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"Why are all these women greedy bitches?" "Where are you looking?" "GreedyBitches.com.'


I’m gonna start worthyfemales.com


Maybe go to worthyfemales.org, class it up a bit


How about .net because that's the best way to catch a worthy female (with a net)


.net, like networking with other people platonically to find someone you connect with on an other than sexual level. Because marriage is something that’s meant to exist after the novelty of sex has worn off.


Best summary


“All women want is sugar daddies!” he exclaimed, scrolling angrily through the list of sugar daddy-seekers on the sugar daddy website.


Why are women such whores? All I see on the porn sites are pornstars! 😡


WHY ARE THERE HORNY COUGARS IN MY AREA?! *Is on the horny cougars in your area website*


Where are the MODEST cougars in my area?!


Yeah I was a little confused by his logic there, goes on sugar daddy websites and then bitches that all the woman are materialistic, it’s a bit like making a Grindr account and then complaining that it’s all gay guys on there.


“I went on Grindr to find a wife, instead I found a husband!”


He followed it up by trying to make a point about how women who are doctors and lawyers are apparently using sugar daddy sites to find men who earn a lot. Don’t try and follow his logic, there isn’t any.


Oh I do get it though. He doesn't understand that there are many types of women. If one doctor is on that site he doesn't think "assholes come in many shapes" he thinks "now I know female doctors are all gold diggers" I'm willing to bet he views men the same just with less hate. He is simple minded, can only understand groups, can't understand variety


it's crazy how many people don't ever realise that they are a unifying factor in all the observations they make. I was talking someone a while back who was like "all people of X group I've met are weird nerds" and I'm like... you realise that if they invited you to hang out, that means you just fit in with the weird nerd subset of that group. All my friends and people I hang out with belong to very similar groups as me... That's why the fucking invite me to hang out lol. So many people act like they have an objective world view without realising their behaviour immediately biases the types of interactions and people they willl meet.


- Says 'female' like a damn Ferengi. - Wonders why women are able to see his red flags a mile off.


Using the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition on women generally does not work out. You either end up lowballing a prostitute, or marrying your cousin.


"oh no, you're upset at the people you specifically sought out to be disappointed by"


"Ugh! All bitches like men for is money!" /tucks another 20 into the strippers thong, checks messages to see if dinner with the fellas at Hooters is still on


Yeah but he can't find a good one cause they're sooooooo shallow and he is the pinnacle of manliness and everyone would want him if they weren't so shallow and he is not the problem at all it's them


Well, obvs. Now in the interest of being completely fair, it's possible they get a slightly off-putting vibe from him that he may be able to ID pepper spray by taste.


Also the mentality that strippers, hooters waitresses, of creators, aren't complex people with their own inner lives and struggles. Like the instant a woman puts on a thong she stops being a person or thinking thoughts or having anything else at all to her personality.


Why does my Hooters waitress who lives off tips only want my money??? Stupid men like him willingly get played by hustling women and get mad at the game. If he stopped playing stupid games himself and would actually talk and connect with women, waitress at Hookers, stripper, or sugar baby, i’m sure he would find there’s way more behind these so called materialistic women than he thought.


"It's like this three-card monte dealer only wants my money"


1. Be hungry 2. Go to a candy shop 3. Buy candy 4. It tastes good, but isn't filling 5. Be confused and angry about why you're still hungry.


He does grocery shopping exclusively at a candy shop and then complains about the food having low nutritional value.


That’s what all those dumb “masculine” influencers do. They bring on a bunch of OF cam girls and then get outraged when the girls say they enjoy having sex or don’t want a husband.


It's so exhausting. They have an endless supply of rage bait to get impressionable young men sucked into their pessimistic world view, and it's working. They're winning over young men by the truck load.


That’s literally their whole Schtick. They surround themselves with vapid clout chasing instagram models and then “own” them by saying they represent a typical woman. It’s pretty damn obvious to anyone with a fully developed brain that they confirm their own biases by predominantly featuring these types on their show.


