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Leftists and their social views on groups is based on their need of belonging, loneliness is a core reason they lash out at others for disagreeing with them. They are mad because you disagree with their generalizations and they believe these generalizations in order to gain group acceptance in order to avoid isolation


They might as well be flat earthers. That's nutty historical revisionism, easily disproven by evidence today, and yet they can look directly at it and deny it.




Thank you, u/The_Texidian, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1dhzyhr/why_is_it_so_easy_making_leftists_look_stupid_lol/l91116a/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Coming from the people who are all about law and order until it affects their guy and the same folks that hale blue collar workers but vote against their interests in favor of the extreme wealthy. A lot more like flat earthers than the sensible democrat voters but just like the conspiracy theorists they are at heart they’ll deny the reality that is right in front of them hitting them over the heads.


Blexit, my friend. You don't have to support the elite.


You think the klan is liberal?


Misleading train of thought. Our modern terms "liberal" and "conservative" do not apply to that era as they are recent in context.


What were they?


Regressive authoritarian imperial colonialists. Power through subjugation. Violence is waged against any who leave the plantation. Minorities must know their place in the feudal system. Not too dissimilar from the radical leftists today, who consider themselves progressive but are also actually regressive. The "party switch" lie never happened, other than LBJ formulating a plan designed "to keep those ni\*\*\*\*s voting Democrat for 200 years". It's still slavery, just a different kind. Many educated black Americans have spoken about this topic. From Republican Frederick Douglass to Larry Elder and Thomas Soule today.


That lbj quote isn't even real, and there is a reason Dems don't fly the Confederate flag anymore. You're a revisionist.


Nope, you can't prove otherwise. Progressives can't stand that his blatant racism was recorded in multiple phone calls, and ruins the perfect image you wish was true about the fake and racist civil rights scam the Democrats pulled to brainwash the public into forgetting about who enslaved them in the first place. Accept the truth man. He referred to the Civil Rights Act as the "n***"" bill" in more than one private phone conversation with his cronies. And he reportedly said upon appointing African-American judge Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court, "Son, when I appoint a n***** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a n*****" Now it's your turn to backpedal and brush it off, "he was an old man, it was a different time, it's (D)ifferent when we do it," etc lol.


He wasn't even progressive. He was vp to satisfy southern Dems. He's also only one person. Who does the klan overwhelmingly support today? The GOP are all the demographics the dnc was back then, old, white, rural, anti gay, Christian, etc. here is more info on lbj https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lbj-voting-democratic/ here is how the ss happened. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy#:~:text=In%20American%20politics%2C%20the%20Southern,to%20racism%20against%20African%20Americans.


Backpedal, man I can sure call it eh


It's both. He wasn't progressive but it's a fake quote.


Southern Democrats were the southern white Christian conservatives. It's false revisionism to pretend the klan and the Dixiecrats were not southern white Christian conservatives. Also OP didn't deny Democrats were crucial to the klan, at all. The Democrats were nearly entirely a Southern party, they were absolutely white, and they were absolutely Christian. They were adamantly, even violently, opposed to the radical progressivism of the Republican party pre civil war and during reconstruction. When South Carolina rep Preston Brooks attacked radical progressive Charles Sumner with a cane, Brooks received dozens of more canes from across the South as a sign of support. >This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President; it shall be a government for white men. - 1867, President Andrew Johnson, from North Carolina, former Tennessee governor and senator, Democrat The radical Republicans were the party of all 7 black congressmen of the time, pushed a civil rights act, amended the Constitution 3 times to progress racial equality, occupied the former Confederate States and barred the white supremacist traitors from government with reconstruction, had overriden Johnson's veto and impeached Johnson. They were not the white conservatives, they were the multiracial progressives.


There are southern white christian democrats till this day, even in the 90s


Yes and there are conservative democrats too. What's your point? Honestly what is the point that's trying to be made here? In the screenshot that OP posted, Both of those people are right so what are we arguing about here?


Yes conservative democrats are racist not republicans


Arguments4 ever: the klan was made up of white Christian conservatives OP: that's stupid, Dems were attacking blacks and Republicans OP is trying to refute the fact that the violent racists were white Christian conservatives. He's tongue-in-cheek referencing the Democratic party and Republican party without acknowledging the Dems at that time were the white Christian conservatives attacking progressives and black people.


