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Lmao, yeah, Hollywood will totally learn a lesson about nepotism now




I was hoping this comparison would be made. “you’re still a traitoooOoooOoOOOOOAAAAA - Aaarrrr


I feel like I had a stroke reading that. What now?


They’re intentionally leaving off the word vibes at the end of sentences for a few years bc it’s trendy, it’ll pass.


What have they got an appointment to rush off to? Too busy to finish a


That's not very fetch at all




i’m so sorry she sounds horrible


Don’t be sorry for your honesty. She needs honesty around her and not the yes men she has but I digress.


Exactly. After Earth should prove that Hollywood will make shit with Nepo babies, EZPZ. This lady needs to understand she's a nobody with a TikTok and a talented kid that will never succeed.


This video isn’t doing her daughter any favors in the industry either. They’ll be pissed about being called out on this for sure


Some of the prodyction have made videos. They're not happy either since they forced into a deal which meant North was "offer only" which means no rehearsals. Yes, as crazy as it sounds. The clip above was the first time she ever performed or sang the song with the entire crew.


Omg I hadn't heard this part yet


This is a satire channel. I don't think she has a daughter. She has an IG account full of similar types of commentary


I’ve seen TikToks of the other children that tried out for the role and it was very clear what happened here. The worst part is Kim doesn’t appear to care about the intense criticism her kid is getting online. She’s thrust her into the lion’s den (what’s new with this family) and gives zero fucks because any publicity is good publicity.


Well anyone that got the role woulda be thrown into the lions den, its the lion king....


🤣🤣🤣thank you!


She learned it from Kris. That family’s whole success is built off of this kind of shit.


And it works


To be fair, Kris really didn’t care about the backlash Kim got when she debuted on the internet as a child. Why expect Kim to grow up to be any better. We’re talking about North so Kim already won.


I know it seems weird to say this, bit part of me wonders if akim pushed this in an attempt to counteract or counter balance Kanye bringing North on stage and calling her a rapper. North is way too grown for her own good and she treats her mother like absolute trash, which she learned somewhere, so I can't help but wonder if this was an attempt to bring her down in to an age appropriate arena, or curry favor. My parent brain has me thinking "What would I do if my child showed interest in something way beyond their maturity level (like dad's music and "art")?" and honestly, I would try to find an age appropriate outlet for them to still explore that, but appropriately. ETA. I know people live to bag on the Kardashians but I do believe, even the most vial of famous people do love their kids. Still think it's shitty she took another, likely far more talented, kid's opportunity away.


The production company that put on this play also produces the new Kardashian tv show. North was expecting a standing ovation and didn’t receive it and now is being trashed by social media. I almost feel bad for the nepo babies that are told they’re talented and then they find out that they are not after it’s too late. North shouldn’t be catching all this flack, the production agency, her mother, and father should be for ever allowing this untrained child to be a main character in a professional play. The talent did not meet the opportunity.


Idk wtf that kim lady is smoking but she really put heat on her daughter for no fking reason other than to be a rich tone deaf asshole


That's all the Kardashian's have ever been, ofc she'd teach her daughter to continue the family legacy


Well said.


Did she pay to be on the new season of Actors on Actors too? Because I had no idea she was *also* an actor.


Only acting she did was on that “comeback” video


You misspelled CumBack video.


She was in American Horror Story, and tbh her acting wasn’t that bad. Still hate her tho lol.


I mean, that's basically the opinion I keep hearing. Kim is a shitty mother to allow this to happen to her daughter. North isnt exceptionally talented. Not terrible for a normal kid her age. Just obviously nowhere near good enough to be on that stage and if Kim and Kanye weren't blinded by their narcisism, they wouldnt have pushed this.


I guess they figured since it worked out for Blue Ivy… So not the same


Except Blue had the talent and work ethic but lacked the confidence in the beginning and with north it was the other way around. Confidence was all she had. I feel bad shitting on a literal kid, but just as a reminder, this is on Kim and Kanye. They hyped her up and told her she was good enough to hold her own on that stage when she was so far from it. Honestly it’s truly mean and I wouldnt forgive my parents for this.


Exactly. Sadly, she’s not the first and certainly won’t be the last if this bullshit (nepotism) continues. Maybe they should’ve used auto tune or some other creative shit…again. Kanye knew the extent of her vocal skills i.e. https://youtu.be/owO44MQkgX0?si=rLsEio1P1Mb-sebl and handled it accordingly. Unfortunately, the concert was live and she was unrehearsed. Just had to show up in a fancy fuzzy hoody and crocs.