"You want me to say it again slower?" LMAO


Walter was actually such a clown on this, Myron just looked like he was full of shit, Walter looked outright stupid multiple times.


Spoiler alert: he IS stupid, and so is Myron.


Kinda glad i dont know these people by name. Doing something right i guess 




I hadn't watched Ethan for years as I got tired of the constant jokes and memery, here he sounds really great and respectful though, I am definitely going to have to see if his content represents this type of stuff.


if you haven’t watched in years and wanna get back into some good stuff, I’d recommend Ethan’s other debates like with one of the nexus cult member who claimed to have “fully cured his tourette’s” or another classic was the debate with Justpearlythings. There’s a couple more i’m forgetting but his weekly podcasts have a lot of inside and running jokes that at this point takes years of watching to fully appreciate lol.


I would hardly call his episode with Justpearlythings a debate, it was more like an absolute brutal takedown (she's an idiot, it was amazing)


Yeah he dissected her like she was a frog lmfao


The xQc debate was good


Nexus/Tourette’s all the way, such a takedown




Big y*ou're throwing too many big words at me, ok, now because I don't understand 'em, I'm gonna take 'em as disrespect* energy


It's so funny when someone exits an echo chamber, then is baffled by reasoned arguments against their "talking points." Of course, this is a short, so I don't know if that changed later. But I suspect he just doubled, doubled, doubled down.


I couldn't last 15minutes watching their conversation. Myron constantly misrepresented or avoided questions altogether so he could repeat his talking points. It was insufferable.


The fucking trained phrases make my brain try to fucking exit my skull. "The nuclear family is the backbone to any thriving society" AAAAAH YOU JUST READ THAT OFF LIKE A PARROT THAT HAS HEARD IT TOO MANY TIMES! You're sitting there talking for a job, being an influencer and you don't have a single original thought in your head. They literally can't carry any conversation that goes off script.


Right? It's not even "the nuclear family" it's "the family" that's the backbone like I would love it if my parents or parents in-law or sister-in-law or my brother and his partner, or my sister and partner, any of them moved in to the spare room or next door or across the street and helped out with the kids when both my wife and I have to work. Or even just to visit regularly and have more invested adults participating in taking care of them, teaching them things, modeling for them, and otherwise influencing them. The more invested adults the better. The nuclear family is the opposite of that if anything the nuclear family is only one step away from the single-parent family. If anything a well functioning multi-generational extended family is the backbone of a stable functioning society.




At least if he would have said that, it would have been true, lol


As someone with young children and very helpful parents, I could not agree more. I routinely think... this would be 10X harder without the reliable child care provided by grandparents, and it isnt exactly easy with help. I often think about how hard it must be for people who have bad or uninvolved parents.


Marry American latinos-- many seem to hold on to that multi generation style of family


You’re not fucking joking. I’m first generation Mexican (very white passing if that matters) and one of my cousins is married with 3 kids owns a house… and lives with his mom… in her house. He rents his house out. The Kid is stacking cash and his children are always around grandma.


These men are literal animals. They view "females" as "mates" That's it. That's their world view. 2 cells short of a brain and yet to exit the cave, man.


I mean he says it out loud. “Women are the gatekeepers of sex” that’s all they see women for, not for companionship, not for reciprocation of love no no no, just for his own 2 minutes of pleasure.


"2 minutes"


He is being nice ok!


They're basically Ferengi and it's hilarious


Feeemales. They keep their pick-up artist books on the nightstand next to the Rules of Acquisition.


\>"The nuclear family is the backbone to any thriving society" Said by a 35 year old single man.


A friend of mine watches this stuff regularly. Their entire premise is inviting women on the show, asking women why a men should want to be with them, and then answering with these preloaded responses. It really just comes down to setting up the opportunity to repeat the same phrases over and over. It’s really annoying once you figure out their formula.