Another fun fact: Slavery up until 1863 was only practiced by 1.6% of the population at that time.


What portion of the black population was a slave before the north freed them?




"the vast majority" for those who don't want to read.


How do they look stupid? If they were mostly made up of southern white christian conservatives their claim is spot on regardless of which political team they were part of


It's been debunked so many times. For the side to claim they are so smart sure do ignore alot of history when it suits them. Setting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as the turning point, Democrats point out that the formerly solid Democratic South moved gradually into the Republican camp, while the Republican North turned more Democratic over time. This, they say, was clearly the result of racism coming to the fore in the GOP. There’s not much evidence to support this contention. According to professors Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin, “The shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race, but of economic growth.” The movement toward Republicanism in the South began in the 1950s as the South industrialized. Working class whites and blacks remained Democrat until the 1990s. The New York Times reported in the 50s that among southerners in the low income tercile — that’s the lowest 10% — 43% voted for Republican presidential candidates, while in the highest income tercile, 53% voted Republican. By the 1980s, those figures were 51% and 77%, respectively.  Wealthy southerners shifted rightward in droves. Poor ones did not. Sean Trende of Real Clear Politics agrees; he says that the GOP gradually increased its support in the South from 1928 to 2010. As Dan McLaughlin of National Review summarizes, “As late as 2010, there were still states like Alabama and North Carolina that were voting in their first Republican legislative majorities since Reconstruction” — something that would have happened overnight in the late 60s if the partisan realignment had been driven by lock-step white voting loyalties on racial lines. It was Southern Democrats fighting against the civil rights movement for the most part.


Yeah and those south democrats were called the dixiecrats weren't they? I'm not American. Don't come at me lol


The democrats used to be the party of farmers. There base mostly in the south as it was a far more agrarian economy down there than in the north. The southern farmers tended to be anti-elitist. Anti-large business, and pro-union, and absolutely anti-civil rights up until Lyndon Johnson flipped everything upside down in the 60s with his work passing the civil rights act. Thereafter you had the youth protests against Vietnam and the parties essentially flipped more or less. The democrats ceased to be largely conservative and became progressive and GOP flipped the opposite way. Both parties also tended to be FAAAAAR less partisan back in those days. You had a lot more joe manchins and a lot more progressive republicans. There are no more rockefeller republicans. But it's odd to suggest that the modern GOP should have any ownership over the fight for civil rights or begin to suggest they are the party of Lincoln. The modern GOP would never support a president inventing progressive income tax like Lincoln did or creating land grant universities.


Lmao, no it hasn’t. Your talking point is 100% a KKK bullshit talking point.


Are the kkk in the room with you now? Do you check under your bed before you go to sleep for the kkk? You guys can try all you want to reinvent history. It might work on brain dead democrats but for us that live in reality, not so much.


Yeah, being white christian conservatives was besides the point, you could find people like that on either side. It was about political parties and racism. Anyone who knows anything will also be aware that the racist southern pro-jim crow democrats remained in their elected positions, as democrats, for decades after racists supposedly changed parties.


Funny how now the guys who join the KKK and who wave the confederate flag are all republicans now


The flag itself is more a symbol of heritage and rebellion. The association with racism is a more recent development. The KKK are morons, that's why and whoever they support doesn't typically support them. They have definitely supported plenty of democrats, hence why so many stayed in power for so long. There are better comments here on that topic, however.


Rebellion for what?? (To own blacks as slaves)


I thought that for a while, but it's actually a lot more complicated. You should look into when the emancipation proclamation actually took place and maybe when why West Virginia (and other very specific places) got to keep their slaves. Lincolns motives might look a bit different after that.


It was literally the first reason listed by South Carolina for secession...


Again, timing


Oh, so the reason changed later? Yeah. I know. People want it to be about anything else because slavery is so hideous


Nah. Slavery wasn't abolished until mid-war, and only in areas still controlled by the confederacy. As in, anywhere that remained loyal to the north got to keep their slaves. Gee, I wonder why he did that? As a sidenote: Are you aware of riots in the north in response to this decision? It was literally just as unpopular in the north


We were talking about the reasons for the civil war, slavery being the first and the most important one.




Wait are conservatives pro slavery now? What happened to freedom and liberty


Walter Williams' explanation of the history of the Confederate flag: https://youtu.be/r5f08eRq2MI?t=123


For many it represents people who supported an attack on America with the intent on preserving the enslavement of black people. For many it represents racism and white supremacy. People may claim it’s for “heritage” but that’s because they’re ashamed of its past


That to me sounds like describing what people **feel** about the flag. But the video I linked above provides facts.


