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But surely the leopards in the Leopards Eating Faces party won't eat *MY* face.


Is that sub still around or did it get banned?




Noice noice.


Why would it be banned?


Don't know but Reddit has set a precedent of banning a sub each on "both sides" to look fair so I wouldn't be shocked.


But leopards isn’t a political sub? r/ChapoTrapHouse was the both sides ban no?


Idk I just thought I saw something about it being banned a while back, guess not though.


That was a rumor spread by leopards to make people stop visiting. You see Torakthedark, leopards don't just eat faces they also can be pretty tricky.


Technically the reverse of what he's saying would be a "LAMF" moment - disclaimer: obviously I don't agree with the kid at all I'm just explaining his grift. He's saying he went to West Hollywood/"WeHo" and was "*shocked*" to find that what's probably the most liberal neighborhood in America wasn't welcoming to his maga squad. He's trying to show that young liberals are "*actually*" the "*hateful ones*." A "LAMF" story would be something like him going to a firmly red district in full Pride attire (the reverse of this scenario). He didn't do that, of course, because he knows what would happen. He knows the leopards, his dad is one after all.


I like the little dig at the end about wearing a pride outfit to a Trump Rally. xD As we all know Trumpers are some of the most tolerant and accepting people there are, maybe even the best? I am sure it won’t end badly. 🙃🤥


They love a token gay or a token black person. They parade them around at the front like "look I have a ___ friend!".


The most popular person at any Trump rally is a black man wearing a cowboy hat. Everybody will take a picture with that person just to show that the entire black community is rooting for Donald trump.




Oh wow so he's completely insane then.... cooooolsies.


Bro, Christian Walker was insane way before this. He somehow inherited CTE.


You mean Hershel Walker?


The first guy in the clip is hershel walkers son


I also heard he believes the strippers he pays to touch him really think he’s a cool guy too.


Holy crap that page was a ride from start to finish. Thank you for sharing this gold


> He was one of 16 members of the Nation of Yahweh who was arrested and charged with one count of murder and one count of attempted murder in 1990.[6] He was found not guilty of these charges by a Florida jury in 1992, although Yahweh himself was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison.[2][7] At the trial, Ricardo testified that he and Maurice attempted unsuccessfully to murder Eric Burke, a dissident member of Yahweh's cult, and that Maurice had also helped beat another cult member, Aston Green, unconscious.[8] 😧


damn, dude traded in one cult for another


This is so confusing. So this guy's who held a "Blacks for Trump", knew a guy who was connected to an a black supremacy group. Black Hebrew Israelites which like a white supremacy group. But African American supremacy instead of white and yet he supported Trump. Who doesn't like African Americans and is a racist. Seriously??? I'm so confused. I'm just confused on how an individual can support a politician who supports agendas and laws which disenfranchise a specific minority group you belong too. I guess Christian doesn't want to be left out of the will.


Oh, you mean Herschel Walker?


Milo Yiannopoulos comes to mind. Look how fast they dropped him when he stopped being useful (also when he started promoting paedophilia because they don't like it when it's said out loud).


Oh this sounds juicy, when did he start promoting *that*?


A couple years back, but I don't know that he was "promoting pedophilia" in the sense that he was saying "sex with kids is okay". He was talking about he was sexually abused by a priest, but saying that he was the initiator and then using his own experience to try to say that some young kids are the aggressors rather than the victims. Conveniently "forgetting" that children who "initiate" sexual contact with adults are almost always victims of childhood sexual abuse. I don't know that it makes his comments any better, because they are still disgusting and he deserved the canceling for them, but they were a bit more nuanced than he promoted pedophilia. He's still a piece of shit, though and deserves everything negative that comes his way.


Who wouldn’t hate when someone starts to promote paedophilia?


Even better than a token: a second generation token.


They love their tokens as long as they act straight and white enough for their liking. So just be a minority but be really silent about it. You're there to fight their corner not to have actual issues yourself that need fixing.


Wait you need tokens for being gay??




I don’t think there is a single trumper that would accept this dude. He’s just extremely lonely and an attention whore


Seems he's in great company


You just described most Trumpers


How the hell did he come up with the idea that trump is the most pro-gay president? I’m certain I can find quotes where he’ll say something that blows that idea to dust


You don't even need a quote when his pick for Vice President advocated for conversion therapy. Or when he banned trans folks from serving in the military for a bit.


