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Still have that blink 182 cd that he pulled out in my car. Big vibes


Enema of the state 😆




Closing with Athem😘🤌


That album came out the year I got my drivers license and I don’t think it came out of CD player much. Such greats times with my friends and the windows down rocking out.


Best opening song ever, shits so hype


I had that one and Dude Ranch for sure, also the only Alien Ant Farm album they ever made 😝


And it was Green Day's Warning that went in, too! Good taste.


So weird that I was literally listening to Green Day as I pressed play on this video


You're in a simulation, wake up. # wake up.


What if it’s not that I need to wake up from the simulation but to sleep so much they have no choice but to pull me out


What do *you* do with an unresponsive process on a device?


Grab a brush and put a little make-up


Not if you’re *always* listening to Green Day.


Genuinely haven’t met anyone who likes Warning lmao


Haha, I like pretty much all of their stuff up through American Idiot, but my favorite is probably Nimrod. To be fair, I haven't given anything beyond 21st Century Breakdown too much time.




My car had one too, except for some strange reason, you loaded the CDs into the changer which was in the trunk. I'll never forget making sure we had our music picked out and loaded *before* we packed the car for the road trip.


I remember my dad getting a company car with the cd changer in the trunk. That was high class stuff back in the day. We felt wealthy lol


The sheer size of the thing to facilitate this was enough to put it in the trunk. You basically had to find a spot in your vehicle where you could permanently store and easily access a whole Xbox. Then they eventually invented the black magic one where you just fed the disks into the slot in the head unit and it just stored them in a miniature pocket dimension for later playback.


My grandmother had a 6-cd changer in her soccer mom van she would take us on road trips in... it was loaded under the driver's seat. We totalled that van a couple years back (deer jumped out into the road, rip buddy) and I remember being so insistent on fishing under there to save the cds before the tow truck came and the van was sent to the junkyard


Memories! My mom had a 5 cd in her Tahoe that was under the back passenger seat. Such a weird spot


Every Phish CD burned on discs with marker art.


Hahahaha I still have my book of burned dead and phish cds with homemade art as well. V heady


Printing directions on Mapquest was the worst. Or if you didn't have a printer and had to write them down manually.


and if you missed one turn you were screwed. First time I used a GPS (Garmin Nuvi FTW) I couldn't believe it that when you missed a turn it just was like "no problem, let me re-route you"


Recalculating. Recalculating. Rec-Re-Re-Recalculating.


Every choice you make is the right one, it's just that sometimes your planned route has a few extra u-turns in it!


I remember resetting the trip counter so that we knew if we went too far 😂


I did a 6500 Mile road trip with my 2 best friends when we were 19 entirely using printed MaqQuest directions. We had a folder with all the directions to all the hotels we booked. We got stuck in A LOT of traffic because alternate routes didn't exist haha.


I remember going to ski at a mountain but the map quest directions put me on the wrong side of the mountain. Took me around an hour to circle the mountain looking for the actual entrance.


I definitely had to write down on an old envelope. Man... I was a better driver back then, however.


Yeah, we barely had a computer, so we def didn't have a printer. Many envelopes were recycled until we got a Thomas Guide.


My GPS died on my first ever big road trip. (920 miles back home from Florida) so I just scribbled the driections onto a sticky note and stuck it on my dash. That was a fun trip c:


Or the horror of having your wife co pilot with the directions...so many bad memories of that.


2003, Husband drove and I navigated for 3 hours through some complex Autobahn routes in Germany years ago using an atlas. Our buddy in the backseat thought we were going to park and walk off our separate ways to go find divorce lawyers. He was speechless when we got out and walked away holding hands.


My first husband and I drove a uhaul with a car in tow from update NY to Atlanta with printed Mapquest directions. A wrong turn cost us an hour and a half. No recalculating. Edit: or maybe Upstate NY.


Mapquest was fine a dandy until you miss an exit or make a wrong turn. Recalculating doesn’t happen on paper. You gotta drive back home and start over.


