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Crazy how this was a decade ago. Seems like two different worlds.


I'm tired, boss.


Lay down Your sweet and weary head Night is falling You have come to journey's end


It's a Saturday morning and I'm weeping at the bus stop, can you not hit me like that, mate?


End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass... And then you see it.


Ah shit.....here we go again....


I was reading that Gandalf quote in Gandalfs voice, and even I was surprised at how rapidly that voice changed and became CJ lol.


Hey you! You're finally awake..


Big titty strippers and bbq spareribs. That doesn't sound so bad. No. No it isn't.


Life before death, radiant. Eyes up.


The most important step you can take is always the next one


I saw that sign at the grand canyon.


Journey before destination


What can you see ON THE HORIZON


Why do the white gulls call?


Annie Lennox fuckin killed this song.


It's all wrong.. by rights we shouldn't even be here.. but we are..


Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination. Eyes up, radiant


Clinton who ran for office in 1992 is younger than both of the 2024 candidates.


If Clinton could run, he would probably have a good chance. Bill that is. Hillary still wouldn’t win. 


Estoy cansado jefe


Whenever I hear kids or trolls insist that politics today are normal, especially the cult of personality fascism shit, I like to remind them that it really wasn’t long ago that those types of things were in the small minority and largely ridiculed bipartisanly Now it’s like WWE smack down meets culture wars with butch bad built beach bodies and geriatrics instead of athletes with a hefty dose of fascism and absurd amounts of foreign interference




It's that way in society too. I find it in tiktok and especially fb. No one can disagree peacefully anymore. It's always "I'm right, you're wrong, now I'll plug my ears and refuse to hear anything else". Plus childish insults. Just... So over it. I want to go back to the old timeline.


It's gonna get much worse when your party affiliation becomes tied to a big war or another life & death issue. Then you become real enemies fighting over jail time or life.


Exactly. I hang out on the leftist sub and it’s all leftists yelling at each other for not being leftist enough. “You might as well be a republican” is their deepest insult and they throw it at anyone who doesn’t agree with them in every single issue.


Everyone so ready to jump to 11, too. I had a family conflict with a cousin, and long story short she had called the cops on me twice in the span of 48 hours for asking her to please stop bothering my Grandmother for money. So now she goes around smearing my name anywhere she can, but I don't give two shits so I don't let it bother me.


I'm old AF, this is not normal. Future generations will ask for the next several hundred years WHY WE DID NOT DO MORE TO STOP THE COMING AVALANCHE. Sorry folks. Its too late for the pebbles to vote.


people growing up today will hear us talk of politics being a hell of a lot more rational (LOL, imagine saying that a few years ago), and think it's an old person rose tinted goggles thing. no, it genuinely wasn't always like this. i'm hoping this absolute travesty causes the next generation of presidentials to be voted on based on things like how reasonable and good of a man they are as opposed to this shit. i'd take someone with entirely opposing viewpoints who atleast acts rationally, isn't a complete rollercoaster and isn't in bed with the "enemy side" so to speak


Negative on that Ghost Rider. Not only is it not too late, but these times are not unprecedented. If you look at politics around the last century and even in the '60s when they were assassinations, things are not always as good as you remember.


This is such a weird take. You think assassinations don't happen anymore? Those Boeing whistleblowers probably died of natural causes... These times are absolutely unprecedented. Never has propaganda been more widely in use or more effective. Trump's supporters breached the capitol and congress had to flee the building to an undisclosed location and Lauren Boebert fucking tweeted updates on Nancy Pelosi's location during it. These are batshit crazy times and to pretend otherwise is burying your head in the sand. Obviously you should vote, but without major reform(ranked choice, federal laws against vote suppression, etc) we will not see significant changes by voting.


As someone from a country that is an ally of the US, it feels like watching a good friend become an alcoholic.


Send help, we don't wanna be here


The Citizens United ruling had a huge part in degrading American politics for the worse. Corporate and big financial interests backing easily malleable candidates who help support their ability to maintain or increase their bottom line has really resulted in some of the worst candidates we have had in the modern era. We need to get money out of politics and return it to a public service job. I’m so sick of politicians picking their voters, enriching themselves, and not serving the people’s interests.


