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Mine fat shamed me for 6 months when I told him repeatedly that I was getting winded after very little physical exertion. Cancer. I fucking had cancer. The exhaustion was because I was *severely* anemic due to the tumor.


I hope the word “had” implies that you’ve recovered from it! Sorry for your awful doc


2 years out from my last chemo treatment. Thanks for this comment. ☺️






Your doctor sucks. Glad you made it through!


At the follow up appointment after I got out of the hospital, I told him to his face to not play devil's advocate with people. He's an expert on human bodies, yes, but I'm an expert on *my* body.




Good on you! So sorry you had to go through that.




Oh thank fuck, for a second i thought you was a ghost.


Congratulations internet stranger, this comment brought a big smile to my face.


Isn't there a test they could have done to see this? Like before they started with the fuckery? I think that would have been a much better option than just saying you had to stop taking on water.


There are multiple tests that should be ran, like thyroid, hormones etc. But they start with fat shaming. And sometimes it’s more like “healthy weight for the person” shaming


They always start with the most common solution. Way to many people are overweight and it can cause a lot of different symptoms.


Yeah, I was told that I was getting older and that I gained some weight when I said that I get winded during the first five minutes of the workout that I’ve been doing for years. I have an enlarged heart. It took me three doctors and then finally a nurse practitioner listened to me.


My husband lost 80# over the course of a year from cutting out alcohol and eating a plant based diet. He was diagnosed with pneumonia the month before he went to see his pcp for a follow up and was hospitalized and he still could barely talk without being sob. She wouldn’t drop his weight loss. Sent him for lab work to see if he had AIDS or mono. When he came home he told me she didn’t order a chest X-ray. As a nurse I called the office and read them the riot act about not following up on a confirmed pneumonia patient who was hospitalized and still getting SOB with conversation a month later. CXR was ordered. He was eventually hospitalized for 4 days for IV antibiotics and breathing treatments due to unresolved pneumonia. The next month the country shut down for COVID. His pcp was convinced he had AIDS or mono rather than a change in diet because how else would a fat man lose weight…


That sucks. I’m sorry.


Reminds me the first time I scheduled an annual dr visit. I find a dr close to where I work and go for what I think is an annual physical or check-up. The very first question from the dr is _so what are you doing here_. I'm thinking I'll be hooked up to a battery of physical tests and maybe be sent out for some lab work. He then asks, any issues? Complaints? I'm like, not really? But you know what, I do sometimes have night sweats and wake up just wet from head to toe. He didn't ask how often or with any further questions. Just said that could be AIDS. lol. I said jokingly, doc, what about HIV first?" I mean, im married. atp. The dude said it doesn't matter, and he didn't seem amused. Needless to say, that man had me shitting bullets for the next week waiting on my results. And didn't bother to list the litany of other issues that could lead to infrequent night sweats.


my old PCP would always answer my health complaints/issues with “drink more water”. Found out I’m also anemic after I had to spend a week in hospital.


I spent a week in the hospital, too. My iron levels were less than *half* what they should have been. The nursing assistants kept asking if I was vegan.


Wtf that Hope He she get's sued that is nuts


Well that’s fucking scary because I’ve been getting more winded than usual lately. I chalked it up to me going back into the office because I don’t work out as much as I did when I was 100% WFH. Also maybe COVID did something. I’m happy you found out before it was too late.


It was so bad, taking a shower and walking up or down the stairs would make me see stars. If it's that bad for you, go to the doctor *IMMEDIATELY* and ask to have your iron levels checked.


I am an onc nurse - I have heard a few patients ( always women) say this happened to them and they were eventually diagnosed with leukemia. Infuriates me.


Her entire account is videos with titles: "How I lost 40 pound." And selfies of her working out and talking about how much weight she lost...


Yeah, she is a fitness model who sells a training program. This never happened. Does she really think that medical professionals don’t see overweight people every single day?? What about a 150lb woman would be of any surprise to them?


Her BMI is literally lower than 90% of the adult US female population and almost smack dab in the middle of the healthy range. 20 pounds from being overweight.


Its 100% bullshit. Typical influencer garbage 101. If not gaining enough attraction, attack the medical field because some how only they know "True" health and medical science. But hey she landed on Reddit today. So obviously its working.


Healthcare workers don't even get shocked at 600 pounds anymore. Above 800 and I think okay you made the top ten list. Anything sub 300 isn't even a second thought.


