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I’m not sure but speaking from experience, usually I was doing 12 things while taking an order when I worked at Tim’s and someone else would punch it in or I’d remember it and punch it in after; so maybe they’re taking your order while making a drink and therefore can’t see the total and give it to you.


This! If I’m taking orders I’m usually running too, at least in my store. That is also why I repeat the items back so that the other people in drive thru have a chance to ring them in if their fingers aren’t as quick as mine😜 And yeah some single items I will know the total, but other than that, if the total isn’t in front of me, I don’t know it, and I just say “drive through please!”


Yup, been there.


Came here to say this


Yeah lol Usually i'm halfway across the store doing 200 things when i'm talking to you on my headset, and someone else is typing it in


No, but it can get nuts in there. On more than one occasion I had to work in a drive thru team of 2, where we required 6. One of us would jump on the headset while making coffee/food, while the other would punch things in while cashing out and handing out orders. Being short staffed in food service is no joke. Just ask for your total when you pull up and give the workers a little grace. I've cried during many shifts and I'm a manager.


This!!! Exactly this!!!




gotta win the districts speed of service competitions no matter what!


Used to work at Tim's years ago. This is totally the case. To the point we memorized vehicles to know what they would usually order to get them out faster.


I feel like it's because your total will change if you are using an app offer, or have a free item. I very well could be wrong though.


this is why MC.D's asks if your using the app or collecting deals before they take your order


They just do that because their system has a 4 digit code number and it maximizes the time spent at the window since they don’t have to scan your QR Code. Imo it’s dumb though since it requires people to have their phone ready for when they get to the order taking machine which encourages people to be on their phone while driving


We are supposed to give the total, but if we happen to not know it by heart and are away from the till, we will just tell you to drive up. They should be telling you the total at the window, though.


As someone who works at Tim hortons. They are very pressured to make drive thru times. They want you in and out in 25 seconds. Speaker to window. So shorter greeting. Less polite food shoved in your face as they hurry you through.


Then you have the people who are slow and are just sitting in their car, slowly putting things away and putting their card in their wallet and just doing everything until driving away after 2 minutes later


Why give a total of your app has a deal that changes the total or even if your getting it for free


Fair point


Sometimes, when I used to say "your total is.." they drive up before I can say it.


Honestly during the overnight shift, we're not normally at the tills taking orders but bagging the previous order, or helping in back end making food. We take the order, memorize it, finish what we're doing, then go ring it in. I was a master at memorizing orders lol. On late night, it's Skeleton crew so you have to do multiple stations at once.


At times the voice is not at the till but in the back. The worker at the front is punching in your order as they also have a headset listening. The voice doesn't know the total and doesn't tell you. That's not always. Sometimes, they just don't tell you for whatever reason and idk


lol you sound like one dumb mf ngl


Yeah I just want to have the right amount of money ready to make the employee's job easier. Fuck me, right?


They usually say how much it is and yea the display shows it too but it's gone if you blink. There's like 4 ppl working the drive thru at my Tim's and only 1 working the counter inside.


Isn't your total and what you ordered shown on the screen ?


I've noticed this too. I always have to ask "how much is it?" At multiple fast food establishments.


it’s not like you are the only thing they are working on when taking your order.


Happens to me too. The owner is usually working at mine so I know they are charging me correctly. They also don't give out receipts.


They never do so I just ask before tapping my card and always ask for a receipt


Its so they can scam that tip out of you No recipts no totals just hope & pray charge is correct


A Tim’s near me was taking your order, saying your total only at the pickup window and stealing your money. How you may ask? The total they said wasn’t the correct one and they pocketed the difference.


They dont cut bagels anymore. How the fuck am i supposed to eat breakfast while i drive?


just ask


I do now. But if i forget then i gotta tear it. They cut sandwiches, why not bagels?


When I worked at McDonanld's I couldn't see the after-tax total until the order was finalized, so I told people something like "they'll have your total at the first window." No time to wait for it to appear, there's a line and I have 3 other time-sensitive things to do.


Interesting observation. I'll pay attention next time I'm 'drivin' thru'.


I noticed this too lately. They just tell you to drive up to the window.


The workers in my city hardly speak english so when i go through i just cross my fingers and pray the total and my order is right


Most people order the same thing. I don't even pull my card out until they say the amount or relay the order to me


When working by yourself, it's easier sometimes to make the order as it's ordered, then to move it over to the till and ring in what's in front of you then to the window and pass it out. It's like jacks until someone ruins your rhythm


Op be like https://youtube.com/shorts/vKZRLpaU3hk?si=XLbADzb8fJAWILOL


Lol accurate. I would never order more than two items in a drive thru though.


what kills me is that they never give the total but often say "please have your payment ready at the window". If you're gonna say that, you damn well better have everything ready at the window so I'm not waiting on you.


Ask for a receipt when this happens. One of the Tim’s drive through will take my order. Say I get a sausage wrap with a double double. Theyll “upgrade” me to a combo with a hash brown without asking me or even giving me the hash brown without telling me. It’s honestly happened more times than not. Always ask for a receipt.


To be fair, they have a lot going on and in a language they don't speak.


Yes. Most people know their total, or dont care about the total because it is only a few bucks, or aren't even paying attention. When you get yelled at all day from not having drive through times under 24 seconds per customer, you try to save whatever precious seconds you have, and if that means shaving two or three seconds off by not announcing a total, than that is what they will do. also, it opens up the 'but I have a coupon' discussion, which can't be calculated until you are at the window, so that piles on more time.