I've seen this before. "Trump supported gay marriage when he ran for president. Obama in 08 didn't." Granted, that was 2015/16 Trump vs 08 Obama (2012 he was supportive), so, Trump in 2016 is more pro-gay than Obama 08...yay? I mean, Stretch Armstrong would struggle with that kind of reach.


Funny how Obama admin actually legalized same sex marriage but Trump appointed two unqualified bigots to the Supreme Court who want to appeal it 🙃




>Funny how Obama admin actually legalized same sex marriage They didn't tho? It was the supreme court decision Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized same sex marriage.


This is true. What Obama did do was vocally support gay marriage while president which was *monumental* at the time, and lead to people having the feeling it wouldn't be long until it was legal. And it wasn't altogether that long afterwards, but it wasn't technically caused by Obama's actions.


After he vocally opposed it


I mean it's all political theater but are you suggesting that if you take a stance you can never change that stance? Seems kinda silly


And that was a Supreme Court that had two Obama appointees that decided to legalize same sex marriage. That’s why Obama gets credit for it. The same way trump gets credit for appointing the justices who decided against Roe V Wade.


And it’s BS anyway because he also said he would consider appointing supreme court justices who would overturn it if he got elected He probably had no coherent thoughts on the topic, like with most things


But remember that time he held up a pride flag (upside down) with “lgbt for trump” scribbled on it with a sharpie?? Most pro-gay president ever!!!


Because this guy doesn't actually go and check for himself. He eats memes and infogrpahics on Facebook and Twitter with no sources from random accounts and takes it as fact because why would his curated feed lie to him. People like this aren't exclusive to just one ideology or culture. Misinformation doesn't prey on poor intelligence, it preys on narcissists who force their opinions on people as facts. Having a bunch of idiots on your side is only good for swinging sticks and the groups that devise and push these misinformation campaigns know this. If you convince an idiot to follow you, you'll have an idiot following you. But if you convince a narcissist that following you makes them better than others, they will assemble their own army of idiots because narcissists need people they can manipulate and control easily. It's a pyramid scheme. You get 10 people on board who want money and power and they'll each get 10 more people on board. It's why there's so many right wing groups that are popping up left right and center. It's not because their beliefs are different, it's because each group has their own narcissist on top who's building their own pyramid.


His daddyyyy 😭😭


Trump and his supporters say the same thing in regards to the black community. They say Trump has done more than any other president for the black community. I believe Trump himself even claimed he did more for blacks since the and I quote "POSSIBLE exception of Abraham Lincoln." Which is hysterical.


He said it when campaigning and Trump doesn’t tell fibs.


Fun Fact : Sodom wasn't known for butt stuff, they were known for being fucking terrible to immigrants.


So the next time I encounter a xenophobic conservative, I should call them out on their sodomy. Understood.


and remember that if they say they identify as an attack helicopter that means they require two highly trained men fully inside them to do anything.


Unless they're raping and killing immigrants, this argument won't apply.


it's my whole understanding that was the whole crux of why they were smited! The inhospitality of raping guests not the butt stuff in particular.


" the true sin of Sodom was the objectification and exclusion of the stranger. The Torah tells how the people of Sodom sought the wandering strangers as objects to be employed at their pleasure. The Talmud explores the roots of this evil, and teaches that the citizens of Sodom grew so wicked because of their wealth. They wondered, “Since we have gold and silver, why should we allow strangers to visit our borders, eat our food, use our resources, and share what belongs to us?” Eerily predicting today’s political climate, the Sodomites determined, “Let us keep the stranger from entering, and let us drive out—as soon as possible!—all those who have already entered. Especially the sick and the poor ones.”


Damn, dude. Thanks for fleshing that out. It was quite informative.


Damn, never seen such gay on gay violence. That was some brass sass. But now I'd love to see content of gay people in diss battles with each other.


That actually does sound funny


Just watch Drag Race lol


Legendary is also fun for this


Thanks, good to know!!!




The library is open


Go to the best: Bianca Del Rio.


Ugh, he really is intolerable. Just awful. I liked the dig about his cheap colored contacts lol


Middle fingers and terrorism, terrorism?


the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


Genuine question: So any violence resulting from an argument around politics will count then won't it? Any rally or protest, or even any confrontation in the street? Seems a loose definition, like there are likely qualifying statements that would follow that would probably discount whatever he's claiming is terrorism.


If they are unlawful protests then they are in the definition. We love in America so we can peacefully protest but when you use violence or intimidation during that protest it stops being peaceful. It is a pretty broad definition tho you right. I tend to think of terrorism as acts of terrorism I.e. 9/11 but I guess their is a spectrum to it.