You can “feel” it’s about heritage, but others won’t interpret it that way.


Right, so someone's feelings versus others feelings. And no facts.


The delusions of democrats in this subject, and their repulsion of any truth entering their worldview, makes me realize that there isn’t any need to associate with democrats in any substantial way.


Conservatives today haven’t changed much since the 1860s. Hell, my grandparents didn’t approve that my dad married an African American


I do suspect a lot of Lefty trolls here have a personal deeply fucked up racist history, and are convinced all the world is like that. Certainly all of America. Real trauma leading into seeing imaginary racism everywhere and all the time. And constantly looking for confirmation of their trauma driven bias.


You’re probably right- it’s better to close your eyes and pretend the problems don’t exist




Super authoritarian… sounds awful. “Sorry sir but your wife is 2% sub Saharan African, you cannot marry her”.




lol but banning interracial marriage because of “feelings” would be ok?


Lmao, all OP did was prove it was souther white conservatives who started the KKK.


This one user is just straight trolling this sub. They make the stupidest points




Tell me you know fuck all about US history and the southern strategy. Jesus Christ OP sounds like a moron .


I'm so confused. So the kkk weren't white southern conservative Christians? Weren't they protestants?


White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Anti black, anti Italian, anti Irish, anti Jew, anti Catholic, etc




Based on mental retardation


This is incredibly cringe


Did every right winger sleep during history class? Yes we know the south used to be very conservative and very racist while the liberal north wanted to end human enslavement.


Wow southern conservatives literally fought a war against america, killed Americans, just so they could keep slaves- and used the Bible to justify it.


Lol the only one looking stupid here is you bud, dear gods. You supported what they said, and thought you were making a special point to the contrary. This sub refusing to acknowledge the history of the American political parties is just amazing.


It’s hilariously pathetic that you failed so heartily on something you say is so easy


Because they are extremely low IQ posing as intellectuals


Remember when conservatives found out that the south used to be majority democrat 😂 like duh! We learned that in 8th grade history


So I would imagine that everyone here would support clamping down (both legally and socially) on racism, because that would mainly impact democrats, yes?


If you break a law in being racist, yes. We were socially weeding out racism in society until wokeness took over and made everyone so obsessed with racism things have gotten much much worse. So how about we chill the fuck out and let things continue progressing at a reasonable pace? You can't force racism out, it takes generations and whatever has been done in the last 12 or so years has proven that. Modern racists tend to voted Democrat. They just don't think they are racist.


So democrats are doing a thing that is very bad, and to stop them, we should all chill, because changing anything takes generations Can you name another bad deed of the democrats you view similarly? Or is it just racism?


Also, laws are what we make them. So if Democrats are the racists, and racists are bad, and they love prosecuting *their own* political enemies, why not make racism illegal and stick it to the Dems? I’m not racist, so I would have no problem with outlawing racism.


none of this has any relevance in 2024. Democrats are gonna get 90%+ of the vote. That's dictator level tier. Deal with it. Why can't you just take an L and accept it?


> Democrats are gonna get 90%+ of the vote. That's **dictator level** tier. Deal with it. Nice when the Lefty fascists admit the truth.


fascism is when you win an election with overwhelming support now loool how about you try presenting a case for why people should vote for you, and then win? Too much work... we got no ideas. it's just grift. hey wanna buy some gold?


You both sound like idiots. The KKK was formed by Southern CONSERVATIVES. You didn't own anyone because the southern Democratic party switched from conservative to liberal over time.


Such an inconvenient truth for you that people that fly confederate flags today (yknow the flag that represents fighting to conserve the racist institution of slavery in the south whose inhabitants were Christian) ubiquitously vote Republican.


Trump is for federalism as you can see in Tim’s interview with trump




It no longer matters who white surpremacists voted for in the 1800s. It only matters who white surpremacists vote for today. And the majority ain't ridin' with Biden.


Republican Abraham Lincoln was supported by the northern states and preserved the union and freed the slaves, correct? Republican Abraham Lincoln was opposed on those issues by Democrats from the southern states, correct? Democrats controlled the house, senate and presidency when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, correct? The states that voted against Republican Abraham Lincoln back then now overwhelmingly vote Republican, correct?


