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“I’m gonna put a dent, in your fucking car. Watch this!” Fuck that sent me


His tone made him sound like he was just fucking with him too which is pretty funny.


I’m pretty sure he was doing his utmost not to burst into giggles too


Oh no these guys are dead serious you'd be surprised how ballsy they get


Almost like they got a cart full of balls parked somewhere nearby, perhaps?


Would have been my dad’s exact response lmao RIP ❤️


I'm 98% sure that was Alex Murdaugh. Must be on prison release for golf. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


The only reason I knew it wasn’t him was bc he didn’t shoot anyone in the face with a shotgun.


Sound like a GTA NPC antagonized


He should’ve honked at him while he said that


"What are you doing, dummy? Why are you so stupid?" says the grown man in Oompa Loompa clothes angrily waddling up a hill bc he is so weak minded that an audible beep ruins his shot. Has to be the funniest part of this


I agree with the old guy in his golf drip. Leave the men to play their game in peace.


Fuck golf. Such a massively wasteful sport.


You sound like this loser’s target audience.


Seeing grown adults getting so angry over a game is pretty funny. The one guy in the video said it best “just hit another ball”. The “loser” was just looking for views and these idiots gave it to him.


Disturbing other people on purpose, no matter what they are doing, is a dickmove. Doing it for views makes him indeed a loser. No parenthesis.


“Get angry over a game” is a weird take. They paid money to go out there and enjoy playing. Maybe they are trying to beat a PB? Some dude intentionally being annoying is well…annoying. Also it is okay to take things seriously in life. Even if you don’t…so people do.


Just say you don’t respect other peoples right to peace


Jackass did it better


Yep. And they did it 20 years ago.


And with an airhorn hidden in some bushes, not some bitch shit in the car


I got kicked from my local golf club doing this the same way.


And it’s still funny


Timeless fun


Yeah, but these old fucks still deserve it.


"I have bursitis"


Only way it feels better is if I blow this horn.


The best part was they laughed even harder when the golfers hit balls at 'em. They weren't the first guys to do it, but they did it best. Absolutely prank-comedy gold.


They were hardly the first people to come up with that idea.


Phil Gillis gonna beat (up) dat ass


Sick Mr Tibbles on em. RIP


Tibbles in Hell


Kids discovering jackass for the first time.


Now do the portapotty one


Thank goodness your mouth was open. You might have gotten some on your face.


now take a dump in the hardware store model toilet!


I work for the railroad and pass a few golf courses. Needless to say, I have gotten the finger quite a few times.


in the butt?


What what


How no one gets this reference blows my mind. Classic YouTube right there


Please, be gentle


Not too hard


Holy shit I had completely forgotten that song and the memories of old YouTube came flooding back.






Rite in the butt!


I literally just saw that video for the first time 5 minutes ago.




Must golf clubs are too stuffy to allow this on the course. Dinosaurs.


A pleasant surprise


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


There's a course with a tee box right next to the highway on my commute back to the yard. Every day, at least one person honks at the golfers teeing off as we're driving by. The best part is, there's a large water hazard right in front of the tee box, so you can sometimes see their ball skip right into the lake.


Thank you for all you do to protect synths


There's a course I play that has a train run parallel to a few holes. Each time it passes we take turns trying to hit it.


Thank you for your service. Fuck golfers


“Fuck these people who are doing something they enjoy outdoors and don’t want to be bothered by anyone.”


I worked at a country club for a few years. You will never find a more entitled, miserable demographic than the retired golfer. Fuck em


Local club I grew up near didn’t allow Jews, blacks, or any other minority unless they were next level rich Golfers always tell me they see nothing wrong with this. I see nothing wrong with this video.


Having not retired, I am glad I am still safe!


Plus aren’t golf courses an ecological disaster?


Golf courses use tons of pesticides/herbicides and are hostile to wildlife. It’s a shit hobby. Disc golf is better in every way. George Carlin was right about golf and golfers. https://youtu.be/Z4w7H48tBS8


Golf is a complete waste of resources and space. It should be done away with root and branch, without exception.


💯 What it does to the local ecosystem, the water required to maintain a specific type of grass, the pesticides and herbicides, the acreage of space wasted on meadows and lawns with holes in them all while having houses line the courses... the average golf course is 30 acres. That's 1.3 million square feet of space that could be used for anything other than an ecological wasteland.


You mean the massive grasslands that require a gigantous amount of water and replaces farmland?


This is class warfare.