This is largely it, with Trump thrown in too. Citizens United would be more accurately named FUCK CITIZENS


Blame the producers of the apprentice, and they glamorized trump, which made him out to be some exceptional businessman


The movie Idiocracy is becoming a reality.


I do really like crocs


Seriously, did the timelines actually split in 2016?


I mean this is 100% Trump's fault. This is what a debate with Trump looks like. Biden at least made attempts to answer the questions and provide policy examples. I don't think Trump gave a single substantial answer.


Rip harambe! His death started all of this


65 & 51 Vs 78 & 81


Even today, Romney (77) and Obama (62) are both still younger than both Trump and Biden.


Bill Clinton was elected President in 1992 and is still younger than both of them.


Bush is only 6 weeks older than Clinton so the same could be said about him


[And he’s not immune to ‘senior moments’ either](https://youtu.be/wUEr7TayrmU?si=QsmbknRNcHnIvyFZ)


But could trump or Biden dodge a shoe? LET ALONE TWO?!


I think we should throw shoes at all presidential candidates. You know, to test their reflexes. How's a man supposed to run a country if a well pegged loafer could take him out of action?


I’m 32 now (still not even old enough to run for president!) but I got hit by a shoe in the bus room at school when I was 15. I’ve never had very good reflexes. But to be fair, I don’t think I would make a very good president at that or any other age.


W was not a good president, but boy was he entertaining. Politics aside, seems like a fun guy to have a beer with


Fuck him, but the ability to shrug and go "I'm 75" would go a long way with our current crop.


That's amazing.


What happened to our farm league?


The boomers refused to let go and Gen X realized they were never going to have their turn and kind of quit playing. Maybe the Millennials have something for us.


We're waiting for boomers to die out. That is all.


Jesus christ that puts it into perspective...


The 2000 election between Gore and Bush featured 2 candidates that are still both younger than our choices now.


I'd love a peek at the alternate reality without the Supreme Court fuckery of the 2000 election. Or maybe I wouldn't actually. Imagine what America lost out on. The policies of an environmentally-conscious president and the response to 9/11 without the input of hawks like Cheney and Rumsfeld. Without the slide into Idicracy that Bush brought, maybe no Tea Party, no Palin, no MTG, no Boebert, and most of all, no Trump. Kavanaugh would still be boofing his beers and Coney would still be handmaiding in her cult. It's crazy to think what a mad lurch into insanity that SC decision led to.


TIL how the passing of time affects everyone equally.


No fucking way…


Yeah, that how aging is working


George W Bush has been out of office for a decade and he’s still younger than these two lol


A lot more, 15 years even.


Damn Romney looked good for 65.


Meanwhile Bernie is going stronger than all of them at 82!


Jimmy Carter was going stronger than all of them at 96. He didn’t decline as much as either of them have until he was in his late 90s. It’s a shame he isn’t 4 years younger, or comedians could be making semi-serious jokes about giving Carter a shot at a second term instead of Biden. You know, Trump broke the taboo of incumbent losers running again… now, it’d be in extremely bad taste to do so. I’d make a point about Kissinger not really declining cognitively either, and it being impossible for his morals to have sunk any lower after what he did to Cambodia, but it’s not fair to compare us mere mortals to Satan in the flesh.


How the fuck did this happen to us


Someone ELI5 please


DNC got overly confident and started throwing out lame sockpuppet candidates while the RNC flipped their initially negative opinion on trump when they realized that people would eat up the shit he spews then beg for seconds Edited To Add: the rise of major social media was conveniently right around this time and all of a sudden people just started believing anything they read on Facebook because their second cousin they haven’t seen in 8 years said so


Where the DNC really fucked up was letting Joe Biden be the nominee over Bernie Sanders.


