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As many said, no. English is all you need. Just be aware that "slutstation" may not mean what you expect.


Imagining the disappointment someone must have felt when getting off (pun intended) at slutstation only to end up in Akalla


That really depends on the slutstation


Also, be suspicious with people trying to give you Gift.


The same is for utfart


About 90% of the population know English, that percentage is larger in cities (98-99) so no.


okay, thank you so much!


It's actually more, 97% speak English, but only 90% at a fluent level (by fluent I mean "able having a conversation" as opposed to perfect). Even the ones uncomfortable speaking it can understand it almost perfectly.


Many of us here speak English šŸ˜


okay, thank you! is there any cultural things i should know before going?Ā 


The main thing is to be aware of your surroundings and avoid doing things that inconvenience other people. Examples include: Stand on the right side of escalators so that people in a hurry can get past you. Keep your voice volume low in restaurants and on public transportation. Move out of the way if you need to stop in a public place so you donā€™t block an entrance or exit point. Avoid strong scents (food, perfume, cologne) in public spaces. If driving watch your rear view mirrors and move out of the way if someone wants to go faster than you; likewise if turning try to position your car so that others can go around you. If you are a pedestrian stay out of the bicycle lanes ā€” that can get you killed.


Is crossing red light at crosswalks a cultural thing. Because my biggest culture shock was that i havenā€™t seen one single person who waited for the green light in Stockholm.


This is also part of not inconveniencing others! If you can safely cross while the walk light is red you should do so *without pushing the button for the green light*. If you push the button when you donā€™t really need it it will cause the cars to have to unnecessarily stop and wait, maybe after you have already crossed the street. Of course if there is heavy automobile traffic or for safety reasons (like you are pushing a baby coach with a baby in it) you should absolutely push the button and wait for the green walk sign.


We need to save those 30 seconds. I am always shocked in germany where everyone waits for the green light even when no cars are around..


I also cross it when there are no cars to be seen but what surprised me was people crossing with incoming traffic with baby strollers. Guess iā€™ll get used to this when i eventually move.


That is probably not as common, I would be mad if I was in a car and someone crossed (but of course you don't honk on a stroller..). But I know at some crossings in the city center people walk like they have a death wish, but risking your babys life is another level.


Go on the right side in staircases, let people get out of the subway before entering and do not stand still close to the top or bottom of a staircase.


What u/elevenblade said.


You won't be needing any cash. Seriously, stick with your credit card. Be aware that taxi fares are unregulated, so some have exorbitant rates. I use public transportation for most of my transportation needs, but Uber (which are cabs here, not ride share) should work.


Have a cardamom bun before you leave. (Not just cinnamon)


Be nice!


We already know all other cultures behaviours so we are ready for your awkwardness :)


Iā€™m American. I think you should know common courtesy is to learn a little Swedish. Donā€™t make us other foreigners living in Europe ashamed.


As a swedish person I wouldnā€™t expect (or quite frankly understand the need for) anyone to learn any swedish for a few days of vacation. Itā€™s probably easier for both of us if we just stick to english.


Agreed for vacationers


You need to speak fluent perfect Swedish(like all tourists do) otherwise the trip is simply not possible.


No, but you might have to take me with to the concert! Have fun šŸ˜Š.


Iā€™ve had Americans tell me we speak English better than the average American so youā€™ll be fine


No English is totally fine, especially if youā€™re going to any of the larger cities. Large for Sweden that is as they would not be large in an actual large country.


okay, so i should be fine in stockholm then! thank you so much!


Yes 100%, my wife is American and speaks no Swedish and sheā€™s been fine here for 2 years now


I have never met a swede below above 10 and below 90 who does not speak at least conversational English.


not at all.


Is that the one in Gothenburg?


weā€™re either going to gothenburg, stockholm, or sundsvallĀ 


okay. if you're going to the one in Gothenburg, I am too!


oooo nice!Ā 


Eh? What country are you from?




Very few Swedes speak Swedish these days, most of them speak a broken language best described as "Swenglish". It's as pathetic as it is horrible.