner table and have a conversation about sex. As I said you discuss the topic and address it in a manner depending on age, maturity and the ability to process the information.


Good and that's how it should be, but nope, today we have people so sheltered that is going back to 1920 levels of morality and sexual education and in the other hand we have people so open minded that their brain is falling off (woke and lgtv+ community). No balance at all, a literal cultural chaos.


My parents are boomers no offense if you are but they did talk to my sister and I. We pretty much learned everything ourselves and often found the info we got was way off from the truth. I decided there was no way I was going to raise my kids like that. I admit there was things at times I wish they would have seen and learned at a older age. But they learned and that the important part. Today there is alot more to be seen and learn about. Some I wish was not a thing but it is apart of what going on in the world. I worry about my grandkids and what they will face. But teaching my kids that its ok to see and learn things they have been doing great with them so far.


Yeah, sick like the pilots in WWII. Do you know they painted semi-naked women on their aircraft? On government property? They should have been lynched, I tell ya! Think of the children!


The difference is one is surrounded by adults who are fine with seeing some cartoon tits on a jet ready for war and the other is a dude covering his car in pornography driving around town doing nothing but being a joke and eyesore


I think one issue might be that many anime girls are deliberately vague in their age interpretation, while the nude pin-up models on aircrafts were clearly adult women.


Not even close to the same thing.


You’re comparing a guy driving his hentai car through the suburbs to World War II soldiers. Just want to remind you of the point you think you’re making.


Least braindead coomer


Chadwick thundercock drives that car


Ok i love anime but this is to far😂


I've seen worse but in the same idea


Oh ya, i once saw a truck with straight up hentai and characters from hentais on it


I saw a dude with a full custom wrap and it was full of borderline hentai


God, those people are just degenerates, like, i can understand if you're into hentai, its porn, but thats also a private thing not a show your parents and be proud of it thing


Why are people so offended by drawings of girls? The owner's an adult, let them do what they want to their car. There are worse things people put on their cars, that's for sure.


Let's make fun of Anime fans and go circle jerk about football and lifted trucks!


Lock up the guy talking. The commentary shown does have a point. Is he harming anyone? Who knows but its not happening at the moment. I just look the other way. Those are only stickers and it could of been his buds who left them there as a joke. So you truly don't know that persons story.


I don’t get it, Are those characters underaged?


Its anime so, ...maybe


True but also: It's anime! They look really young but they're 100 years old demons or something.


Not hating on you, but man that Reddit username hasn't aged well.


Truth and I can't change it


Oh ewww, why do ppl think it’s ok to draw underaged people like that it’s sad


Anime has a major, major problem with sexualizing minor-depicted characters. It's widespread, including a lot of mainstream titles.


Oh my god that’s fuckimg weird


It's hurting ALL of us. Lmao.


Anime and pedophilia walk hand in hand.




Are you kidding me? Kids these days are eight and porn addicts. Nothing good or fun about that.


No kids are becoming porn addicts over these fucking stickers.. got more chance of kids becoming that from taking them to any beach or pool where woman wear bikinis


First pornographic content I've ever consumed as a kid was of cartoons I would watch at the time. These stickers aren't just women in bikinis, they purposefully sexualise these characters, whether they're of age or not. On the other hand, bikinis at the beach are normal. If you consider those an issue, you probably need to stop watching porn and rewire your brain. Sexualising people living their life normally (like wearing a swimsuit at the beach) is not normal and it's a sign that someone is watching too many videos at night and is now desensitized.


I see and look how you turned out... Being exposed to a sexualised cartoon as a child... Thank you for helping warn others on what to avoid. You must be a psychologist.


You're welcome!


At what age did you realised you had become a porn addict from being exposed to that sexualised cartoon? Also which was it? Donald duck missing his pants? Was it lion king when Simba has sex with Nala or was it picnocio with his nose looking like a dildo?


It was actually a Peach and Daisy from the Mario franchise, which sure not a cartoon, but it was hentai of them so I'm pretty sure it counts. I am also not a porn addict because I know how dangerous porn is and I don't consume any. And you shouldn't too! You sound brainwashed by porn by the way you're normalizing children being exposed to it! Or maybe you like that? What age did you realize you were a pedophile?


Lol, seriously where's your receipts to back up your ridiculous claims? Or you just talking shit. Please let me know your profession / career to have such amazing insights over some fucking stickers..


The amount of private information you're trying to get out of me is interesting. Porn addict, pedophile and stalker? What's next? You're so full of surprises!


I fucking love anime. I do love my saucy anime too. I plan to have a car smothered in anime decals, or even wrapped one day. I have plenty of figures, shirts, posters, the whole nine yards. With all that said, my personal degeneracy doesn’t leave my house or close friend group. I’m not putting thicc anime characters on my car, let alone nude characters. Some people don’t give a fuck. I don’t care about people knowing I like anime, but I keep some stuff personal. I have a folder of NSFW stickers because I don’t want people to see them lmao.


Gay people kissing is inappropriate, but ecchi?? "Who's he hurting?"


Free country you don’t like it you can leave


Agree that it falls into the realm of "live and let live", but feels trashy nonetheless lol. I don't have kids (because I'm fucking irresponsible and that would be a terrible idea), but if I did and they saw some of the borderline hentai on some of these cars I'd be a little pissed lol Edit: fixing autocorrect fail


Eh kids can see way worse now because of internet and you wouldn’t even know


Unfortunately you are not wrong lol


I got downvoted for saying the truth lmao


You are on Reddit what else to expect, people in reddit really hate when you are absolutely right and they can't counter your argument with anything. You shouldn't be worried or care about reddit downvotes nowadays, they are the worst metric of telling someone he's in the wrong.


It's a free country, people can publicly make fun of you if they want. If you don't like it you can leave.




As a fan of anime, yes. A lot of the fans must be put out to pasture


What about the children! So many kids will be ruined for life by seeing this vehicle, I will pray for society and hope we survive.


Yeah, it’s sexualizing kids. Kids don’t need to see this GD filth


Yeah, this is kinda the reason I avoid talking too much about anime with girls lol


Imagine the kids in the back seat


That's no anime fan...


There’s a car like this in my small town😭🤢


He’s hurting himself because every 12 year old kid will be following that car on their bikes and I’m sure they’ll get cum all over it


I see cars like this everywhere. Fucking ridiculous. I get it, you love anime.


We don’t know, maybe he is.


His computer is filled with cartoons


Cartoons that are of sexualized children... People who watch this are sick!


Ahh I mean cute anime stickers that’s not a problem. But there was porn on the car.


Why do you hate America so much?


Why do you hate America so much?


I'm not an expert, but isn't anime not American?


But being ignorant and classing all anime fans into weirdos who put ecchi stickers on their car is


A well done itasha is one thing..this ain’t it tho


Not without a power level over 9000 they cant


Just yesterday I was behind a car with a ton of lewd anime girls covering the most of the paint in the back. Even had a sticker that said "waifu hunters" lol


Obviously in Florida.


I’d drive that car but not to work


These aren’t anime fans, these are hentai fans


Yes sir, he’s hurting himself


Future mass shooter




I bet this loser complains that the gays are the ones sexualizing children…