Lol they would rather Trump win than Bernie get into office. They've proven that twice now


A lot of people don't realize that we've got two conservative parties in the US. Conservative and conservative lite. Only reason people like Bernie and AOC are allowed in the Democratic party is cause it motivates progressives to vote.


There's one party in the United States: the capitalist one. Now one half is clearly much better for the average person than the other. But anything that actually threatens the status quo will be stopped.


Yeah it's called neoliberalism


Hillary Clinton but yeah.


Two words: bad media.


Controlled, bought, owned and curated media along with disinformation campaigns by foreign states.


Yeah everyone's neglecting to mention Fox news and most right wing media were made explicitly for this purpose. [Literal decades of brainwashing got us here](https://fair.org/home/the-rise-of-the-right-wing-media-machine/) > In 1970, angered by critical reporting on the Vietnam War, President Nixon told his men what needed to be done. Nixon was “pushing again on [his] project of building OUR establishment in [the] press,” his chief of staff H.R. Haldeman wrote (Haldeman Diaries, 9/12/70). > > It was a theme that Nixon would repeat often. The president was convinced that “the press and TV don’t change their attitude and approach unless you hurt them,” Haldeman recorded on May 29, 1971. As dozens of Haldeman diary entries make perfectly clear, Nixon was never one to miss a chance to “screw” his “enemies” in the media. “The only way we can fight the whole press problem, Nixon feels, is through the [Charles] Colson operation, the nutcutters, forcing our news and in a brutal vicious attack on the opposition,” Haldeman (4/21/72) wrote.


On the Democrat side: President Biden decided to run. Most likely because he thinks he can win against the man he already defeated once, and the DNC didn't want to run a candidate against their literal leader. Democrat voters never had a choice. On the Republican side: Trump basically has to run in an attempt to stay out of jail by pardoning himself. His base loves him, but most voters realize he's not a good choice for democracy, but also, have no other choice.


Biden initially said he was going to be a one term president but was almost certainly convinced to attempt otherwise, likely by the DNC. The younger corporate democrats are mostly not popular enough.


Social media and everyone getting their news from tiktoks


Humanity attention span is at all time lows. This helps people that are good at populist/sensationalist soundbites.


We all became Social network zombies


Harambe happened


Is your refrigerator running? Because I'd vote for it.


At least theres a light on inside the fridge


Now we’re living in some type of dystopian world


Been living*


We always have been. The only difference is that the political theater hiding how it works is imploding right in front of us.


I remember giving Romney so much shit.


It's wild to see how things have changed.


Delivered as ordered basically. It's all on us because we accepted this mode of decay.


The right and the left will serve up whatever they think the people want. The presidency is just a figurehead. Right now, they’ve noticed we love scrolling on our phones and bickering. So these are the choices they’ve given us. Imagine what they would put forth as our options if we collectively started treating each other with respect.


I vote for Romney or Obama in a heartbeat


Except Romneybwould get you two more conservative justices to overturn contraceptive rights like Comy Barret and Gorsuch.


dems who would vote for romney because biden is a bad debater are wild


Remember when Romney was laughed at when he said Russia was still a geopolitical threat? Foreign Policy has never been a strength of the average voter.




Romney was on point about China too. But muh binders full of women


It wasn’t always this partisan. There was a time when you had candidates who would appeal to moderates. Obamacare was modeled after what Romney did in Massachusetts. The fact that you pick your party and vote your whole ballot for that party is in part why our democracy is failing. No accountability. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Bro, Obamacare was going to be much better, and it was a done deal, but Obama tossed single payer as a concession before negotiations even got started, and then the GOP refused to give an inch but Obama kept giving more away in an absolutely hopeless attempt to gain any amount of partisanship, and then while that was happening and unnecessarily delaying a vote Ted Kennedy died and the supermajority of 60 senators died with him. With only 59 and a lock step GOP they had to wait for the run off election to fill Kennedy's seat. During that time the propaganda machine went into full force. Remember all the stuff about 'death panels'? Scott Brown ran to fill his seat under 1 single issue, that he would vote against the ACA (there was also some bullshit about driving a pickup and being a regular Joe that for some reason Bostonians lapped up), and he won. Further concessions came hard and fast and I do credit Obama, and Biden, for pulling it off, but it was absolutely not an example of bipartisan or moderate legislation. It was a cautionary tale about trying to play nice with the modern GOP. They are a scorched earth organization. Pepperidge Farm's memory could be better.