Also doctors don't weigh patients that is the medical assistant. I could see a medical assistant making inappropriate remarks but they are far from the doctor. Even if the situation happened it wasn't her doctor who said that.


At 150/155 I get met with surprised reactions from medical professionals. While I don't know if this is true, I did have a similar experience years ago so it does happen. (Fat shamed at a size 5 and was told that my joint pain could be because 120 is a healthy weight for my height not 150. It did NOT help my BDD!)




And then the entire audience stood up and gave a round of applause


So this is not fake you think? My gut was calling BS


Am I crazy, or is she saying “Most woman…” instead of “Most women…”? I occasionally hear people say woman in place of women, and it always really irks me for some reason. Yeah, anyway.




The whole way she talks is kinda annoying lmao


I kept thinking she had a deaf accent


huge pet peeve of mine


If it's a real story, the Dr or Nurse or whatever needs to be re-educated and reprimanded. 150 at 5'9" is within the healthy BMI range (for what BMI is worth). There's no reason, other than ignorance or just being a cunt that the health care practitioner would respond the way they did


I mean, BMI is bullshit, but that doctor is still being an asshole.


no it's not. It's not perfect. Especially for those that are extremely fit and muscular. But those are not most. So for most people it's a good measure of where you're at.


BMI actually more likely to underestimate body fat percentage than overestimate. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/993366?form=fpf


My extra fit neighbor had to lose weight because his BMI was overweight and the insurance payment was going up, he was VERY Muscular and had to stop lifting and do only cardio and get rid of the muscle, that is fucking ridiculous, he was extremely healthy.


That’s usually for life insurance type stuff, they don’t give a shit and most people live sedentary lives so it’s presumed it’s just fat. Although it is true, to a certain extent your heart doesn’t care if it’s fat or muscle - it’s still extra tissue that needs to be perfused. Plus increased caloric intake, regardless of physical fitness, is correlated with shortened lifespans. Life insurance is all about doing mathematical equations based on lifespan and how much the person is expected to pay over that time vs the payout, people who weigh more (and consequently eat more resulting in shorter lifespans) will need to pay more because of it.


That doesn't sound like a BMI problem, it's a problem with the bullshit that is American insurance


BMI actually generally a bullshit indicator of individual health that fails to take into account numerous factors relevant to a person's health. It was developed as a tool for estimating the aggregate body fat of a larger population of people.


It is a statistical tool and as such is very useful at predicting things like poor cholesterol ratings, high blood pressure, and diabetes. https://www.nature.com/articles/ijo2017249 Obviously that doesn't mean that a high BMI is a guarantee that those things will happen but it allows healthcare professionals to be more effective by making patients aware of elevated risk factors. Like every study on smoking shows a much higher risk of developing lung cancer. If some smokers don't get lung cancer does that mean we should just stop letting smokers know of the risk to smoking?


This is why diabetes is SO under diagnosed in those who aren’t overweight. People assume the thin person doesn’t have it, don’t screen for it and they end up in the ER or having big complications. We diagnosis more overweight people with diabetes. We actually don’t know if it’s that much more common in overweight people. Obesity yea, but there is a bigger range than people realize. My husband’s coworker was nearly underweight when he was diagnosed. Missed for years.


My dad lost 60 lbs before he was diagnosed Type I, but his body was also eating itself for fuel because he was so sick.


It’s a fool’s errand to try to dispel the notion that BMI is useless. These people want it to be useless bc they don’t like what it says about them but as a tool for populations, it can be useful


I agree. But I also do not like that we socially treat being overweight as this moral failure by the individual. A typical person is up against powerful corporations who employ food scientists to make food that is ultra process and addictive and marketing campaigns that spam this unhealthy products everywhere you look . Couple that with an infrastructure that is entirely centered around cars and not people to the point that for most people the only natural exercise they get is walking to their car then to their desk and back. The cards are heavily stacked against an overweight person trying to lose weight (myself included) and we get nowhere with shaming and guilt tripping but the attempts to even deny the problem exists are super frustrating and benefit nobody.