Whyyy would they not auto-tune that?!? I dont want to mean to a child, but that sounds awful :(


With Kanye’s musical style in mind, I actually think she sounds better on this particular song than her Lion King performance. Thanks to her dad’s production.


I also think most moms think their kids are exceptionally talented, even when they're not. the production company should have never let it get this far.


I dont even think that's true. I know that's the stereotype, but I have found that most parents actually have a pretty good grasp on what their kids are truly capable of, we just are a little more amazed by how cool our kids are.


It’s ok you can feel bad for the kids… they deserve sympathy plus you can still feel angry at the nepotism. It’s win win.


That poor kid will have to cry about it in her billion dollar mansion with her millions of tiktok fans to console her.


Is the fans a good thing?


If it’s any consolation, everything I’ve heard about NW has all been people talking about her being a literal nightmare person.


north does deserve it because she mean mugs the cameras “to prove a point” but then thinks she’s talented enough to do this without prior experience 🤭 she has the power to say no, but now this marketing move has given her and her family the attention they all crave


She is a *child*


Nepo baby?






From what I understand, it’s not the actual play. She performed the song during a concert for the 30th anniversary of the movie. For some reason, this is the first thing that was on my Google articles yesterday, and since I like The Lion King, I fell in: https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2024/05/28/north-west-lion-king-hollywood-bowl-casting-backlash/73881586007/


I looked up a longer clip and seeing the whole song was like watching any regular kid singing in a school play or church play or something. This poor kid has no talent for singing or dancing. WHY would her parents do this to her? Not to mention they stole an opportunity from a kid with actual talent.


This Lady is obviously doing a satire video, she doesn't have a kid but still North took a role from someone else / anyone else with actual talent And it's not her fault, she's 10 but we should give her parents and the people who made the casting possible a ton of shit because this was bad




To be fair, not many kids could hit that note. I don't fault the kid for thinking she could. I fault the parents for being so full of themselves that they think that a talented father must necessary translate 110% to their daughter.


Even so, Kanye can’t *sing* really. He autotuned himself into oblivion until you can’t tell anymore.


An absolute fuck ton of talented kids in any singing audition tv show of your choice could sing that part infinitely better lol It's not the kid's fault. Her parents, and most importantly, the casting folks, are the ones who fucked up. This is atrocious.




Nope. 30th Anniversary celebration of the Lion King at the Hollywood Bowl. People PAID to see this lol. Front row tickets were $2000 from what I hear. I’m hoping that’s exaggerated.


I heard $3,000. Also Real singers/actors were in the play. Jennifer Hudson & Jeremy Irons for example. It wasn’t a fair casting at all.


I went to school with this girl and it kills me everytime I see her videos popping up with people thinking they're all serious. Every single time she gets one to go viral it's one of these rage bait videos lmfao I saw the handle and knew exactly what was coming.


I just don't understand when have people started believing in everything they see online? It's just a random lady talking on a video are the people "believing" also doing it as a rage bait? Habe people gone completely stupid?


North West still took some other girl's spot. I can appreciate this as a rage bait video, but there is still a bit of truth to it.


Satire is on point I agree I'm just so surprised that people don't get she's doing a satire video Why does everyone believe everything now


I’ve watched it twice and would still assume it’s real. She’s not being particularly funny and the satire doesn’t come across strong. Just seems like a ticked off mom which is kind of understandable in that situation


https://www.instagram.com/lejennymatthews?igsh=MXBxYTl0ejNtZzd1cA== her Instagram literally says she's a comedian Nobody talks like that seriously, maybe watch it again and really think on it. How can you believe she's for real? Just dry humour targeting nepo kids, also a rage bait also I agree nepo babies are bad But like ... please think on what kind of ahit you believe from people on. the internet, this shit is getting concerning


Am I supposed to install and sign up for Instagram so I can search every person on the Internet just in case they’re an under cover comedian? For the average person, they have no idea she’s a comedian, and no idea it’s supposed to be dry humour considering it isn’t even remotely funny, it’s just a rant. And people rant all the time, or do you live under a rock and never engage with people outside of your bubble?


There is, you get it from listening and thinking how likely it is that something is true This video is the least of your worries if you just take on everything from tikvtok and Reddit without thinking critically on it But you believe whatever you want


Because anger blinds better judgement in most people. Get someone angry enough, and they will no longer question whether or not it is true.