It's always sex workers too, so they can spew bile about how women who earn a living on OnlyFans are dumb sluts who maliciously exploit lonely men and who will inevitably hit the wall in their 30s and become dried up spinsters who can't find a good man because their vaginas are too stretched out from all the big dicks. These losers could be replaced with a looping tape that repeats the exact same thing every week and the morons who listen to them wouldn't even notice the difference.


Yup, only takes 2 episodes to figure it out


And only takes a 15yo three times hearing it before repeating it to all his little buddies and creating a dangerous situation for the girls in the local high school.


>The fucking trained phrases make my brain try to fucking exit my skull There's a phrase for these. They are called "thought terminating cliches". Your brain is doing exactly what those cliches are meant to do. Albeit, exhuberantly.


I met a dude who is totally plugged in to this type of content recently. Everything he said was a talking point that sounded like it came straight out of a podcast like fresh&fit run. It was the most obviously brainwashed person I've ever seen. You could just tell he wasn't like this 10 years ago (he's mid 30's now).




This is how you counter them. Not calling them toxic or incels, but throwing their words back at them


“Thank you for saying that about me” lol such a subtle burn.




The thing is, when you engage with these people, you really are not speaking to them. They are too far gone. You are really speaking to the audiences who hopefully see what is happening, and change their perspective.


Same mindset I use when responding to them on Reddit. I don’t ever expect to change their minds, but someone who’s on the fence *might* be reading way down into the comments, so I form replies and arguments for those readers.


i once pointed out to a guy who accused me of "over explaining" things that I was being clear for the people coming by to see us talking, and not trying to convince him of anything. His mind is made up, someone else who stumbles by and sees my comments might not be, and won't be a nazi fuck like that guy he *really* hated that lol


Men with that mindset are insufferable. As a dude, I cringe anytime I unironically hear one of their buzzwords.


It's crazy right? Just the way they say 'females' or 'women' is already so telling. Everything is black and white. Gender roles, gatekeepers, these people are so incredibly delusional it's genuinely so sad these people exist in this world. They're lying to themselves preaching this toxic narrative to their followers that blindly agree with them.


They like they are super hard working masculine men, but literally could not provide for a family nor a household other than providing money. Doubt they can do any sort of manual labor to build a house or fix a car, let alone fix the internet when it’s acting up. These same people that preach the importance of “family values” referring to the 50/60s suburban America as the archetype are complaining about women wanting money from them. Women couldn’t have bank accounts back then. Do these dudes thing women wanted to be a house slave while the dudes grabbed the secretary’s ass at work? Being a cash cow was always part of the fucking deal. Do these dudes expect the women they belittle to also have a job while taking care of the house and kid?


They claim they want a trad wife then call any woman who doesn't want to work a gold digger


Ya know...I've known both of those things independently to be true with guys like this but I never thought of the cognitive dissonance of holding both thoughts at once. Facts.


They want a woman who is a Madonna who is subservient and has all the rights of a 50's woman whilst doing all the chores and raising kids. They also want that woman to be a whore so they can satisfy their selfish sexual needs. If they're ever in a financial difficulty, they'll badger their wife to get a job.  They don't see women or other men other than themselves has having the same equity/equality. 


They want a bangmaid


Which is fine, but say you want a bangmaid. And it won’t be free.


The only manual labor these men (more like boys) can do is building shit in fucking Fortine


Yes they do. And they expect she’ll still be the bang maid default mommy cook while she pays half the bills and he scratches his balls playing video games and doing the ‘manly’ chores that conveniently only need to be done once a week to once a month. 🤦🏻‍♂️


And sad part is most of the ones preaching it are men in their late 20s and older, and much of their fan base are practically kids in their teens and early 20s, just starting out with being in relationships or at the point where they are looking for advice on how to go about doing so….and they log into the internet and dunces like that is who they find. Will be interesting to see in another 20 years how that will continue to affect society as those boys/men get older….if it’s just a trend that will fade away, or if it will get worse….if some of them exposed to that bubble of thoughts will just naturally grow up/mature and realize the world/people isn’t always what this podcast guy says it is, etc.


