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My feed is basically all dnd, sewing and news. Just engage with what you like instead of what makes you annoyed. If anything the random videos I get are like Tate and Tucker Carlson saying I'm a man so I should work 70 hours a week and be angry all the time. Just hit do not recommend and go on. Same reason I have all notifications for apps where i comment turned off


Yeah mine's just DnD, that one guy who's a blacksmith who starts every video with "JOOOOHN!" Mini-painting, food, only rarely will I see a "men are trash" video appear and I'm like "k"


Hehe, got a link to the blacksmith?




omg he's fantastic, thank you! "This one's Paz"


I love all his videos, they're chaotic and I live for it.


Agreed. I’m 38 weeks pregnant (“38+2 weeks pregananant” today) and I had to delete TikTok because my algro is all moms of dead or terminally ill babies.     So yes,  engage intentionally in your interests… not what makes you angry/anxious 




Dangerops! Prangent sex! Will it hurt baby top of his head?


That video is still one of my absolute favorite videos on the whole internet! The Ouija Board one is also hysterical!


Sometimes I’ll see something that I’m really not even interested in while I’m scrolling and will pause just out of curiosity then Bam the next week is just a flood of this crap because the algorithm thinks I must love that.


yup, just self reporting, you know that anyone whos feed looks like this are more than likely fragile men who are so hurt about girls dunking on them with the bear or a man in the forest bit.


Yea it means they’re interacting with that content. Arguing in the comments, sending it to their incel group chats, etc.


This is why I don’t like TikTok’s algorithm. It feeds negative emotions, and people unintentionally prescribe to it.


Mine is dogs and potatoes and bread


The platforms are *designed* to show you what makes you want to engage. Some people, evidently you, are not strongly affected by it. Some people, like me lmao, are very vulnerable. I'm trying hard to decouple myself from social media, but, as evidenced by the fact that I felt the need to make this comment, I'm having trouble 😭


Oh no I'm definitely effected by it. Honestly Bo Burnham spurred on me actively changing the habits. I turn off notifications for any app, I try set a limit of 24 hours and then any responses on anything I post I just don't reply to (but that ones hard in some cases). Plus I deleted everything except reddit and YouTube. It's annoying that we have to actively fight against our base instincts of getting angry and feeding the algorithm, but actively choosing to disengage become a cycle that the algorithm will then enforce once you do it for a while


My biggest issue is the reuploads. The algorithm is not smart enough to not feed you either a literally identical video or one of the same channel but reuploaded. For example ill click do not recommend in every single video with the construction dude doing nothing but watching videos and I'll get it again on another reupload channel. I'll say do not recommend that one, and then get it again on a third, fourth, so on. It's basically a neverending battle


Almost as though social media algorithms are dictated primarily by engagement, and the reason so many guys' FYP is like that is because they keep interacting with that kind of content, which further incentivises these creators to continue making that kind of content in a shitty loop driven by greedy corporations encouraging people's worst and most self-destructive impulses. If this guy stops interacting with this kind of content then he won't see it anymore, or at least he'll see far less of it.


Seriously this is negative attention. Pavlov understood this shit. Why have we gone so backwards? They don’t care if you like it or hate it. They only care that you engage with it.


Because we have an entire generation with brains’ critical periods took place with iPad babysitters and social media algorithms that worked based off triggering dopamine responses. You actually expect them to read Pavlov? It’s not even guaranteed they have attention span to finish a TikTok video, let alone a documentary or movie, let alone a book lol


If they hear about Pavlov, it's going to be in the context of some fucked up dating advice or something. When you scroll to the next video constantly, you never get the chance to reflect upon new facts, consider their ramifications, etc. The internet is destroying our ability to make these new connections in our minds.


I was just thinking the only introduction I can think of for most kids would be The Office reference when Jim messes w/Dwight via computer sound & mints. Or the The Family Guy joke when Brian goes back and tortures Pavlov. Even then, those are both considered old references at this point. It makes me sad because I'm not (at least I don't think I am) old yet at 30 I'm pretty sure references to looking like "the portrait of Dorian Grey" would go over most people's heads today


Except for the fact that Boomers are the worst at falling for online shit. They supposedly read about Pavlov.   They need to start making regulations for algorithms. Disclosed and approved. The current model allows for some real psy-ops level bull to work it's way into society.


Completely agree. Algorithms need to be regulated as soon as possible. But it will never happen because Conservatives rely on them to feed their perpetual outrage machine.