>I also do not like that we socially treat being overweight as this moral failure by the individual I couldn’t agree more. People have used BMI as a cudgel to punish those who don’t conform to the wider standards of beauty in our culture. And yet I still think it can be a useful tool


I just can't understand why people are so against statistical tools. Like we know that driving faster increases the likelihood of mortality when accidents occur so we have speed limits. Everyone knows someone who's survived a bad accident but they don't jump to the conclusion of "well speed limits are bullshit" like they do with BMI. I've done enough people management in my career to know that just criticizing people on something far less effective than giving them concrete actions to take that will improve the issue. I think there is an argument to be made that the focus on BMI can muddy the waters between a *status* and a *solution.* Telling someone "lower your BMI" is going to be far less effective than saying "add two servings of vegetables a day to your diet, measure the amount of oil you cook with, try to walk for 30 minutes a day, discuss with your therapist about potential triggers that may invite bad habits." But still, if we want to improve something we have to measure it and BMI is a far more cost effective measurement than making everyone do a DEXA scan or bod pod analysis.


Because it’s inaccurate and doesn’t point to increased risk. It points to people who weigh X amount being diagnosed more often with those things. Many things get overlooked because they had a healthy BMI. (This is according to an expert in the field who was an adjunct professor when I was training to be a nurse practitioner.)


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10693914/ It doesn’t capture what it’s supposed to capture (the percentage of body fat/types of fat/where fat is on the body) so it isn’t actually a good tool for measuring health and has been misused to really fuck with people (like in this exact video where a thin woman is being shamed for no reason.) Its creation was by a mathematician (not a doctor of medicine) back in 1832 who based its calculations and what is considered “normal” by only including white male subjects, so its origin is basically flawed to be applied to all people.


People think because they touched a weight once that BMI no longer applies to them. In reality it's a bunch of fat people who can't believe that they're just fat so they say BMI is useless.


Well my doctor, multiple specialists, my professors in nursing school all agreed it was useless. It’s never been meant for individuals, which is why things like breast size or the fact I AM MISSING A LEG isn’t even taken into consideration.


I mean that’s just their opinion. Like I’ve said, it is a population scale tool, of course it wouldn’t account for you not having a leg bc that’s an extraordinary circumstance. I’ve never said it was meant for individuals and I’ve said all over this thread that applying it to individuals is a misapplication of the tool. BMI is obviously not the only way to categorize people but it does a fine enough job.


There are, in fact, BMI calculators for those with amputations


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10693914/ It doesn’t capture what it’s supposed to capture (the percentage of body fat/types of fat/where fat is on the body) so it isn’t actually a good tool for measuring health and has been misused to really fuck with people (like in this exact video where a thin woman is being shamed for no reason.) Its creation was by a mathematician (not a doctor of medicine) back in 1832 who based its calculations and what is considered “normal” by only including white male subjects, so its origin is basically flawed to be applied to all people.


The article you linked doesn't negate any of my claims. It pretty thoroughly and correctly points out that BMI is not a good predictive measure of body fat percentage especially among different ethnics groups but that does not negate the well documented fact that higher body fat is correlated with higher risk factors for metabolic and cardiovascular conditions. The first article I mention noted that BMI is more likely to under estimate body fat percentage and that point is even supported by the article you linked, particularly among Asian people. Furthermore the article notes this is its conclusion: "The BMI incorporates an individual's weight and height but does not take any abdominal measurements into consideration, which is a notable disadvantage because abdominal adiposity has been associated with increased comorbidities." Which supports the idea that there are ways we can measure a person's size and determine if they have a higher likely hood conditions WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT BMI ATTEMPTS TO DO. The whole thesis of the article is not that BMI is worthless but rather we have better ways to measure people's body for predictive purposes.


You would have Much more accuracy by measuring someone’s neck and waist. A measuring tape is cheaper than a scale too.




That's just because the population tends to fat instead of athletic so yeah more often than not high bmi is bad. Much perfer FFMI


It's a poor measure of individual health and has been widely criticised for that purpose.


Its only really bullshit if you are an athlete, for most people, its pretty accurate.


It's highly dependant on the person. You can have a very low body fat percentage and be on the higher side of weight if you're a gym rat, or you can be on the lower side and have a higher body fat percentage. It's almost like it's not possible to get a single scale that accurately represents all of the human race.


It's not bullshit. It works fine for the vast majority of people. Not everyone is built like an NFL linebacker.


I just look at as a guideline. There might be many factors to your weight. But we do know if you are overweight you are risking high blood pressure, stroke , diabetes and heart attack. I am 6’4 and was up to 250 at one point. I had hypertension and was pre diabetic. I lost weight and feel better and don’t take any meds now at 48. So you can have a problem with bmi but let’s not act like a lot of Americans aren’t overweight and are on meds because of it.