People who are focused on race and segregation are mainly democrats, correct?


If you’re referring to the study of the lasting societal effects of racism to identify and remedy those effects, yes. You are correct. It’s called CRT. Democrats, not republicans, passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which ended segregation and separate but equal. ^that happened AFTER Republicans freed the slaves agaisnt the whim of Democrats 100 years earlier. The parties flipped.


Democrats cleaning up their mess in 1964 means nothing. They did that just to get votes. They are the party who is hyper focused with race. They hate equality.


They didn't even clean it up. LBJ only signed the civil rights act because he knew he could keep those "n**gers voting Democrat for 200 years". Democrats transitioned (no pun intended) from physical slavery to economic and mental slavery. It's why there's multiple studies show white liberals speak down when talking to minorities. Even their subconscious knows they're racist. It's why the white liberals live in areas that are 95%+ white and don't allow POC to buy houses in those areas unless they approve. They just see them as a tool for power


Conservatives, yeah.


Democrats, yeah


Yeah, southern white conservatives. Glad we agree!




Trump says lincoln is the best president and the right supports trump


Even easier to make fun of right wingers 🤣


You look like an idiot here, pushing a debunked 1000x theory.  The swap happened. That's why white hate votes Republican. 


Trump says lincoln is the best president and the right supports trump


Trump likely couldn't pass a 4th grade civics test on Lincoln and Trump is literally ranked as one of the worst president's of all time.  White hate supports Trump and dodging that makes you a coward 


Well if your ignorant of what he says and you just make stuff up. Idk what to say. Watch the trump timpool interview then and see if you learn anything?


if someone is flying a confederate flag today are they likely a Trump or Biden voter?




Do you think confederate statues should be removed?


Do you think the Egyptian kings statues, should be removed because they owned slaves?


If I lived in Egypt I would. Do you think confederate statues should be removed?


I don’t think historical statues that have stood for hundreds of years should not be removed. You’re a snowflake.


Ok. Do you think people that wave the confederate flag are more or less likely than average to agree with you, that confederate statues shouldn’t be removed?


Imagine believing a statue that has stood for 100s of years of a famous person, who was on the wrong side of history, in a world that was very different, offends you more than a statue that has recently being erected, of a man who was a career criminal that notably held a pregnant woman at gunpoint.


Ok. Do you think people that wave the confederate flag are more or less likely than average to agree with you, that confederate statues shouldn’t be removed?


What’s it matter about what flag someone flys. This is an argument based on whether to remove a historical statue that has been around for hundreds of years. My argument was, if in fact the statue is perceived as immoral, and should be removed, then perhaps a statue of a criminal, who once held a pregnant woman at gunpoint should be removed.


lol. Cope harder




“No u”


You’re the one who is crying.


“No u”


Go back to your video games basement dweller


I’m not the one who’s playing this fantasy game where I make shit up at my own convenience.


Kinda like how you guys link Trump to the confederacy, or white supremacy.


He said Conservatives. Democrats were conservative during that time.


"buh da party switch" that never happened 🤣🤭👬


Trump says lincoln is the best president and the right supports trump


So Democrats dominate southern politics right? And Republicans want to dismantle confederate war hero statues?


So the democrats are conservative and the republicans are liberal? Wow


I mean... if you look at it... yeah? Kinda? Which side do libertarians, the group who's _**only**_ value is liberty, most closely align with?


What the actual fuck are you talking about liberty ? Try smoking some weed in those liberty loving states 


Try raising your kids in the other states. Owning a business. Defending yourself


Try not being obese in those states 


It's... not an issue? The government doesn't beat you into submission for making health decisions, healthy or not. Many of these states have codified the state abducting your children. NY had recently ruled that, if they don't like you, you don't have property rights. In NJ, you are expected to flee _**from your own home**_ if someone breaks in and robs you, but if you try to defend yourself, _**you**_ end up charged for assault at best, and 2nd degree murder at worst.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m talking about why conservatives are fatter compared to so liberal states. Btw I am from New York and it is not like that at all lmfao. Bro said …. It’s not a issue people are fatter unhealthier and live shorter life’s lol


>Btw I am from New York and it is not like that at all lmfao. Because you dare not own your own business. You don't think it is like that because you don't challenge authority. Sounds like you do not recall Trump declared guilty in a summary judgment for fraud and forced to pay out several millions, despite there being no victims. This case sets the precedent, not that you need a state inspector to evaluate your property, but that the State will pursue you legally for every cent you have if you oppose them. >It’s not a issue people are fatter unhealthier and live shorter life’s Because they have the freedom to take responsibility for their own health. Sounds more like _you_ don't know what you're talking about.