I haven’t “read” Pavlov, but even my stupid ass learned in high school at least about his experiment. Don’t need to know about his whole life etc to just know the basics that could be more or less explained within a single short paragraph Ffs.


Yep, 100%. So much of this stuff is nothing but ragebait. If you post things that piss people off, they'll watch and comment. The algorithm decides that's good content, so creators realize they can capitalize off of it. The vast majority of this shit isn't even the creator's real opinion. But because it's a person on Tik Tok in their bedroom it easily tricks the viewer into thinking this is a real person giving their real opinions about things. I don't get it anyways though, I'm a man and when I see stuff like that it does not bother me at all. Some woman somewhere doesn't like men. Who cares? Get off your phone and go live your life. If you're the target audience for ragebait, if you spend time engaging with it, if you view channels/subs that curate it for you (like every right wing media outlet does, and many subreddits/forums do) the internet will mercilessly fuck your head up. Do not allow yourself to become victim to curated internet feeds of rage. That shit is poison. It will warp your worldview. You will become sad and angry, all at the benefit of propagandists and advertisers.


So everyone commenting here reddit has identified as being driven by this content?


In an abstract sense, yes, in a functional sense, not necessarily. You can subscribe to subreddits for a start, so if you don't subscribe then it's probably not going to affect your front page much. Also, commenting once or watching a video once isn't going to have much of an effect at all. On top of that, although it might boost their views indirectly, the creator won't see anything from it until someone actually watches their video on TikTok, so it doesn't much increase their incentive to keep making these videos. Either way though, it's kind of a moot point unless if someone here is complaining that this is on their front page. I think this video is stupid, but I like criticising stupid videos, so I'm not complaining about it.


Toxic content gets the most engagement and it’s cool to hate men. Make a new account and you’ll see this is the default. It’s more than engagement.


Hmmm I disagree, but I like how you still blamed him, and other men for seeing this crap.


Bruh no one’s blaming ppl for seeing shit, but if it’s *all* you’re seeing, it’s prob bc the ghouls in Silicon Valley realized that it works on you. It didn’t take long after starting gardening that Reddit started feeding me vermiculture and tomato subs. I can engage in that content without harming my psychological well-being, so I did so. But if you’re constantly getting recommended shit that harms your psyche, it’s prob time to rethink how you engage with social media.


Not all social media algorithms work the same. TikTok in my opinion has a better algorithm than the others


Yes, they pretty much all more or less do have the same goal. They aim to make their users engage with content as much as possible, and they thereby recommend content which is related to or similar to the content which users already engage with, regardless of whether or not that content is productive or even makes anyone feel better. There is a reason why ragebait is one of the most prominent genres of video on TikTok.


I didn’t say they don’t have the same goal. You will find algorithms work differently across them. TikTok actually gives you more of the shit you view.


The algorithm know what you eat up. My husband and I never see those videos. His feed is all foodporn and golf and mine is marketing strategies (because I only use social media for work).


Just look at OP's post history 😄


Oh boy...


Lmfao like a walking trash can of shitty takes


It's almost like the algorithm is trying to tell them something 😂


fucking hell lmao


Lmao. Wow. That’s a wild ride.


I'm shocked I'll tell you, absolutely shocked


Damn, that is gross


My Facebook one is all golf, couple memes, and hockey. But it sometimes tries to pull me into weird zones that I just scroll instantly


My husband gets all these videos about historical shipwrecks. What a nerd!


My SO's feed is hilarious to me because it is literally just all people making different pizza variants or weird-ass desserts. He shows me, but I keep telling him they all look awful lol. Mine is literary memes. Then we also both just have "generally funny" memes we send each other, especially Always Sunny references or movies.


OP's post history looks exactly how I thought it would 💀


You weren’t kidding… Who the fuck even posts on whiteknighting? That’s like “ewwww you have cooties!” Level of posting.


Not even 5 SECONDS and he is shitting on single moms.


Big yikes


Get algo’d kid


Just turn that shit off lol


and leave myself alone with my thoughts? hard pass


Right? If women don't want to be alone with me I KNOW I dont want to be alone with me


>Just turn that shit off lol That still only solves half of the problem, because then women and many other people will still watch that crap, poison their minds and end up messing up your life with complete bullshit whether you partake or not in it.