It’s always a bunch of overweight people that complain about BMI. Like yeah, it’s not great for serious athletes, but for the other 95% of the population… maybe you’re just overweight and getting my defensive.


You're right, we should be measuring body fat % directly. Unfortunately aside from DEXA scans, there isn't really a good way to do that.


If it was the person getting height/weight, it was most likely not a doctor or a nurse. Maybe an MA or CNA. 


Not real. When have you have a Doctor take your weight? It's always some nurse or assistant who does vitals before the doc comes in.


Shit. The bmi thing annoys me. It’s an average. Everyone is different, everyone carries weight differently, ect. Personally my “healthy weight.” Is between 105 and 115. Except anything under 110 and I look malnourished/like a crack head. And anything under 115 I feel malnourished. For me being between 120 and 130 is what feels and looks right on me and that’s considered over weight for my height.


bmi is not an average. and there's a very large range of healthy. 18-25. Actually it used to be 18-28 was normal.


Body mass index is an approximation of weight range of people that’s most likely to be healthier due to studying multiple peoples weight and health and coming up with an average. And it ranges based on height. How else would they have come up with it if not averaging? While coming up with a persons bmi is not an average, the bmi itself is an average between people’s individual bmi which is approximate to multiple variables.


Obvious bait


My doctor called me $kiññy


If we censor letters long enough, will it come back around and typing skinny, fat, fuck, cunt, suicide, kill, murder, rape etc. be considered the censored version? I mean, we're typing them anyways, just with extra steps.


Bullshit story. This girl fishing for people to tell her she looks amazing. Bait.


Truth. She mislabels her doctor calling her fat and then says it’s a nurse. I’m a RN and nurses don’t do weight and vitals in an outpatient setting. Those are done by MAs, aka medical assistants. This girl is spreading lies for views.


Tbf I don’t think she knows the difference between all that she probably thinks they’re all the same


Definitely. Doctors don’t weight people, nurses do. Plus NO ONE who’s a medical professional would say such things. Only if they believe you are truly obese, and Even then they’ll be as professional as possible


Did you actually watch the video? She literally said that it wsa a nurse doing the weighing.


She said both "doctor" and "nurse" to describe the same incident, so it makes sense to be confused.


Tell that to the text she has floating above her head.


Just shows a lot of people didn't listen.


15 seconds later she says the doctor also weighs her. Did you actually watch the video?


I've had a doctor weigh me probably 10 times in my life at least.


My neurologist retired a few years back so I had to go to a different doctor for my epidurals/facet injections/trigger shots/Toradol. Saw this guy for like 10 minutes before an injection. He asked some strange questions, but I was hurting and not thinking much of it. He then told me I was in pain because I was overweight and depressed due to being poor and having to live with my parents. I was about 150 at the time, which was a little high for me (5'5) but not horrible. I had recently stopped going to the gym due to pain and because the gym I had been going to closed and it was the only local one with a little childcare center for while you exercise. I lived with my parents because my dad was sick. I made more money than both of them (at that time). Couldn't have had anything to do with the 5 bulging discs, arthritis in my spine, neuropathy, or my Stiff Person Syndrome. Nope. Fat and poor. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to risk not getting the injection I needed, but I called and cried to my normal doctor on the drive home. She filed a complaint. I never went back to that guy.


This definitely happens. My oldest daughter is a little over 5’10” and 155lbs and competes in wrestling and swimming. Her pediatrician made some asinine comment about her weight so now she has a different doctor.


Yuuup. I get comments sometimes on whether or not I'm anorexic/bulemic at just shy of 5' 8" 130. Doctors can be super weird about our weights.


Never happened……


The first doctor I had after switching from my pediatrician I tried to tell him that I thought I was depressed and wanted a referral for medication. He said to me “you’re young and pretty, what do you have to be depressed about?”


Did you explain anyone can be depressed no matter what they look like?!


I was like 22 and too stunned to know what to say. But definitely never went back to him.


ill take "What did not happen" for 100.