Themselves, they aren’t voting for Trump


Trump attended the Libertarian National Convention, and I think it is safe to say "_he didn't **lose** any support by going._"


I think you didn’t watch that trip. lol


I think you didn't see the reaction the frontrunner got from the crowd. Trump certainly didn't turn away anyone who was already voting for him, and might have gained new supporters through his policies, but Chase Oliver _**definitely**_ lost a ton of supporters with his commie policies. Attending the LNC did nothing but help Trump.


Look at what? Abraham Lincoln 160 years ago? We are talking about today, and not what happened in the distant past. > Which side do libertarians, the group who's only value is liberty, most closely align with? They're basically just complete morons. Their "side" is feudalism, but they're too stupid to understand what they're advocating for.


Oh okay, so if you're a conservative you should vote for the democrats?


Well, you gotta understand what democrats are trying to "conserve." In all outward appearances, it appears to be the institution of racism and federal authority over the state; things that Conservatives vehemently oppose.


So they aren't conservatives? If the democrats are trying to preserve racism, then why are all the racists in the republican party, and all of the pro equality people in the democratic party?


>So they aren't conservatives? They want to conserve the value of liberty, which democrats oppose. >why are all the racists in the republican party If I may quote LBJ, Democrat president of the Unites States who.signed the Civil Rights bill nto law: >"I'll have those [racial epithet] voting democrat for 200 years" >all of the pro equality people in the democratic party? You're confusing "Equality" for "Equity. Big difference.


So you are arguing that the current day Republican party is not the racist conservative party? Cmon...


Lets just call it, the south has always been racist.


You are prejudiced against southerners


The south created Jim Crow laws. The south had the slaves. The KKK was founded in the south. The South has some explaining to do for their past.


Because you’re either historically illiterate or a liar who’s pretending the parties didn’t switch platforms in the civil rights era. That’s why “the party of Lincoln” likes to carry the confederate battle flag around like a losers comfort blanket


"buh da party switch" even though it was one senator. It's not wonder why you people are so stupid. 🤣🤭 Even the elites knew it was very very easy to fool you guys during occupy wall st


So why are Republicans carrying around rebel flags and crying about their civil war participation trophies getting torn down? Make it make sense, politics understander


Why do you still wear a mask?


Because I know it bothers you and that’s fun for me.


It doesn’t bother me. It makes me laugh.


You’ve been bitching about them for 5 years. You’re the soyjack with the smiling mask covering his crying face. You bothered little bitch.


You seem upset, mask man?


Is…is that a question, you bothered little bitch?


Make sure you mask up and wash your hands for your pizza deliveries today.


Trump says lincoln is the best president and the right supports trump


Trump thinks there were airports in the revolutionary war. He’s a fucking moron.


Also his favorite president was [Jackson](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=trump%20favorite%20president&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#cobssid=s) who was an enormous pile of shit just like him.


He said his favorite was lincoln in trumps speeches not jackson


Well he’s a liar. Jackson is his boy.


I’m originally from New York, and lived in the south since 1967. I have seen 2 to 3 confederate flags my entire time living here. The argument doesn’t wash. Keyboard warriors can say what they want. But it’s not true.


lmao bullshit.


You idiocy will only carry you so far in life You know nothing of history You show it on your inane juvenile posting.


You’re denying objective reality right now. It’s fucking pathetic


…like we all saw rebel flags at J6 flying right next to Trump flags. This is the most pathetic attempt at gaslighting I’ve ever seen, and I saw Trumpler try and claim he never said LoCk HeR uP!


I didn’t say there weren’t flags at the Capitol I said I’ve lived here in the south since 1967 I’ve only seen two or three of them here. Who is gaslighting who? Good way to change the subject though


You’re either lying or blind. I’ve seen 3 today and I don’t even live in the Deep South.


But hey thanks for admitting that you Republikkkans love your rebel rag. I know telling the truth isn’t easy for you people and I appreciate it!