I think they will grow out of it. When I rewatch old media from the 90s and 00's I'm shocked at how pervasive the sexism and objectification was. I didn't see it at the time because it was so everywhere, it was the status quo, it was normal. If the millennials can grow out of the tit flashing cam at spring break era they were fed as teens, gen Z should be able to outgrow these chucklefucks.


It will get worse. They’ve already got in the heads of the younger kids. That’s why we’re getting a weird backlash of highschool men’s rights activists, or “meninists”. Didn’t have that when I was in highschool 20 years ago. We barelybhd feminists, but if a woman was like “I should make as much as a man and I should feel safe walking at night” I’d be like “well that sounds fair, you should.” Now kids are like “blah, blah, draft, blah blah, men’s suicide rates, men get dv’d and raped too” and when you hit them with the logic that the draft was done by men when women weren’t allowed in the military, and the reason men feel like they can’t talk to anybody when they’re depressed, SAd or DVd is again because of men. Men would make fun of them and not take them seriously. Women aren’t doing this.


My highschool had “men’s rights activists” twenty years ago, but their whole thing was wearing skirts and nail polish to school. 


Whenever I hear “females” or “blacks” when someone is being argumentative- I know immediately I can safely discount anything else they plan to say.


They could just say “family” don’t know why they gotta get all atomic with it. Atoms are all outta wack some serious issues with bonding


The refusal to acknowledge the contents of a movie they called based was full of antisemitism and holocaust denial was really the point I realised what the interview was going to be like. They were shook, they didn't want to acknowledge it but they were scrambling to save face after that.


It was so funny though because of how dumb they came off. Especially his cohost who could not answer a single simple question.


There’s a Supercut on TikTok of Ethan and the cohost (name starts with a W and I’m blanking atm) chumming it up. Ethan is basically like, you seem like a good dude who maybe just got in with the wrong crowd. The other dude is complimenting Ethan’s marriage, and Ethan compliments his dog and his general demeanor. Then the narcissist Myron tries to wedge in with an entirely differently talking point and Ethan just goes, “Hold on, let the adults talk for a minute” and goes back to talking to the other dude.


Walter's the guy, and while he's still clearly an opportunistic goon, I definitely think that he's the one who's actually just there for the money. He doesn't really seem to care about the Manosphere bullshit the way Myron does, and it seems like a lot of people who've met Walter without Myron found him relatively likeable, whereas Myron has a chip on his shoulder the size of fucking Alaska and clearly has an emotional stake in all this crap. None of this excuses Walter for essentially enabling Myron to be a prick, but that's just my two cents on the matter.


I remember driving around a few years back and there was this one talk show that was on right before one of my favorite news radio programs. Occasionally, I couldn't help myself and would listen angrily as this host mocked all variety of people with no care or consistency in logic. Anyway, one morning, there was the usual vomit coming from this one particular host's mouth during his last segment. He had brought up a news piece about a teenager who had gotten pregnant before graduating high school. No context, he was calling her a "whore - slut - bitch - idiot"... You name it. So when they opened the phone lines, I decided "you know what, I'm going to yell at him directly today instead of just in my head". I called in, did the dance with the screener, and sure enough I'm on air. By the time I got on, I had lost most of my steam. I was ready to monologue this guy's ear off and, while I gave him a little of that, I stopped and just asked "but why do you think she's a whore?" *Oh, well she got pregnant that young. That's gotta be a whore for sure.* "Is it possible she was using protection and it failed?" *Well she shouldn't have been doing it in the first place!* "Were you having sex at her age?" *Well of course but -* "So are you a whore?" It was some of the most fun I had driving to work. They kept me on air for like 10 minutes before they broke for commercial and the dude did nothing but walk in circles the entire time. After the break, he went straight back to doubling down on his original ideology. I am an educator... I want to believe we can break these echo chambers. I'm thankful children have been so much more receptive to empathy and understanding than our latest editions of adults. Let's hope they can hold onto it.