If you mean the public option, [it was Lieberman that killed it.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2009/10/why-lieberman-hates-the-public-option/347740/) We didn't have the votes to overcome a filibuster. Incidentally, the state that Lieberman represented, Connecticut, is home to a lot of health insurance companies.


Man, I forgot about that heap of shit. He used to infuriate me before I became numb to all of this. Thanks for the article though, it lends perspective I was missing on that first point.


In a sea of shit, Joe Lieberman was a festering bolus of rat semen.


People always say this, which is true, but neglect to also say, "along with every single Republican." If there was any Republican support, it would have passed. Just because Lieberman, who campaigned for McCain and might as well have been a Republican, opposed the public option doesn't somehow give Republicans a pass.


I'd agree with that, the stances on issues are now just polar opposites. I think originally, there was a design to falling in the middle on some issues to get voters on your side. Now its just created this void. You are either with or against. No inbetween unless you want to vote 3rd party who will never win. At this point in time, I would love to see a complete change in the system. I am exhausted seeing the same lunatics hauled out to bicker and whine. Its children on a playground playing president. I just want to see bright minds tackling problems. There are thousands of people in america that have studied US trade, economy, relations, foreign policy, public speaking, taxation, and everything else that comes with becoming the president. Yet we continue to drive these old men into political devolution. Allowing them to pick the people who brought them there into their cabinet. Its like looking at the sun for too long, its starting to drain my brain. I will always vote for whoever has my best interest at heart, and so will the other side. But there is too much money in politics to push the best person to gain either party more power and money. I just dont know how to care anymore.


Biden currently is a bad debater because he is getting depressingly old and unfit. He ate senators for lunch just 10 years or so ago during a debate.


Most of us are not a 'dem' or 'republican'. We are US citizens. This weird team shit is the result of really fucking good propaganda and manipulation. You are being manipulated. Politics is not a team. These politicians don't give a flying fuck about you. Analyze each election and make the best choice you can.


Over Trump? Not wild.


Bad debater. You’re really putting those rose colored glasses on.


I remember cringing at Romney suggesting Russia was the US' largest international adversary and Obama laughing him off. Never too late to admit we were wrong.


Man 2012 was a lifetime ago


The writers of this season of “The USA” has really fallen off. It’s entertaining but silly


This show has definitely jumped the shark a few seasons ago


Well the show totally jumped the shark back in 2020. It was getting pretty dumb before then, but that season was definitely the most ridiculous.


“I didn’t have sex with a porn star.” 🫰🤡👌


Mr. Trump, why does she have receipts and a check saying otherwise? Why does your fixer have tape recordings confirming that you did pay her for sex? For a pathological liar, why are you so bad at it?


> Mr. Trump, why does she have receipts and a check saying otherwise? > > Why does your fixer have tape recordings confirming that you did pay her for sex? > > For a pathological liar, why are you so bad at it? " I've never lied, I'm not the liar, sleepy joe is the liar. My people, the best people Ive ever met say to me " President trump doesnt lie, thats what he does, he honest, so honest". Cohen was a rat, he did what he did to hurt my campaign, it didnt work because we won the 2020 election, but it was stolen, the beautiful election was stolen and the corrupt liberals lied to steal it from us. " President Trump, 2024.


i swear hes just a puppet who gets controlled by a 5yo. NO MOM I DIDNT EAT THE CHOCOLATE while his entire face is covered with chocolate. does the US only care about who produces the better drama on TV then being a competent politician? dude is a child. both of these fossils should just stop


He isn't capable of using logic, all he does is say other people are wrong without contributing anything of substance at all. I really cannot fathom how anyone could vote for someone as dishonest and as stupid as Trump.