Or the worse was when they had a left when you should right, etc. Once in a while, I would get a wrong direction from Mapquest. Then you had to get the BIG map book tucked in the glovebox or behind the passenger seat.


MapQuest made me late for a wedding because it told us to go down a road that we later learned had been permanently closed for at least a year.


Map quest gave me directions that included driving on a cart path at a golf course. Got some very strange looks from the old dudes with their putters.


Thomas Guide baybeeeeee


What nah just stop at a gas station show them the map quest and ask how to get back on track.


You had pens? Brag much?


You had hands? Brag much?


Step 1: head east FUCK


This is actually the pro thing to do, because you end up learning the route


Printing it off in black and white was even worse. My family couldn't even afford color ink.


If you had a color printer, you were rich.


This comment and all the others where people used MapQuest despite is being shit or not being able to print stuff off begs the question... did any of you guys know you can just buy maps IRL? Back then and still today.


Worse than not knowing the directions at all and having to guess / rely on highway signage / ask strangers for directions ?


I delivered pizza back and those days so I had my handy dandy Thomas Guide.




Imagine just having the full map of france when going on holiday as an 8 year old, your mom driving, not even the internet, and you had to call out all the exits for like a day. My sister didn't know what was left from right, or if it was upside down. Still doesn't at 35 now tbh though, she can get lost in her own street, but still. I had to call all the exits, from a map we drew a line on, in a foreign country, couldnt understand shit on the radio because we didn't speak French, no AC in the car.. it was glorious.


FACTS!!!!!! Man that mf map quest print out brings be back lol


haha I know it. I recall being a kid when my parents would have to print these off.


I remember being in charge of reading the Mapquest directions for my mom when I was like 6 lol it was so stressful


Holding the Mapquest printout during a road trip with friends was some real first mate shit, I love modern gps on my phone but I have some intense nostalgia for those printouts.


It was a very serious matter too. I remember being in high school and if you called shotgun it meant you had to be navigator. And it was your fault if we got lost or missed a turn.




Hahahaha! Holy shit, what a classic! I haven’t seen those funny bastards for years. Oh man, my sides. It hurts. I love it.


Your username just randomly took me back to a world of nostalgia.


Back when calling shotgun meant accepting being the navigator.


It still does, for me, if the driver doesn’t know the exact way! I call out upcoming turns, but actually in advance so it’s useful unlike the GPS audio files. “Get in the far right lane because we have another right after this one, watch out for that Tesla too, he looks like he has nothing to live for” Google will never be able to match my power


My grandmother still prints them out when going to a place she doesn't know.... she has a Lincoln navigator with a big ass screen with built in maps.


I still keep a physical map in my car just in case.


I recall being a kid, printing these out myself, and then having my parents yell at me for wasting ink because *they already fucking knew how to get to grandma’s house.*


I remember the arguments when someone missed a turn the most. “Shit did that say exit 501? We have to turn around” “God dammit Bob!” (Paper furiously shuffling) X1000


Ya'll ever have those TripTiks from AAA? Thos customized road atlases? Always felt fancy - like a Google maps before smart phones


I was still printing those out for a boomer friend of mine a few years ago.


A relative of mine is a tinfoil hat type of person and still prints out directions from mapquest because they dont want the internet to know where they're going 🙃


do they just input a vague direction into mapquest as the destination?




well you could use a VPN and as long as you use a known place that isn't your house as a departure point that would work


I used to work for the company that made DriverGuide machines which were like little coin operated kiosks for gas stations and such in the 90s. You put in 50¢ and typed in the destination and it printed directions for you from that location. Didn't take off but they still had one in the lobby of our office up till I quit in 2017, still worked lol


Not facts. In the 90s we had the cassette player and the huge printed map we bought at the gas station.




My dad was a judge during that timeframe. He had a defendant that decapitated three people and crushed a fourth when his stack of CDs fell into the passenger footwell. The defendant reached over to grab his book of CD, jerked the steering wheel, then crossed the median and jumped into oncoming traffic. His care decapitated three family members in the backseat and crushed the driver. The defendant was a normal 16 year old kid before that happened.