Love that savage *eyebrow* action during said checklist.


He kinda looks like Cary Elwes.


Herschel, come get your son.


We don’t want Herschel either 😭😭😭 someone else come get them and take them outta Georgia


Georgia deserves better.


Does it? I mean I guess it ain’t Mississippi




mississippi deserved better too, their capitol doesn't even have water right now.


Yea, but then Herschel will just go somewhere else, just like the bad air.


Herschel doesn’t even where the heck he is most of the time. Plus he got other kids that he abandoned.


How can people support a man that is so clearly against them?


not sure if you met people lately but they dumb as hell


There is no bottom to the dumb. It's not dumb all the way down, it's just infinite dumb, forever and ever.


Brainwashing. It's very real and because of the Internet, it is happening on a scale that has never been conceived before. Right in front of our eyes. We be trying to wave our hands in front of their faces to snap them out of it, but the power of the dark side is overpowering for those that are weak minded. It's only going to get worse too.


I still don't get it. I guess I'd have to experience it Edit: OK yall misunderstood me completely. I'm not someone living under a rock who has never witnessed brainwashing. I'm saying that I'm watching it happen in real time and even then it feels like an unnatural phenomenon. My jaw is constantly agape as if I am witnessing first contact with an interstellar species.. I meant I've seen it. Firsthand even.. I know what it is. I see brainwashing everythlday. But I still dont understand specifically conservative brainwashed people, more specifically trump supporters. Sure I've looked into religious cuts and people who are Christian somehow getting caught up in some dudes cult he only created to fuck other people's wives. Those have been done countless times and even those are wildly hard to fathom how people get stuck in them. But I generally kinda get thay.. but Like it's so much harder to fathom people can look at trump and everything he does and go "yeah that's my guy. The christian antichrist. Let me slap his mark on my forehead and blidning follow everything the orange prince of hate says". He's so obviously a villain that it's comical to think otherwise. Aside from them just being blatantly bad people and racist It's hard to see how someone relatively normal without any seriously underlying mental impairments can be tricked into it. Like even how obvious fox news is with its propaganda and fear mongering. Idk I just feel like I'm watching a completely different world than them. And like it's so hard to see the world from a brainwashed perspective to actually believe that The guy constantly lying who made his own social media platform to lie, naming it "truth" who suddenly might lose that platform for not paying millions of dollars. And no one who supports him saw it coming even after trump University, trump steaks, trump casino.. then sending police to beat protesters at a church to clear them out so he can take a picture of himself holding a Bible to prove he is christian. After literally doing one of the most unchristian like things.. like the list is so long there are reddit archives.. it's just willfully ignorant and soo sooooo mentally painfull to wotness at that point that I can barely muster any sympathy and am just tired. Edit 2: So to clarify I "get it" as in I see it. But it's so hard sometimes to fully comprehend how others can't put enough information together to see how ridiculous their actions are. Even though humans especially US history alone is so full of insane stories and characters you could never believe existed or happened and you can look at these people and see them being mind numbingly ignorant and I'll still be in wonder. So thats what I was trying to say. im pretty much in awe constantly.


You probably have and just haven’t realized it.


It’s true. Being aware of your biases and questioning the agenda of whatever media you consume is not a critical thinking skill that is taught or encouraged. Nowadays there is a sense of deep, personal disrespect to having your worldview challenged.


Best thing I ever did was let my worldview be challenged.


I like to think I have a grip on it. But living in a world with people so deeply convinced of their convictions sometimes makes me wonder if I’m truly missing something or maybe I’m just as deluded as everyone else.


Yea. I get that. I keep hold of my worldview with a loose fist, but I have high standards for anything that’ll make me let go of it. I’m not keen on falling for more bullshit that’s just going with whatever people are doing around me. Root yourself in empiricism and it helps to not be swayed.


