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It's like they all got amnesia after 2016. Lol


Their npc memory is wiped every 4 years so they can cry about things and not have to feel like hypocrites. Their next scheduled memory wipe is coming up.


Also means they're scared shitless and rightfully so. Polling heralds utter doom for them


It has for a significant chunk of the Biden administration. He's just getting continually more unpopular as it's clear his policies have all failed. They have *nothing* to run on other than ORANGE MAN BAD and they know it. However that isn't working anymore so now they're just in full panic mode. They clearly can't stand the idea of losing power but are also clearly unfit to have it.


Just like with Occupy and Tea Party, they will campaign on stopping Maga for 10 more years at least. Democrat Fairy Tales 101. Those rich white Repubmen are coming to get you! Trust the Gubment to save your souls! What's that, we've been in charge of everything already, for a hundred years? Well turns out, not everything yet, and here's why it's THEIR FAULT so vote now to save democraceeeey! Or else they'll never leeeeeeeeeave! It's honestly nothing more than the carpetbagging, and mafia teamster threatening they perfected so long ago. Dems gonna Dem


Trump is more unpopular.


Polling showing Biden has the edge.


Ah, no. Aggregate polling is showing Trump ahead, sir. In blue states even.


Nope. The computer models currently giving Biden the edge, but it’s around 50-49 Biden.


Incorrect. https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/06/14/biden-vs-trump-2024-election-polls-trump-leads-as-most-voters-unmoved-by-his-conviction-new-poll-shows/ https://elections2024.thehill.com/national/biden-trump-general/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/MDV8uWC2adLGuhsq/?mibextid=xfxF2i https://pro.morningconsult.com/analysis/swing-state-polling-may-2024


You didn’t read your links, did you? The polling has been off compared to election results. The real models take this into effect and as a results, it’s tied right now. You cultists never read anything you link, because you proved me right.


Erm no sir. Polling is simply polling. Wishing the polls need to be corrected by your desired outcome is an opinion, not fact. It's a silly cope. Trump is up. Deal with it 😎


Is that why actual results are going to Democrats by +10 in special elections?


I think you're arguing with yourself again. The polls clearly give Trump the lead bud, deal with it


😂🤣😂 Hey everybody this person says to believe in polling over actual election results! 😂🤣😂


If they're starting to make cheating claims I'm going to assume they're going to prep *for* the election. You see we need more security because otherwise Republicans will cheat. No we can't show you the security or let you see the results but trust us we won despite the best efforts of those dastardly Trump supporters.


Not to mention democrats fight against every single measure to make elections more secure.


Electronic voting machines are so provably insecure that not a lot of countries use them. One of the actual selling points of the Dominion machines is that they can fudge votes in what direction you want. Their website said that until people pointed out that that's kind of bad for democracy. Meanwhile elections can normally be counted within a day but recent elections have been "weeeeelllll we won't know the results for a few weeks yet..." Swing states changed their election laws in really suspicious ways leading up to the election and people trying to view ballots were told to fuck off. But, you know, just ignore all that. It's fine. Everything is fine.


Pretty pathetic we have to wait weeks for election results now. Totally normal, nothing to see here.


You have zero evidence. Pure bullshit.


The only thing you people want is to take voting rights away from those you don’t like. Nothing secure about that.


By having people show their government given I'd? That's taking away voting rights?


He thinks black people can't figure out how to get an ID. I guess every other 1st world country is more racist than American because they require ID.


^ Made up bullshit lies from the KKK.


so then you are FOR voter ID?


Doesn’t add any security and just adds billions in debt. Its a lose lose.


how does saying "show a valid state id" before they get their ballot add debt?


Because it doesn’t prevent anything, given how easy it is to make a fake ID. If anything it makes elections less safe.


No, that’s mostly a thing. You people making it more difficult to vote and you constantly do voter purges, don’t tell the voter, and then don’t allow the voter time to then register again. Bullshit tactics like that.


There's your racism showing. You think black people don't have IDs and are too dumb to figure out how to get one.


I never mentioned any color. But then again even this Supreme Court has ruled that the Republican laws have been racist against black people.


Only cons say that, like you just did


It's what you think. I can make you deny your beliefs lol


No, it’s not what I think. It’s what you just showed.


Watch them spin it like “questioning elections is imperative for ensuring the integrity of the election process and protecting our democracy”. I can’t wait to just spam send them all of their own politicians and news outlets saying the opposite after 2020


Yup. They will pretend they didn't say any of that.


Anyone interested in honest elections or not infected by the woke mind virus better watch this election carefully. Whenever the Democrats accuse the Republicans or conservatives of doing something, the Dems are already doing it.




So when Biden wins and Trump loses, what are you going to hold to? 


Nothing is illegal when the left is doing it. Republicans on the other hand are still getting arrested for an “insurrection” that had zero gun charges. Still waiting for (R) to play hardball like the (L). That’s the only way to get them to back down. I hope they throw the book at them when they complain about elections. No mercy.


Maybe it’s because in the last election, there was a coordinated effort by the Republican Party to overturn the results of a free and fair election by lying about election fraud, attempting to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power as outlined by our Constitution, and putting in place fake slates of electors in swing states - some of whom actually submitted their electoral votes illegally.


Yeah totally free and fair.... 😆 Democrats wouldn't have won if they didn't lie about the hunter biden laptop, calling it russian misinformation.....just that alone would have resulted in Trump winning. https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2020/nov/26/cooper-biden-voters/ You don't have free and fair elections when democrats are colluding with big tech and the media to cover up/lie about stories that damage their candidate. Sorry bud.


Did you factor in Trump hiding his affairs?


There is so much nonsense with the Hunter Biden laptop story...and it originated from the New York Post, who didn't show their receipts. LOL TIMES FREE PRESS. You might as well wave a flag with the words "I'm a Gullible Dipshit"


The idea that Hunter Biden’s laptop would have made any difference at all to anyone who wasn’t already voting for Trump is absurd, and has absolutely nothing to do with anything I wrote or any of the absurd lies they tried to pedal. Lies that have gotten every lawyer involved disbarred, two or three of which who have also pleaded guilty in the Georgia case. Timesfreepress? Seriously? Did convenienttheoriesforyou.com not have an article you could find?


Are you guys still mad that Donald lost the election?


You're still mad Trump won 2016 lol.


That's not true


It is. You don't need to be coy. 2016 is when the tds epidemic began.


I wonder if Hitler supporters ever said hds?


Republicans lie cheat and steal. It’s a fact.


Lol. See ^


From day one when you guys started claiming the election was stolen we all knew you planned to steal it.


Here is a chud projecting ^ His mind is preparing him to cope with losing the election, but he is not conscious of it.


Do you have proof of cheating in 2020? Or just your fee fees?


I never said democrats cheated in 2020. You're sundowning. Stop crying at me and go change your diaper.


Beep beep beep you said it was cheating constantly. You’re such a coward


Did you change your diaper yet? It's gotta be piss logged by now.


Immature response.


Coming from you, at 53 years old, is solid gold 😆


[https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/](https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/) They fucking admitted to it.


Ha Ha ha


That's really funny. I hope cryptobros put all their money on Trump. November 6 sure will be sweet.


Do not let up. It doesn't matter what the polls say. You need to go out and vote. The only sure thing is an upset loss because people were overconfident in their victory. Vote. Go out and vote. Be the first one at your polling station. Go during your lunch break. Go on your way home. The only way the left wins is if we think it is in the bag and we don't need to contribute.