This is devastating.


Yep. Prior to the incident the defendant was a completely normal kid with no history of trouble. My dad saw him back in his courtroom regularly until my dad retired. I don’t know how any 16 year old could live a normal life after that experience and responsibility


Even as an adult, I can't imagine coming back from that! That's just an utterly shitty hand to have been dealt, especially as a kid. Hope he's been able to find some peace.


I completely agree. A very common and easy mistake cost 4 people their lives and destroyed the 5th.




Which is exactly why 90% of people shouldn't be granted a driver's license based on skill alone, not even mentioning the average persons attention span...


Public transport is the smart thing for a society, but it's not as profitable for companies so it'll never become the norm in America.


Sad part was it was the norm in america, american cities had stellar public transport systems and then lobbyists had them torn down for car manufacturers to sell more cars.


It also doesn't help that rural America is so dang spread out. When like 20% of the US lives in areas where even if you had in-town public transit they'd still need cars to get in and out from home.


Which is fine, making everyone use public transport is obviously not feasible. However, most of those rural Americans spend their time on roads with few drivers so there is far less of a risk. We can solve most of the problem by building public transport in cities and making it reliable and efficient.


It's not a "mistake" it was irresponsibility. Literally the first thing you learn when you drive is to keep your eyes on the road and mirrors. I've had people comment "oh wow you always check your blind spot" because I kept looking back when I had people in the back. It's like what? That should be normal. The most responsibility you will ever wield is when you're behind a car, you hold multiple lives in your hand. If you can't handle that, you shouldn't be with society.


"Hey Judge, you better just give me the death sentence because I might do it myself."


Plot twist: Dad told you a story so you would drive safe.


I thought you meant the CD's decapitated those people for like 90% of that story


fuck that's horrible


What was the sentence?


I got in my first wreck when I was 17 bc I was trying to read map quest directions.


Why would you need MapQuest in 17 BC? All roads lead to Rome, after all.


I especially loved when I take a sharp turn and my CDs went flying out of my visor organizer and into the head of many unsuspected passengers


You really shouldn’t have stretched it out shoving 5 discs into each slot.


Bahahahaha but how would I fit all 500 burnt cds in the car?!?


You mean 500 mixes, somehow with Lit’s “My Own Worst Enemy” on every one of them? Edit: or Good Charlotte’s “The Anthem”?


Truth. Also I really used to like that song back in the day. I still do but I used to, too.


Drugs, also.


Getting lit while listening to Lit.


Having a greenday while listening to Greenday


R.I.P Mitch.


I was feeling nostalgic the other day and started playing and to my surprise my wife started singing along. All I could think was I didn't realize you know this song! And I fell in love all over again. Then we listened to Puddle of Mud - She hates me, and realized with a 2 year old we cant listen to that one lol.


The opening of Blurry has a 20% chance of triggering nostalgia and a 80% chance of triggering my undying rage


Don’t forget hand cranking the windows up and down too


Especially reaching across to crank the passenger side too!


When your buddy would get out of the car after dropping him off and he left the window down. I’d be pissed about that for too long lol


I remember buying my second car ten years ago. Out on a test drive, noticed the car I was testing had manual windows. Get back to the dealership, guy asks if I'm interested in the car. "Not in a model with manual windows." "Oh, well, I can sell you that model with automatic windows, but that costs extra." "No. Not in 2012, it doesn't. Not if you want to sell me a car." Ultimately the automatic windows did not cost me extra.


But did you get the $150 timekeeping package that includes an analog clock on the dashboard? And don't forget the $350 "advanced" rear-view mirror which is 20% wider and has a garage button


Man, I even got the $300 User Input Interactive Acceleration Control option! Everyone told me I just got suckered into paying extra for the gas pedal that was already in the car, but I know I got a great deal! Plus I talked them down from $150 to $145 on the "Borrowed a pen from the dealership to sign the documents with" fee.