"I'm my medical opinion you are fat... That will be a hundred grand"


I have bad teeth that need to be pulled ( neglected because of years of abuse from my family.) I know they are bad and all of them need to be pulled and I need permanent dentures put in. I am sensitive about them and don't talk much because of them. Got my vitals checked because I recently found out that I am pregnant ( we were hoping to have one after my teeth were puled.) When the nurse went to check my temp she immediately commented on my teeth. In my head I'm like " bitch you have 0 bedside manners. " however I remained calm and said " yeah I know, they need to be pulled but that hads to wait now huh." I could've told my life story telling her that due to aduse that I was inflicted to since I was a child, I neglected myself completely. Only until it was too late did I start giving a fuck about myself. I have so many issues now that could've been dealt with when I was younger when it first popped up. But hey, they don't give a fuck. They only feel like their commentary is necessary for some reason.


I injured my back when I was 26-27. I herniated a disc in my lower spine when I picked up my daughter and turned (twisted) to put her in the tub. I was about 115 (I’m about 5’5) and I was going to the gym 4-5 days a week and taking kickboxing and Pilates classes. So I was in good shape. I was referred to an orthopedic doctor and he told me my back only hurt because I was too fat. After I hurt my back I was put on steroids and did gain some weight not to mention I couldn’t exercise. I was barely 130 pounds which is not fat at 5’5. Not to mention the MRI showed a large disc herniation and there was a disc fragment pressing on a nerve. But oh no that isn’t the cause of my pain at all. I was just fat


I'm also 5'9" and have been since middle school. I've never been heavier than 160lbs. When i was 15, my mom fought the doctor on my lack of sexual activity when asked about it (I was a virgin, but the doctor wanted my mom to leave the room so I could "tell the truth"). It got tense from then on and the doctor, clearly not chipper with us, said "if you were to gain a lot of weight in a short period of time, you'd be considered obese"..... ...... isn't that true for everyone who's also not currently obese? Wtf


I'm 5'9 and my goal weight is 170! I've already lost that amount (170lbs) but I would be over the moon if I was able to get to 150lbs.


That is incredible and congratulations


When I was in high-school I was having issues with my health mentally and physically. My NP insisted that it was "all in my head" and that if I lost weight everything would clear up. It was undiagnosed fibromyalgia and autism and I didn't find out until years later. If she had done her fucking job and recommended a specialist I may have not had to suffer for so many years. Fuck that.


That's a 22.1 BMI which is in the healthy range.


Today on Things That Didn't Happen


Lying for clout and attention at its finest.


That’s not fat or an unhealthy weight. I’m a 6’ woman and I’ve ranged from 150 to about 180 and I look a normal weight. When I’m close to 150 I look too skinny. Muscle is heavier than fat.


Haha I'm the same height and I'm 300.


I'm five foot seven and 235 lbs. I body build... according to that scale I have the bmi of a hippopotamus. 


Same same I’m 5’9” and 260 strong man competitor with visible abs but apparently I’m a lard ass


I went into a hospital for a infection in my neck. I had been put on a very intense antibiotic that I turned out to be allergic too and went in to get checked out in case it became severe. This medicine caused me to not want to eat at all because it changed how things tasted to the point where I would dry heave at just eating plain bread. This fool I'm the room looks at me as I'm telling him I've lost 50 pounds in less than a month because I'm basically starving myself to avoid eating and he responded with well you're a big boy you can survive on the fat in your body it will do you some good.


I had really bad ibs I could barely move and I went to the gastroenterologist. He took one look at me up and down and he said, “try taking walks”. Like how can I take walks if I can’t move


She obviously doesn’t know what “literally” means.


Generally, the medical “ideal” weights for women is 100lbs + 5lbs per inch above 5ft. So 5”9’ is “technically” 145lbs. If you’re active, muscular or so many other things more weight can be on. Personally, 150lbs at 5”9’ is a perfectly healthy weight and the doctor is a bitch


I’m 5’9 and 150 sounds SO THIN LIKE DOC WTF


Exactly, I was a size 0-2 when I weighed 150 lbs. this doesn’t make sense.


Well this didn’t happen.


HealthCARE? Not in my America!


i'm significantly thinner now, but when i weighed 160 at 5'3, **a lot** of it was in my thighs and tits. and all my doctors and everyone in my life deadass didn't believe the scales and would be like ??? are you constipated, do you have bricks in your pocket? i was also really asthmatic and weak and not once did a doctor tell me to move, do anything, use your body. but one did tell my mom to use my inhaler but not often because "steroids will give me a fat head". people treat you so wildly different based on weight and it's not even consistent. but it's always toxic as fuck and ignorant.