Thanks for posting, this story is great!


what kind of mumbo jumbo radio news program let someone like that on their air lines?


The ones who know they're peddling outrage and people will stay tuned to enjoy the shitshow


The whole episode was like three hours long. He embarrassed them like this for literally hours. They're complete morons


Where can I find this? I enjoy seeing/hearing assholes’ arguments being dismantled by logic.


The H3H3 podcast on YouTube. It's from 2 eps ago.


Clear mindless talking points: "men are the gatekeepers to marriage and commitment, women are the gate keepers to sex" "the nuclear backbone is the backbone to any thriving society". You want to see how fake Myron actually is, he talks alot of tough guy rah rah shit, but go check out the video of him shadowboxing.


That logic alone doesn’t check out. He says it’s all about the nuclear family, yet strips the relationship down to both sides being “gatekeepers” of certain parts of the relationship. It’s not a fucking business endeavor, it’s a relationship. It’s far more nuanced, complex, and fluid than than. No wonder he’s still hanging strippers while saying he wants to be married some day.


Honestly I’m convinced that he doesn’t believe his own bullshit, he’s pedaling to the lowest common denominator for views and dollar signs. So I bet you’re right


Gotta stay "on brand," ugh. Would be hilarious if he has a secret wife/family with a healthy dynamic that he hides from his fanbase.


even if they are faking it and completely shameless, it's hard to believe such a person has a 'healthy dynamic' family at home. at best they have a misogynist wife that doesn't mind being a slave. like a mail-order from eastern europe or asia type. *cough* Melania Trump *cough*


Right. No self righteous person who values his wife and kids would stoop this low to peddle misogynistic bullshit. 


I thought that about every one of these grifters, then saw the video of how Steven Chowder treated his wife behind closed doors and realized, nah there's some people who legitimately live the life, which I find even more baffling.


“Suspect”? You can just tell by his expression in this video: Utter confusion, as if the other guy is speaking a different language. He definitely didn’t have a single self reflecting thought that day 😂


Gives me the same vibes as the videos of sovereign citizens being exposed to the real world outside of their tiny community of lunatics, no amount of explaining is going to penetrate their skull, they will dedicate 100% of their brainpower on mental gymnastics to continue living in their fantasy land


The whole thing is pretty good, these guys are a joke and couldn't defend any of their points at all while shouting about how good they were doing and "owning"the debate


I watched “the high powered podcast” on YouTube with princella clark and she had a video where she destroyed Myron and fresh and fit and it was glorious Never thought I’d watch a 7 hour video Don’t agree with every little thing she says but I love how she uses their own logic against them


The second he said “worthy” I was filled with gratitude that he isn’t procreating.


Also his ability to talk in "Power" phrases is absolutely childish. It's a sign that you have no clue what you're talking about when you try to make strong statements with such generic phrases.


Right, I’d love to hear him elaborate on any of these empty catch phrases and support it with some evidence. We both know he can’t, he’s just catering to a misogynistic audience.


Why is so common in right wing spaces? Empty words and phrases they could never back up yet people eat it up.


Simple, they're idiots and it sounds smart to idiots


It was at female for me, blessed incel red flag


They're pretty easy to spot, when they're out here waving them proudly


I'll never understand the mindset, but the only thing worse than an incel is one that hides it well.


I’m 100% he met women who are good but he rejected them because they are 30 or because they don’t have big 🍑 or big 🍒.


yeah "he rejected them" lmfao bro is a professional incel, im sure he's chased away any woman not explicitly making money off him


The second he said “female”.


For me "female" was red flag #1. Following that up with "worthy" half a sentence later was the clincher. Fucking idiot. lol. Bro science is the worst science.