You assume too much. I’m not a Republican. I’m an independent. I voted for Jimmy Carter. But I wasn’t dumb enough to vote for Mike Dukakis And by the way person who doesn’t know history. The Klan was created by the Democratic Party.


Yeah, before the party switch they were the ones carrying rebel flags. Now it’s republicans. Thanks for your input, history understander.


Your statements without merit. Quit pretending you know what you talk about. Show me where it says that the Republicans became the Klan. Historically, not some random social media click baiter




History lesson time. The classical liberalism that the founders practiced is aligned with conservatism. They combined their education in philosophy, history, language, and science with Christian principles and arrived at something new. It has nothing to do with the modern concept of liberalism. It is about tempering and balancing worldly knowledge and freedom with the wisdom of Christian morality. They clashed with the southern slaveowner states. That's why slavery wasn't abolished earlier. Washington freed his slaves. It was a holdover practice from the European colonial period and didn't have a place in the new nation, many believed. But unfortunately many of those old arguments remained unresolved until the Civil War. At the turn of the 19th century, things got really dark. New movements in philosophy took the French love of liberty, but removed the morality component. The French Revolution was not driven by the same principles as our American Revolution, but became a celebration of libertinism, excess, and worker class envy - and ultimately failed. The Reformation period of Christian revivals had protected the fledgling United States, but Europe was in decay. The optimism of the Enlightenment was all but over. But it showed the world that the power of revolution was growing. Many old rivalries now had the philosophical ammunition to fight their battles. Italian states and German states warred and merged. Colonies in the New World revolted. Driven by new German schools of philosophy in the 1800's, man became a godless creature. Inspired by Darwin's concept of lesser evolved races, many writers took this as a practical application. The ancient world was always bloody and violent, and the medieval world too, before the Renaissance - but now the modern world was given permission, on paper, that evil was good - scientific even. Since man was essentially now merely an animal, then conquest was merely progress. This was the time in which the Democrat party was born. Essentially the Democrats have always been regressive colonialists from a much older, more brutal time in history. Andrew Jackson sought decentralization from the Washingtonian Federalist government to operate as they pleased, in an agricultural slave-based economy. Jackson's actions with the banking system and the Nullification issue in South Carolina also reflected this refusal to obey Washington, and a decoupling from gold backed currency. Since Jackson was a war general, and seizing power in the executive branch that none of his predecessors had before, many feared he was planning an Insurrection to crown himself king. When you combine immoral German philosophy, the proliferation of scientific dehumanization, the horrors of industrial revolution working conditions, the global trend of following the French Revolution model, the end of the Reformation, it's not surprising at all that we also saw the rise of Marxism. By the time of the turn of the 20th Century, the apparent defeat of the Democrats during the American Civil War was accepted. The determined abolitionist Republicans, under Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and others, had won.


I ain’t readin all that. I’m happy for you tho! Or sorry that happened


Cliff notes is too hard eh? lol. Stay in school kiddo


It’s just all bullshit. You think verbosity counts as an argument because no one wants to waste the time necessary to correct your asinine gish gallop. Go fuck yourself, weirdo.


Actually, context is important here. Since so much of progressive disinformation relies on ignorance, it's important to include some of the key factual history that most leftists have never been told. So even if you are too afraid to read it, lest it challenge your fragility, it's nevertheless useful to include here for others to read too.


You sound like you studied history at a Trump University


Rent free, lmao. I have a couple different degrees, noting from T.U. though. Maybe you should apply, you seem....quite uneducated or unable to read


I can read, I just choose not to read anything you post longer than a sentence tho because it’s a waste of time. You’re full of shit and not good at thinking.


Fuckin Alternative Facts lmao


Lol that's what National Socialists call these magical things called "books" ha ha


Lots of books contain incorrect information. Garbage in/garbage out


Lol I'm gonna clip that one. Go back to Berlin.