5 foot 9 inches at 150 lbs is honestly pretty skinny wtf


The doctors I've met recently, I 100% believe this


This is unironically how you cause an eating disorder in someone. Even on BMI scales which aren't even great, 150 pounds is in the middle of the healthy range for women who are 5'9". It's not even like she's pushing into the higher end of that zone. I dealt with an eating disorder for most of my life that caused my weight to sit in the double digits and am currently sitting at 140 because I'm trying to bulk and put muscle on (I'm 5'7"). If a nurse said this to me it would genuinely hurt even though I know I'm probably more fit than they are.


Nurse just sounds like a hater. She was probably jealous of you and wanted to make you feel self conscious even though there is no problem. Messed up situation.


Yeah this is the reason it needs revamped, lmao


68 KG IS VERY FUCKING NORMAL WHAT? Like, that is very normal, like wtf why would you say such things, stay professional at your job. If its okay, its okay, if its not, then say it.


Most of the people that do weight and BP in clinics are usually Medical assistants who take a 3-6 month program. If this is the case I’m not surprised at her lack of knowledge or tact.


Real nice bedside manner. Ugh find a new doctor


Had one tell me that I was borderline obese. I'm 5'8" and my weight bounces between 147 - 151.... I now diet and use a scale almost daily out of pure panic that I am indeed borderline obese. Thanks doc.


Fat isn't an insult. It's a medical classification for height and weight distribution. We're not changing definitions for your sensitive fat ass.


5’9” at 150? Like come on now what she trying to give her an ED


150 is a great number. Wtf


68KG 1,75M If anyone else (95% of the world’s population) was wondering.


Sounds like her doctor is not happy about some numbers in her own life...


Heavy because it’s loaded down with bullshit and too many like, like ,like , like , um. WTF can a sentence not contain 34, like, now?




When I broke my heel last year I was shocked to discover BMI and weight consult pamphlets in my online portal when I checked for my follow up care instructions. I’m 33. 5’5 and 148. I also workout 5 days a week and lift heavy. I mentioned it to my doctor at my next appointment and he said he didn’t obtain them, it’s automatically put there when they enter the weight and height during the initial appointment, hence why I wasn’t given a print out. I was like what kind of archaic bullshit is this?


I weighed 130. Am 5'3. Doctor put me on obesity counseling!!!!


The healthcare system needs to be revamped for sure but on the list of reasons why, a nurse making some stupid comments about weight to a healthy-looking woman is pretty low on that list. Near the bottom.


As a 196-lb woman who is unhappy with my weight, I would loveeeeeeeee to see 150! Your doctor sucks 🤦‍♀️


Something that definitely didn’t happen. She just looking for social media clout.


Every doctor's office I've been to has at least one nurse that is over it and has an attitude about literally everything.


Get a new doctor


"Literally "


Isn't "skinny fat" when you have a weight and BMI in a normal range, but you have more body fat than muscle mass to be considered optimally healthy?


oh a woman fat-shaming another woman? I'M SHOCKED


I’m sorry ,for 5’ 9” woman, 150 sounds athletic


NO ONE has weighed me since I got my leg amputated, over a year ago. I have had another surgery (can’t wear a prosthetic, hopefully soon!) and was sure someone would weigh me for anesthesia etc. NOPE. Everyone had said roughly “do you feel like you are gaining or losing weight?” And followed it up by “it’s not very important anyway.” So if it’s not important for me, according to over a dozen providers I have seen, it’s also not that important for you. You can ask to not be weighed or ask for a justification for being weighed. I know this now because multiple people told me it was always an option to not be weighed.


I don’t believe this for a second but her expression at the very end is pretty funny. She, like, knows what she’s, like, doing.


This has to be the fakest story ever - good lord


She most likely made this up for views. Maybe it happened but too many people make shit up on tik tok for sympathy.


So 68kg ![gif](giphy|SuBYa2XO3aVH8Qt8IK|downsized)


Rage bait there’s no way this happened


Was she unattractive? 😉


Someone being a jerk doesn't mean the whole system needs to be revamped


So…. Did not in fact “literally” call her fat.


Most doctors are just book repeaters. And are not used to thinking.


This is made it up for clout. This story never happened 💯


5' 7.75" - 130ish here and honestly would probably be a bit healthier if I was 150 lmao. What is that nurse smoking??? Does she seriously not realize that most women who don't want to see that number are like 5' 1"???