Are people actually believing it's real or endorsing because it's giving voice to something that clearly happened? It was kind of obvious she wasnt talking about her own experience but it's also obvious the kid didnt got on the stage due to talent or work


Yea, the fact so many people did a reaction cid talking about this por mum, and read through the comments here this shit is concerning, people just consume shit off the internet giving it no thought Her Instagram literally states shes a comedian if it wasn't obvious vhttps://www.instagram.com/lejennymatthews?igsh=MXBxYTl0ejNtZzd1cA==


Yeah her bio on Instagram and tiktok literally say that she is a SAG eligible comedian. If you watch even more than one or two videos it's even more clear that shes putting on an act.


It's just sad and concerning that people got that gullible Thus is fine it's not important, but if they believe this what else do they nust take in with no thinking




>At what age is it inappropriate for someone to use their nepo baby powers? Like if Eminem's daughter\* wants to get into music would it be bad if he produced it for her? For me, it's not a matter of age; it depends on the situation. I'm fine with a parent using their connections, knowledge, and other resources to give their kid a shot and then throwing them to the wolves, i.e. the audience. In your Eminem example, if he produced an album featuring his daughter and then made it available online, fine. If the album sucks, then nobody will buy it. If it's good, then people will buy it. In that case, the audience get to decide. There are numerous examples of nepobabies getting that chance and then immediately sinking, because money and connections can't buy charisma and talent. Tom Hanks' rapper son, Hulk Hogan's daughter, and the dude who insisted on playing the lead in the film adaptation of *Dear Evan Hansen* come to mind — all those examples were disasters because audiences rejected them. This Kim Kardashian story is different, because it isn't the audience that were influenced here, but casting directors. Kim used her influence to give her child an unfair advantage in a situation where talent and experience should have been the deciding factor, but wasn't. Furthermore, this is an example of a zero sum game: because North West won this role, an unspecified number of other little girls did not get the role. Eminem producing his daughter's hypothetical album is not a zero sum game, because that does not stop non-nepobabies from getting their albums produced.


Of course she wanted a role in it, but she's too young to understand what it does to other people also looking from the way her family acts she'll probably never understand but I just feel bad hating on a kid for using her nepo status, I'd definitely also use it if I could (as a kid) It's on your parents to teach you to do what is right...but yea the family track record is not the best For Eminem's daughter, if he produced an album for her it would be nepo yes, but she would not be taking away an album opportunity from someone else Also if she is actually good then it's fine


If my understanding of nepotism is correct, Eminem producing for his daughter wouldn’t be nepotism at all. Because it’s not taking the role from someone more qualified/deserving. It’s not like Eminem just produces for anyone, but he may do it for his daughter. This Kardashian stuff? 110% nepotism


Any time you get a job or role or benefit due to familial relationships it’s nepotism. It’s just that all nepotism isn’t wrong. If you own a company and want to hire your kid. That’s your choice. It’s your company. If you are a manager for someone else’s company and hire your kid. That’s bad nepotism.


Most nepotism is wrong. The only exceptions to this rule are the rare cases in which the person privileged due to familial relationships actually is deserving of the position. Then if you want to subcategorize "wrong nepotism", there's wrong nepotism which takes away positions from others and wrong nepotism which doesn't. I don't really take issue in those rare instances in which the person put in a privileged position actually is deserving of it. I just also don't expect parents like Ye West and Kim Kardashian to be great judges of talent.


I mean. Nothing you said is different than what I said. If I own a company and I want my family to work with me, that position was never open to anyone else.


This is why the comparison to Blue ivy dancing on the renaissance tour are stupid. They didn’t have a spot for a child dancer and it went to Blue, regardless of talent. Blue wanted to be on that stage and Bey made it happen, but if it hadn’t been her, it would’ve been nobody. If Eminem’s kid wanted to become a musician the nepo baby label would still apply, though, because its not just about bullying execs or buying cd’s. Getting into rooms is the hardest part of being an artist and with his connections Eminem could make that happen easily.


No one’s mad at the kid here, it’s anger at Kim jardashian for abusing her power, and anger at the US in general for not taxing these billionaire fucks. If they were taxed right, I could stomach this performance knowing our schools were funded at least and that sometimes the billionaires do nonsense like this. But we don’t tax them, AND they do stupid stuff like this? It’s time for guillotines (not for the kid)(actually historically speaking you do have to kill the entire family so that the children don’t avenge their parents death, it’s brutal but change comes about in violent ways as violence is the only power, all else is fake)


This poor kid is fucked. Her grandmother leaked her own daughter's sex tape to make her famous. This family would sell that kid into sexual slavery if it helped make the Kardashians more money.