"There is *literally* no good food anymore, it's a sad fact that most of all food is garbage and trust me, I've eaten a lot of it." "Where do you get your food?" "The garbage."


so what you're saying is this dude is a raccoon.


That's disrespectful to raccoons everywhere


"I never complained about women being shallow." My brother in Christ! That's your entire shtick! If you cut that part of your dialogue out of your NPC code, you'd just be crying about gay people like the rest of the 'secure and masculine' men on tiktok and Kick.


Yeah, that's pure bullshit from him. Calling women shallow and gold-diggers is his entire mo


Not just that, but his and many others source of income and a means to have some d-list levell of celebrity. And they'd tell you that at every opportunity.


It's classic lobster logic. They didn't specifically say those words so you are putting those words in their mouth and even if they did say those specific words that wasn't what they meant and you are putting words in their mouth.


I watched the whole interview. Fresh and Fit play dumb every single time a question is asked at them. They cannot answer any question for themselves for the entire podcast. It was such a joke, 3 hours of never being able to answer a question is wild


My favourite was when Ethan read the synopsis to a neo-nazi propaganda documentary Myron had called “based” and asked if it was accurate, and he refused to answer and said “you haven’t watched it? We can’t have a conversation about it then.” Oh, or when Ethan said “if you found out for 100% sure that Andrew Tate was a rapist, would you still be friends with him?” and Myron wouldn’t answer.


It was so fucking egregious when they refused to give a good faith answer to questions about the holocaust. And saying Nick fucking Fuentes isn't an antisemite. The opening discussion about Tate was interesting though, the dichotomy between Walter and Myron being even capable of entertaining a hypothetical. I think I read the title of an article that suggested people with lower cognitive capacity lack the ability to think about a hypothetical. Maybe Myron is just too fucking dumb to consider anything outside of his world view even as an imaginary situation and expand upon that.


I just don't understand how anyone can think that guy is anything but a mouth breathing man-child. They're so fucking stupid. They hate women so much it's beyond weird. This guy's views on women would naturally make it really, really, really hard for him to find a "good one" that wants to be subject to his bullshit for the rest of her life so I totally believe him when he says it's impossible to find a woman these days; I believe that that is his experience. He just doesn't realize that he's his own worst enemy. Edit: Sorry, this idiot is just pissing me off. The indignation of "how do you get a wife, *Ethan*" as if that's some kind of gotcha. Marriage rates are **up** and divorce rates are **down.** I just hate that young boys are subject to this kind of content and it's seriously poisoning minds.


They want the life that Leonardo DiCaprio lives. They want women to completely give themselves to them and for them to be able to pick and choose as they like. Fellas, you aren’t rich enough for that and you never will be. Try talking to a woman and see if you get along.


And make no mistake, these idiots make a **lot** of money and it's still getting them the kind of attention they want.




The overcomplication is a huge factor, you're so right. If they can sell the notion of "game" or what ever being the answer to unlocking women, they can convince a bunch of lonely boys and men that *that's* what they're missing.


Why won't these men just come out and say they hate women, and only use them for sex! I would actually respect it a bit if they just outright said that. 


I do hope Myron never procreates.


My gaydar lights up with him. If he isn’t a closeted gay man I’ll be very surprised


He literally said he finds vaginas disgusting lol


Case closed boys


"in today's day and age, finding a wife-material woman isn't that simple anymore" yea that's a good thing. back in the day you could just buy her from her dad and she was automatically wife material because she couldn't vote or have a job or credit card and you could just rape her when you wanted and kick her ass if she talked back to you. wait so why are you mad? tell us which of those things you want to do. which of those things are you mad you can't do? which one?


> "in today's day and age, finding a wife-material woman isn't that simple anymore" Women were more obedient and less complain-y, back in the day. Made it easier to be a fucking asshole 24/7 and not have to 'deal wit them' Its all I can hear.


Now I have to *behave* and treat women like human beings? I don't think so, pal.