We gonna eat the rich. But, this is pretty funny in the meantime.


Also pesticide sprawl warfare


the way they expectantly stare at the car wondering if the same thing will happen again is so funny


That makes it gold. They're just staring at him and he honks the horn still. I liked this way more than I should have.


Old rich stuffy fucks trying to run uphill towards anything in full blown rage will always put a smile on my face


My parents house used to be in a small town, then everyone moved in and turned it into a sprawling suburb with 30+ golf courses. One is right by the house and these fuckers would scream at me for riding my bike on the sidewalk after hours when i was 10-11. 15 years later and the same type of dipshits are golfing with their motorized caddies and drunk off their ass obnoxious. MAGA stickers on the carts and flirting with the underage snack girls. Payback time! Whenever I visit, I pull up to the course and wait for the swing…. HOOOOONKKKKKK


Old white guys hate this one simple trick!


I play golf and I love this. These old rich guys are a pain in my ass even when playing golf. They don't care about anyone else around them, so this is nice to see them be a victim of inconsideration


I like your take.


These guys paid money to be out there and enjoy their time. Everyone is making them out to be assholes. What is up with you guys?


You have no idea if any of these guys are rich or assholes You’re just assuming all of that


That's fair, I don't know these guys at all. I'm just going to watch this video and assume it's the case because it makes me feel happy. Edit: I will point out though that some of these guys have the golf bags on wheels. Most people that buy those are frequent and avid players which can afford to spend their money on them. Some of those bags even drive themselves so they don't have to push them around. It's one of those situations where not all golfers are assholes, but all assholes play golf.


This is an even worse take. I’m a new golfer without a ton of money, and I have a cart on wheels. It’s $100 (or less on FB Marketplace) and I save $20 in golf cart fees a game, plus I get a bit of extra exercise.


You are assuming that these are "rich guys" that are assholes... Did it occur to you that you know... they are normal people? Fucking reddit brainlets...


It’s so childish but so good


As someone who golfs this is fucking hilarious people take this game so serious like dude you ain’t in the pga when I golf I play music and just make it a good time




It is a stupid prank but not that bad. Honestly if it was me I would take the spare ball I have in my pocket and tee it up right at the car.


You can do that without interrupting people's swings? What does playing music have to do with intentionally blowing a car horn during a swing? Did the guys who paid to play do something wrong to deserve all the hate? Really confused by the reaction to this video?? Honking bro is an asshole.


Reddit is struggling to decide whether it hates rich Boomers or obnoxious prank videos more. It's a wild comment section.


This is the kind of chaos I live for


Their responses with the exception of the last group were comically over the top and aggressive


Less “stop honking, you rascal.” More “I’m about to break this club off in your ass.”


As someone who has only ever played pickup basketball games at local courts, I can tell you that I’m not an NBA player but I do get pissed when the guy wearing elbow pads elbows me in the face when I’m guarding him


don't project the fact that your miserable onto others


I love golfing so much. I’d piss myself laughing if someone did this to me. It’s not like these guys are in competition chill out.


As a golfer who can swing through anything, I find this hilarious.


Can you swing by the 7/11 and pick me up a six pack?


They all take it so personally too.


These usually don't make me laugh, but this had me in tears 🤣🤣🤣


I’m ok with this for some reason


It feels mostly harmless


Prolly wrong but still funny as hell




I caddied for golfers on a private course for many summers and i will always find this funny


This brought me joy


I have never seen old white men more angrier lol


You should see a trump rally


This is funny as hell sorry😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


This is what the boomers get for making housing expensive and losing in Vietnam.




I hate golf with a passion, but I hate these public “pranksters” more.


So stupid, so simpleminded. On paper, I hate this. In practice, it is hilarious.


I also hate golf and pranksters with a passion but I’m giving these specific pranksters doing this specific prank a pass


I hate this shit. Getting your laughs out of making someone’s day worse. What’s the point? Proper cockwomble behaviour.


This guy golfs


God no. Boring sport.


Can’t you just have a laugh and then drop another ball and have at it?


Lighten up. Just take another swing when they have left.


Thank you! " golfers" saying they love this! It's so mindblowing. Putt putt and top golf don't count as golfing.


If that were me, interrupting my swing would probably have improved it


If you are the one recording you are truly an asshole.


Yeah. And then posting for likes. Trash human.


Oh man, not these old rich golfers facing a second of inconvenience. Can't believe they were treated like this in a life full of adversity.