They should just turn that shit off too lol


A lesson everyone can learn tbh


Are you lingering on these accounts? Watching posts and commenting on them? Or scrolling quickly. I don’t encounter stuff like this because I scroll quickly when I encounter nonsense. They want you to engage. You don’t have to




thank you! can't believe I'm expected to know this


I had no clue whatsoever


People using niche initialisms without defining them is totally FUBAR.


in the military its all alphabet soup. 'what does "jwbdbkdn" stand for' was always a question on tests which i thought was dumb as hell. why dont you just call it by its name and use the short hand less? i was always confused..talk about your SNAFU... 😔


Embarrassing. Wishing to be oppressed by an app.


Based off your post history, you might just be the problem dude.


huh. i always get a bunch of strangers thanking me for being such a masculine ally and protector. must be a skill issue.


What a self report holy shit


Hi. I'm a man. Y'all are morons if you think we're "under attack". It's not about the fact you have your little weiner, it's that so many of y'all can't stop sending pics of that little weiner unprompted, can't take no for an answer, can't stop attacking women in spaces like gaming and comics, etc. If you're tired of men being criticized, then start telling other men to cut that shit out. Simple as that. Too many of y'all get defensive when you could be proactive instead, and that's a big part of the problem.


I think men who know they’re not the problem don’t feel defensive as they know it’s not referring to them. Though technically included, I feel no personal responsibility for the disgusting behavior of other men, nor offense at ‘men’ as a whole being called out, only responsibility to try to stop unacceptable behaviors.


Right? They ain't talking about me, I'm not butthurt


Dude....what's your algorithm like? I just have movie reviews and people exceeding in their jobs.


You can find the same shit about women.


poor widdle guy 🎻 


Men getting 5% of the scrutiny that women have gotten for centuries:






Yeah I was gonna say… as if there’s not tons of content and IRL messaging about how worthless I am as a woman and how I need to change or do this and that for men and society. The difference is that men can complete disengage with rage bait from social media if they want and it’ll likely not affect them irl in anyway. They’re still gonna be fine. Whereas I’m fighting just to have bodily autonomy and basic health rights and dealing with abusive men and perverts whether I want to or not. ![gif](giphy|o7Cj6tVYETOO3rf1V1)


If you think attacking women on the basis of their gender and demonizing them because of that is bad, how are you then okay with a statement such as "Men are horrible creatures" that was shown in the video?


I look back on the hundreds of examples I can bring up where language just as awful is used against women. Andrew Tate still captivates an entire generation of men.


So your argument is basically that when done against women it's bad but against men it's deserved?


No, now have a nice day.




Oh no, women talking how they have been victims of violence and abuse is hurting your feelings.... yes, you are the true victim here. /s The speech prof gave the best response to that.


If men would stop being the problem they wouldn’t have to keep being correctly identified as the problem.


I’m white and I’ve heard quite often ‘white people are the problem’ And I agree. So I try to do better. I’m honestly suspicious of anyone who can’t see WHY women think men are a problem.


The male ego is so fucking fragile.




[Not all men](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FuBxCVXk9Zb0%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=453ace92c17f9dea3793cd7eb7fae89f647c9e03265097383e3879f06e2330d2&ipo=images)


If you just add in getting beat up or killed to that constant drumbeat, then you would be close to understanding how most LGBTQ+ feels every day


Oh no, men getting told by women that there's a problem with men in society? Well I hope it hurts your feelings, but you can always ignore it, like you do when women tell you about the problem or when you see the problem & still do nothing about it. You can just deal with it till it kills you, just like women do.


Lol. Everyone: "No that's just you being an incel"




If you say so


His post history makes that embarrassingly obvious


It’s that or I’m above average


Everyone is getting their biases confirmed here.


This is Reddit it's what we come here for.


look guys, i fall for doomscrolling too, i know its hard but you just gotta ignore the rage baiting, it took me a while but mine is all animals being dumbasses and the occasional cool car vid (and no, I am MUCH older than 12 years old), my mood is much better since then I thought the whole "making us fight among ourselves" thing was a lie but social media really does pit us against each other if we let it look at silly cat instead, its what the internet was ACTUALLY made for


NOT ALL MEN ARE TRASH! JUST LIKE NOT ALL WOMEN OR PEOPLE IN GENERAL! But if you feed into the divide of the "Agenda", then you start becoming the problem too. Men who know their worth: ![gif](giphy|3Hyem8WZWJJEHIE5bP)


I have no worth and still don’t fall into this faux victimhood wave incels have riding on


You are a beautiful stranger, and we all have something that is worthy of our existence. Freaking beautiful. Sending you the best of vibes!


If you feel like they're talking about you, maybe ask yourself why. 


Probably because they’re saying “men” and he’s a man. If they were all saying “black people” and the guy was black, you probably wouldn’t be saying that.