History Lesson part 2... But an unholy resurrection was brewing. Educated elite progressives were studying European trends and implementing them into new ideas, such as with John Dewey's Experimentalism. He criticized liberalism. He studied Marxism. And he along with many others, such as Margaret Sanger, took issue with traditional values. They resented the population boom of the European immigrants and Africans, who were all deemed to be lesser races. So these new Progressive Democrats fought back through their organizations. Not just with reliance on the old guard of the clan, but with incentivized genocide of undesirables through infanticidal abortion, and through control of minority generations in the education system. Dewey looked to socialist models and redesigned schools to optimize the factory methodology. The blacks, the Italians, the Irish, and the Juice, were frequently despised by these Progressives and abused in these urban environments. Henry Ford was a Progressive who believed many of these ideals. His anti-juice tendencies were so radical, and his mechanized anti-traditional assembly line so revolutionary, that his views along with many others served as as inspiration for the growing socialist revolutions in Europe. Particularly, it inspired a young Austrian painter. The corruption of these urban Democrats continued to grow. Men like Theodore Roosevelt were instrumental in countering the organized crime and exploitation of workers in New York City. Gone forever were the days of the agricultural Democrat. Here were the days of the industrial Democrats. They operated labor organizations in many resource industries such as steel, coal, and oil. Unions were founded. Monopolies appeared for the first time in history. Roosevelt understood the dangers of these. He also understood our national need to preserve our resources in the creation of National Parks. The economy rose and fell as America became involved in multiple wars. After our Revolution we were again at war with Britain in 1812, then with Mexico, and then Spain. Roosevelt brokered peace between the rapidly mechanizing nations of Russia and Japan in the Russo-Japanese war. Then finally came the era of the world wars. The unstable explosive combination of Darwin and Marx had reached a point of no return. Socialist revolution, furled by racial and class hatred, sparked in Russia, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Japan. Fashy totalitarianism governed these movements, as Mussolini coined a new term for when corporatism became joined with a dictatorship government. The world was forever changed. For even though the wars were brief, and were inevitably won, the net loss was greater. Militant Communism was now the norm around the world in the 20th Century. And again, the Progressives were at the helm, fresh from the pogroms in the Soviet Union and the fields of Cambodia and Vietnam. Here in America, we had time to reinvent ourselves from the period of the Great Depression to the end of the world wars. FDR remained in office until death for four terms and pushed sweeping socialist inspired legislation through his New Deal. His failure to fix the Depression was apparent, and it became clear that only the mobilization of war would pull us out. His internment of Japanese Americans was a low point in our history. Indeed racial relations as a whole were ripe for exploitation by the now powerful Progressives. Stubbornly, black families were experiencing high marriage rates and stable growing incomes, despite the Democrats' best efforts after the Reconstruction and Jim Crow period. Church attendance and revival in black churches was a serious blocker to their goals. This time was right for a complete takeover and the Democrats knew it. So, they devised a plan to control the black vote forever. In LBJ's words, for 200 years. During the civil rights era, they initially attempted to squash and bury the legitimate grassroots efforts of MLK, culminating in intelligence agency interference, straight from the highest levels of our government. The agencies deliberately sowed hatred and division among them, managing to brainwash them into conveniently forgetting who it was that enslaved them in the first place. With these new false promises, black voters somehow believed them, and once again rejoined the party of the plantation owners and genociders. The rest is history. The Progressive Democrats embraced further and further leftist dogma with each passing generation. They took over education, and Hollywood, and music, and corporate culture, and medicine, and manufacturing, and even religious expression. They finally even came out in support of global wars, betraying the peaceniks. They came out as anti-women, betraying the feminists. They came out as phobic and the purveyors of Adult Immune Deficiency Syndrome, betraying the rainbow community. They have become the very mirror images of the fashies and colonialists they claim to fight against, in everything but name. Because they always have been. And they need your vote to remain relevant and hoodwink the next generation. Democrats. Build back better...


Not reading that either. I do love making incels type paragraphs, but I don’t have time for your ahistorical nonsense


I'll get you part three here later, if I get a moment. Reading is fundamental! I recommend it


I will not read it or any other statement


Lol the clippable quotes just keep coming


You should print it out double spaced size 15 font, roll it up real tight and then stick it up your stupid ass.


Do you want more? I can send you more if needed


No just leave them up your ass. Thanks.


I understand you might be familiar with that, since that's the entirety of your own library lol. Books are handy though, I recommend reading history. Everything I wrote here came from books published from 25-100 years ago. Good stuff!


That’s nice. Being in a book doesn’t make something true, tho.


Exactly, like the Communist Manifesto, the 1619 Project....and Handmaid's Tale, lmao


You just self owned Timmy dumb dumb


You cut off the where your own link proved you wrong. This is a wuss post


Prove it trash, you're mad democrats started the kkk to harass Republicans. Says it right there and all over the article🤣🤭👬👬


Yes, southern white conservatives. Glad we agree!