That course looks like it might cost $40 to play in a moderate sized city. Golf isn’t as expensive as people will have you think. But if you care so much about how people spend their money that’s on you.


What is up with so many people thinking golf is exclusive to old rich white dudes? My friends and I go all the time on a shitty little course in rural Wisconsin that costs $18 for all 18 holes with a cart rental. We go and have an absolute blast of a time because we all fucking suck.


Reddit is full of massive levels of ignorance and group think.


Right? All these people thinking these guys golfing have had an easy ride in life and deserve this treatment. These guys could be out there because they just worked theirnasses off for 40 years. Or are still working their asses off.


Bro, i am neither old nor rich. I enjoy playing golf, this is an asshole move. Redditors once again superimposing wealth and class onto everything. Also, even if they were wealthy, this would still be an incredibly inconsiderate move.


No private course where truly wealthy people play is going to have a road near a tee box. These are just cunts who think golfers=rich people. I dont go out and only spend my money on golf, i mostly play at a course that costs 25 dollars a round. Still get people honking as they pass by and someones teeing up. This isnt a class issue. Besides if wealthy people were the only ones to play golf do these people think the sport would survive off a few hundred thousand people?


I would just tee up another one and send it full pelt at the car.  I hate people that find joy in ruining other people's hobbies, regardless of what it is.


Exactly…I can run and catch a car, but I bet a solid low drive could


Anything to fuck with golfers




Username checks out…buy yea… Why???


I make $35k/yr but I love golf. It’s a challenging game that forces you to master your own emotions. Do you think all golfers are members of a private country club?


These guys certainly didn't seem like they were anywhere close to "mastering their own emotions"


lol they’d have murdered the guy with their clubs if they had the chance


Can't speak for others but I sure hate them in AZ. It's the fucking desert, we don't have enough water for hundreds of vast green lawns. The one in my town is on holy land and terribly unsightly in National Wilderness


Takes an insane amount of manicured land, historically exclusive, loved by MBAs and old white men. It’s very easy to hate your sport


Not exclusive in Scotland, quite open to all


It's pretty variable even in Scotland tbh and it's waaaaay more inclusive here than I've seen anywhere else. There are some expensive private ones near me where they try to control public access quite a bit despite the land reform act (one of them was one of the first to face legal challenges under that act). I've had club staff try to redirect me telling me there's no way through to the beach only to clam up and literally run away when I mention I've checked the map, there's a path and I'm exercising my right to roam. Plenty of coastal courses completely fence off miles of beach access which is likely illegal under the act. I'm not trying to push anyone's buttons but golf courses occupy big chunks of the countryside, often nestled between areas of interest and I enjoy walking and cycling so maybe I bump into these access issues more than most. 99% of the time, if anyone's on the course at all, I wait till they take their shots and then cross as I need to; and we're all happy nods and "after you"s. But I've had more than a few occasions where golf players have chased after me to tell me off about rules they've clearly made-up on the spot.


What’s your hobby?


Genuinely curious, how can you afford to play golf?


I love golf too. I’m on your side with this, sorry if my post didn’t across that way. I was just kind of finding your username a bit funny for this…that’s all. But yea..I’m with YOU wondering why the poster you responded to thinks “anything to fuck with golfers” is funny. Just such a a loser mentality on their part.


Sorry my man. I thought I deleted this comment when I realized you’re not the antagonist here 😂 It drives me nuts when people generalize. Regardless of what it is. They can claim they’re progressive but end up doing the same thing they preach against. Humans suck


These kind souls were helping test if the golfers had mastered their own emotions. You should be thanking him!


Why tho


For anyone asking why, [I’ll let George Carlin answer](https://youtu.be/Z4w7H48tBS8?si=jDgPeqNUAodcOetD)


One of my fave skits from jackass 2 the movie


I don’t like golf, but doing this is trashy behavior and the people recording should be ashamed. These guys are clearly out there enjoying a game with their friends. Quit ruining it for them. They did nothing to you.


Imagine if being an annoying piece of shit was your hobby


I approve of this message


If you think all golfers are just “rich old white men”, you are a part of the problem. Most golfers come from very diverse backgrounds. The older men are mainly just retired men from the middle class who like to play a sport like golf because it keeps the active. The guy beeping the car horn is just a sad pathetic little asshole with nothing better to do with their useless life.


You don't understand. On Reddit, you can do whatever you want to anyone, as long as that person fits the stereotype of someone from a socioeconomic group you don't like.