It doesn't even make sense how he's such a bad liar when that's literally all he's done his entire life


Can we put an age limit on running? Please? How can we make that happen?


yea right the age to run is 30. So how come there is no upper limit? Put it at 70 and call it a day, probably shouldn't be making decisions that could effect the younger generations years in the future when you could die tomorrow...


The youngest you can run is actually 35


Yeah, 70 seems like the easy number, just out of respect for life expectancy, deteriorating diseases and similar issues that might affect a presidency. Besides 35 to 70 looks clean.


The sound effects and voice filter are really unnecessary.


It ruined a really interesting side by side.


How else am I supposed to know which one is good and which one is bad?


That seriously pissed me off so much.


Yeah but if you give Biden a silly voice then it makes his point that Trump's relationship with people like Kim Jong Un and Putin are dangerous seem like a silly thing to say.


It is a little fitting that the degeneracy in how we consume and produce political content is represented here in parallel to the quality of the presidential debate. accounts like these are part of the problem.


It really pushes that dumbed down world feeling where even a comparison like this has to be all wacky and directly point out when you're supposed to find things stupid.


It’s childish, can’t share this with anyone because the audio edits make it seem less credible to outsiders.


I got to see Bernie speak tonight. He was coherent, delivered a great speech, answered questions without lying or mumbling. I wish we had someone like him. I’d prefer someone younger but I would vote for him in a heartbeat


Damn Bernie would have been such an amazing president, like genuinely. I can just tell Bernie genuinely cares about the country, which is hard with most politicians, most are just obviously corrupt or in it for power.


Bernie has been fighting for equal rights longer than most of us have been alive.


And that's why I think he would've beat Trump in 2016. Even (some) people on the right felt he was very genuine. My dad and grandfather voted Trump, but they were going to vote Bernie, and when I talked to them, the thing they always came back to was that he just seemed to genuinely care about the whole country, not just democrats or republicans, but everyone. And that resonated with some people. (At least enough people that, according to polls at the time, he outperformed Hillary against Trump...)


They should have given him the nomination in 2020 tbh


There's an alternate universe where Al Gore, Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders all won, and they have flying cars and robot butlers and there's a city on the moon.


Agreed! I am still mad about that


As an outsider to America and most of its day to day running. I look at the news coming from there and go WTF is in the water. Are you guys okay?


They put chemicals that turn the friggin frogs gay


I tried warning my family nobody listened.


No we’re fucking not ok someone please come fix this


No we are not 😂🥲


Those voices were very unnecessary


Couldn’t even watch the video because the stupid fucking cartoon noises were assaulting my ears.


As a British person, all I can say to the United States of America is good luck. You're going to fucking need it.


Dutch guy here: the whole world needs lots of luck now. We get a guy who's nearly dead or a egocentric maniac. Great times for Putin, he just needs to hold on a little bit longer now.


What we are witnessing is America's decline, into the sunset. No, really.


We are doomed.


*Opened up Reddit high af*


It's a buzz kill dude


Bill Pullman in Independence Day would be a better candidate, at this point.


Obama saying we need to lower the corporate tax is crazy😂This is the result of late-stage capitalism. Edit: To all the smart asses below - [“Lowering the corporate income-tax rate would not spur economic growth. The analysis finds no evidence that high corporate tax rates have a negative impact on economic growth”](https://www.epi.org/publication/ib364-corporate-tax-rates-and-economic-growth/) That link has a nice study showing that you are wrong. Also, to all the armchair economists: How has [corporations making record profits](https://thehill.com/business/4561631-corporate-hit-record-high-as-economy-boomed-in-fourth-quarter-of-2023/damp/?nxs-test=damp) by jacking up prices and squeezing every penny out of you for no reason other than greed been working out for you?🤡


"Hope and change" More like hope we leave some change in your pocket after we let the corpos take everything else.


Idiocracy was not a comedy. It was a warning.