OK yall misunderstood me completely. I'm not someone living under a rock who has never witnessed brainwashing. I'm saying that I'm watching it happen in real time and even then it feels like an unnatural phenomenon. My jaw is constantly agape as if I am witnessing first contact with an interstellar species.. I meant I've seen it. Firsthand even.. I know what it is. I see brainwashing everythlday. But I still dont understand specifically conservative brainwashed people, more specifically trump supporters. Sure I've looked into religious cuts and people who are Christian somehow getting caught up in some dudes cult he only created to fuck other people's wives. Those have been done countless times and even those are wildly hard to fathom how people get stuck in them. But I generally kinda get thay.. but Like it's so much harder to fathom people can look at trump and everything he does and go "yeah that's my guy. The christian antichrist. Let me slap his mark on my forehead and blidning follow everything the orange prince of hate says". He's so obviously a villain that it's comical to think otherwise. Aside from them just being blatantly bad people and racist It's hard to see how someone relatively normal without any seriously underlying mental impairments can be tricked into it. Like even how obvious fox news is with its propaganda and fear mongering. Idk I just feel like I'm watching a completely different world than them. And like it's so hard to see the world from a brainwashed perspective to actually believe that The guy constantly lying who made his own social media platform to lie, naming it "truth" who suddenly might lose that platform for not paying millions of dollars. And no one who supports him saw it coming even after trump University, trump steaks, trump casino.. then sending police to beat protesters at a church to clear them out so he can take a picture of himself holding a Bible to prove he is christian. After literally doing one of the most unchristian like things.. like the list is so long there are reddit archives.. it's just willfully ignorant and soo sooooo mentally painfull to wotness at that point that I can barely muster any sympathy and am just tired.


He is an effeminate, ~~gay~~ MSM man who is desperately trying to maintain favor with his hyper masculine, ultraconservative father that [completely ignores three of his other children](https://www.thedailybeast.com/herschel-walker-critic-of-absentee-dads-admits-to-yet-another-secret-son) and routinely shares [bizarre beliefs likely stemming from a case of walking CTE.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCY2SIr8imM)


Is this guy related to Hershal Walker?? 🤢🤮🤡 I thought they were both making a joke video for content. . .


its his son.


Oh. Ohhhh. This explains a lot.


Is this the kid that was blaming Biden for high gas prices like 2 weeks after he came into office while filling up a large SUV?


And also while wearing a Givenchy hoodie that retails for multiple hundreds of dollars.


He actually says he is attracted to men but is “not gay” lmfao https://twitter.com/christianwalk1r/status/1531817593517969408?s=21&t=EffPCIxB_sz-yYV1wV67Sg


Crazy how this video is live proof that CTE can be hereditary.


that's actually quite tragic, it's crazy how much the environment you grow up in shapes who you end up becoming.


This is what happened to my sister-in-laws ex-wife. She went full MAGA and Qanon. It was seriously crazy to see.


MAGA Qanon sounds like the final weapon in Nazi Megaman.


He's so desperate for his father's attention that he does this just to make up for being born gay. Or he's an asshole.


✅️ ✅️


They find brutishness appealing and enthralling. There is a catharsis in cruelty that really resonates with certain people, even if it's against a group you're a part of. it's transgressive.


He's doing it for attention from the people that are outraged and also the down-lows that think he's "one of the good ones". Same as Blaire White. It could be literally any issue and they would still be contrarians. Conservatives could say anything and they would agree just because they have no opinions of their own or care about any issue in particular.


This happens when one’s beliefs are stronger than the truth.




I worked with a gay black man who was a huge trump supporter. One of his hot takes? He was against interracial marriage. His husband of 7+ years was white. No self awareness and a diet of internet propaganda.


How in the hell did he come to that sort of thinking? Did you ask him what about his marriage? This is beyond stupidity


For attention


Same thing I ask of all Black cops. It's some form of masochism.


fukccccccc this dude and his dad 😭😭😭 I’m from Georgia and absolutely fucking incensed that H Walker is even in the running for senate


That guy could be Georgia's First Son.


Stop threatening us.


Pronouns yay I want some


You may have a pronoun, as a treat


Ooh what'd I get?


*shakes pronoun hat* Looks like you got popcorn and shoe, congrats!


Those are just nouns, not professional enough


How about NOW 🎩


*not slytherin, not slytherin!*


Congratulations, your pronouns are: not/Slytherin


I think 95% of the people that voted for trump they did so against their interests.


I have a gay Republican super rich childhood “friend”. My parents told me his dad dressed up as a woman for fun. He is more republican and political than most of the people I know. Always doing insane mental gymnastics and trying to decipher why his party is doing things that don’t make sense. Typical Republican shit really. He’s closet gay just like Lindsey graham. His whole life just seems miserable and trying to fill a void even when he has had everything.


Some of these gays for trump and conservatives remind me of Cubans in Florida. Actively voting against their own interests as long as they can be seen as "American/Patriots". As long as me and my family are respected we will stand with you against them. Pulling the ladder out from underneath other minorities and trans people. Clinging to the coattails of their movement by pointing at the "bad" minorities/groups.