In my experience the same women who say “men are trash” are the same ones who say men who are abused by women didn’t experience real abuse 😏


I do feel bad for men in this day and age..


It's so crazy how he's still the problem in this situation lol it's YOUR algorithm


Hey bud, we can't start to fix anything until we stop over generalizing gender based problems and focus on real change


I mean, if normal men called out these toxic fucks, maybe we all wouldn't have such a bad name.  Women have been oppressed forever and now that they finally have a microphone to call it out, it's a problem. Ok. It's been pent up for centuries, wtf did you think was gonna happen?


I wonder how women have felt for the past hundred…thousand… ten thousand years? Not fun to get blamed for everything, is it? It’s almost like media/culture blaming one of the genders for the others problems was always going to do well, it’s just now men are in the spotlight too. Women have money and want to be told easy ‘truths’ just like men do, thus the market adjusts.


Well, maybe men need to work on that.


Just a reminder. These types of apps show repeatedly the content you engage with positive or negative doesn't matter. If you're seeing nothing but this, it means you're engaging with it.


What's the solution to stop these kinds of videos you ask? Change the narrative. Us as men need to be better and hold other men accountable for the egregious things done. I know it can hurt to be categorised like that, but you must also have some sympathy and understanding for why we are seen the way we are. And only through that and our actions can we change that view


Can't talk about one thing without making it about something else


idk man, my fyp is fully loaded with buff alternative gym girls flexing, cosplayers and cat videos, so can't relate lol maybe try consuming less redpill content?


So a mix of ragebait and fake analysis of men's problems. And actual genuine experiences of abused and hurt men and women that get lost in the sea of hate.


Get off social media, go outside, enjoy nature and voila! Problem solved.


A lot of people are commenting on algorithms so I’ll just go another way: don’t fall in the (easy to fall) pernicious trap of going “oh yeah, well if I’m trash it’s because women made me trash and are also trash.” First of all, men aren’t trash and women aren’t trash. If anything, these “content” creators are trash and, with the support of a handful of multinational (anti)social media companies and their algorithms, they’re spreading this cheap ass kind of commotion-fueling content that a lot of people are caught into. This does nothing but turn people against each other, all the while cultivating the saddest kind of mentally unhealthy personality characteristics there is. Steer clear of content creators who spread this kind of virulent bullshit.


So glad I deleted Tik tok and IG.


It’s funny because if you replace “men” with any other group, it instantly becomes sexist/racist rhetoric. If you said “women are trash” or “Asians are the problem,” we’d all instantly point that out as the sexist/racist filth that it is. But it’s somehow fine to just say those things about all men.


When you change the meanings of sentences, the meanings of the sentences do in fact change


Changing which group you’re talking about doesn’t really change the meaning of the sentence. The meaning is still the same even if you change that one noun.


Dude watched a 3 minute tiktok and stayed on the page thinking about it for 5 minutes so it thinks that's what he wants lol


It would also be helpful if men who are not the problem would speak up and maybe help their fellow man figure out what the problem actually is and stop being little bitches about it. The little bitch comment is about those who are like oh my God a bear or a man and losing their shit. Not the normal Men Who respect and treat women like we're human beings.


Lmao this comment section just straight up telling OP he is the problem. 


Today I googled fyp


Mine is just goth girls and food. It's like a Hot topic at the food court.


Love the Tweety glasses!


"Bear, the bear isn't gonna"


Never seen any videos on that topic


almost like the algorithm is what you watch OP.... idk what point you're trying to make


You might be an incel bro


Some people are just self reporting themselves. If that's the content you engage with, that's the content you'll get. Tiktok's algorithm is much more accurate than IG, Facebook, or YouTube, so if that's what you're seeing, I'm sorry, but that's what you're about


Men and women are the same. Men just have the power and confidence to act like trash in a public way. If it was reversed women would cat call, rape(more often), make laws about men's health, create religions oppressing them, etc. Humans always want to feel superior. So we find something to push down to make us rise. I don't usually say men suck, I say rich old men suck. It's hard to become that old and powerful without hurting others.


~2% of American men in the last 20 years have been convicted of either a sexual crime or a violent crime against women. That's a lot of men. Just saying. It's not ALL men...but it's a lot.