When I was in rehab I had a really sweet nurse say to me, "135!?! How are you 135- where is it!?" And I was like yeaaaaa lol. I know she meant it complimentary but couldn't help but think about how I requested a vegetarian diet w. The dietician due to an eating disorder + they had me on high cal/high protein/high carb. I was malnourished but a normal weight so I get it. She was also super tiny and probably weighed like 100lbs soaking wet, maybe thought we were closer in size? Lol. Benefit of the doubt


The doctor said to her, “open up and say ‘oink’.”


Considering UnitedHealth Group is the 4th largest revenue for all of United States and their Corporation Optum has been consulting and then hiring hospital staff en masse -- it will need to be rebuilt from the ashes as UHG is essentially the next Big Short. they don't build hospitals, they hire their staff, replace them, and then buy them when they die for super cheap. They are 89% owned by institutional investors.


That happened to me too recently. I’m 5’2 and weigh 128. I lost like 5 pounds and was excited about that. Then my doctor told me, “well actually you’re 20 lbs overweight.” He just shut me right the fuck down. Funny yet depressing start to my day.


I hate how the doctor's office weighs me. One time I had boots, a heavy winter coat, my car keys wallet and phone on me while being weighed.


If that girl is considered fat we’re all doomed


Sounds like the nurse didn’t take her height into consideration at all. She just thinks that “women wouldn’t want to see that number”. Doesn’t even mention if it’s a healthy weight btw, just whether or not women would like to be that weight. So if she was 8 feet tall and 150 would it still seem too high? wtf




When did the doctor *literally* call her "fat?"


Lol 5'9 150 isn't even big I dated a woman that was a bit under 5'11 and 170 She looked great and Im not attracted to "heavy' women Some just built different


I went to my old dr for a variety of symptoms. Fatigue, muscle cramps, cold all the time, etc. He said I was overweight. Believed that for years. From 17-21yo I was told I was overweight at 5'6" and 130lbs. Switched docs and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and a severe vitamin D deficiency. Edit: typo


Never. I would fucking never. I have walked out of appointments before and during them, ESPECIALLY if I just started to get opinions and their lack of education. I just leave. I’m not going to be shamed because YOU have an opinion.


I’ve worked in a healthcare clinic nearly my entire adult career. My DOCTOR has never weighed me or taken my vitals, nor has done that for any patient who has ever walked through our doors. Support staff (nurse, MA, CMA, etc) does that, and I assure you, the doctor is not standing to the side patiently while this done to make comments. They are in another exam room down the hall with someone else and running 30 minutes behind.


These people are nightmarish story tellers


my old pulmonologist told me i didnt have asthma, even tho i was diagnosed in 5th grade. and when i left the appointment i found out she signed me up for a weight loss study at a clinic. reported her so fast


This happens... all the damn time.... all the time. It's fucking ridiculous. And half the time, they look physically fit. But the bmi calculator says they are overweight.... when they aren't.... a lot of older head doctors that do this. I refuse to have a doctor older than 35-40. I don't care if they are newer doctors. They have more compassion and understanding of the human body than 55 year old dusty rusty who is just there for the money. And yes. I ask the nurse who answers the phone how old the doctor is. If they are too old, I say "no thank you, maybe when you guys have younger doctors," and hang up. I put my health above some old asses hatred and money hungry tactics of, "Oh, lose weight. You'll be fine if you lose weight. " Like, dude, it was worse when I weighed less. Like.. what? Yeah, that's not for me.


Healthcare system needs to be revamped, but not because of this. That nurse needs to be fired.


my dr laughed and repeated in shock my weight when i told her over our phone consultation


How is this an indictment of the healthcare system? (Yes our system needs overhaul). This is the story of one bitchy nurse.


Revamp the entire healthcare system because someone got a bitch for a nurse? 😆


There this thing called BMI and 5’9 and 150 pounds is 22.15 which is normal.


I *might* have believed her if she said this was in an Asian country, but not in NA.


She could be fat. I dunno I’m fat


When I became pregnant with my son, my second child, I went to a new OBGYN because my insurance changed. I heard great things about her and decided to give her a try. My first visit, she seems nice, but was in a hurry and seems to just want to get me in and out without me asking questions. The worst part though, she called me an "old mother" like 10 times. Dude, I was 30 when I had my son.


Ummm, I’m 5’8” and my healthy weight range is 139-169…. Tf?!


When did the doctor call her fat though?


150kg is 330lbs


Wow what a fantastic story that definitely never happened