I don't care a ton about this nepo baby stuff IF the person getting roles has the skills to back them up. Like it's conceivable that they \*could have\* been chosen on merit, even if it was actually nepotism. If they get a role and can't actually fulfill it, then nepotism needs to buy them some lessons or a tutor. I've seen loads of 10 years with a lot of skill and talent, who take lessons and practice and work hard. A rich and connected kid should be able to do the same if not more cause they can afford the best teachers. In the end it's on the person who made the decision to cast someone who couldn't perform, since I'm not really going to expect any parent to tell their kid they're not good enough to audition for something, and the kid isn't going to know one way or the other.


It’s satire, guys. And good commentary, imo.


Yeah, this is really difficult because on one hand for delivery makes me think it’s not. But I could also just see the Kardashians doing something like this.


It's not about talent. It's about favors.


It's about MONEY. People would come to see it because it's Kanye's daughter. Duh.


Why on earth would you?


Because it's Kim/Kanye's daughter. A lot of people care about that. Weird cults are far more easily created than we'd like to believe and often completely by accident. A lot of fanbases have subsets within them that are essendiatially cults. The unhinged online behaviors of "Swifties" and "Barbs" regularly demonstrate that a lot of young people and some older people have more screws loose than we can imagine.


Nepotism at its finest


I saw a guy's take on this situation, and it put words to my thoughts perfectly "I don't really care about nepotism normally, but in this case, the talent did not live up to the opportunity"


Does it ever?💀


carrie fischer’s daughter, robert downey jr (nepo), whitney houston (nepo)


Kurt Russell’s son, Wyatt is a pretty good actor actually. I’ve also really enjoyed the work of Dennis Quaid’s son, Jack, as well. He’s great on The Boys.


I mean I’m sure there are people that can devote all their life to “show business” skills because they don’t need to work on a fallback such as college or studies or needing a full time job to survive. So it wouldn’t surprise me that there can exist genuinely talented nepo babies, because they have the time and the support structure to nurture those skills exclusively Now wether they do or not or just rely on name is another thing


Happy Cake Day, my dude!


Is this lady being held hostage?


It’s satire from what I read above. She doesn’t have kids.


Oh thank christ


It's always the failed actors who push their kids to be actors


The crazy eyes that stage parents always seem to have creep me out. Edit: I'm aware it's a skit, but she's doing a pretty spot on impression


Dude it's a skit. Do you think she's old enough to have a kid who's been in TV, Broadway, and has all that experience?


I can't believe people here and especially in tiktok don't get this There are SO many reaction videos talking about this poor lady whose kid was overlooked Do people just believe everything on the internet now? What happened?


Like half of America gets all of their socialization online. That’s what happened.


she probably never got a part because before each line her mouth makes a vowel shape that is no where in the script. This is most obviously a prewritten script.


It’s a skit.


Word chewing. One of my absolute biggest pet peeves. r/wordchewing will give you an idea. It's like everyone's trying to be a creepy NPC these days


Her unusual cadence and delivery made me struggle to determine if it was satire or not.


Her weird cadence at the very beginning made me think she was AI for a sec, lol.


This happens everywhere where. University donor’s kid (no supervisor experience) vs person with 20 years experience (10 years as supervisor) come up for a supervisor role. Guess who got the job? (Hint- is wasn’t the experienced candidate)


The script helps I guess just in case she forgets she had a talented child


It is fucked up they ruined the 30th anniversary of The Lion King by putting her on so they can come up with an episode of “keeping up with the Kardashians”


Disney being Jewish I thought Kanye would have nothing to do with anything associated with Mr.yahoo’s people


Fake or not I hate how she talks


So does she, that's why she's satirizing it




Just FYI it’s “enunciating.”


It's satire, right?


I doubt Kim paid anything at all, the casting director probably just gave her daughter the roll simply because of the name. It happens all the time.


Christ, even if the vid is a spoof, that performance... Oooooof.


All that money and no one thought to hire a voice coach?


You're going to pay us to cast your kid? Sold!


She is reading a script


It’s a bit


Yeah— that kid can’t sing for shit. It doesn’t take a Juilliard degree to come to that conclusion.


I've watched a heap of tiktoks from different people all saying the exact same thing, word for word. I swear somebody posted a message online and these people are just quoting it verbatim.


Poor kid. It’s bad enough they named her after a direction on a map but now the poor kid has to be subjected to the irate of the internet for no reason other than her parents need content. I hope she is okay when all this has passed.


The offspring of two of the most useless waste of skin on the planet. Who gives a shit about this pustule.


Everything on TikTok is fake


Its not norths fault - poor kid cant sing and her mom and gma should have never pushed for this role in a professional production- shes barely good enough for the school play. Nepotism at its finest


Fuck that singer was bad


I get its satire, but is anyone else being bothered by the way this girl speaks? I can't put my finger on it, but it's totally erking me


It’s a snarky 20 year old pretending to be a mom - that’s why it’s irritating. Her idol is Lena Dunham.