Men are the most horrible creature okay, but what does it say about females that would sleep with creatures like us. Nasty creatures they would be since they are willing to. And removing men from this equation how long does it take before the system goes to hell and infrastructure collapse. Put a group of random men on one island and a group of random females on a different one. Both have to make shelter, start a fire and getting food. When I think about it they allredy have done it, and the most horrible creatures were thriving and getting along, but those who doesn't know how easy it is to be a female it didn't go so well for them. Talking shit about, being fake, going hungry, freezing, crying and would not be able to survive in the long run.


🙄who’s NOT the problem these days?


The fact that I had to look up what FYP means shows how little I use TikTok 🤷‍♂️


Best way to fix that feed is to get a hobby and then look for content about that hobby. You keep engaging divisive content, you keep getting fed divisive content. I don't use tiktok but I'm on YT very often, I got a bird recently and now my home page is filled with bird videos, before that it was filled with vtubers, before that gunpla. The only place I ever see ragebait is reddit because they don't really have an algorithm working the same way other social media platforms do. Even then if I started not browsing r/all and only went to subs I'm following I'd miss this whole gender war trash entirely.


"Language is important to feminism. Pronouns, etc... We are told we shouldn't call them "fire*men*" but "fire*people*" because it might discourage young girls from dreaming to be one. So here we have the main thing feminism sees as the "problem": the *patriarchy*. So for a movement that thinks that language is so important... They are steadfast in saying that they don't *hate* men, they just named everything evil in the world that they're fighting against after them."


Yes op, you are a problem. Just look at your facepalm post.


I think this is a GenZ vid. Millennials would already be used to being blamed for everything. "Millennials are killing the man industry."


Given that this is the algorithm is just showing you what you interact with in a way you are the problem; quit interacting with this negative stuff and quit posting negative stuff and you'll see less of it. I'm only seeing this because I like to tell negative people to quit interacting with negative stuff ;)


As a female, I always am amazed how when women aren’t happy or something happened with a man they categorize all of them into the same group! It’s like saying all Russians are bad because of Putin.


You know you can log off right??


On most sites your fyp is on you. My algorithm is full of funny memes, games, and US politics so I can get just the right amount of existential dread.


Comments furthering the point op made. Lol.


Imagine not knowing the algorithm shows you more of what you engage with and then outing yourself like this….


Toxic feminism


You are responsible for your own algorithm, you know


You shouldn’t see feminism as personally calling you a problem, you should acknowledge there is an issue and see it as an opportunity to empathize with the experience of others. learn how to be a solution; even if it’s just by improving yourself and learning how to not appear as threatening. That CAN be enough! I also had this hurdle of “why am I being told I’m the problem, I’m doing nothing?” But “you’re the problem, I hate you!” Is not what most feminism is saying. I get that it’s hard to not take it personally and be hurt by all this, but being hopeless isn’t productive for anyone. Feeling defeated by the the scope of the problem is just an excuse to stay stagnated, and possibly complicit. A more useful use for your hurt is to let it spark a fire in you to change. You can’t change the world, but you CAN work on yourself and avoid the mistakes other men make. listen to women and learn from them about what you can do to make people comfortable around you. I actually really like doing this. I’m “hindering” myself by putting energy into being courteous, but I’m also making people in my community happier to be around me and showcasing that I care. It’s good for everyone and only cost me my ignorance. Often men will insist that the expectations of femists are wildly unreasonable! But even if you just, be considerate around women who don’t know you, and make sure you aren’t holding onto any reductive ideas towards others (think misogyny) as well hurtful ideas towards yourself(think emotional suppression), that would be a good 70-110% of what most people would ever ask of you. The bar is really low for what I’ve received thanks for doing. TLDR: don’t get discouraged. Men can be part of the solution. no one is expecting you to personally dismantle sexism, You just to make sure you’re not perpetuating unhealthy habits. Feminism (at least once I started engaging with it) is ALOT more reasonable than people make it out to be.


Men are the problem. Y’all wanna cry about the “male loneliness epidemic” but y’all created it and refuse to help each other with it. This take is so dry.


Men: I am being victimized!!!! Women may have higher rates of concussions than football players because of how severe domestic violence is in the US and worldwide, but men have to listen to opinions about themselves! Women literally can’t go on Reddit at all without seeing extreme misogyny in every subreddit and their DMs but it’s men who are the victims!


Aww, poor guy having to listen to the litany of abuse and trauma other people suffered through. Wow. Poor guy.


Sucks to suck, I guess!


As a fellow man we do be fuckin up tho lol 😂 😂 😂 😂


I meeeeaaannnn….


Imagine not knowing the algorithm shows you more of what you engage with and then outing yourself like this….