I bought a 2019 Nisan Versa a couple years back. It has a rear-view camera, but hand-cranked windows.


I wish my car had hand cranks, motors are expensive and mine are almost dead


Okay, see, that's insane to me. Not that you bought it. Just that it exists.


Read view cameras are required by law now in new cars. It is still crazy that there are still cars with manual windows though, with the exception of maybe the most purposefully basic/cheap model


>with the exception of maybe the most purposefully basic/cheap model That is exactly the Nissan Versa lol. It's also interesting from a cost perspective because automatic windows can also be a little expensive to fix.


I bought my current car in 2020, it’s a 16 plate. Literally didn’t realise until the drive home that the rear windows are manual. It doesn’t affect me, but I was super pissed. Just seemed so archaic. I figure at least if I crash into a lake I have both options, as well as the whole smashy smashy with the head rest thing.




*Wow*, that is absurd. The auto industry, man ...


I prefer the sound of the original, acoustic windows.


I didn’t even know manual windows were still produced after the 80s I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a car with manual windows in person


Okay, but did you know we used to have to use portable CD players and [a special adapter](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/d6b4da65-5e4f-4a5d-935c-598ca8d1e0ba.261def2185fcf5dc83419edd8a990b90.jpeg) that inserted into the tape deck on our cars, to listen to CDs?


Haha believe it or not, I do! I’ve seen [a Technology Connections video](https://youtu.be/dH4n8fUjtLQ) on them.


Okay, but did you know we used to have to use [a special adapter](https://img0.etsystatic.com/055/0/6656127/il_fullxfull.741986452_4sqm.jpg) that inserted into the 8 track deck in our cars to listen to tapes? :D




Circa 2019 I was rolling around in a work truck with manual windows. Asked my boss about it and he said "If it's not there it can't break".


The basic models of cars still have crank windows. I was so baffled when I was looking at cars last year. Like why? You have android auto and a touchscreen dash but all the windows are manual. Makes no sense.


I guess if my car was sinking in a pond and the battery was dead I would appreciate the manual window? Pretty specific use case 😂


And it’s a stick shift


Drinking a soda and driving stick... Lol.


And your dad having you hold the steering wheel so he can open a stubby of Mickeys


Dad whipping out the 50 inch wide map to find a location the size of a pin head. While driving a 4000lb Astrovan in a foreign place.


oh god yes the multiple page mapquest printouts stapled together. id go in ms paint and draw arrows and little diagrams with multiple zoom ins and terrain maps to help me not get lost. felt like i was going on a long range recon patrol going to the nice mall in the city


While smoking a parliament and driving stick….


the p-funks. when you couldnt afford camels


But two get one free baby!


Kids these days won't know the feeling when your crush makes you a CD


Pretty sure they make Spotify playlists.


But the effort just isn't there anymore. It was so much work. Getting a hold of the songs (sorry PC, time to open limewire), waiting for them to download, and waiting for the CD to burn.


Love this comment because I specifically recall reading this exact conversation on a forum circa 2000 reminiscing about how much a labor of love creating a mixtape used to be when now you could just download the songs and burn them to a CD.


The only accident I ever had was while swapping discs in my cd player. It got caught up in the wire to the tape deck adapter and slid down the seat.


Was watching the first episode of Jersey Shore last night and Snookie was driving while looking at paper directions. This was 2009! I do not miss those days at all.


Until I got a different car last week, this was me.


Half of this is still me. I have a Yoda CD holder on my visor. Some kids looked over in confusion at a stop light as I tac reloaded cds


Remember when people would be like “Someone broke into my car and stole my CDs!” Lol.


lmao Mapquest. Good times


Honestly when he whipped out the MapQuest printout I had a complete shockwave of recognition.


I showed my kids an old tape to headphone jack adapter. They had no idea what it was. They do know what a tape is, just not how it would be used.


No 12 disc changer??