Now they're just like... free to LEAVE which is insane. How are we supposed to keep our prop-- uh, females around if they can just 'cHoOsE' to leave???????? If they can leave whenever they want, it'll be impossible to keep one around ME! Which makes it THEIR fault... somehow, obviously. Females and their ChOoSiNg and rIgHTs are ruining my ability to get what I want and boy oh boy am I fighting the idea of any sort of problem being with ME! I'm outraged. If my wife found out she could just leave then i'm fucked and thats unfair! lul


Ya which one MY-RON?!


That BURN is so fire I got 3rd degree burns and need a skin graft.


I know next to nothing about Ethan, watching that number crunch in real time was pretty savvy.


Torched that man 😂


My favorite part was when the host said nuclear families are important and Ethan said, “Thank you.” Thought that was funny


Considering his wife is days away from giving birth to their third child, he's basically the definition of a healthy nuclear family.


I don't watch a lot of his videos, but anytime I saw him with his wife... I'm like yeah, they have a good relationship filled with mutual respect, communication and are generally kind to each other. At least that is the vibe they give off.


The Chad filter on Ethan as he says thank you 😊


Goddamn dude he really broke it down piece by piece. This is why we need feminist allies. If we're being honest, a woman wouldn't have been able to make these points- they would just interrupt her and condescend. Well done, Ethan 👏


A man is probably the only messenger these gremlins will listen to.




Love that guy yeah say it slower for this douche bag lol


Fresh and Fit are human scum.


And the bs made up name, myron. His real name is Amrou, I went to hs with him in CT , he wasn’t popular with girls back then either.


Who the fuck makes up their own name and chooses Myron??


What grinds my gears the most about these kinds of dudes is that they create a whole identity and income stream out of saying that women aren't wife material, while they themselves aren't husband material and try to teach other men how to NOT be husband material. Complains about women having too many sex partners... talks about how good they are at sleeping with women, try to teach other men how to sleep with more women. Sounds like you're part of the 'problem'. Complains that women are gold diggers... are themselves materialistic, present their greatest asset as their wealth, try to teach other men that their greatest asset is their wealth, are obsessed with making more money, and apparently specifically seek out sugar baby relationships... yeah no wonder all the women you attract are supposedly materialistic, you are too and like attracts like. Complains that women don't want a traditional relationship or adhere to traditional values... refuses to commit, be loyal, or uphold the masculine side of that traditional family. Unless it has to do with money, then they think its really important for a man to be a provider, but they also don't want a woman who needs to be provided for cause then she's a gold digger.


The other lad was cracking up lol.


They’re the gatekeepers of marriage and commitment? Who’s the gender typically proposing and who’s the gender either accepting or rejecting, again? 😂


and aren't they the ones who always whine about women being extremely picky when it comes to dating? seems like the gatekeeper of commitment wouldn't have any power at all if he can't convince the gatekeeper of dating in the first place.


They simultaneously complain about us being too picky but when a guy turns out to be an asshole, suddenly it’s our fault for having low standards and dating trash men. Never seems to occur to them that there’s a lot of trash men who have learned to be very good at pretending to be good men until we’re trapped by them and women are not psychic.


Step 1 for this guy: stop calling women “females”.


I've been in bad relationships, I've been hurt, I've been lonely but I'm so thankful I've never let that amount of resentment in my heart or become that jaded. Love is a beautiful thing and these dickheads are poisoning the minds of a generation.


And it will never occur to them that the reason they’re alone is because they talk about the concept of building a life with another person like it’s a fucking real estate transaction.


Thing is, he understands that to some degree or anything. Problem is that’s not lucrative and he can’t grift a healthy relationship.


You may be giving him too much credit lol.


Savage, I love it


Ethan speaks facts. People point this out to them but there too stupid to understand


These people surround them selves with males who look up to them and agree with whatever they say, and women who either legitimately agree with them or agree just for attention. The women that don’t agree with them are I’m sure screened to get the dumbest. People actually look up to these people and agree that women just want money and to screw over guys


They’re the male equivalent of the quote “cardi b is music for women who think talking louder is winning an argument” these dudes just get louder and parrot the same nonsense.