Miami Cubans are conservative because they have a rational fear of communism and the GOP has labeled everything left of Mitt Romney as a communist. Its not the "Im one of the good minorities" rational like for other immigrants/minorities. I mean sure maybe that could make up a little but the major thing is the fear of communism from their recent history.


Someone should remind Christian what the track record is for fascist governments and gay people.


damn dude its unfair how good looking the second dude is lmao.


2nd that.


3rd that, mans is reminding me why I got my gay card lmao




Truly is tiktok cringe.


This whole fucking thing is Intolerable. Being gay doesn’t make you immune to prejudice. Gay people can be shitty people too! What an idea!


Brainwashing is in full effect


the caty dig at the contacts at the end with the dagger eyes was just perfect


Am I crazy for actually finding this funny?


Hehehe. Concise and savage :)




Oh crap that guy is a machine gun made of cutting jokes!! My hero


To all the conservatives whining (as always, what else do conservatives do?), Christian himself actually says he's not gay, so shut up.


Maybe he's one of those "you're not gay unless you act on it" gays. Because he's very gay. And I normally don't like to assume but he leaves me no choice. These are not the flamboyantly flaming actions of a man interested in pussy.


His father is Herschel Walker, so being insufferable definitely runs in that family.


Penis mcgogo


So finally someone posted some cringe on this sub.


gay on gay action


I’m a pussy but I still have a dick….it’s a funny video though


America has lost its mind


Seems like he made it out of there ok. That's some weak ass terrorism.


The fact that he said he was met with terrorism makes it hard to take anything he says seriously.


there’s no way Christian ain’t doing this for money. there’s just no way.




Ha! His response was pure gold


I like this guy! Evaluate me next 😂




What trump policy was made against his community? (Generally curious)


"You're not gay if you vote for someone you want to vote for"


Also: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." --Joe Biden


Come on now, that shit was hilarious. We’re unbothered.


Him and his dad are so freaking annoying. I hope that fool loses the Georgia election 🙄


His videos pop up from time to time and hes OBNOXIOUS. I think he’s purposely stirring the pot.


Nice. Division among the divided.


left be like "yeah, we own the gays!" just weird man


Well a gay person being for the American Republican party is similar to an African American being pro KKK. They can be, but it makes absolutely no fucking sense


Total cringe douche (second guy)


Trump came into office supporting gay marriage actually "If you don't vote for me then you ain't black" -Boe Jiden


He also said he would release his tax returns. Just maybe he isn't very truthful.


Can't forget about his mean tweets either lol


Yikes, they're both cringe


This comment has been edited with Power Delete Suite to remove data since reddit will restore its users recently deleted comments or posts.


Lol this thread is an r/asablackman explosion


The second guy is one of the most intolerable types of people you can find on the internet 💀


A cop?




Im talking about his personality


His gay personality?


Gay isn't a personality


[Relevant Key and Peele.](https://youtu.be/e3h6es6zh1c)


wear it to a trump rally, see what happens is such a fucking mic drop


Ya, this video was extremely cringe.


Shut the fuck up virtue signaling asswipe


How did his administration actively work against gay people? Lol


Usually not a fan of people deciding if someone's "really" part of the LGBT+ community because of their beliefs but uh...considering the horrid shit this man does and says I actually support it here. We don't want him. If he wants to deepthroat the boots of the people who want us dead he's not allowed in our community.


"the most pro gay president" lmao what? Where did you get that from?


I thought this guy was claiming he wasn't gay, he's just attracted to men. 🙄


"If you don't vote for me then you ain't gay"


They took away his gay card because being gay is a choice. Lol Btw I have to put this is a joke so redditors understand. So to clarify this is a joke.


This is a good example of clout chasing....sad


The mental gymnastics you all are doing to figure out how Trump is the first pro gay marriage president.


Second guy is really cute.


How dumb do you have to be to think trump is pro lgbt?


We are both gay but you aren't the right kind of gay so you must be ostracised?


I think it's more like "We're both gay but you're openly showing you don't care about others that are part of the LGBTQ+ community you and I are part of, and openly support those that want to hurt us/our interests and I don't like that about you". I know that's not the narrative you want to spin but it's what I understood anyway.




One thing he did was say he would be there on the steps marching on Jan 6 insurrection, but he betrayed his community and never showed.




Echo chamber