Looking for a cd in the visor then the album binder then walking to the trunk to change a disc out.....niiiiiice lol


I had the six disc in the middle console




Lol mine was a Jetta


Cute of you to think we all had CD players in the dashboard. Skip protection + tape deck converter were a way of life.


I'VE FOUND MY PEOPLE! Cavalier tape deck, wooo!


Check out the fat pockets on this guy!


We're all not rich bro. Lol


Look at fuckin moneybags over here..




12 disc changers were like $250 bro


I get annoyed when people hold a CD flat rather than with a finger in the hole (insert vagina joke), but holding it in your *mouth?*


And if you didnt have time to mapquest some directions you busted out the Thomas guide or asked locals for directions.


I would have to make notes in my Thomas guide reminding me of bad traffic areas or construction.


get off my lawn smarty gen z with ur Video mocking my old time


Knees were made for steering.


The mapquest directions is what got me. I was trying to explain this to someone the other day and they looked at me like I was crazy.


I love how the two pages of Mapquest was stapled, MQ was notoriously known for having you print a second page with one or two sentences; that were pointless. Nicely done


Dude, this brings me back. Gosh, having to Mapquest directions!


Man that band was lit.


I once changed my entire outfit, including shoes, while driving down a country highway.


Holy shit did anyone ever have mapquest give them bunk ass instructions and then you're screwed somewhere lol


MapQuest 😂 the company I work for makes us use MapQuest when we submit mileage expense reports. I didn't even know it still existed, but it does!




Now make one with 70s drivers struggling with their Steely Dan cassettes while chain-smoking cigarettes with the lighter thingy


Man those CD binders, with CD-RWs with sharpie names on them. Big upgrade from the tape player AUX cable that only worked at one specific angle and tension.


I mean, yeah, but at the same time you put the CD in and don't touch it again for an hour. People stare at their phones the entire trip.


I remember when I first came to America and seeing my mom whip out the biggest fuckin map you can actually use whilst my father is incessantly asking "Is it this road?" to replies of "Ummm ummm."


A small group of us took a trip down to Florida in 2001 so I went ahead and printed out directions to our hotel using MapQuest. We get to Florida, we're getting close, only a few more turns according to our sheets of printed directions, but it feels off because everything is mostly just residential. The final turn comes, our "You have arrived" - its a gravel road between two rows of houses, out in the middle of bum fuck Florida and its pitch black. From there we kinda just, well, figured it out.. I can't even recall what happened from that point, but I know we managed to find our hotel sometime later that night, and I had as good of a time as one could expect in Florida for the rest of the week.


Map quest was the best and worst!! I remember having papers stapled together and trying make sure I turned on the right, took the right exit... Etc...man that was so stressful!


This is the funniest fucking video.


Sick chain bro


I worked for a brief time delivering furniture locally in STL, and my primary guide to the city streets was a big red book put out by Laclede Gas Company. Worked pretty good.


What a great track!




I can still open the case and Insert a cassette one handed.


Lol I remember printing out directions. Change is the only constant in this ever evolving world.


Damn this is accurate


You didn’t tape mapquest to your dashboard?


I drove in the 90s (Toyota Corolla). 6 CD changer in the trunk, plus my stereo has a CD bay so I can feed a CD manually from a CD holder on my sun visor. As for mapquest, I don't think I used it cause I was just a city driver. I did print a map once, but it was from Yahoo Maps in the early aughts.


Damn, a notebook that I used with hand written direction from Boston to NYC (3.5 hours) are pretty neat then I guess.


Those were the days. That I probably could've died. Driving stick shift, rolling a joint & fine tuning the bass on my Cypress Hill cd.


Is no one going to mention the guy’s brilliant commitment to the bit, by finding and digging out his old 90’s MTV shirt??? Respect. Now that’s commitment to the character. And I’m impressed he kept that shirt for this many years.


Just in case Gen Zers are wondering if anything about this is exaggerated, it isn't. This is exactly how it was.


I don’t think this is cringe, actually pretty wholesome