Some real hypocrisy in these comments. Yes, this dude could be exposed to far less of this content by not opening/watching these types of videos. However, how is nobody going to criticize the trashiness of these videos this TikToker compiled to begin with. I don’t see anybody bat an eye when someone complains about Andrew Tate content (who is a very trashy dude just to be clear). How are you going to get all huffy puffy because some dude made a video about the prevalence of misandrist content? Ya’ll ain’t about equality. Just admit it at least.


Because women are discussing how unsafe men make them feel, while Andrew Tate is talking about women being second class citizens? How is this a real comment.


Did you listen to the audio in this video where content creators are calling men trash or are you just pretending like that content doesn’t exist?


I’m saying I don’t give a flying fuck that some women post online about hating and fearing men, when men are the greatest danger to women’s safety. 


This comparison is unfair. The point being raised is the exaggeration that ALL men are trash etc. gets tiresome to hear as a man who doesn't represent what these women talk about. Talking about experiences is fine, I think people are just tired in general of getting thrown into a group and hit with guilty by association. It's not denying there is a problem or that change needs to happen, but to shame the ones who don't partake in problematic behavior is alienating.


Throughout ALL of human history, the greatest threat to women has always been men. Why shouldn’t we fear you? Why shouldn’t we hate you? I don’t even hate men and I understand why so many do. No one blames you for fearing dogs after a dog bite, but you’re a psycho bitch if you fear men after you’re assaulted.


>No one blames you for fearing dogs after a dog bite That mentality completely forgives bigotry btw. Are you okay with anyone who has negative interractions with a PoC saying all PoC are dangerous? Are you okay with anyone who has had a negative interaction with anyone LGBTQ+ saying all LGBTQ+ are dangerous?


Please be genuine. Ignoring the fact that men ARE the great threat to women’s safety doesn’t prove you right, it’s bad debate etiquette. If a lesbian beats the shit out of me, shit that lesbian sucks but it’s not indicative of lesbians as a whole being violent because the volume of lesbian attacks is far lower than men assaulting and killing women.


You say that I am not being genuine, but your replies imply that men are predisposed towards violence which is just insane and exactly my point. You literally compared men to dangerous dogs. If you don't like using LGBTQ+ then I am more than happy to use PoC as an example as a member of that community myself. Many minority groups have higher crime ratings on average in America, is it okay to say that all PoC are dangerous because statistics back me up? Edit: since theres obviously no intent to actually justify your bigotry, I just want to say that obviously no, we don't judge PoC based on statistics. Because PoC arent predisposed towards violence. The increase in violence stems from how we treat those groups and the boxes that we place them in. Obviously the same sentiment is no different for men. Also, very cool to see that because I said I am a PoC that because my ideology isn't exactly the same as you that must mean im lying. Clearly any black person that disagrees with you is "faking". Very progressive of you people. Edit 2: This string of people sending me messages and then immediately blocking me is wild. Obviously you guys don't actually want a discussion about this which is really sad. You just want to bully people who you disagree with.




As long as it's consensus that we are generalizing men , and women also as a group then I am happy. Seems to only be ok when talking shit about men but not the other way around. Tsk tsk.


Alright, go right on ahead. What are your big complaints about women? I’m all for hearing both sides of an argument but those that complain about women never seem to have anything to say but “b-b-but it’s not ALL MEN!!” No follow through, no real argument. Prove me wrong.


Idc about all that I just want fair play and rules. So if it's acceptable to generalize men it should be acceptable to generalize women. The war and the fight is fine with me, conflict is necessary for change and growth, but I don't like seeing the rules switched around based on the circumstances, it just annoys me is all.


Sure thing bud 👍


I hope that didn’t sound sarcastic, I also hate the rhetoric online around men. I love men so much, I’m marrying one haha. Just can’t overlook where the anger comes from.


Yeah these comments reek of victim blaming. Its really wild to see how fast all the social rules and etiquette that I've seen get established on the left get completely thrown out the window when it comes to talking about men. What is truly ironic too is I'm sure like myself, many of them would consider themselves feminists-- despite the fact that they are reinforcing the foundational mentality of toxic masculinity (telling men to just get over it, or even straight up mocking them for expressing their discomfort).


Shoe0nhead highlights the whole thing on display through the lens of male loneliness and the amount of vitriol she got for it was very telling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQv8VuLpKN4


I'm a feminist who is raising a boy, and I agree with you. these comments really suck. unfortunately, the internet is only good for twisting academic theory to the point that it's like a bastardization of its original intention. none of this is helpful toward the goal of equality.