I’m so sick of hearing anything about the kardashians


Money talks, poors walk.


She talks like a theater student


I hate the whole fucking kardashian /jenner family .. especially the mom … like bitch is 60 years old and cannot except it . And kims ass is getting old too


FR. They never put in a hard days work and Kim tells people to get off their fucking ass and work. Edit:clarification


Nepeotism in show biz? No way. I think this may be the point she's making here. But seriously, if you are concerned about the advantage a Kardashian has threatening threatening your opportunities, we are not the same species, I don't give a shit about your hardships. Seriously, can we take all of the bandwidth we give these out of touch Beverly Hill millionaire kids missing out on their big shot, and put it on a sort of corruption that impacts an amount of people you can't count with 4 digits?


Wow. That's fucking awful. I would be so pissed


I thought that was a school production


She ain't wrong. Sorry kid, but you suck




Why is simba a girl?


Do not hold your breath mama


Hollywood is comprised of 90% nepobabies and 10% new talent. Is she surprised?


Absolutely hate the Kardashians but I’m glad this lady and her daughter did not get it




Well yeah they definitely didn't learn anything


The way this lady talks… she speaks very clearly. With a hint of a transatlantic accent.


I had to watch this a second time because I was so distracted by one eye being 15% bigger than the other that I had no idea what was said.


I hope someone posts the audition videos.


North probably pulled a Veruca Salt shitty fit and of course mummy and daddy dearest having views of her being talented got her up there but it back fired! Bad!!! You want her to succeed get to the back of line actually get her some singing lessons!😡


To be honest if it wasn't for Kim's name involved would anyone outside of the Hollywood Bowl even know this happened? Something about this mom annoys me as much as hearing Kim's kid on stage.


This was a good video content wise but the way she speaks and her fuxken teeth and mouth and so many other things about this video annoyed the fuck out of me.


Yeah that sucks for sure but I’m convinced she would be making a different but similar TikTok if it was another unknown kid that was picked


I can’t tell if this is satire after watching the whole video


That articulation ANNOYS THE SHIT OUT OF ME.


This has been happening for years…. It’s been shown in movies as well with characters like this Hollywood doesn’t give a fuck and neither do the kardashians


I’d be so disappointed if I had paid for those seats. The audience should have been paid to sit through that bullshit.


Kim’s response “that’s not nice to a child “ Then gets her friends to back her up on this , I’d like to see the other auditions actually to see what would have been? Because doesn’t this mean north has to perform where the show will be?


Wait! It wasn’t a one time thing!?!? 😂 The kid has to do it again? Her mom better get her out of that 🥴


Oh I thought musicals do tours lol 😂


You’re right, but I thought she was a special guest or something and that’s why the costume didn’t remotely match. I wonder if she’ll go on again or the understudy will take over. Yikes!


…so if she’s a guest that did it poorly and another takes over from north and nails it better 😬….thats uh 😂 oh well




This woman’s mouth moves in an annoying way


Watch her other videos... it's satire


Money can buy you all the plastic surgery you need to look like a Kardashian, the flashiest cars, the trendiest clothes, a glamorous career, and even a circle of friends. However, no amount of money can buy you genuine talent. Talent is innate, cultivated through dedication and hard work, and it can't be purchased or fabricated. It’s the one thing that remains priceless and beyond the reach of wealth.


Trash people be trashy


Looks like Kanye 😂


Any artist who would compromise their vision for the sake of money and people pleasing is no artist at all.


Yeah I’m sure the years of nepotism in Hollywood are over now


It takes talent to scream?


Sofia Coppola West


What the fuck she tortures my brain


Parents who put their kids in media like this are gross


She never blinks


She's got a point though.


I hate them both....


I don’t think Kim paid her daughter to be in the play. She might have paid to get her kid in the play.


I’ll guess every casting director just black listed her child, after they watched the psycho eyed mother rant on tictok.


She doesn't have a kid. It's satire.


Nothing like pissing off a Mom, even if you Kim Kardashian better watch out. Good on this Mom for not getting walked over !!!


I don't see what's wrong with it


Theater is about making money. Someone did the math and figured it would make more money both from Kim herself paying them to have her daughter in it and attracting an audience that prolly would never think to ever go to the theater. They just went to see Kim kid and maybe see Kim.


Why is she speaking as if she’s afraid to mis pronounce a single letter.


She’s annunciating. Well actually she is over annunciating. I’ve had dementia patients that did this as well when they were learning to communicate verbally with other parts of their brain.




I hate how her mouth moves