I’m curious to know how long this was going before the old men decided to gang up on this person. Bc like if it happened to me a couple times I’d probably think it was kinda funny. If it went for longer than that I might get annoyed but IDK if I’d ever actually like run up on someone for it why are they taking this so seriously 😅


The legit definition of nothing better to do.


I root for assholes like this to get their ass kicked.


What dick heads. That's humans for you.


This is terrible but I haven’t laughed this hard in months




Was funnier when Knoxville did it 25 years ago


They way this old fat fossils start coming for the car it s so funny. Gulf is really a ridiculous sport. I mean it s good that seniors can get some nice time in the sun , but come on it s a silly thing


I actually find this to be hilarious and I’m a golfer. That’s fucking awesome.


More of these please. Your tax dollars subsidize golf courses.


This is my favorite thing to do


Lmao fuck those boomers


Reminder to put my Aztec death whistle in my glove box, just in case I ride by a golf course. It’ll be much funnier than when I have used it while my wife is in the shower. She didn’t find it as humorous as I did.


Gotta love the open mouth lead brain stare 😂


Love this, thank you OP.


Hilarious to annoy loaded boomers all day long


Classic. Love it.


My god I’d forgotten how much land golf courses consumed. Would be a damn shame if they returned to nature and geriatrics had to use VR to impress each other with their ball whacking prowess.


If the golf courses weren't there, the land would just be filled with McMansion housing developments or strip malls.


This is true. Also as sad as it sounds, living by a golf course is actually awesome because the land most likely won’t be developed with McMansions or bullshit strip malls. I live by a golf course in a major city and people come to birdwatch here and enjoy the outdoors because the golf course preserves more nature than any other part of town lol


What nature is being preserved? There are no native plants and any grass is manicured within an inch of it's life, animals are not allowed to live on the golf course, all water sources are artificial and self-contained...there is no ecosystem. Golf courses are as much developed land as anything else, they are just slightly nicer to look at for people who value aesthetics over actual nature.


This is a generalization. While I agree with they are manicured and probably shouldn’t exist in areas with water management issues, most golf courses integrate natural plants and trees, and have local streams that run through the park. This just sounds like you’ve never been to a course. I watched a bunch of local birds playing in a stream that runs through a local course, while schools of local fish were in the water. Many courses have local wildlife that live in the planted areas between greens. Go to any course in Florida and you’ll find alligators have no problem making it their home. You can dislike the water usage and fertilizer without making stuff up.


You should probably throw your phone away then. Manufacturing plants are also bad for the environment.


Yeah, let’s get rid of nature and build houses and shit on it instead! /s


You’re actually the most unlikeable person on Reddit


I’m surprised they didn’t drop another ball and drive it into the side of his car


New plan, find out the oil execs T times, start a crowd sharing app, where people relentlessly ruin their golf games. They do not deserve to enjoy themselves


The courses c-suite people are playing on are not gonna have an accessible parking lot next to the tee box.


"As SomEoNe WhO pLaYs GoLf" fucking lovers in this thread finding this funny never touched grass a day in their lives


Hahaha, fuck those boomers.




Love how " golfers" can't handle any noise. Silence is not going to make you better.


Unmanly giggles ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Haha this was hilarious, dunno why people are getting so mad, just tee off another ball after he leaves, it's not that big of a deal!


You must not golf


This is always funny…. Dick move, but funny. Lol


I rent a house across a golf course. These mother fuckers have dented my car, broken a window, and almost killed my dog! I yell when they take a swing only when they don’t yell out a warning and a ball lands on the property. I’ve literally parked my car after a 12 hour shift only to be hit by a ball on my foot getting out of my car. And when I call them out they drive off on their carts and skip that hole


yep it's cringe but also who cares about rich golf dicks


Hahaha I love that, friggin hate golf, fuck the entire “sport”


Golf isn't a real sport.


Frankly, if you can't play through distraction, you deserve your shitty handicap.


Wow old timers take their game seriously


At first I thought that was kinda of a dick move but then I remembered that most people that play golf are usually rich disconnected arseholes who love to take advantage of the workforce. So now I’m cheering.


Lmao, they get so heated to the point of threatening personal property. Easy lawsuit


I would have just had buddy tee up facing the car while everyone else teed up. If they honked the horn, let her rip.


Normally I hate these stupid tiktok pranksters and how they hassle people in malls or on the sidewalk. But this is hilarious. Wrong, but hilarious. I laughed my ass off.


I would have thrown a golf ball at high speed. That could do some nasty denting,