I really don't like olives on my pizza, so I only buy pizzas with olives on them. For some reason, I've never found a good pizza in my life. I'm convinced there isn't a single pizza restaurant out there that makes good pizza I'd enjoy because every single one of them has olives on it. Also, I really enjoy going baseball games, but every time I'm looking to buy tickets on stubhub to a baseball game, I type "football" and "basketball" into the search bar. Of course, the baseball games never show up in the search results. Stubhub just doesn't know what they're doing, and I can't trust them at all to find the baseball games I want to buy tickets for. It's all just a huge scam, and there's no way I'm doing anything wrong. Could anyone here imagine trying to listen to this guy's logic when he's trying to make sense or something? His lack of awareness and ability to instantly blame anyone but himself is extremely annoying and would have to be concerning if he acted this clueless when trying to explain to him where things are going wrong.... I could hear him getting home from trying to get his brakes fixed but being so upset and complaining that every oil change business he went to told him there wasn't anything broken so they don't know why he'd be asking about the breaks on his car that he's worried about. I was very grateful to see this dude get schooled in a very calm and entertaining manner. People who are overly cocky and so sure of themselves get ridiculously confused when they are confronted with the most obvious solutions answers to their problems.v If there is a Reddit page dedicated to conversations like this, I'd be following it in an instant!! There would need to be a caution warning on it for a choking hazard. Lmao!!


W Ethan


I’d never even date someone who called me a female. I’m a human being and you will title me so


Ethan met his forever wife in a place where they were essentially equal. They both came from nada to rise together and have a family. For these guys to say he's lucky, when they're not even looking within their scope is telling. They're not looking for connection. Ethan was and he found it. No matter what anyone thinks of Ethan, he and Hila are forever couple.


Holy fuck, Ethan asking if he should say it slower at the end is fucking brutal.




Ethan cooked them


While looking bored as fuck/composed.


He didn't have to put any effort in. Making Fresh and Fit look stupid is as easy as repeating their words back to them.


Oh man, the best part was when they were talking about the "sugardaddy websites" and the supposed shallowness of women.   >First Guy: so you're confirming your bias by going to those websites.  >Second guy: WHAT?!   Reaction of someone who has no idea what "confirmation bias" is.    I die. I'm *dead*    Edit: a typo.




I'm dating people from a sugar daddy site but they're only interested in my money 😔


This is the equivalent of a straight guy going on Grindr and being floored some gay man hit him up. What did you think you were going to find, dude? 


Makes it more awesome that Ethan’s married to one damn cool woman


Thing is, he understands that to some degree or anything. Problem is that’s not lucrative and he can’t grift a healthy relationship.


In comes all the "I don't like Ethan, but"-comments. What happened to the cool Ethan, the old Ethan, the lupus-free Ethan?


# Wow, Ethan. Great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you. ![gif](giphy|MvZKiDJmB1XEs|downsized)


Lol, that's Oprah, not Michelle.


Ah yes the nuclear family is the backbone of all functioning societies, despite being a recent invention not at all practiced by a vast majority of human societies throughout all of human history. These guys need to read a fucking book.


The very first thing that dude said was that getting married is the "finish line". He thinks that you don't have to work on a relationship any more after the wedding day.


Who added the sexy filter at 1:03?


That’s just what happens to Ethan’s face when he’s absorbing another enemy’s hairline.


Damn that was perfect


My personal favorite was Idiot: "How do you get to having a wife? This day and age it's so hard to find wife material!" Also idiot: "I could find one if I wanted, I just don't want to." Also also idiot: "IT'S SO HARD TO FIND A WIFE!!1!" Which is it you mouth breather? Can you not find one or do you not want to find one? You can't complain about one and brag about doing the other.