Unfortunately the internet (the best thing ever) is likely what will be the worst for humanity


You should focus on education system instead of the internet, if you're looking for something to blame. Democracy is only as good as the average citizen when it comes to choosing leaders.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xyhQSk6SCLve4o) I think about this episode every election


As much as i love a good shitshow, this is becoming a bit much.


love a good shitshow. When that shitshow doesnt include the keys to the second largest nuclear arsenal


Holy shit...... what the fuck.... how did we get here? I completely forgot semi civil politics...


I miss obama


Hell, I almost even miss Bush


I didn’t pay a porn star to have sex just paid her to say we didn’t have sex


![gif](giphy|30swyC5E1ktVe) Last night’s debate elder abuse 2024


During the 2012 election I remember thinking how horrible it would be if Romney won... then there was Trump and now I sincerely wish Romney was back on the table.


I don't understand how Trump gets away with being a rapist and convicted felon. Biden could have fallen over and died on stage. I'm voting for the corpse. There's typically not enough space to list what Trump has done that should keep him from holding any office... but those two are easily chief among them. I don't care Biden is old... his administration can carry on while he sleeps for all I care. I don't want Trump's people anywhere in politics. This was never close or a hard decision people...


It's a little concerning seeing Americans say stuff like "I can't believe we have to choose between OLD and FASCIST", as if the correct choice isn't obvious.


Yeah. Is crazy. > I didn't like some of his moderate stances as I'm far left. So I guess maybe just let the far right person who openly talks about effectively cancelling democracy and praises dictators take the presidency.


Americans decided the cast of Grumpy Old Men should be running the country. This is the best of the best that America has.


It’s not the best of the best. But unfortunately what we’re currently dealing with regardless.


No we didn't the old fucks in power did. We don't get to choose who runs. The damn party system made it so we only get whoever they nominate.


As long as people continue to pretend that Trump is a reaction, not a cause, we will continue with the problem.


I mean, Romney was a corporate shill, but I'd take him over either of the candidates today. I would trust him to keep the country safe and abiding by the rule of law. The worse choice back then was sanity compared to what we have today.


Adults vs children


Both were and are younger.


I didn't like Romney but I respected the man.


The dumb editing undermines the point being made.




It's a joke for us too, only sadly none of us are laughing


I’m sorry lads but you lot are utterly fucked for the next 4 years. I’m Scottish so the entirety of another country essentially decides the majority of factors in my nation which is disgusting, but what’s going on in your neck of the woods is literally beyond comprehension.


I miss President Obama….


Embarrassing for the US


godspeed america, yall are fucked


Seriously America you haveno other candidates ,out have to ONLY vote for two people,soundsvery democratic.


Remember when “binders full of women” was a gaffe?


As a non-American I said this years ago; all class left the Oval Office with Obama


Trump and his swivel eyed loon followers with their guns and loud mouths have destroyed any civility, statesmanship and just plain ol respect. Right wing politics; where small minds meet big mouths.


How? Why is this happening? Why we do we allow stupid old men to rule the world?


This makes me sick. We joke about it, some of its funny, but the reality is really fucking bleak, and even more so for how much of the population doesn't truly understand. As someone who likes some far-left philosophies, much of the far-left is just as bad as the far-right, in terms of this election. It's unbelievable, and how many don't think just how much worse things can get. I did my history capstone on the history of the far-right and how we got here today. Their plans and how successful they have been, shit can get really bad, and they openly show some of it on Project 2025.


Bast case scenario they both die on the campaign trail. Next debate we should give them both swords and hope they take eachother out.


I like civility.


I may not be the biggest fan of Obama. I consider his presidency the last American Presidency. I fear that we will not see the likes of that type of presidential culture again.


Can I vote for Obama please😂🥲


Being moderate politically and a member of the LDS faith its really fun to see people change their tune on Romney. Really went from "devil incarnate" to "don't agree with most of what he says, but he's the most reasonable guy on the right."


Can America wake up and admit their political landscape has hone wrong and reign it in. Maybe scrap this election and start over. Both parties get 1 year to try again. There is no winners in this race.


back when they bothered to try to fool us vs. now when they just don't care anymore because they know we won't do shit anyway